HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 7/6/2007
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L1MBIRD Andrew
From: L1MBIRD And~ew
Sent: Friday, July O~, 2007 9 15 AM
Subject: RE Public Heanng Record
It IS my understanding that we need absolutely everything pertaining to each of the steps cited by Mr Olson
can Imagine the land use files are gOing to be several feet high If you have questions, you can contact Joe
Leahy although he's only available by cell phone today
Sent: Fnday, July 06,20079:13 AM
To: UMBIRD Andrew
Subject: RE: Public Hearing Record
What Information do you need? Are you looking for agenda Items, things CounCil approved or
do you need literally everything? For example the program is over 200 pages long The
deSigns are huge 30" x 42" and contain two volumes of over 150 pages each.
9tm f)~
ASSistant Project Manager
(541 ) 726-3652 phone
(541) 736-1030 fax
(541 ) 225-8840 cell
U3tCI ',;(aceived:, ~~/zpJ7
Planner: AL
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ioolston(ci)cl.sonnofleld.or us
From: LIMBIRD Andrew
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 9:08 AM
To: KNAPEL Carole
Cc: MOTT Gregory; DONOVAN James; POLSTON Jim; GRILE Bill; LEAHY Joe (HL)
Subject: RE: Public Heanng Record
Importance: High
The City Attorney has determrned that HARD COPIES of all matenals cited by Mr Olson must be prepared and
readied for the July 16 Council meetrng We will determrne through Joe Leahy exactly how many copies are
required At the very least, thiS rnformatlon Will be retained for the anticipated LUBA appeal Plannrng Will
prepare copies of the land use deCISions, rncludrng code amendments, zone change, discretionary use, alley
vacation, site plan review and street vacation
Carole, please ensure the Justice Center Project Team prepares copies of the non-land use requested
rnformatlon rncludrng Bond Measure, functional space plannrng, architectural design, citizen participation
program, etc Thanks
From: Joe Leahy [mallto:JJL@haroldleahy.com]
Sent: Fnday, July 06,20078:34 AM
To: LIMBIRD Andrew; GRILE Bill
Cc: KNAPEL Carole; MOTT Gregory; DONOVAN James; POLSTON Jim
Subject: RE: Public Heanng Record
Joe telephoned In thiS mornrng. Here IS his reply:
I absolutely agree With Bill. We don't want to nsk any procedural remance. Joe
ThiS e-mail IS for the sole use of the rntended reclplent(s) and contains information belonging to Harold, Leahy &
Kieran which IS confidential and/or legally pnvlleged. If you are not the Intended recipient, you are hereby
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information is strictly prohibited. If you have received thiS e-mail In error, please Immediately notify the sender
by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the onglnal message.
>>> "GRILE Bill" <bgnle@C1.spnngfield.or.us> 7/5/2007 7:33 PM >>>
"Relevance" IS a matter for fact-finding and, as such, I believe anything/everything needs to go Into the record.
Staff analYSIS can/should then draft findings and conclUSions that the material submitted lacks relevance and If
CounCIl agrees, then that becomes part of the Justification supporting the Council's decIsion. That my $0.02.
Date ~eceived:
Planner: Al
7 It. /2t;07