HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 6/19/2007 ~l.. _ 4' -<~, MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE OF MEETING: June 19,2007 FROM: Andy LImbrrd 01- PLANNING COMMISSION TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Spnngfie1d Planmng CommIssIOn SUBJECT: Request for VacatIOn ofPubhc RIght -of-Way ISSUE The Plannmg CommissIOn is requested to conduct dehberations for a request to vacate a 66- foot wIde by 264- foot long segment of B Street located between 4th Street and PIOneer Parkway East The Planmng CommlssIon wIll decIde whether to advlse the CIty Councll to approve, approve With condItions or deny the request. DISCUSSION On February 28, 2006, the Spnngfield CIty Councll considered four site options for the Justice Center project The site optIOn selected by the CIty Council utIhzes CIty-owned property whlch is located between 4th Street and PIOneer Parkway East, and whIch extends from A Street to the mid-block alley north ofB Street. The selected slte option mcorporates a one-block segment ofB Street nght-of-way mto the development area for use as a secure police parkmg lot, and a bUlldmg pad for an anclllary bUlldmg servmg the Justice Center. The Clty CouncillrutIated the street vacatIOn action (Case LRP2007-000l9) at the regular meetmg on May 7, 2007. The pubhc nght-of-way proposed for vacatIOn conslsts of a 66-foot wide by 264-foot long segment ofB Street extendmg from the western edge ofthe 4th Street right-of-way through to the eastern edge of the PIOneer Parkway East right-of-way The street is located lmmedlately to the north of the pubhc and pohce vehicle parkmg lots servmg the Clty-owned bUlldmgs frontmg onto A Street. A Pubhc Heanng for the proposed vacation was held on June 5, 2007 and the wntten record was held open for an additional seven days followmg the heanng. Seven people testified m favor of the proposed nght-of-way vacatIOn and two people submltted testimony opposmg the vacatIOn. At the Pubhc Heanng, Mr. Scott Olson provided verbal testimony opposmg the vacatIOn and requested that his preVlOUS testimony submltted on March 26, 2006 for the Justice Center Dlscretionary Use and Zone Change requests (DRC2006-000 13 & ZON2006-00007) be entered mto the pubhc hearing record (Attachment 4) AddltIonally, Mr. Olson submltted written testimony opposing the proposed vacatIOn dunng the extended pubhc heanng record (Attachment 5). RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the vacatIOn request based on the attached findmgs. ACTION REQUESTED Advlse the Clty Council to approve the vacation request at a pubhc heanng by motIon and sIgnature of the attached recommendation by the Planning CommissIOn Chairperson. ATTACHMENT 1. Staff Report and Fmdmgs ATTACHMENT 2. Memo from Pohce CluefJerry SmIth ATTACHMENT 3. TestImony from Bob Foster opposmg the proposed vacatIon ATTACHMENT 4. Testimony from Scott Olson dated March 28,2006 ATTACHMENT 5. TestImony from Scott Olson dated June 12,2007 ATTACHMENT 6. Memo from Jim Polston regardmg alley Sidewalk ATTACHMENT 7. Maps showmg the proposed vacation area and B Street overview ATTACHMENT 8. RecommendatIOn to City CouncIl Date R.eCeived:-1/4~ 7 Planner: Al .' ... , ATTACHMENT 1 V ACATION REQUEST STAFF REPORT AND FINDINGS Case No. LRP2007-00019 APPLICANT The City of Spnngfield/Spnngfield Pohce Department REQUEST The vacatiOn of a 66-foot wide by 264-foot long portion of street nght-of-way. LOCATION OF PROPERTY The segment ofB Street nght-of-way (ROW) proposed to be vacated IS located west of 4th Street and east of PIOneer Parkway East m downtown Springfield The pubhc nght-of-way hes on the boundary between Tax Map 17-03-35-24 and Tax Map 17-03-35-31 { BACKGROUND The affected segment ofB Street was created as pubhc nght-of-way with plattmg of the ongmal Map of Springfield m 1872 There are eight City-owned propertIes (Tax Map 17-03-35-24, Tax Lots 13900, 14000, 14100 and 14300; and Tax Map 17-03-35-31, Tax Lots 1500-1800) that have frontage on the nght-of-way area proposed for vacatIon. From a functIonal perspectIve, the subject nght-of-way IS part of the downtown gndded street system and is designated as a City collector street SUMMARY OF PUBLIC HEARING TESTIMONY Nme people proVIded testunony at the Planmng COffirlllSSIOn Public Heanng on June 5, 2007. seven supportmg the vacatIOn and two opposed Mr Bob Foster and Mr. Scott Olson submItted written testImony pnor to and dunng the extended pubhc heanng record for this vacatIOn request (Attachments 3-5) The submitted testunony opposmg the vacatIOn is cntIcal of the proposed vacatron and the CIty'S recent adoption of new vacatron critena, but does not speCIfically address the relevant cntena of the Spnngfield Development Code 9.060(3). At the pubhc heanng, the Plaruung CommiSSIOn mqurred about the potentIal for mcorporatmg a SIdewalk mto the mid-block alley north of the secure pohce parkmg lot servmg the JustIce Center A response from Jun Polston, ASSIstant Project Manager for the JustIce Center Project IS attached for the Planmng CommiSSIOn's mformatIOn (Attachment 6) SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE CRITERIA Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) 9.060(3) estabhshes cntena for vacatIon ofnght-of-way where the property will remam m pubhc ownershIp and WIll contmue to be used for a pubhc purpose. The followmg findmgs address each of the cntena. (a) The Vacation was initiated by the City Council pursuant to ORS 271.130(1); Fmdmg l' Oregon ReVIsed Statutes (ORS) SectIon 271 130(1) reads as follows "The City governing body may Inztzate vacatIOn proceedzngs authOrized by ORS 271 080 and make such vacatIOn Without a petitIOn or consent of property owners NotIce shall be gzven as proVided by ORS 271 110, but such vacatIOn shall not be made before the date set for hearzng, nor zfthe owners of a majority of the area affected, computed on the baSIS prOVided zn ORS 271 080, object zn,wrztzng thereto, nor shall any street area be vacated WIthout the consent of the owners of the abuttzng property if the vacatIOn Will substantzally affect the market value of such property, unless the city governing body proVides for payzng damages PrOVISIOn for payzng such damages may be made by a local assessment, or zn such other manner as the City charter may prOVide." Fmdmg 2. ORS 271 080( I) proVides for vacatIOn of "...all or part of any street, avenue, boulevard, alley, plat, publzc square or other publzc place. " In accordance WIth ORS 271 080(1), the vacatron actron requITes "a A TT ACHjYlENT 1-1 Date, Received: (//f /.It;d7 Planner: AL i / . .., descrzptwn of the ground proposed to be vacated, the purpose for which the ground is proposed to be used and the reason for such vacatwn." Fmdmg 3 The Spnngfield CIty CouncIl mltIated the vacation actIOn at the regular meetmg on May 7, 2007 The nght-of-way proposed for vacatIon IS generally depIcted and more specIfically descnbed in Exhibit A to thIS staff report. The purpose of the vacatIOn is to retam the segment of vacated publIc nght-of-way m publIc ownershIp, and to use the area for construction of a secure polIce parkmg lot and ancIllary bUlldmg servmg the JustIce Center. Fmdmg 4' In accordance wIth ORS 271.130(1), the decisIOn on the vacation actIon WIll be made at a future CIty CouncIl meetmg, and after PublIc Hearings before the PlaIll11ng CommIssIon and Council Fmdmg 5 All propertIes that dIrectly abut the segment of publIc nght-of-way proposed for vacatIOn are owned by the CIty of Spnngfield ConclUSIOn The proposed nght-of-way vacatIOn complIes wIth Cntenon (a) (b) Notice has been given pursuant to ORS 271.110(1); Fmdmg 6' In accordance wIth ORS 271 110(1), publIc heanng notIces were placed m the newspaper of general cIrculatIOn (The Regzster Guard) on May 18 and 25, 2007 Fmdlng 7: In accordance WIth 271.110(2), publIc notIce of the proposed right-of-way vacation actIon was posted at two conspicuous locatIOns Immediately adjacent to right-of-way proposed for vacatIon (at the northeastern comer adjacent to 4th Street, and at the southwestern comer adjacent to PIOneer Parkway East). Fmdmg 8' In accordance WIth SDC 271 080, adjacent landowners and resIdents/tenants wltlnn a 400-foot radIUS of the 66-foot by 264-foot lInear right-of-way proposed for vacatIOn were notified by mail. ConclUSIOn. The notIficatIon provIded for the proposed nght-of-way vacatIOn complIes WIth Cntenon (b) (c) Approval of the vacation would be consistent with provision of safe, convenient and reasonably direct routes for cyclists, pedestrians and vehicles as provided in OAR 660-0012-0045(3); Fmdmg 9: As stated m Oregon AdmmlstratIve Rules (OAR) 660-0l2-0045(3)(d), "safe and convement" means bzcycle and pedestrzan routes, faczlztzes and zmprovements whzch: (A) Are reasonably free from hazards, particularly types or levels of automobde traffic whzch would mtelfere With or discourage pedestrzan or cycle travel for short trzps, (B) Provide a reasonably direct route of travel between destmatwns such as a transit stop and a store, and (C) Meet travel needs of cyclists and pedestrzans consldermg destmatwn and length of trzp, and conszderzng that the optzmum trip length of pedestrzans IS generally ~ to 0 mde Fmdmg 10: In accordance WIth OAR 660-0 1 2-0045(3)(d), vacatIOn of the subject nght-of-way and closure to publIc travel would not mterfere WIth or dIscourage pedestrian, cycle or velucle travel on the adjacent publIc street system due to exceSSIve traffic or other unusual hazards. East-west traffic CIrculatIOn can be accommodated on adjacent local and collector streets - partIcularly A Street, whIch IS located less than 300 feet to the south Fmdmg 11. In accordance WIth OAR 660-012-0045(3)(d), vacatIOn ofthe subject nght-of-way would not result m pedestnan, CyclISt or vehIcle tnps that are more than 1A mIle from bemg a direct route of travel between destmatlOn pomts. FIgure 1 Illustrates approXImate travel dIstances for all potentIal modes of travel from one SIde of the vacated nght-of-way to the other Should the segment ofB Street be vacated and closed to publIc travel, the maXImum out-of-dIrectIOn dIstance for passage from the eastern end of the subject nght-of-way (at 4th Street) to the western end of the nght-of-way (at PIOneer Parkway East) would be about 600 feet (<1/8 mIle) for bIcycles and 1-2 Date Received: ~~YUt')7 Planner: Al .... Figure 1 - Approximate Travel Distances 'V ~ I ) U I J II [ ..( '\ ;/ -3UU reet ~. ,t ". r r--- ~; ~ ~: :~ ~. ~ 0: ~: ~ ~: ~ It 1 -300 feet_ ~"i jJ-- ";j /~~ j~ I '-i..., ,:' . /:1\ .1" ,.,~.""", ", -.... 1,,,, ~'" -~t',', ",o:j:", '\ I ':..~':". ", , ..::,.. H'-" " ...... .. \: " ... ~ :~ ~ :~ 0" :.... o :0 ~ :0 I :~ : I / I' ... , J,~ -I : ~ -300 feet ( p.J en CUI .u i: >- cu 3 .:x: ~ cu a.. ~ , ,'1' . /(])\. c: ~ 0 II 0: ~ I I , I I I I lID '. --' (]) ~ en .r: ~ J I~ - 1-3 '-- r .......... / ..... C Street .'\ / .1 -, ,/ " B Street ", r / A Street ----r- ') .' Main Street ~L .\ r Right-of-way proposed for vacation Travel directions and ~ approximate distances Out-of-directlon travel directions and distances Date Received: /6If~07 Planner: AL / .... >'" '" .