HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/6/2008 JUN -- 6 2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision Date Received. 8ngmal Submittal. Partition Plat Pre-Submittal: I Partition Plat Submittal: , , , Subdivision Plat Pre-Submittal: 0 ISubdivision Plat Submittal: 0 , , , ,-- , Applicant Name: Nathan Keepers Phone: (541) 729-3418 Company: Address: R. Keepers Investments, LLC PO Box 703, Pleasant Hili, OR 97455 Fax: Applicant's Rep.: Pam Clark Company: Address: Olson & Morris Phone: (541) 302-9790 Fax: (541) 485-3253 380 Q Street, SUIte 200, Springfield, OR 97477 Property Owner: R. Keepers Investments, LLC Company: Phone: (541) 729-3418 Fax: Address: PO Box 703, Pleasant Hili, OR 97455 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-26-24 TAX LOT NO(S): 1100 Property Address: 1881 & 1887 2nd Street Size of Property: 27,365 Acres 0 SQuare Feet [gJ Proposed Name of Subdivision: Description of If you are filling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal description to thiS application Proposal: Partition one parcel into 2 commercial parcels Existing Use: Commercial Tentative Case #: PRE200800002 # of Lots/Parcels: 2 Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: 13,682 Si ,natures: Please sign and print our name and date In the a -.... ........ . . sf Density: 3 dujacre ro riate box on the next paqe. Ii illl ill II , ,-- , Associated Appl ications: ~.) u g ~).fu h - (-Xu'J 1:) 'I) ? Pre-Sub Case No.:' \L71t~,- blu LL Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: '-) \.;~ Z,C'l:'z.,.. (lll'L.\u Date: c.::./~ /CJ"~ Reviewed by: -\ ..~"'- Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ I -(1" \ /h PROJECT NUMBER: ,/ ,h. dIAD L'- "-{Jl~YI J ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 6 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submIttal to the City Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herein or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application With the information as submitted ThiS statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: /~~ ........--~ ~ "- /' zr::~~ ~ ~ r - <--" L-- Signature Date: c;;'lo~ Nathan R. Keepers Print Date Received: JUN - 6 2008 Original Submittal ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 6 Land Division Plat Pre-SJBmittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. o o o o o o o o o o o o D D D D Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees, are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. Land Division Plat Application Form Letter Addressing Conditions of Approval - lists and addresses each condition of approval, detailing the actions taken and current status of each Item. Nine (9) Paper Copies of the Plat stamped and signed by the surveyor. Two (2) Copies of Closure Sheets for the boundary and each lot or parcel and all common areas, dedicated areas, and easement areas that are not simple parallel offsets. Two (2) Copies of Title Report or Subdivision Guarantee for the parcel being divided. The title report must be dated Within 30 days of submittal at the time of the final submittal. An older report IS OK at the pre-submittal stage. Two (2) Copies of Each of the Reference Documents and Plats listed on the plat. Two (2) Copies of Each of the Supporting Documents - the vesting deed (must vest title to the owner listed on the plat), eXisting easement deeds, and documents listed as exceptions In the title report, etc. Two (2) Draft Copies of any street dedications. Two (2) Draft Copies of Any New Easements or Restrictions being created by separate document, improvement agreements, maintenance agreements, JOint use Ingress/egress and utility easements, sewer hook up in lieu of assessment, and any other documents that Will be recorded together With the plat or that are required by the Conditions of Approval. Two (2) Copies of a Consent Statement (Concurrence) on the plat (to be signed by the lender pnor to final approval) OR Two {2} Copies of an Affidavit of Consent by separate document is required from all Trust Deed, mortgage, or other secured loan Interest holders against the property to be recorded simultaneously with the plat IF any public dedications or easements are being made and/or any other interests are being transferred to the publiC per ORS 92.075 (2-4). Date Received: Copies of Wetland Documents as reqUired. JUN - 6 2008 Copies of ODOT Access Permits as required. Original Submitl ~~; Draft Copy of Bargain and Sale Deed for Reserve Strips - city Survei~ctlon nas a template. Verification that Street Tree Agreement is in Progress as required. Draft Copy of the' Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions {CC&Rs} as required, ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 5 of 6 D Post Monumentation ueposit as required for subdivisions only. City Survey Section has current fee schedule and templates, D Location of Any Floodways in accordance with SDC 3.3-400. D Existing Easements Clearly Identified with Their Recorded Reference. D New Easements and Reserve Strips Referenced in Owner Certificates of Dedication and Purposes of Easements Identified on Plat. NOTE: When, as part of the approval process, the application has been conditioned so that the recordation of a document IS required, the applicant shall be responsible for paying the Lane County recording fee for any such required document. Documents which may require recordation include, but are not limited to: Development Agreements; Improvement Agreements; Deed Restrictions; Fl:Jture Development Plans; Easements; Joint Use Access/ Maintenance Agreements; and Dedications of Right-of-Way. Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. fZI Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The application, technology, and postage fees, where applicable, are collected at the time of complete application submittal. fZI Land Division Plat Application Form fZI Two (2) Copies of the Deed fZI Two (2) Copies of a Title Report issued within 30 days of the date Lane County will record the plat. fZI Original Plat on Mylar with notanzed owner(s) slgnature(s) and Signed surveyor stamp. fZI Copy of the Mylar on Bond Paper fZI Original and Copy of all Required Documents with signatures where appropriate. Date Received: JUN - 6 2008 Original Submittai Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 6 of 6 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number SUB2008-00026 SUB2008-00026 Payments: Type of Payment Check cRecemtl RECEIPT #: Description CTY PartItIon Plat + 5% Technology Fee Paid By NATHAN KEEPERS C: ')f Springfield Official Receipt D". dopment Services Department Public Works Department 3200800000000000384 Date: 06/06/2008 2:55:43PM Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How ReceIVed Amount Due 2,599 00 12995 $2,728.95 Amount Paid tJ 2391 $2,72895 $2,728.95 In Person Payment Total: Date Received: JUN - 6 2008 Original Submittal Page 1 of 1 6/6/2008 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO Olson & Morns 380 Q Street, SUIte 200 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Date Received: JUN - 6 2008 Original Submittal DECLARATION OF A PRIVATE IRREVOCABLE JOINT USE AND ACCESS RECIPROCAL EASEMENT & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS DE CLARA TION made and entered into this day of , 2008, by R Keeoers Investments. LLC. an Orellon hmlted liabllltv comoanv ,heremafter called the Declarant, WHEREAS, the declarant is the record owner of the followmg descnbed real property, Parcels 1 and 2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No , 2008, ReceptIOn No . as filed and recorded . Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon FURTHER, the Declarant will create a variable width reciprocal easement and enter mto a Maintenance Agreement Said easement IS for shared access to said Parcels 1 and 2, parking lot, shared utilities and surface drainage across a portion of said Parcels 1 and 2, as shown on Exhibit "A" and bemg more particularly descnbed as follows Beginning at the Northwest corner of Parcel 2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No. as filed and recorded . 2008, ReceptIOn No , Lane County OffiCial Records; thence South 0001 '37" West 2900 feet, thence South 89058'45" East 62 03 feet, thence South 0001 '37" West 3954 feet, thence North 89058'45" East 18.27 feet, thence South 0001 '37" West 15 12 feet, thence North. 89058'45" East 133 01 feet; thence North 0001 '37" East 1640 feet; thence North 89058'45" East 15 50 feet, thence North 0001 '37" East 67.26 feet, thence South 89058'45" West 22881 feet to the Point of Begmnmg, all bemg m Sprmgfield, Lane County, Oregon Said easement contams 15,220 square feet, more or less Declarant IS developing each parcel with a medical office These offices will be served by a common parkmg lot, shared access, pedestrian walks, shared utIlitIes, and surface runoff over and across the above-descnbed parcels The maintenance of the aforementIOned shall be the responsibility of the owners of said Parcels 1 and 2 to share and share alIke, the scheduling for such maintenance to be determmed by the owners, but no less than once per year The Owners, Heirs or Assigns of said Parcels 1 and 2 shall have all nghts of mgress and egress to and from the real estate, necessary for their use, enjoyment, operation and maintenance of the easement hereby granted and all rights and prlVlleges incident thereto During the eXistence of thiS easement, maintenance of the easement and costs of repair of the easement, If damaged by natural disasters or other events for which all holders of an mterest in the easement are blameless, shall be the responsibility of both parties to share and share alike, Durmg the existence of this easement, holders of an mterest m the easement who are responsible for damages to the easement because of negligence or abnormal use shall repair the damage at their sole expense X \PROJECTS\3740 Nathan Keepers\Correspondence\Esmt ReCIprocal doc Page 1 of2 This agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of, as circumstances may reqUIre, not only the parties hereto but also their respective heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and successors 10 interest. Declarant: R. KEEPERS INVESTMENTS, LLC an Oregon lImIted lIability company =-------- Nathan Keepers, Managing Member County of Lane jn>:r-w;:;j....!ll-......_.......___ '__~-::.===;______~ j ~\ ~"_2~:'~CIAl SEAL I : ~:-~ff4 !,_.:'- 'SC;,t.P?"