HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 7/10/2007 Page 1 of2 L1MBIRD Andrew From: GRILE Bill Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 12 16 PM To: L1MBIRD Andrew, MOTT Gregory, LEAHY Joe (HL), KNAPEL Carole, POLSTON JIm, DONOVAN James, SMITH Jerry Subject: RE Justice Center B Street Vacation Yes, I agree However, what we said would be the best approach here IS to have the Council make a "tentative deCISIon" to approve the vacation on the 16th, and do the second readmg of the ordmance, then return a the first meeting m September With a fmdmgs document that we would generate this summer and have the Council than adopt the ordmance (which IS the land use action that would tngger the 21 days for the LUBA appeal wmdow) at that September meeting Are we stili on this course of action? Thanks Bill From: LIMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 8:09 AM To: MOTT Gregory; LEAHY Joe (HL); GRILE Bill; KNAPEL Carole; POLSTON Jim; DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Justice Center B Street Vacation Thanks Greg Unless there IS a strong obJection, I would propose mcludlng thiS With the AIS and haVing Council review Mr Olson's editorial on ItS own ments From: MOTT Gregory Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 8:01 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew; LEAHY Joe (HL); GRILE Bill; KNAPEL Carole; POLSTON Jim; DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Justice Center B Street Vacation I don't see a lot of substance here, mamly a personal disagreement With the fmdmgs and a consistent accusation that the subterfuge of creatmg different crltena for thIS actIon cannot substitute for the former cnterla or other pnnclples of transportation/land use plannmg I'm not saYing we don't need to respond to thiS stuff, but hyperbole and rhetOriC are a long way from legitimate assignment of error I don't know If LUBA would agree that because the cIty's motives In makmg code amendments are obVIOUS the code amendments are somehow Invalid, but certamly If any members of the public or any state agencies had Issues With what the city was domg [m a completely transparent way] they should have objected when these matters were the subject of public hearings and notice required by ORS 197610, water over the dam so to speak gmott From: LIMBIRD Andrew Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 5:28 PM To: LEAHY Joe (HL); GRILE Bill; MOTT Gregory; KNAPEL Carole; POLSTON Jim; DONOVAN James Subject: FW: Justice Center B Street Vacation Received at the public heanng submittal deadline From: Scott [mallto:scott@branchengineenng.com] Sent: Monday, July 09, 20074:49 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: Justice Center B Street Vacation Date, Received:" -0iUb7 Planner. AL 7/l 0/2007 .J Page 2 of2 Andy, My additional testimony IS attached Scott E @Ison, P E Branch Englneenng, Inc 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-746-0637 Date ~eceived: 7 j;tJjMtr} I I Planner: Al 7/1012007