~ vehIcles usmg surface streets. VehIcles and bIcycles have the optIOn of usmg eIther A Street or C Street for the east-west segment of the tnp. The out-of-dlrectIOn dIstance would be even less for pedestnans usmg the pubhc sIdewalk system,' or bIcycles and vehicles passmg through the mId-block alley north of B Street. The use of the mId-block alley for east-west passage IS not a preferred route for vehIcles, but IS depIcted on FIgure 1 for IllustratIve purposes Fmdmg 12' Provision of travel routes for cychsts, pedestnans and vehIcles would be VIa the eXlstmg pubhc street, alley and sIdewalk system. The approXImate travel dIstances shown on Figure 1 assume travel around the penmeter of each route, and short-cuttmg through parkmg lots or sunllar open areas IS not considered. Fmdmg 13 There are eXistmg SituatIOns in downtown Spnngfield and elsewhere throughout the CIty where portIOns of the gridded street system are not connected and out-of-dlrection travel is reqUlred for cyclists, pedestnans and vehIcles Nearby examples mclude portIOns of A Street east of 12th Street, A, C, D and F Street east of 14th Street; 8th and 9th Streets north of G Street, and G Street west of 4th Street Fmdmg 14 A Traffic Impact AnalysIs (TIA) was prepared by an mdependent traffic engmeenng consultant m support ofthe proposed nght-of-way vacatIOn (Spnngfield Justzee' Center Revised Task 2 Report - Traffic Impact Study, Access Engineenng, July, 2006) The TIA exammed the eXlstmg and post-vacatIOn street system m the vlcmlty ofthe JustIce Center and evaluated the possIble Impacts of the proposed'nght-of-way vacatIOn to vehIcle movements and the performance of nearby mtersections The TIA concluded there would be mmunallmpact on the downtown transportation system With the proposed vacatIOn of public nght-of-way Fmdmg 15. The TIA prepared for the proposed nght-of-way vacatIon also concluded that no traffic mitIgation actIons would be reqUlred to ensure safe and effiCIent flow of traffic m the VIClruty ofthe JustIce Center. Among the SImplest and most effectIve measures to structure traffic movements m the area WIll be strategIC placement of directIOnal signage for the Justice Center The TIA suggests pOSSIble measures to dIscourage traffic from travelmg to and from the downtown core usmg nearby residential streets, mcludmg placement of STOP SignS at key mtersectIOns and msta1hng curb extensIOns to prevent undeSIrable tummg movements Fmdmg 16 Special vehIcles, such as tranSIt buses, can be accommodated on adjacent pubhc streets (pnmanly A Street) There IS one tranSIt stop for west-bound buses that is located wlthm the segment of B Street proposed for vacatIOn. RelocatIOn of the bus stop can be done m consultation With Lane Transit Distnct ) ConclusIOn. Staff have concluded that the proposed nght-of-way vacatIOn WIll have no adverse effect on safety, connectIVIty or mamtammg reasonably dIrect travel routes for pedestnans, cyclists and vehicles. As proposed, the pubhc right-of-way vacation complies With Cntenon (c) (d) Whether a greater public benefit would be obtained from the vacation than from retaining the right-of- way in its present status; and Fmdmg 17 The nght-of-way presently contams a two-lane collector street WIth SIdewalks on both Sides Upon vacatIon ofthe nght-of-way, the subject area would be mcorporated mto the Spnngfield JustIce Center and used for secure pohce parking. The nght-of-way would be closed to all pubhc travel The Spnngfield Police Department adVIses that a secure parkmg lot - close to the JustIce Center bUlldmg - protects pubhc property (mcludmg police vehicles and case eVIdence stored m the anCillary bUlldmg) and enhances emergency response times as respondmg officers do not have to cross public streets to reach theIr vehIcles. Fmdmg 18. Jerry SmIth, Spnngfield Cillef of Police, submitted a memo m support of the proposed nght-of-way vacatIOn (Attachment 2) WhICh reads as follows Imoortance orB Street Closznfi to the Justice Faclhtv PrOJect "The purpose of this memo IS to summarz=efor the Plannzng Commlsszon the Importance of clOSing B Street as part of the Justice Center project. As deSigned. the area currently occupied by B Street would become part of a 1-4 Date Received: ~!y~n Planner: AL .' -, ' fenced and secured parkzng area . Closzng B Street IS necessary for the security of portions of the fa cilz ty The planned JustIce facllzty zncludes an anclllmy buddzng that WIll be a reposItory for eVIdence zn crlmmal cases, storage for polzce and court records, and storage for speczalzzed polzce eqUIpment and weapomy Closzng B Street WIll allow the entIre anCIllary building and parkmg lot to be fenced m, significantly Improving the security of these records and eVldentzary Items WIthout the secunty fencmg m place, the anczllaJY buildmg as desIgned does not provzde suffiCIent secunty for these ztems . Closmg B Street WIll provIde secure fleet and employee parlang To date, Department vehzcles and employee parkmg has not been secured by fencmg Whzle thIS does not cause sIgnificant zssues during normal workzng hours, the Department has experienced damage to fleet vehIcles. and employees have suffered damage to theIr personal vehicles, durl11g late evening and early mornzng hours Damage has ranged from pamt scratches to slashed tIres and broken wmdows . Closzng B Street wzlllmprove the safety of polzce officers and cztlzens The street closure WIll allow officers responding to emergency calls from mSlde the buddmg to access thezr vehIcles WIthout crossmg a publzc rzght of way, thereby reduczng the rzsk of an acczdent durmg an emergency response . Closmg B Street wzll proVIde a secure area for evacuatIOn of mUnlczpal Jad przsoners' The fenced area WIll serve as an outdoor holdmg area for mUnicIpal Jazl prisoners zn the event that the Jad must be evacuated WIthout the street closure and fencmg, there WIll not be an area outsIde the mUnicIpal Jad adequate and accessIble for holdzng prisoners Instead, an evacuation event would necessItate the uncontrolled release of all mUnicIpal Jad prisoners " Findmg 19: As described m the statement from the Pohce ChIef, the vacated nght-of-way WIll be used for secure pohce parkmg and is also deSIgned to provIde a fenced-m area that IS large enough for evacuatIOn of jaIl pnsoners m the event of an emergency PrOVISIOn of a secure muster area for evacuated pnsoners proVIdes a drrect benefit to the jaIl staff, pohce personnel, and the pubhc. Findmg 20- As noted m the Pohce Ch1efs statement, ensuring respondmg police officers do not have to cross a pubhc street in order to reach therr veh1cles enhances safety for both Police Department personnel and publIc users of the street system Fmdmg 21. Passage of the Pubhc Safety ballot measure in 2005 that secured publIc fundmg for the Justice Center project demonstrates Spnngfield reSIdents' commItment to the project. Comparatively few people wlth1n the CIty regularly use the segment ofB Street proposed for vacatIOn However, all Spnngfield reSIdents (and v151tors) benefit from a strong polIce presence wlthm the commumty. ConclUSIOn. Staff have concluded that the proposed nght-of-way vacatIOn serves a greater benefit to the pubhc than retammg the one-block segment ofnght-of-way ill ItS present status The proposed vacation also proVIdes dIrect benefits to the CIty'S Pollee Department, wh1ch ultimately benefits Spnngfield reSIdents As pfoposed, the nght-of-way vacatIOn comphes WIth Cntenon (d). (e) Whether provisions have been made to ensure that the vacated property will remain in public ownership_ Findmg 22. The vacated nght-of-way IS to be mcorporated mto the Justice Center development, WhICh IS a publIcly-funded project Ownersh1p of the Justice Center bUlldmg and the land on whIch It IS to reSIde (whIch mcludes the portIOn of nght-of-way proposed for vacatIOn), IS to remam WIth the CIty of Spnngfield Fmdmg 23. Upon vacatIOn of the nght-of-way, the land ownershIp automatically reverts to the CIty as It owns the abuttmg property. Because the ownershIp of the vacated nght-of-way does not pass through a thrrd party (wh1ch could occur If there were pnvately-owned parcels frontmg onto the ng4t-of-way), remammg m publIc ownershIp IS 1-5 Date Received: /6)?~7 Planner: Al 1-' ~ ~ ' . assured. ConclUSIOn The proposed nght-of-way vacatIOn complIes wIth Cnterion (e). CONCLUSION In summary, the proposed nght-of-way vacatIOn. (a) allows constructIon of a publIcly funded project approved by a vote of the publIc; (b) mcreases law enforcement's pUb~lC presence m the downtown core through constructIOn of a PolIce, Courts and Jail facIlIty, and (c) provIdes constructIon features that mcrease the secunty and safety to the CIty'S PolIce Department and the general public dunng operatIons. The loss of publIc good m terms ofvelucle, pedestnan and bIcycle connectlVlty has been demonstrated to be mmunal and wlthm State statutes for connectIvIty under Cntenon 9.060(3)(c) oftlus report and can be reasonably mItIgated Based upon the above findmgs and testImony contamed herem, Staff concludes that the proposed nght-of-way vacatIon for a JustIce Center facIlIty (mcludmg JaIl, courts and polIce station) serves a greater benefit to the general publIc than retammg the one-block segment of nght-of-way m ItS present status As proposed, the nght-of-way vacatIon complIes WIth Cntenon 9.060(3)(a-e). RECOMMENDATION RecommendatIon of approval of the proposed vacation to the CIty Council. Date Received: 6~f/;o~7 Planner: Al / / 1-6 ~ ' ' . MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE May 16,2007 TO: Andy Limbird FROM' Jerry Smith, PolIce Chief SUBJECT: Importance ofB Street Closing to the Justice FacIlity Project The purpose of this memo is to summarize for the Planmng Commis~lOn the Importance closmg B Street as part of the Justice Center project. As desIgned, the area currently occupied by B Street would become part of a fenced and secured parking area. . Closing B Street is necessary for the secunty ofportlOns of the facility: The planned Justice facility includes an ancIllary building that WIll be a repOSItory for eVIdence in crimmal cases; storage for polIce and court records; and storage for speCIalIzed police equipment and weaponry. Closmg B Street will allow the entire ancillary bmlding and parking lot to be fenced in, sIgnificantly improving the security of these records and evidentiary items. Without the security fencing m place, the ancillary building as designed does not provide sufficient secunty for these items. . Closing B Street will provide secure fleet and employee parking: To date, Department vehicles and employee parkmg has not been secured by fencmg. WhIle this does not cause signIficant issues dunng normal working hours, the Department has experienced damage to fleet vehicles, and employees have suffered damage to their personal vehicles, dunng late evemng and early mornmg hours. Damage has ranged from paint scratches to slashed tires and broken windows. . Closmg B Street will improve the safety of police officers and citizens: The street closure will allow officers responding to emergency calls from inside the bmlding to access theIr vehicles without crossing a public nght of way, thereby reducing the risk of an accident dunng an emergency response. . Closmg B Street will provIde a secure area for evacuatIon of municipal jail pnsoners: The fenced area will serve as an outdoor holding area for municipal Jail prisoners m the event that the jail must be evacuated. Without the street closure and fencing, there WIll not be an area outside the municipal jaIl adequate and accessible for holdmg prisoners. Instead, an evacuation event would necessitate the uncontrolled release of all mumcipal jail prisoners. ATTACHMENT DatEl Received: 6;/~tJ7 Planner: Al / 2-1 . ' ,\ ~ *.(.?L{b"-3~a-r) ~ll'vt~ -%f~~( C(17? I ; (Z) A ( L", I /'lr.-IJ /0':sA n rL ~4 \!JK '"' C::::P~ . rJ.Ul.V/ I ~c--r + y /<-lM1:l' UJ~S5ICl1/ \, -1 yeq[7;70 -t/vt- doS.tOQ ~ J) Sfreef- : , a;t Lf~ 07 ~ is /If:e!;y -h h~,YJe/I · ~ T ~~ /l1D/onsh WGC{'Id~ s~ ~.4rY<?V\It?~~~ ~ : declc!ed. -h r;R~ ~ <'-JiM j. - -gnu. y'LA, e> 11. U:.::S... I '1-1 Ct ;?'" 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((MJVl [/J-r I !rf:::e ~ v~ ' CJtpsR (Iv0 (~. ..j -f -f~ t<fl:P4 C1{ tpt:e ~ :1 W~ uofe&5? / . 1- ~CfR- ~ ~5P -{ro~ . r f~ 4- e,?62ft~-50 CHI .I / ~tvJ.