HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 2008-5-4 . 05/04/2008 21.45 5416833748 RELIEF NURSERY MAY!Ui!~UU~!FHl Ub:33 PM Staton Comp~nles FAX No 5417269837 NUV"l<t-~r 1O'f:'I\:II" I"KUMIUll:l:\IIUI'I 11'&1,1.1., l".UUI'll..il.. :;)"1'1tlo/~~ . JUl rCb~r ~: ~k".1 p~~,,;, F;c.#O t:t;4~ MY//s/J SEPTIC TANK DECOMMISSION (ABANDONMENT) Township Range Seet;on/1l4 Section TQK Lot PAGE 02/02 P,002 1",1'1 If you are COM&cting to an areQ"wlde sewage collection system or you Qr. replacing your sept1r.: tank, please don't forgEt to properly decotn"'lSsion your Septle system. An utIattended and ffuoantten septle tank can become Q $erlous danger for everyone's safety. Present Or~ggn regulQtioM reqUlrn you to prop~rly decommIssion the septic tQnk as descrIbed below Please have thiS for", si9nad by the appropriatlil: people Qftd ret~rn the completed farm to: LANE COUNTY SUBSURFACe SANITATION PROAAM Public Service Sl.uldlng 125 E~t 8TH Ave Eugene, Oregon 97401 No.." of Prop.r1y Owner J(.. It.. f f\....... ~ 8-'0 Sc~ J{;r-! 6,,- .. '" L J\ 1'2.0 ( ().., _ by....J< fJ "'I'?-..~.. 'F l'\\!i. "'- (Date) , I (SIgnature of Licensed OperatClr) . SeptiC tank located at Pumped of slud9$ on _ License # TheseptlctanklocatAd~t e'"10 5r....-tL '\2...~ 'St- bQckfltled with sand or clBan bank run gravel after b~ing pumpEd of sludge on II {"2..0 ftJ 1 .. I<.U i)..S;>..:. ( Si4t- e.,....::-(~ (de-. (~- Slgnatur~ of O~o,.. (1TK1Y bQ OWJ\ef') ~ Oregon Adrnltu$tnltive Rules (OA~) a4o-7t~1.85 [)ec;oml'rusSlonlng of Systems. was (Date) t'4-~ ') The owner sholl decommission a system when: a. A saw~rage IY,te"" becomer: Q\I"IIable and the. bUIlding sewer has been connected thereto, or b The source of sewage has been perm(lne;ntly ellmlnclted 1. Prot:edures ft:Jr becomml.s:JI,:)mng: a Th~ Tank(s), <:;e5spool or seepage. PI''' shall be pllmpe.d by a IIce.nsed gewogB disposal service to removQI $eptage. The tank(s), f::Mspool or s"Pdge pit shall be fl\led with reject SQncl. bar run gravel. or other matllriQI approved by thB Agent. or the contt2.,,~ shall be removed and properly , disposed z. b H \LMI:l\SANtTATION\FORMS\Sc:ptlc Tonk [)acal1\llllSSloR farm.dDt Len.: CGunty _$IR1'411S SanltGftjlft ~ tl!$ 15MI' 8111 Ave, a.-mt OR 97~ (64J)6et~D7S4 PM (541) 6IZ-35M? I 810 s ~~ ~-eJf-N\"( \ _ ' ;~\-tC---, '- \ 8 I.....-- ~ ~