HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2008-6-6 - - 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 WWW Cf spnngfteld or us June 6, 2008 CERTIFIED LEl..lhR Salomon Assael 2550 AppIan Way PmoIe, CA 94564 RE 1085 F Street, SpnngfieId, Oregon Dear Salomon Assel This letter IS wntten to mform you the bwldmg permit that was issued to you on Apnl15, 2008 is hereby bemg revoked as allowed under SectIon 303 (e) of the Bwldmg Safety Code AdmmistratIve Code The code states "The Bwldmg OffiCIal may, m wntIng, suspend or revoke a permit Issued under the provIsions oftlus Code and the SpecIalty Codes whenever the permIt IS Issued m error or on the basIS of mcorrect mformatIOn supplIed, or m vIOlatIon oftlus Code, the SpecIalty Codes or any statute, regulation or ordmance of any governmental subdIVIsIon of the State" The permIt Issued to you on the date mentIoned above was Issued m error The plan reVIew had expIred, and, the code m effect at the time of the plan reVIew approval has also expIred. The current' code m effect IS the 2008 Oregon ResIdentIal SpecIalty Code Therefore, you must resubmit an applIcatIon for plan reVIew under the current code The plans we have on file can be used for reVIew if there are no structural reVISIons to the plans that were Issued to you At this tune, work must cease nnmedIately and can not resume untIl a new permIt has been issued If you have any questions, please contact Don Moore, Plans Exammer at 541-726-3623 Smcerely, ~~~I.. DaVId J Puen }~ Community S Ices Manage' Bwldmg Official