~ . dJ c;41 dJ~~/ : -O();I~~ &6' ~~ . ! '{'J2 r .JfJII 369 &J0J/J)51#/ . l\~.' -' ~~~~ 5/rfrt?f;e/b1/CJI( /~ I~~' -, q7V77 ~<~ 0 · Date Received' t / / Planner: AL . / }/Htl1 . \ RECETVED JUN 0 5 2006 BY: ac;C 3-17 ,a l' . Submittal to the record of the city of Springfield Planning Commission Discretionary Use and Zone Change Request (Justice Center) Case N urn bers DRC2006-00013 (Discretionary Use Application) ZON2006-00007 (Zone Change Request) March 28, 2006 Submitted by: Scott E. Olson, P.E. 1127 B Street Springfield, OR 97477 Comments and assertions of error In the staff report findings and conclusion are presented below. Portions of the staff report are replicated with my comments In arlal font following The staff report Identifies the cnteria for approval with summary conclusionary findings with little or no diScussion of how the application supports the findings No indication that the applicant has addressed any of the approval criteria In the application IS presented In the staff report. The staff report includes; Proposed Findings In Support of Discretionary Use Approval Criterion (1): The proposed use conforms WIth the applzcable: (a) PrOVISlOns of the Metro Plan; Finding: The Metro Plan speaks in broad terms about development in the greater Eugene/Springfield urban area, and there are no policies specifically related to Justice Center or correction facility projects. However, the proposal is consIstent with the Metro Plan objectives for siting public/government buildings and services in nodal development areas such that population and employment are concentrated in well-defined areas with good transit s~rvice and a mixture of compatible land uses (Metro Plan Chapter II-E( 4)). Finding: The Metro Plan's Public and SemI Public plan designation provides for the accommodation of major government facilities and office complexes. Springfield's Public Land and Open Space zoning district implements this plan designation in the City. The Justice Center, a large public facility, IS proposed to be located within thIS plan designation and, therefore, is conSIstent with the Metro Plan Chapter II. Comments ' The staff report falls to Identify that the TransPlan Goals, ObjectIVes, and PolICIes have been adopted mto the Metro Plan The followmg IS extracted from TransPlan Under state law, TransPlan is a functIonal plan of the Metro Plan. The Metro Plan is the official long-range general plan (public polley document) for the region comprised of the 1 Of 16 ATTACHMENT Date Received: ;fY7<<J7 Planner: AL 4-1 ~. l I . cities of Eugene and Springfield and metropolitan Lane County. The Metro Plan establishes the broad framework upon which Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County make coordinated land use decisions As a functional plan, TransPlan must be consistent with the Metro Plan. Metro Plan amendments required for consistency will be adopted by the elected officials concurrent with the adoption of TransPlan. TransPlan strategies include nodal development and transit-supportive land use patterns, new and expanded TOM programs, and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), in addition to roadway projects that benefit pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists. All of these strategies can increase the attractiveness of transportation modes other than the single-occupant vehicle (SOY). The integration of transportation and land use planning is especially important to support compact urban growth, which provides for more pedestrian-, bicycle-, and transit- friendly environments, rather than urban sprawl that,supports auto dependency. The TransPlan policy framework (Chapter Two) and implementation actions (Chapter Three) are structured around three fundamental components of transportation planning: I. Land use, 2. Transportation demand management, and 3. Transportation system improvements. The land use component of transportation planning is addressed by TransPlan policies and implementation actions that encourage meeting the need for transportation-efficient development patterns, such as nodal development and transit-supportive land use patterns. These development patterns reduce trip lengths and auto dependency and support transit, bicycling, and walking. Clearly, The first criteria of "The proposed use conforms with the applzcable: (a) ProviSIOns of the Metro Plan;" Includes consistency With the applicable elements of TransPlan Again from TransPlan Goal #1: Integrated Transportation and Land Use System, Provide an integrated transportation and land use system that supports choices in modes of travel and development patterns that will reduce reliance on the auto and enhance livability, economic opportumty, and the quality of life. Definition/Intent: This goal recognizes the need to integrate transportation and land use planning to enhance livability, economic opportunity, and quality of life. Integration supports transportation-efficient development patterns and choices ill transportatiOn modes that reduce reliance on the auto. Closmg off a collector street at It's mtersectlon With an artenal street, diverting collector street traffic to adjacent local street, shuttmg off pedestnan and blcylce publiC ways, seekmg vanances to street connectivity and block length standards m a nodal development overlay zone IS not consistent With thiS goal 2 Of 16 Date Received: '~~~7 Planner: Al 7 r I " 4-2 ~ tJ . Goal #2: Transportation System Characteristics Enhance the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area's quality of life and economic opportunity by provIding a transportation system that is: a) Balanced, b) Accessible, c) Efficient, d) Safe,' e) Interconnected, f) Environmentally responsible, g) Supportive of responsible and sustainable development, h) Responsive to community needs and neighborhood Impacts, and i) Economically viable and financially stable. Definition/Intent: The goal IS to provide an overall transportation system that provides for all of these needs. Transportation decisions on specific facilities and services will, require balancing some characteristics with others. a) A balanced transportation system is one that provides a range of transportation options and takes advantage of the inherent efficiencies of each mode. b) An accessible transportation system is one that serves all areas of the community and offers both residents and visitors convenient and reliable transportation options. c) An efficient transportation system is one that is fast and economic for the user, maximizes the mobility available through existing facilities, and leverages as much benefit as possible from new transportation facilities. d) A safe transportation system is one that is designed, built, and operated to minimize risk of harm to people and property and allows people to feel confident and secure in and around all modes of travel. e) An interconnected transportation system is one that provides for ease of transfer between different modes of travel, such as auto to bus or bicycle to rail. f) An environmentally responsible transportation system is one that reduces transportation-related environmental impact and energy consumption. g) A transportation system that is supportive of responsible and sustainable development integrates transportation and land use planning in support of transportation-efficient development. h) A transportation system that is responsive to community needs and neighborhood impacts is flexible and adaptable, and addresses transportation-related impacts in residential areas. i) An economically viable and financially stable transportation system is one that is cost efficient; financially feasible; and has sufficient, ongoing financial support to ensure transportation system investments can be operated and maintained as desired. ClOSing off a collector street at It'S intersectIon WIth an arterial street, dIverting collector street trafftc to adjacent local street, shutting off pedestnan and blcylce publIC ways, seeking vanances to street connectIvIty and block length standards In a nodal development overlay zone IS not consIstent WIth thIS goal 3 Of 16 4-3 Oak, f'~eceived' t1"/UJ01 Planner: Al '. '1 > . . ,-I . TransPlan Objectives Consistent with the Metro Plan, the following definition is used for TransPlan objectives: An objective is an attainable target that the community attempts to reach in striving to meet a goal. An objective may also be considered as an intermediate point that will help fulfill the overall goal. Objective #1: Accessibility and Mobility Provide adequate levels of accessibility and mobility for the efficient movement of people, goods, and services within the region. Definition/Intent: Accessibility refers to physical proximity and ease of reaching destinations throughout the urban metropolitan area This objective supports the need for multlmodal accessibility to employment, shopping, other commerce, medical care, housing, and leisure, including adequate public transit access for people who are transportation disadvantaged. This objective also supports the need for improved access for tourists to destinations. Mobilityls the ease with which a person is able to travel from place to place. It can be measured in terms of travel time. Access and mobility are provided at different levels on different classes of transportation facilities. For example, a local street has a high level of accessibIlity for adjacent residences and businesses, with a low level of mobility for non-local traffic. An arterial street has a lower level of accessibility, with a higher level of mobility for through movement of travelers. Local jurisdictions will determine what constitutes adequate levels of accessibility and mobility and what is efficient movement of people, goods, and services within the region. Provide adequate levels of accessibility and mobility for the efficIent movement of people, goods, and services withm the region. Closmg off streets, reroutmg a collector street at It's mtersectlOn with an artenal street, dlVertmg collector street traffic to adjacent local street, shuttmg off pedestnan and blcylce public ways, seekmg vanances to street connectIVIty and block length standards m a nodal development overlay zone IS not consistent with thiS objective , Objective #2: Safety Improve transportation system safety through design, operations and maintenance, system improvements, support facilities, public information, and law enforcement efforts. Definition/Intent: TransPlan Goal 2 sets forth safety as a key characteristic of the desired transportation system. This objective supports the need for taking a comprehensive approach to buIlding, operating, and regulating the transportation system so that travelers feel safe and secure. ThiS objective did not mtend to result m street closure because It IS unsafe for the police to need to cross a public street to get to the secured vehicle, parkmg area The objective IS aimed at makmg the street a safe place for all of us Objective #3: Environment 4 Of 16 Date Received' ~;;'1.