HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 1/23/2007 }, Page 1 of2 L1MBIRD Andrew From: JONES Brenda Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8 58 AM ~ To: GRILE Bill, METZGER Mark Cc: MOTT Gregory, KNAPEL Carole, POLSTON Jim, SUMMERS Sarah, KARP Gary, L1MBIRD Andrew, SOWA Amy Subject: RE COUNCIL INITIATED THE ARTICLE 9 CODE TEXT CHANGE (Bi[~ I spo~ with qary and :Marftregarding the 45 day nottce to VLCV and then did the math on the cafendar, the 6est scenario ts to have the CFfanning Commtssion move there :March 6th meeting to :March 13, 2007. %ts accomp[ishes the 45 day notice prior to the first hearing date. We Wt[[ send the VLCV notice out today which ma~s our 45 day nottce :March 8th, so 6y having the hearing on :March 13, this gives us pfenty of ttme. I spo~ with}lmy, and she as~d that we get a (])qu4.fl'jUS to her 6y :March 13, 2007, ftnowing that the JUS Wt[[ not 6e compfete untie we get the Stgned CRgcommendation from CFfanning Commission signed 6y the Chatr, whtch wi[[ happen :March 13, 2007. So, here ts the run-down of dates: . 2/23/2007 45 Day Notice to DLeD sent . 3/8/2007 45 day's . 3/13/2007 PC heanng on proposed text change . 3/13/2007 DRAFT AIS to Amy Pending the Planning Commission SIgned Recommendation . 3/19/2007 CouncIl hearing #1 on proposed text change . 4/2/2007 Council hearing #2 on proposed text change Ord shall be effective upon. second reading and adoptIOn. Also CounCIl motIon to mltlate the actual vacation proceedmg . 4/17/2007 PC hearing on street vacatIon and recommendation to CounCIl. . 511/2007 Council hearing #1 on street vacatIon ordinance. . 5/21/2007 Council hearmg #2 on street vacation and adoption of ordinance. Let me ftnow if I can hefp wzth anything efse. (Brenda (Brenda Jones CFfanmng Secretary 225 Pifth Street SprinBfieU, Oregon 97477 541-726-3610 P}lX 541-726-3689 Date Received: Planner: AL t/,2. 9/.ltJo 7 J I 1/2512007 I.... .. Page 2 of2 .bjm;es@Cl.spnngftd!.or. us If you wouU hkg to see what's new at the City of SprinBfieU, go to: 1J[JJ!J>>.a.springfleUor. us From: GRILE Bill Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 8:41 PM To: MmGER Mark Cc: MOTT Gregory; KNAPEL Carole; POLSTON Jim; SUMMERS Sarah; KARP Gary; LIMBIRD Andrew; JONES Brenda Subject: COUNCIL INmATED THE ARTICLE 9 CODE TEXT CHANGE Importance: High Mark: Tonight Council moved to initiate the proposed text amendment with a 5: 1 vote (Councilor Ballew: "No.") Councilor Ballew's concern was with the words "on balance" in the new subsection 3 critena and Joe Leahy advised that this makes it eaSIer to approve vacations under the circumstances that the new section would apply. Planning Commissioner Frank Cross was present and heard the discussIOn. Please nroceed ri2ht away and 2ive the D LCD 45-dav notice. - - Here are my notes from our January 9th discussion about this. Please adjust the schedule (due to last Monday's cancellation) and send this around to all of us with at least one oar in the water so that we are all on the same sheet. 01/09/2007 note Per meeting today With JL, GM, CK, MH, LG, SS, GC and WPG we set In motion the follOWing steps . 1/16/2007 Under BUSiness from the CM, Council Will be asked to Initiate a Code text change to 9 060 by adding new (3) and starting It out With Nothwlthstandlng (2) *** (as per Colin's language) . 3/6/2007 PC heanng on proposed text change . 3/19/2007 Council heanng #1 on proposed text change. 4/2/2007 Council heanng #2 on proposed text change. Ord. shall be effective upon second reading and adoption Also Council motion to initiate the actual vacation proceeding . . 4/17/2007 PC heanng on street vacation and recommendation to Council . 5/7/2007 5/21/2007 Council heanng #1 on street vacation ordinance Council heanng #2 on street vacation and adoption of ordinance . NOTE The site plan modification application can start at any time and Will be reViewed administratively (but brought back to the PC as Information only?) Thanks. ...Bill Date Received: '/:1-3/'007 I I Planner: AL 1/25/2007