HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence CMO 7/16/2007 ~ . , , 1\1: E 1\1: 0 RAN D U~l\'l 0 ... y~~ City of Springfield To: Carole Knapelf1Pcly 'LImblr~~ Bob Duey, Dan Brown, BIll Gnle, Dave Puent, Jeny SmIth, Joe Leahy _ Amy Sowa, CIty Recorder From: Date: July 16,2007 Subject: Freedom ofInformatIOn Request Attached is a freedom of mformation request from CurtISS Greer requestmg mfornlatIon regardmg total costs related to the Spnngfield JustIce Center. I will be dIscussing this request WIth Joe Leahy, but my understandmg of the publIc records law IS that the public body (the CIty) is "not reqUIred to create a record to disclose the 'reasonmg' behmd theIr actIons". I WIll dISCUSS thIS further WIth Joe Leahy and WIll then contact each of you to see whIch of the requested records are aVaIlable and whIch you feel would need to be "created" Please return thIS information to me by Friday, July 20, 2007. If you feel there may be a delay m gettmg those documents to me by that date, please call me by Thursdav. Julv 19 bv S'OODill to let me know. Also, If It looks lIke there may be extenSIve staff tIme spent on thIS request, please let me know what the costs WIll be m retnevmg and copymg these documents [ORS 192.440(3)] Our CIty polIcy notes that the first 1;2 hour of staff tIme IS prOVIded free of charge. TIme after that IS charged at the staff person's wages plus benefits and mdrrects If you have any questIOns regardmg those charges, please let me know Once I have receIved the referenced documents, I WIll forward them to our CIty Attorney for reVIew pnor to delIvenng the documents to Mr. Greer (Attorney General's PublIc Records and Meetmgs Manual, SectIOn 5 c. Public Body PrerogatIves, ConsultatIOn WIth Legal Counsel). Thanks! Amy Cc: Gino Grimaldi D~te Received: 7/;'/20/J7 Planner: Al '/ I , , . 7/15/2007 RECEIVED JUL 1 6 2007 . , CITY OF SPRIl\lGFIELD CITY \--lECC'RDER _ Freedom of Information Request: II Due to July 14 front page Springfield Beacon. Cost to build Justice Centre amount. ("$24,000,000, DO") The entire following dollar costs must be included to obtain Cost: Time spent by staff to formulate plan to present to council to start proj ect. Time spent fOullulate paper needed to close "B" street. (Planning reports rewriting etc.) Time spent rewriting Bond title due to challenge. Time spent preparing for election. Advertising measure. Staff time spent in public meetings Architect costs Engineering costs Material costs Amount to be paid to Contractor (Is ~Pl1trfl~t left open so amount can be raised?) Indif~ft f~e~ ~rplied by finance dept Total amoun~ ~o RP P~f4 for interest on bonds Loss're borrowed bond funds and investment of funds. Bond l~terest less invested interest. (Arbitrage) Costs to move Print house business (Lease cancellation, Utility costs @ Booth Kelly) Date ~ecelvad: ~/!~/2aJ7, Planner: Al