~7 Planner: AL 1 p 4-4 ~) J It Provide transportation systems that are environmentally responsible. Definition/Intent: This objective places a priority on fulfilling the need to protect the region's natural environment and conserving energy in all aspects of transportation planning processes. The primary intent of this objective can be met through compliance with all federal and state regulations relevant to environmental impact and consideration of applicable environmental impact analyses and practicable mitigation measures in transportation decision-making processes. Significant benefits can be achieved from coordinating the environmental process with the transportation planning process, such as early identification of issues and resources, development of alternatives that avoid or minimize impacts early in the project development process, and more rapid project delivery. The region's need to reduce transportation-related energy consumption can be met through increased use of transit, telecommuting, zero-emissions vehicles, ridesharing, bicycles and walking, and through incre~sed efficiency of the transportation network to diminish delay and corresponding fuel consumption. ThiS proposals street closures do not support thIS objective because it limits access to the transit station, mhlblts walkmg, blcyclmg, and created out of dlTectlon auto travel Objective #5: Public Involvement Provide citizens with information to increase their awareness of transportation issues, encourage their involvement in resolving the issues, and assist them in making informed transportation choices. The applicant created a citizen adVISOry committee to assist with sltmg Issues but has refused to consider project alternatives that are within the fmanclalllmltatlons of the project and keep the streets open The adVISOry committee recommendatIOn to the City Council was to consider alternatives to the closure of B Street but the Council voted to proceed with street closures The applicants testimony at heanng was maccurate with repect to the consltency with the committee's recommendation and the subsequent City Council actIOn and dlTectlon to staff ThiS application also Inappropriately ties the street vacation to the discretionary use approval through the proposed conditions of approval yet has not addressed the vacatIOn approval critena or done the necessary public notice for a street vacatIOn Objective #7: J>olicy Implementation Implement a range of actions as determined by local governments, including land use, demand management, and system improvement strategies, to carry out transportation policies. The land use policies In thiS area were denved from thiS objective of TransPlan and It's dependance upon Nodal Development and creation of attractIVe modal chOices The proposed use IS mconslstent With the followmg policies of TransPlan Land Use Policy #1: Nodal Development Apply the nodal development strategy in areas selected by each jurisdiction that _ have identified potential for this type of transportation-efficient land use pattern. 5 Of 16 4-5 Date Received: Planner: Al 6~fk7 / / " . The nodes will be pedestrian-friendly environments with a mix of land uses, including public open spaces that are pedestrian-, transit-, and bicycle-oriented. Land Use Policy #2: Support for Nodal Development Support application of the nodal development strategy in designated areas through information, technical assistance, or incentives. Policy Definition/Intent: The intent of this policy is to encourage nodal development through public support and incentives, recognizing that there is public benefit to the transportation and land use efficiencies of nodal development Land Use Policy #3: Transit-Supportive Land Use Patterns Provide for transit-supportive land use patterns and development, including higher intensity, transit-oriented development along major transit corridors and near transit stations, medium- and high-density resIdential development wIthin y.. mIle of transit statIOns, major transit corridors, employment centers, and downtown areas; and development and redevelopment in designated areas that are or could be well served by existing or planned transit. Policy Definition/Intent: The intent of this policy is to encourage more concentrated development and higher density housing in locations that are or could be served by high levels of transit service. By doing so, transit will be more convenient for a greater number of businesses and people and, in turn, the higher levels of transit will be supported by more riders. Land Use Policy #4: Multi-Modal Improvements in New Development Require improvements that encourage transit, bicycles, and pedestrians in new commercial, public, mixed-use, and multi-unit residential development. Policy Definition/Intent: This policy supports efforts to improve the convenience of using transit, biking, or walking to travel to, from, and within newly developed and redeveloped areas This policy recognizes the importance of providing pedestrian and bikeway connections within the confines of individual developments to provide direct, safe, and convenient internal pedestrian and bicycle circulation. Land Use Policy #5: Implementation of Nodal Development Within three years of TransPlan adoption, apply the ND, Nodal Development designation to areas selected by each jurisdiction, adopt and apply measures to protect designated nodes from incompatible development and adopt a schedule for completion of nodal plans and implementing ordinances. Policy Definition/Intent: This policy was added at the request of the Department of Land Conservation and Development. The nodal development strategy anticipates a significant change in development patterns withm proposed nodes. Development of theseareas under existing plan designations and zoning provisIOns could result in development patterns inconsistent with nodal development. This policy documents a commitment by the elected officials to apply the new/ND nodal development Metro Plan designatIon and new zoning regulations to priority nodal development areas wIthin three years of TransPlan adoption, subject to available funding. - 6 Of 16 Date fieceived: ffPet77 Planner: AL 4-6 " ." TDM Policy #2: Parking Management Increase the nse oj[ motor vehicle parking management strategies in selected areas throughout the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area. Policy DefinitionlIntent: Parking management strategies address both the supply and demand for vehicle parking. They contribute to balancmg travel demand within the region among the various modes of transportation available. To promote parking equity in the region, consideration should be given to applying parking management strategies at a region-wide level, in addition to downtown centers. The proposed use wIll sprawl surface parkmg thoughout a slgmflcant portIon of the property wlthm the Nodal Development zone, ellmmatmg potentIal for development more consIstent wIth the objectIves of the zone TSI System- Wide Policy #1: Transportation Infrastructure Protection and Management Protect and manage existing and future transportation infrastructure. Policy Definition/Intent: This policy calls for the protection and management of transportation facilities for all modes, within the limits of available funding, in a way that sustains their long. term capacity and function. Given the limited funding for future transportation projects and operations, maintenance and preservation activities, the need to protect and manage existing and future transportation investments and facihties is crucial. Strategies related to access management, TDM, and land use can be implemented to reduce tnps and impacts to major transportation facilities, such as freeway interchanges, thereby postponing the need for investments in capacity-increasing projects. . Closmg B Street, a collector street of recent reconstructIon wIth federal fundmg assIstance, and dlrvertmg traffic to local streets not constructed to the same standard IS mconsltent wIth thIS polIcy , TSI System- Wide Policy #2: Intermodal Connectivity Develop or promote intermodallinkages for connectivity and ease of transfer among all transportation modes. Policy Definition/Intent: An intermodal transportation system is one that includes all forms of transportation in a unified, connected manner. An intermodal trip is one that involves two or more modes between the trip origin and destination. Intermodallinkages are the transfer points along the way, such as Park-and-Ride lots In transit, intermodal transfers allow providers to serve a greater segment of the population For freight, intermodal transfers allow shippers to take advantage of the economies of each mode, such as truck and rail, to achieve the most cost-effective and timely deliveries of goods. TSI System-Wide Policy #3: Corridor Preservation Preserve corridors, such as rail rights-of-way, private roads, and easements of regional significance, that are identified for future transportation-related uses. 7 Of 16 Date Received: - 11;1~o7 Planner: AL 7' /-- 4-7 va .. Ellmmatlon of eXlstmg improved publIc corndors to avoId walkmg across the street IS not consistent with thiS poltcy TSI System- Wide Policy #4: Neighborhood Livability Support transportation strategies that enhance neighborhood livability. DefinitionlIntent: Transportation-related Impacts on neighborhood livability include excessive intrusion of regional vehicle movement on local residential streets, excessive vehicle speeds, and excessive traffic noise. Strategies aimed at improving flow on arterials, such as access management measures, may draw traffic from neighborhood streets that, b~sed on travel characteristics, should be properly using the arterial. The proposed use IS not constent With thIS poltcy TSI Roadway Policy #1: Mobility and Safety for all Modes Address the mobility and safety needs of motorists, transit users, bicyclists, pedestrians, and the needs of emergency vehicles when planning and constructing . I roadway system Improvements. Policy DefinitionlIntent: This policy supports the design and construction of systems and facilities that accommodate multiple modes. It also supports consideration of the needs of emergency vehicles in the design and construction of system improvements. The proposed use IS not constent WIth thiS poliCY TSI Roadway Policy #3: Coordinated Roadway Network In conjunction with the overall transportation system, recognizing the needs of other transportation modes, promote or develop a regional roadway system that meets combined needs for travel through, within, and outside the region. Policy DefinitionlIntent: The regional roadway system must meet the travel needs of motorists, transit users, bicyclists, pedestrians, and commercial vehicles. Characteristics of such a roadway system include adequate capacity and connections to roads entering the regIOn. TransPlan roadways will be coordinated with the Lane County Transportation System Plan (TSP) roadways and ODOT corridor studies. All roadway system Improvements will also be consistent with other adopted policies in TransPlan. The proposed use IS not constent with thiS poltcy TSI Transit Policy #1: Transit Improvements Improve transit service and facilities to increase the system's accessibility, attractiveness, al1ld' convenience for all users, including the transportation disadvantaged 'population. . Policy Definition/Intent: Continued improvements to the transit system, including enhancements to the existing transit service, exploration of transit fare alternatives that increase ridership and new and improved transit facilities for passengers, Will make transit a more attractive transportation alternative and encourage increased use of transit. 