HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ENG 9/21/2006 \ ~ Page I of2 I , J!\J. \ "I . I I '\ '"1 L1MBIRD Andrew From: Scott [scott@branchenglneerlng com] Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 1 56 PM To: L1MBIRD Andrew Subject: RE Justice Center B Street Vacation Andy, Thanks for the reply Your response to my request IS fully adequate I anticipated that the city would walt for the election prior to proceeding wlth'the street vacation - Scott E Olson, P E Branch Engineering, Inc 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-746-0637 From: UMBIRD Andrew [mallto:ahmblrd@C1.spnngfleld.or.us] Sent: September 21, 2006 1:39 PM To: Scott Subject: RE: Justice Center B Street Vacation Scott, thanks for your comments Regarding the vacation of B Street, there IS no definitive tlmeframe for this action and It Will not be presented dUring the time you are away (Oct 13 - Nov 13, 2006) Among other considerations, the City IS awaiting the outcome of the levy for municipal Jail operations that IS on the November elections ballot We already have you on record as objecting to the vacation of B Street, and are stili committed to sending a public hearing notice to you as requested I regret the oversight In not sending a notice of the site plan application to you However, the file IS available for you to examine If deSired, and a notice would have arrived at Branch Engineering I would note the site plan review only Involves the single city block containing the eXisting police and courts bUilding, commercial lease space, and the alley and parking lots No site plan approvals have been Issued that Involve the utilization of B Street or the current employee parking lot north of B Street Please be adVised the site plan review application materials were prepared and submitted by Robertson Sherwood Architects and KPFF Engineering, not staff There was only one comment received from the 300-foot notification to adjacent landowners/occupants, and It dealt With the vacation of B ,Street - which was not part of the proposed site plan Your prevIous oral and written testimony related to the vacation of B Street Will be entered In the record when any vacation application for B Street IS received and processed Your emall of September 20,2006 and thiS response also Will be entered In that record I trust thiS addresses you inquiry and please let me know If you have any questions Thanks Best Regards, Andy Llmblrd City of Spnngfleld From: Scott [mallto:scott@branchengmeering.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 20,20063:56 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Date Received:~~tI( Planner: Al 9/21/2006 l #~1 I,.... ,~ . i t I Page 2 of2 Subject: Justice Center B Street Vacation Andy, What IS the schedule for the proposed vacation of B Street? Please consider thiS a formal request to be sent notice of any land use applications associated with the Justice Center Project I was disappointed not to have received notice of the site plan review after I orally requested being put on your list following the Planning Commission hearing last spring Please send notice to my home address, 1127 B Street, Springfield, OR, 97477 I would much appreciate a response to the current schedule inquiry and an acknowledgement that I Will receive notice In the future I remain committed to appealing any decIsion to vacate the street I Will be out of the state and unreachable October 13 until November 13 If somehow the city schedules the proceedings In a way that I am unable to participate In, I request now that my prevIous oral and written testimony related to thiS Issue be entered Into the record My position and objection remains the same with additional complaint about the manner In which my testimony was inappropriately dismissed by staff In the earlier proceedings I also Intend to raise objections about the conflict of Interest In the city having the same individuals preparing applications and staff review I think the city should have referred the decIsions to a hearings officer Scott E OJson, P E Branch Engineering, Inc 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-746-0637 Date Received: ~/ ;}'/ ;)Pot Planner: AL 9/2112006