8 Of 16 Date Received: Planner: AL '/;1/7al7 / / I 4-8 II< This policy also supports maintaining existmg facilities in good conditio~. By restnctmg pedestnan accesslbiltty the proposed use IS not constent With this poliCY TSI Transit Policy #2: Bus Rapid Transit Establish a BRT system composed of frequent, fast transit service along major corridors and neighborhood feeder service that connects with the corridor service and with activity centers, if the system is shown to increase transit mode split along BRT corridors, if local governments demonstrate support, and if financing for the system is feasible. BRT, when combined with other system improvement, land use, and demand management strategies, is expected to increase the share of riders who use public transportation. BRT is also expected to help the region maintain conformity with federal air quality standards. BRT, combmed with nodal development, is a key strategy in the region's compliance with alternative performance measures for th~ TPR. Closure of streets wlthm the neighborhood of the transit station IS not constent With thiS poliCY or the very slgmfcant mvestf]1ent the publiC IS makmg the BRT system. TSI Bicycle Policy #2: Bikeways on Arterials and Collectors Require bikeways along new and reconstructed arterial and major collector streets. C/osmg collector streets IS not consist with thiS policy TSI Bicycle Policy #3: Bikeway Connections to New Development Require bikeways to connect new development with nearby neighborhood activity centers and major destinations. Policy DefinitionlIntent: This policy recognizes the importance of providing bicycle connectivity between new development, neighborhood activity centers, and major destinations. When new development occurs, connectivity to the regional bikeway system must be'provided. In cases where the existing or planned street network does not adequately provide bicycle connectivity, paved bikeways should be provided within residential developments and should extend to neighborhood activity centers or to an existing bikeway system Within one-half mile of residential developments. Major destinations may include, but are, not limited to, nodal development centers, schools, shopping centers, employment centers, transit stations, and parks. This policy does not imply that a developer would be required to provide bikeways through undeveloped adJomIng properties. - The proposed use IS not constent With thiS poliCY TSI Pedestrian Policy #1: Pedestrian Environment Provide for a pedestrian environment that is well integrated with adjacent land uses and is designed to enhance the safety, comfort, and convenience of walking. ' 9 Of 16 Date Received: t~'1 /20~ 7 Planner: AL 7 '-I . 4-9 0,} _ Policy Definition/Intent: This policy supports the provision of pedestrian connections between adjacent land uses, improved pedestrian access to transit stops and stations, safe and convenient pedestrian street crossings, and pedestrian amenities, including lighting In more developed areas, such as downtowns, pedestrian design features improve the accessibility of destinations. The proposed use IS not constent WIth this policy TSI Pedestrian Policy,#2: Continuous and Direct Routes Provide for a continuous pedestrian network with reasonably direct travel routes between destination points. Policy Definition/Intent: This policy supports an active program to develop pedestrian pathways (e.g., sidewalks), especially in proximity to major activity centers. A continuous pedestrian network is free of gaps and deadends and overcomes physical barriers that inhibit walking. Direct routes between destination points are important because out-of-direction travel discourages walking. "Reasonably direct" means either a route that does not deviate unnecessarily from a straight line or a route that does not involve a significant amount of out-of-direction travel for likely users. The proposed use IS not constent with thIS policy. Finance Policy #2: Operations, Maintenance, and Preservation Operate and maintain transportation facilIties in a way that reduces the need for more expensive future repair. Removal of a street In excellent conditIon is not consistent With thiS polIcy Finance Policy #5: Short-Term Project Priorities Consider and include among short-term project priorities, those facilities and improvements that r..pport mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly nodal development and increased use of alternative modes. , Policy Definition/Intent: This policy supports consideration and programming of facilities and improvements that support nodal development and the increased use of alternative modes. Examples of such investments include funding incentives for Implementation of nodal development, funding ofTDM programs, and improvements made to the transIt and bike systems. The proposed use IS not constent With thIS policy The city's approval cntena and staff report continue below (b) Refinement plans; Finding: The proposal is consistent with provisions of the Downtown Refinement Plan, including recent amendments made to allow consideration of Justice Center proposals within the Plan area. The Downtown Refinement Plan - Land Use Element, General Policy #2 contains the following enabling policy in support of the proposed Justice Center development: "Civic and governmental uses serving the 1 0 Of 16 Date Received: /t;)1~()/ Planner: AL ;- 4-10 ... Springfield community shall be encouraged to locate in the downtown area. Within the downtown, governmental uses, including City Hall, the Justice Center and jail, the library, Willamalane and SUB offices, shall be encouraged to locate and expand along A Street." Along the street not m It. (c) Plan District standards; Finding: The proposal is consistent with provisions of the Public Land and Open Space District (PLO), as Justice Centers are listed as a Discretionary Use in the district. What are the standards? How can it be detennmed If It IS consltent WIthout dIscussion about what they are? What does the NOO deSIgnatIon mean? ThIS cntena has not been addressed by the appltcant or staff (d) Conceptual Development Plans; or Finding: There are no conceptual development plans for the subject development area. ( e) SpeclGl use standards m thIS Code; Finding: In accordance with SDC 23. 1 OO(a-b), the applicant would be required to address special use standards applicable to this proposal at the time of Site Plan Review application. ThIS cnterla applIes to thIS appltcatlon of dIscretIOnary use approval There need to be , findmgs that thIS applIcatIon is consIstent with the SpeclGl use standards m thIS Code. The staff report contmues; Criterion (2): The site under consideratIOn IS SUItable for the proposed use, consldermg (a) The locatIOn, SIze, deSIgn and operatmg characteristIcs of the use (operating characterzstlcs mclude but are not lzmlted to parkmg, traffic, nOise, VIbratIOn, emISSIOns, lzght, glare, odor, dust, v,s,b,lzty, safety, and aesthetIC consideratIOns, where applzcable), Finding: The proposed Justice Center will be oriented to streets that already serve the downtown commercial area, and will occupy City-owned land already used for municipal police and court functions within Springfield. Conceptual site design has prOVided for separation from residential uses to the north, and the operational characteristics of the Justice Center will be compatible with existing office, commercial and institutional uses in the immediate vicinity. The publtc street IS not SUItable for the proposed use as a secured poltce compound and IS not campa table WIth the neIghborhood or the eX/~tmg publIC use of the street The applIcant nor staff have addressed the locatIon sIze or operatmg characteristIcs of a jad m addressmg thIS crltena The relationshIp of the JaIl and the church entrances should be addressed A jail IS not an offIce 11 Of 16 Date Received: t ~r..1o~ 7 Planner: AL 7' 1 ~ 4-11 ., (b) Adequate and safe cIrculatIon eXIsts for vehIcular access to andfrom the proposed site, and on-site circulatIOn and emergency response as well as pedestrian, bIcycle and transit circulatIOn, Finding: The proposed Justice Center will be served by the existing grid street system of downtown Springfield, including Pioneer Parkway East which is classified as a minor arterial. Sidewalks and on-street bicycle routes already exist to provide non-motorized access to the site. The site will be deSigned such that access points and on-site circulation patterns are safe, effective, and recognize the operational characteristics of the surrounding street system. Finding: The secure parking lot located on the north side of the facility will provide a secure area for jail inmates in the event that the facility is evacuated providing for public safety in the event of an emergency response Bicycle, pedestnan, and traslt clrcualtlon WIll be Impeded by the proposed use A traffic Impact analysIs typically reqUired by the city for thiS type of applicatIon was not submItted wIth the applIcatIon The project archItects have stated that the secure parktng area IS not reqUired for emergency evacuatIon and IS not Ilkey the pnmary evacuatIon route. (c) The natural and phYSIcal features of the Site, mcludl_ng but not lzmlted to, riparian areas, regulated wetlands, natural stormwater management/dramage areas and wooded areas shall be adequately considered in the project deSign, Finding: There are no existing natural and/or physical features that will be affected by the proposed Justice Center. (d) Adequate publtc facllztles and serVIces are avmlable, includmg but not lzmlted to, utllztles, streets, storm dramage facllzties, samtary sewer and other publzc infrastructure ' Finding: The Development Review Committee I held a meeting to review the proposed conceptual site plan, Discretionary Use, and Zone Change requests. Staff and Springfield Utility Board representatives have determmed that sufficient capacity exists in the adjacent street and utility system to allow consideration of Discretionary Use and Zone Change requests Specific details on utility servicing and other potential effects on public facilities would be finalized with a Site Plan Revie\\;' application. - The trafflc analYSIS had not yet been revIewed by cIty staff at the tIme thIS ftndtng was prepared The testImony at the heanng whIch tndlcated that the reported tncreased traffic volumes on C Street would not reqUire mItIgatIOn IS not consistent with cIty Imposed requirements on other recent developments tn the cIty WIth over 1,000 vehIcles per day on a local street. Criterion (3). Any adverse effects of the proposed use on adjacent propertIes and on the publzc can be mitIgated through the' (a) ApplzcatlOn of other Code standards, for example buffermgfrom less mtenslve uses, 12 Of 16 Date Received: 0'?~o7 Planner: Al / -. 4-12 . .,. Increased setbacks, etc., Finding: The proposed Justice Center has been intentionally sited on the block between A Street and B Street to increase separation from existing residential uses on C Street. Site design strategies also will include building entrance orientation, landscaping, screening and other mechanisms to minimize the impact to nearby residential and institutional uses. Other than avoldrng any Improved use at all of the property abuttrng the residential neighbors, the applicatIOn does not address how entrances, (which the architect dlscnbed as akward) landscaping, (which there may not be any room for) screenrng or other mechamsms are berng proposed to address thiS cntena (b) Site Plan Review condltwns of approval, where applzcable; Finding: Conditions of approval may be applied to the Site Plan Review for the proposed Justice Center to address specific site development issues if the Discretionary Use and Zone Change requests are approved. What does where applicable mean? If It means during site plan review then that IS where thiS cntena would be located not under discretIOnary use approval cntena There should be eVidence and findrngs that IS seems likely or at least possible that thiS proposal can comply With the code reqUirements (c) Other condltwns of approval that may be requzred by the Approval Authorzty, Finding: The use of public right-of-way is necessary to implement the site design, as proposed, and additional conditions may be part of the decision if deemed appropriate by the Approval Authority. (d) A proposal by the applzcant that meets or exceeds the cited Code standards and/or condztions of approval Finding: The Justice Center proposal will meet or exceed all relevant Code standards rl?quired for approval of the Discretionary Use and Zone Change. How can the adverse affects be mitigated through future conditions or code standards? The staff frndrng fads to address how the proposed street vactlOn can meet the standards for a street vacation or any of the PLO/NDO zone standards Conclusion' The staff has reviewed the application and supportmg evidence submitted for the Justice Center Discretionary Use approval. The staff recommends support for the request as the proposal meets the stated criteria for Discretionary Use approval as listed above. In the event that new or contradictory representation that could lead to a different conclusion is introduced at the public hearing for the Discretionary Use request, staff will undertake additional analysis and prepare findings to address this testimony. As proposed, the Discretionary Use application will require the vacation ofB Street so that the right-of-way can be developed with a secure parking lot. A secure parking area is integral to the normal functions of the jail and police station, and also serves an important 13 Of 16 Date Received: ~;;f.~07 _ Planner: AL /" 4-13 oJ role as emergency evacuation space for jail detainees in accordance with standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101 Life Safety Code. The segment of 4 th Street between A Street and B Street also will require vacation as it is part of the dedicated parking area for the complex. To allow this to occur, staff recommends that the following conditions of approval are endorsed by the Commission: Staff Recommended Conditions of Approval: , I. Prior to Final Site Plan Review approval for development of the Justice Center, the B Street right-of-way between 4 th Street and Pioneer Parkway East shall be vacated. 2. Prior to Final Site Plan Review approval for development of the Justice Center, the 4 th Street right-of-way between A Street and B Street shall be vacated. The Planning Commission may choose to apply additional conditions of approval as necessary to comply with the Discretionary Use and/or Zone Change criteria. Additional Approvals The subject applications are the first steps in a series of development applications for Planning Commission and Council consideration in order to allow development of a Justice Center at the proposed location. If the Planning Commission approves the DiscretiOnary Use and Zoning Change requests, an application would be taken to Council for a Type II TransPlan amendment to remove the affected portion of B Street from the collector street network. Application also would be required to have the affected portions of B Street, 4 th Street, and the alley between A and B Streets vacated. If a TransPlan amendment application is submitted, the Planning Commission would be required to provide a recommendation to City Council on that matter and proposed street and alley vacations. A variance to the block length requirement also would be required upon vacation of B Street bet:veen Pioneer Parkway East and 4 th Street, as the perimeter travel distance would exceed the parameters established by the SDC. The follOWing IS taken from the city's Site Plan Review Package Submittal ReqUirements and the Spnngfleld Development Code 4 Copy of the deed and a prehmmary title report Issued wlthm the past 60 days documentmg ownershIp and hstmg all encumbrances If the applicant is not the property owner, wntten penmsslOn from the property owner IS reqUired 5. Right-of-Way Approach Penn It application must be provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of TransportatIOn (ODOT) facIlity 6 Traffic Impact Study must provide four (4) copies of the study prepared by a Traffic Engmeer where the proposed development will produce more than 250 vehicle trips per day m accordance With the current version of the Transportation Engmeers TnI' GeneratIOn InfonnatIon Report Before the Planmng Commission or Hearings OffiCial can approve a Discretionary Use request, there must be information submitted by the applicant which adequately supports the request In revIewing a request, the City must consider both the pOSItive and negative elements of a DiscretIOnary Use Iequest All of the Discretionary Use Criteria must be addressed by the applicant. If insufficient or unclear data IS submitted by the applicant, there is a good chance the 14 Of 16 Date Received: Planner: AL ,Jfk7 / J 4-14 <I request will be denied or delayed It is recommended you hire a professiOnal planner or land use attorney to prepare your findmgs. ' Discretionary Use Criteria Checklist (SDC 10.030) 1. Except for private/public elementary and middle schools and certain wireless telecommunIcations systems facilities, a Discretionary Use may only be allowed if the Planning CommissiOn finds that the proposal conforms with the following cnteria. a. The proposed use shall conform with existing uses in terms of scale, lot coverage, design, intensity of use and operatmg characteristics. b. The proposed use shall not generate more traffic on local streets or more demand for public facilities than would permitted uses in the same zoning district. c. The proposed use conforms wIth applicable Metro Plan poliCIes and applicable descriptions of Land Use DesIgnatiOns shown on the Metro Plan Diagram. Expansion of an existmg Discretionary Use shall be exempt from conformance with Metro Plan land use deSignations. 3.050 APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. (3) An application shall consist of items required by this Code and the following: (a) An explanation stating the nature of the proposal and information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with applicable approval criteria. (b) EVidence that the property affected by the application is in the exclusive ownership or control of the applicant, or that the applicant has the consent of all owners of the affected property to act on their behalf. The city proposal depends upon the use of conSiderable property for which they do not yet have control The proposed use depends upon the use of parkmg facilities north of Fourth Street which are not city owned The city also need to complete street vacations pnor to havmg a bUlldmg nght to the street ThiS proposal can not comply with the street vacatIon catena whIch include no loss of any benefical use UntIl the city can demonstrate theIr abIlity to effect the street vacatIOn they do not have control of the street for theIr faCIlity (c) The legal description and assessor map and tax lot number of the property affected by the application. (a) Additional information mcluding maps, site plans, sketches and calculations as required by applicable Sections of this Code or in information packets provided by the Development Services Department. (e) The required number of copies of the application. (t) Payment of the applicable application fee at the time of application submittal. No application will be accepted without payment of the appropriate fee in full, unless the applicant qualifies for a fee waiver. 10.020 REVIEW. (3)A complete application together with all required materials shall be submitted to the 15 Of 16 Date Received: 6/f~1 Planner: AL I / 4-15 . " . Director prior to the review of the request as specified in Section 3.050, Application Submittal. ARTICLE 9, VACATIONS 9.060 CRITERIA OF APPROVAL. (2) Where the proposed Vacation of public rights-of-way, other City property, or PartitiOn or Subdivision Plats is reviewed under Type IV procedure, the City Council shall approve, approve With conditions, or deny the Vacation applicatiOn. The application shall be approved if the Vacation is found to be consistent with the following approval criteria. (a) The VacatiOn shall be in conformance with the Metro Plan, TransPlan, the Conceptual Local Street Map and adopted Functional Plans, and applicable Refinement Plan diagram,' Plan District map, or Conceptual Development Plan; (b) The Vacation shall not conflict with the provisions of Springfield Municipal Code 1997; and this Code, including but not limited to, street connectivity standards and block lengths, and (c)There shall be no negative effects on access, traffic circulation, emergency service protection or any other benefit derived from the public right-of-way, publicly owned land or PartitiOn or Subdivision Plat. ARTICLE 11, VARIANCES 11.013 APPLICABILITY. The Variance provisions apply: (l )To buildings, structures and lots/parcels; The vanance provIsions of the city code do not apply to the vacatIOn of streets The vacation cnteria refer speCifically to the street conectlVlty and block length standards Respectfully submitted to the City, Scott E. Olson, P.E. 1127 B Street 16 Of 16 Date Received: t/;'1/u,tJ 1 Planner: AL I / 4-16 , ~ Submittal to the Record City of Springfield Street Vacation Request Case No. LRP 2007-00019 Testimony in opposition June 12, 2007 I L) T7" ~~,1 lJ'};: D r'- rt4 -" ,\, . ,jUN 1 2 2007 BY:--- t1 GV( ~ Submitted by: Scott E. Olson, P.E. 1127 B Street Springfield Oregon I have been Involved with the planning and development of !rye urban form for more than 30 years I feel privileged to live and work within SIX blocks of Spnngfield's CIty Hall I am attracted here In part by the potential we have to make Springfield even better th~n it already is. The fact that our street gnd is stili largely intact IS essential to my feelings about this area and its Mure We are consldenng development of a Justice Center in a highly sensitive lOCation at the Interface between our prized historical neighborhood, the town's commercial center and the Willamette River We can not create new hlstoncal town centers. The ones we have are special places and deserve careful consideration of any plans to significantly change their character. The street gnd and open public ways are the underlYing fabric from which we create the sense of place and vitality we seek. Achieving the kind of place we deSire requires that we carefully consider both what activities we place there and how those activitIes are located and interrelated with each other. Success demands both the nght mix of functions and the right facilities. In fact It is our insistence upon developing a compatible mix of activities and their Interrelationships that must gUIde the decision making process. We must not compromise the larger area for the functionality of any single element. If a function can not be made to fit within the larger context of the area, then It belongs in a different place Our land use planmng process requires that we work our way down from macro broad state WIde goals, down to comprehenSIVe plan polICIes, to development refinement plans, and finally site Specific developments. This is the context In whIch we must proceed with all new development proposals. I believe this is particularly true when we are working on the development of a public facility codes, " It seems to me that the Justice Center planmng has somehow become reversed and is asking us hON we need to modify our planning framework to accommodate the project instead of how can the project be developed to fit the area's plans. I am disappointed that the city has steadfastly refused to consider any altematives during the project development process which considered tradeoffs In the functional and space program wrth the associated ~ite constraints. Placement of a lower cost anCillary budding Within a street nght of way IS an example. I do not see how thIS project can be made feasible at the selected site unless the elements that have been lumped Into the building program can be open to diSCUSSion and reconSideration. ATTACHMENT Date Received: Planner: AL t/FI/~67 - / I 5-1 .. When considenng the srting of a JustJce center In downtown Spnngfield we should ask two questions; 1) How does Including this activity contnbute to the desired vrtallty of the area? And 2) How does the facility contribute to our overall sense of place? If thiS project reqUires a three block area WIthout intervening streets then we are looking In the wrong place. I am totally convinced that we are far better off dOing nothing in thiS situation then we are to proceed with the wrong project. If the functional demands of a jusbce center can not fit harmOniOUsly within the reqUirements for a healthy town center and preserve the integnty of our public ways and spaces, then it simply needs to be located elsewhere If concessions need to be made they should to be in the functional requirements of the new facility, not the function of the neighborhood and greater community This area IS evolving and the nght things will happen if we are patient and responsive when opportunity presents Its self. We may have an opportunity before us now We must not be short sited and sacrifice the integnty of the greater community to accommodate the Inflexible requirements of city staff. The public has very narrowly supported the project In bOth bond and jail operabons elecbons The projects approval can hardly be conSidered a mandate to ignore our land use polICY and give the police anything they ask for including a collector street so they can park nexfto the door and store paper records and stolen bICYcles In what IS now the city street - I along WIth many others worry that our local efforts to solve what has become a cnsis in the Lane County criminal JUstice system may be confounding the problems and aggravating a more holistic regional solution. I wonder how many others of the 53% of voters that supported the bond mE:asure were unaware as I was that the new jail would not do anything with the felony offenders accountJng for 85% of Spnngfield's 2004 charges The felony criminals will contJnue through the Lane County revolving door while Spnngfield locks up the misdemeanor offenders. How many of ITrf neighbors understood that the closed 31ll floor of the Lane County Jail is empty and available for 100 additional jail beds if we can only find a way to staff It. I believe It IS past time for the CIty to proVIde Its police and court with decent facilities. I also believe that those activrtJes could contnbute to the vitality of the downtown if sited with sensitMty to the requirements of the larger community and neighborhood. If the JustJce Center IS to be built In the downtown area, we need to find a way to have It fit In and to contnbute to the greater function of the area while respecbng the historical framework of Its public ways. If that can not be achieved, then we must locate a site better suited to the secunty and space requirements which were Imposed upon all of the altematives conSidered In the project development process The city Inappropnately presumed In the development of the preliminary planning and cost estimating that the street right of ways were available for incorporating Into the new Justice Center FaCIlity The fact that the pOSSibility of street closures was mentioned In the ballot measure does not have any meaning In the context of the land use approval for thiS project, or exempt the City from adhenng to their own land use poliCies and code reqUirements. The police chIef has testified that plan to bUild across B Street was based upon the lower cost to build Into the street. ' Twelve years ago the City Improved B Street at a cost of $875,000 The improvements to the collector street were paid for With federal funds If B Street IS severed from the arterial at B Street Vacation, Testimony Opposing Scott E Olson, P E Date Received: Planner: AL 2 ~r001 5-2 . Pioneer Parkway, immediately adjacent to the proposed street closure, B Street will no longer function as a collector As a local street, the improvements would not have been eligible for the federal investment m the street improvements. The value of B Street both In terms of Improvements and function has not been considered in city decisions to pursue the street closure. The value of the investment the public made in improving B Street in 2007 construction costs is over $1.2 million. It has been suggested that the city could be obligated to repay the federal govemment if the street IS Indeed closed. The City contracted for a traffic study of the Impacts of the proposed closure of B Street. The study is appropriately focused on the capacity of the adjacent streets to absorb the diverted traffic. Street capacIty has never been the issue related to the closure of B Street. A local street and a collector can and often do look the same. Two travel lanes With parking on both sides of the street. The ability of A and or C Streets to handle the increased traffic should never have been questioned The issue is about the function of the streets, and maintaining the effectiveness of the collector and arterial street system which has been designed to accommodate through travel as opposed to access to abuttmg property as local streets do Further, the street gnd IS almost entirely mtact in this area of Springfield. No other neighborhood has developed the degree of street connectivity as exists in this histoncal core of the Springfield community. The traditional street system has become increasingly valued by urban planners as we struggle With how to reduce our impacts on greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. Closure of B Street in a Nodal Development Overlay Zone which emphasizes pedestrian and bicycle mobility is clearly moving In the wrong direction and is inconsistent with all of the adopted land use policy in the City of Springfield. The City approved a zone change from Mixed Use Commercial/Nodal Development to Public' Land and Open Space/Nodal Development because a Justice Center IS not listed in the MUC/NDO Dlstnct. None of the staff reports reviewing the projects history have mentioned the fact that several months pnor to making the zone change application the city added Justice Centers as an allowed use in the PLO/NDO zone. The project was not an allowed use at the site at the time the City asked voters to fund the proJect. The City has failed to appropriately provide for public involvement in a meaningful way throughout the planning process A Citizen adVISOry committee, (CAC) was formed "to provide input throughout the design process In regard to outward design of the faCility and its relationship to downtown Springfield". I volunteered for the CAC and dunng my interview for the position I Informed the City council of my opinion WIth respect to the street closure and mdlcated a desire to work on appropriate alternatives. City staff and their consultant developed a Functional and Space Program prior to formation of the CAC The draft document was presented to the CAe However the committee was told It was for their mformation only and they would have no input on the contents of the space program The Functional and Space Program was adopted by the City council Without public hearing or any changes to the consultant's recommendations The public was not proVided any opportUnity to participate In what was being Included in the project. Later In the process every alternative considered Incorporated all of the elements of the space program. Ultimately all of the alternatives exceeded the project available funds but the closure of B Street was the lowest cost alternative considered. That alternative was supported by a majonty of the CAC and ultimately adopted by the city councIl. 8 Street Vacabon, Testimony Opposing Scott E Olson, P E 3 Date Received: t/;f/.2PDJ Planner: AL / / 5-3 ~ No attempt was ever made to develop an alternative that was within the available funds and respected the land use reqUirement for new development in this zone including the closure of streets City staff has orchestrated a planmng process from the very beginnings of this project In which no meanmgful consideration has been given to alternatives to closing B Street. This effort has resulted in a failure to comply with Goal 1 requirements for the entire Justice Center Planning process. Staff has consistently refused to even discuss alternatives to closmg B Street and steadfastly argues, often In absurd ways why the street should be closed. In last weeks hearing the police chief stated more than once that If officers responding to an emergency must cross the street to reach their vehicles, ultimately one IS gOing to be so distracted with responding that they will run In front of a car and be hit. One must question the wisdom of such statements when we are trusting that same Individual to get in a police crUiser and dnve 50 miles per hour down my residential street and appropnately handle deadly weapons. Such arguments demonstrate the desperation with which supportIng arguments for the street closure have been constructed. . Other absurd arguments have been constructed throughout the planning process On at least two separate occasions suggestions to construct a pedestnan over-crossing of B Street have been rebuffed by police statements that such a faCility would be vulnerable to driving under it with a bomb. We also need secure parking for the police to prevent keying of their personal vehicles or slashing tires which hardly seem to justify sacnficing the functionality of a million dollar collector street. Arguments about police response times seem equally absurd from my perspective. Statements about the need to evacuate inmates to the secure parking area in B Street are inconsistent with what the CAC was told about jail evacuations. The secure parking area is adjacent to the Police Courts bUilding not the Jail on the opposite side of the block from B Street. The need for thiS function in B Street IS not part of the Functional and Space Program and IS not the pnmary evacuation plan. The city has modified the code critena for a street vacation in an attempt to avoid the inconsistency with thiS project and the adopted land use policy The critena tailored specifically to get thiS project around the land use policy, Impediments to desired street closure are not grounded m any adopted land use policy and are vague and misleading m the intent Ensurmg that the vacated property Will remain In public ownership Inappropnately assumes that the public Interest IS better served by maXimiZing public property ownership of opposed to protecting the publics legitimate Interests the function of the nght of way Technically the public does not own the right of way, but has an interest In the use for street purposes' The City can not ensure continues public ownership because it does not own the property until it IS vacated. Once vacated there is no way of preventing future city councils from selling the property to a pnvate party Substituting pedestnan and bicycle connection cntena from the states OAR, the minimum required anywhere in the entire state for the specifics of the local Comprehensive Plan, Transportation System Plan, Refinement Plans, Zomng ReqUirements and other local code requirements IS an obVIOUS attempt to aVOid compiling with the local adopted policy and code reqUirements Additionally staffs findings that adding 46% to the length of the deSirable X mile pedestrran tnp length IS not consistent with accepted pedestnan planmng pnnciples B Street Vacation, Testimony Opposing Scott E Olson, P E 4 Date Received: Planner: AL ,Jf/PJIJ7 / / 5-4 , ~ Further "Whether a greater public b~nefit would be obtained from the vacation than from retaining the right-of-way In Its present status" lacks any cnterla or measures grounded in.any adopted public policy and are purposefully vague and amorphous It IS clearly a relatively crude attempt to avoid complYing with the land use policies of the city. The street vacation can not meet any of the three cnteria previously established in the code. The City'S process has attempted to skirt or bypass addressing the street closure inconsistency with the Comprehensive Plan, the Transportation System Plan, the Zoning District, the Nodal Development Overlay, and the Code Cntena. The cntena related to the street closure have not been addressed during the zone change, the discretionary use approval, the site review, and now the street vacation. Somewhere in the approval process the city must confront these Issues There IS no variance that makes these policies go away The city staff has the hierarchy of the project planning cntena reversed. The community has planned for the development desired In the downtown area. Those plans are embodied In the adopted public policy documents. The approach to this project has been how we can change the code to accommodate everything the pohce are asking for instead of how we can build consistent With our community plan and vision. We can have both a jail and a livable community This project must conform to block and connectIVIty standards. Particularly since this IS a Nodal Development Overlay zone which relies on enhanced connectivity and pedestrian and bicycle mobility. B Street Vacation, Testimony Opposing Scott E Olson, P E ~ate ~eceived: , ::'1 t ~.. -\ 5-5 5 ;/;jJfio I ~ MEMORANDUM CitY of Springfield To: Andy Limbird, Planner n From: Jim Polston, Assistant Project Manager Date: June 11,2007 Subject: Sidewalk in the alley north ofB Street / r As a result of the request from the Planning Commission meeting of June 5th, I have looked into the effects of installing a sidewalk in the alley north of the secure parking area of the Justice Center The request was to install a three foot wide walkway along the alley to make pedestrian travel quicker and safer at this mid-block location. A three foot walk IS acceptable under the Americans with Disabilities Act as long as a five foot wide passing lane is incorporated at least every two hundred feet. This could be accommodated in this area; however there are other factors to conSIder prior to requmng_a walk in this area. 1. If the sidewalk is mstalled within the alley nght-of-way it will give vehicles less space to maneuver making the alley less safe for them, while offering only limited protectIon to the pedestrIan, unless the sidewalk is raised behind a curb. 2. The sidewalk (whether in the R-O-W or not) would likely need to be installed on the south side of the alley because existmg conditions on the north SIde, such as poles, fences and driveways would make construction along the north side problematic 3. The CIty of Springfield Engineering Design Standards calls for the minimum sidewalk width to be five feet. While it does not specifically mention SIdewalks along alleys, sidewalks along residential and cul-de-sac streets are to be five feet mmimum. 4. The Springfield Development Code requires a five foot WIde landscape setback along the north side of the Justice Center ProJect. If this sidewalk IS installed m the alley one of two problems occurs. A. If the sidewalk is to be included m the landscape buffer then It reduces size of the plantmg area whIch creates conflicts between code sections, impacts the survival of the landscape plantmgs by reducing planting area and creates opportunities for tree roots to damage pavement. B. If the SIdewalk IS installed between the alley and the landscape buffer then the secure parking lot would have to be redesigned. It appears that to accommodate tills situation the secure lot , would lose at least six parking spaces. It would also elimmate open space currently reserved for the expanSIOn of space m the ancIllary buildmg lost during value engmeering. . 4. The SIdewalk would have to be built behmd a curb or to road speCIfications or vehicle traffic would damage the SIdewalk not deSIgned for vehicle traffic In discussing this WIth the Engmeering and Traffic Divisions of Public Works it was suggested that allowing pedestrIans and bicycles to use the alley without a sidewalk is an acceptable solution, because most., if not all, alleys currently have this type of shared use. Also the pavement width in the alley IS sufficient for shared use. The alley IS a low speed area, by ordinance, and that mixing uses in thIS situation should not be a problem here because It has not been a problem m other locatIOns. In thIS case the design of the secure parking lot also ehmmates several ingress/egress points to the alley greatly reducmg the amount of traffic that access the alley Finally the street-side SIdewalk system in the area wIll be unmterrupted throughout the area givmg people the option to detour to A or C Streets If they do not feel safe shanng the alley As a result it is my recommendation to leave the deSIgn as is and allow pedestrians and vehicles share the alley for mid-block access, without a SIdewalk, should they choose to do so. ATTACHMENT Date Received:$9.luo7 Planner: AL 1 - 6-1 IlL I -.' \ . WHITE S1RIPING (TYP.) I I I I I I L...::::::;:::: "" '" ~ o o ~' ----_: . - .-. --=.~ - - - -- --- ----="-. SiD AI: P\IM'T f5\ Sill I:ONC. {2"\ \e:Y L OJRS (TtP.)iCV i' _' 9-9 7 -2;-:,=r=- ~-l- ..., - - ijg ~...... ,F I ." r1 . ______1' ~<'> :11. b;i \1, <I- a I !Ul I 0<> " I all; ~ , I -'" C:c ~; ... 0 I, I I I I ''ll''1 /~II t; JI: e "I = I i2 I . ~ I ~jl Y<HI'tE SlRlPIIilG e ' I I - ~~} u :- -JI f ~ r ..,..~'I I ; =,o;@-~::;~ 1~d.cG; (2) PARKING STAtrS a:::L ~ ~ ~, . (1) tl c. STAL&. \l2Y ~ _ _ :l~ ~ T' . ,r=' Ji '''. I~ , :;3.; -- 'I", --'~ ! ,~ ~~CT:C_-TTcC::1 /. I _ - ~~ ~~ ....~ ~ : :~. .. ,tt1.FARllNr:Y4 \. -- _ 'I - ~ sm I:ONC. (2) - I CURB (T'tP.)~ . YIHl1'E. SlRlPINr: c:oNC RViDER fU\ {TfF'.J 1---.; WI WHEEl,. ST_ElPS \e:Y. ~ I ____ . 7j P.ARIONG STAUS ~ > ,* ~rH~ :_,=~;'-~Lr_"~~~r-) € ~, I ~ )<, 'Sill I:ONI: (2~i~ =___.... ~ ~ I;. iii : CURB (TW.JiE;? I -f~ I -'.:I ..,.1 Ancillary I: ~z I ~~ m I I :: ~ I <> S g: Building I . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~! Expansion ! -... \1 II -... I I 1D.5 es ~ I ~ I ~ 8 1\ \ g (---~ I , 1 '" \ ~ :- 1 - -=-::-=-~ - - i I f .~ I I !." Sill I:ONC. (z"\ - I I I Q ! OJRB (TtP) ieJI =--t . sm. I<C: PIIM'T ffi ': H ~(:rt<'} W : I TT ~' I' _--!. ---- . "" .... -+ ,8 lZl : I X ~ ~J ..-/ STIL CONC'. fi\ ..J;; / CURB (:NP.)ieY - J1 ~ CR~SSHATCH(i~ li) A.. -'\...c:r-..~a.. :"' ,,,:"rr"", [~I~ G~ =-~ Y~__~:~t::_-~--- . SAWCU /33+62. ~ /~~ST. 33+57 / y. 33+62. t :l---4 "., - " Q '" - i J ~\. By moving the landscape buffer to the south by five feet all other dimensions WIthin the lot must also be moved south by five feet. The dark line on the drawing above, represents a critical area, which when moved south will cause the parking spaces along it to be narrowed below a useable size and therefore must be eliminated. Also note that while we anticipated losing a few spaces when we expand the ancillary building, the shift caused by the sidewalk will impact the size of the building as well. Date Received: Planner: AL 6/1'1/ 2fJC7 / I 6-2 -.I I --" )> -4 -4 )> () I ~ m z -4 ~:; 0 (~ m i2ro mAJ -'ro o ~ (l) .J.> _. r-< CD 0.. ,,~ ~ ,,~ t ~ II> PROPOSED STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION PORTION OF B STREET BETWEEN 4TH STREET AND PIONEER PARKWAY EAST CASE LRP2007-00019 SUBJ ECT AREA Spl1/1gfield, OR , \ , , !' ~ - ',' -I I , " :i k. ;1 /, <', J . } ~..,. ~~ ^ g ::ip,.:<J.'d(, ;.",,':; ii.. \,1,,;. .,..f~11''''1' -,I' (, I '-~..: t.~,,~~'~,I~ ""'i. : I l";~jj17';;~i':L q .; , , f' ,. '_,. ,;---:;,;": <'i' , i ,: <H :'1 , .'- j~~' "':-..! -/ ~ -' ~^,r ~O'J ~ ,.9- ~ ~ d I - l " t t' ~ ~ \ \. -'._ ~ I A , 1 .'(\ , .""..(,,~ ..__-- I '<I ~~.;."'-'~" ~' "~-lt,, ". \'~ '1~'-"'1 f...... ..' "'~ . :, . ~~\,:. ..., " I' ....: . _ I ,,' #'\ ',. ; !',: '", 'I!r~ '" ,., :,\~' '~" ",' :" .~v'j'.(' ,,' " I ...., . l;!',x',,'t. 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May, 2007 Date Received: Planner: AL t//?/;ltJt'J7 I / .. '" .. PROPOSED STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION PORTION OF B STREET BETWEEN 4TH STREET AND PIONEER PARKWAY EAST CASE LRP2007-00019 SUBJ ECT SITE Spnngfield, OR __" ........J.. l..-..___ _ ..___A_____ _ "-- ------ --~- I ,--- --- --. ---; --- ------ --;- --- ---. . - - .--.- -- 17-03:35-24 , 13900 14000 14100 14300 264 00' I ~-- -- ----_._- ~--" - -~' ,N (0 It) <0 SITE en co (0 (0 B STREET I- en ~ ill >- ~ 5: ~ a::: ~ a.. a::: ill ill Z o a.. 264.00' 1800 1700 1600 1500 1900 17 -03-35-31 I- en I I- ~ , i------- _'k~""__ ---~-----~ -___ i A STREET +--_.. ~~~ Thin! are no \t arrannes lhOJ acconpanl' thIS product Users W"SJ~me ai' rerpon.nblllo for anI' loss or damage IJrlSl ng finmam error omLWtJn fT p1SIIWnalmaCalraCyo!lhlSproducl o 50 100 Feet , May 2007 Date Received: ff~? P'anner: AL ;- 7-3 .. " .. PROPOSED STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION PORTION OF B STREET BETWEEN 4TH STREET AND PIONEER PARKWAY EAST CASE LRP2007 -00019 SUBJ ECT SITE Springfield, OR ___ ...__ ...~_ "YA_ __ ~_~ _1...~~ ___ ~----- ~ ;_ ~M~~ _ _~_-; 17-03-35-24 13900 14000 14100 14300 i' 264 00' ------~------ ~ . ..--. ..-----.J--;;;;;,;;g.----.---- ---- .-------.-.----.-----------. en , ~ --m-.-.---.----.--.____j.~~~~..__..____~_~~_~~~:m.____m_______ i B STREET I- CI) <{ w >- <{ ~ ~ a::: <{ c... a::: w w Z o c... 264.00' 1800 1700 1600 1500 - -+- ~ ~"'-__ ___ ____AA I- CI) I I- "<t 1000 17 -03-35-31 A STREET -- .._, ---. - -.- -- I . . ~~ There an! no'" omzntJeS thai QC('f)1Tpom thiS product ~er$ assumea/J responslbd,n jor ani loss or damage OrtSl ng Jromanl'l'Trof onlwron IT fDSluonal InOCOlrQC\ of/hIS product o 50 100 Feet 1 May 2007 Date Received: 6/!L1./;,oL Planner: AL 7 7-4 ~LJI ~L '1 _IL I~__ I ~ /c=J~~l_ ;/1 I I ~ ~I \I ~I';I ,L.,. ~J ~---1~~ ~!'~- ~-n I'~ . -'Tl---LJ - ) . ~'=/r= ~I, ....... I ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ (J) 0 I I- :2 :x: I- en ('\ I- 0 T'"" " m N N IB: STREET OVERVIEW (lj'1 "~, r JH(/)~' " IL....! 1-1 . ~ li; n! v: (/) I- co ~\~:'~I ir ~.[~~.~~ \ --{I' i' I I I .c_ JL r I I I JLr If It If'; L_ _~ II 1')1 'd" el II 1 ffi '1 -11 _ _ ,c- I ' '1 II ~ ~~Il -I~r ~r ~J: ~:H_ _--'! ~.II ." ".: " j\ 1 ~ II "11 t1 , r II 11'- .. ~r'~ \\ -l =4' 1~-:1 I ,i _U-,-=II l-Bm'REC'i__::n ," " ~ \1 LJ=:JI 1 I I, IlJ L _ 'C W\ 1--11l :=JI- - '1 I I I~- 'l ( J \ Ir-:~ .--J'-=:J I L , , e - ": II II=;J!-rlsJ::JI' i~~ 8 f ~ vm~~~! S-JL~ r::L ~ ~ --~/;"-~ ~ LJ PRL--- I I~ --u I ~~ 51 -~I -,I .. s I L 6117 83 Feet (1.16 miles) G:. -7?:: ~"7" Uale N8CeIVi9l1. .,?",r y -- --L~ Planner: AL .. r t I t: I I- <0 =0 -' '\ -~~"II.[ ~ ~lJ . - " 1-' (J) iE: <0 (J) J .. / 11"=. o 250 500 Feet .,. ~ - BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL CASE NO. LRP2007-00019 NATURE OF THE APPLICATION Vacation of a one-block segment of B Street located between 4th Street and PIOneer Parkway East. 1. On May 7, 2007, the Springfield CIty CounCIl IllltIated the vacatIon actIon in accordance WIth Spnngfield Development Code 9 060(3)(a), Planrung Case No. LRP2007-00019 - CIty of Springfield PolIce Department, applIcant. 2. The applIcatIon was'mItIated in accordance WIth Section 3.050 of the Spnngfield Development Code. TImely and suffiCIent notIce of publIc heanng, pursuant to SectIons 14.030 and 9 050 of the Spnngfield Development Code, has been provided. 3. On June 5, 2007, a public heanng on the vacatIon request was held and the wntten record for submIttal of publIc teshmony was held open to June 12, 2007. The Development ServIces Department staff notes and recommendatIon together with the testImony and submIttals of the persons testIfymg at that hearmg have been conSIdered and are part of the record of thIS proceedmg. CONCLUSION Based on thIS record, the requested vacatIon applIcatIOn IS conSIstent WIth the cntena of SDC 9.030. ThIs general findmg is supported by the speCIfic findmgs of fact and conclUSIOn m Attachment A, VacatIon Staff Report. RECOMMENDATION The Planlllng CommIssion hereby recommends the CIty CounCIl approve the vacatIon request at a publIc heanng ATTEST Planrung Commission Chairperson AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABST AIN: ATTACHMENT Oa({;l f'(dCeived: Planner: AL t/;9.~7 / j"'" 8-1