/jAN \ '-<:~ ./ J' \ 1,\"",; ( ?L.}'?r_IC-O!:"-::~ON ! '"- l>'," I, c:-,n triO 'l:'C.:]11 ' T'./ r"\'J!~"I~ # c' '11'- t..J JI~.. u:::!J..... I f.1. CL,"li'I""J,t, b_"1 ::S j,:OV ::;0 2009 . =:=..r.~..::::.~ _-.J~-_, n' . _ _ _ I. .. Uj g .- ~--~~~-=-_.. ".. ~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on this 2. ~ day of J ~~ . 2008, by Nathan Keepers. as Manal!ing Member of R. Keepers Investments. LLC. an Orel!on limIted liabilIty comDanv . to be hIS voluntary act and deed, on behalf ofthe company. STATE OF OREGON } }ss } ,~~J?' Notary Public My commission expires: II I .3~":/LJ)/ ~ .7 Date Received: JUN - 6 2008 Original Submittal X \PROJECTS\3740 Nathan Keepers\Correspondence\Esmt Reciprocal doc Page 2 of2 ( Z ....:-. SCALf- ,"=40' 40' 0 t.:U;-1 1"'*.1 J ~ I , v4 7~J ( ~ @ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ -~ ~~ ~kt a:~ L . . ----.~ ~ \. ~ II') ;:. ~ ~ \.~ I~" ~ ~ - EXHIBIT ':4" .""" ~ '~a ~ . ~~ 0. '~ ~ ~' \!28.9~"" I 40' J ~ y 80' l MFOl 'J7"F: 92.55' LPPN \ C~V ~~ NO"O 1 'J7"E 67.26' , 15.50'~.. N89~!!8'45"E . V. . , . 16.40 .. _. NO"OI'.J/'t. ~ ~ - .~ SW01'J7"W 9005' ~. ~.. --\ ' . ~ , SUOI'J7"W:' !ii' , ., ,~.'2'~,' ~ , N89"58'45"E,." \ '" . II127'-\" :, 39.54' SUO 1 '37" C}. C~v ~~ SUOl 'J7"W 90 OS' 2ND STREET a (:) :!: }o.I II') .... ~ ~ ( srro 1'Jrw 250' 'Q - ,.... . II') 1;:)';'- . ~~ ~. ~ :;;: )ate Recelveo JUN ~ b l008 \)ngll 'al SlJ!:Jl'rllttat }o.I ~ ~ ~ :;;: ) " ' AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO Olson & Moms 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Sprmgfield, OR 97477 DECLARATION OF A VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE UTILITY & STORMW A TER DRAINAGE EASEMENT & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made and entc:red into this day of . 2008, by R Keeoers Investments. LLC. an Oregon limited lIabllltv comoanv . hereInafter called the Declarant, WHEREAS, the declarant IS the record owner of the folloWIng described real property: Parcels 1 and 2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No. .2008, Reception No . as filed and recorded . Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon FURTHER, the Declarant will create a variable width pnvate utIlity and storm water draInage easement and enter Into a MaIntenance Agreement. Said easement IS for shared utIlItIes across a portIon of SaId Parcel 2, and stormwater dramage to a bio-swale located on said Parcel 2 for the benefit of said Parcels 1 and 2, as shown on Exhibit "A" and beIng more partIcularly described as follows Beginning at the Southwest comer of Parcel 2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No, as filed and recorded ,2008, Reception No . Lane County Official Records; thence along the Southerly boundary of said Parcel 2, North 89058'45" East 80JO feet, thence leavIng said Southerly boundary, North 0001 '37" East 6 39 feet, thence North 89058'45" East 3650 feet to a point on the Westerly boundary of Parcel 1 of SaId LPPN thence along saId Westerly boundary, North 0001 '37" East 5.00 feet, thence leavIng said Westerly boundary, South 89058'45" West 3650 feet; thence North 0001 '37" East 3 56 feet, thence North 38037'02" East 14 87 feet, thence North 89058'45" East 27 23 feet to a point on the Westerly boundary of SaId Parcell; thence along said Westerly boundary, North 0001 '37" East 5.00 feet, thence leaving said Westerly boundary, South 89058'45" West 29.63 feet, thence South 38037'02" West 2439 feet, thence South 89058'45" West 51.53 feet, thence North 52020'20" West 588 feet, thence North 0001 '37" East 4806 feet, thence North 89058'45" East 101.04 feet to a point on the Westerly boundary of said Parcell, thence along said Westerly boundary, North 0001 '37" East 700 feet, thence leaving said Westerly boundary, South 89058'45" West 11680 feet to a pOInt on the Easterly right-of-way of 2nd Street, said point being 30 00 feet, when measured at right angles, from the centerlIne thereof; thence along SaId Easterly nght-of-way, South 0001 '37" West 71,16 feet to the POInt of Beginning, all beIng In Spnngfield, Lane County, Oregon Said easement contains 3,078 square feet, more or less Date Received: JUN ~ 6 2008 Original Submittal X \PROJECTS\3740 Nathan KeeperslCorrespondence\Esmt Uttllty doc Page 1 of 4 "0 Q) co .2= C) 8 ~ CD Q) 0 0::: :z: Q) :::> ...... ~ ro 0 The water quality swale is a planted or grassed open channel that traps pollutants by filtering and slowing flows, allowmg particles to settle out Said swale is located on said Parcel 2 and wIll be the responsibility of the owners of both Parcels 1 and 2 to share and share alike, The swale should drain within 48 hours of a storm event. All facilIty components, vegetation, and source controls shall be inspected for proper operations and structural stability, at a minimum, quarterly for the first 2 years from the date of installatIOn, 2 tImes per year thereafter, and within 48 hours after each major storm event. The facility owner must keep a log, recording all inspection dates, observatIOns, and maintenance activities, The following items shall be inspected and mamtained as stated. Swale Inlet (such as curb cuts or pipes) shall maintain a calm flow of water entering the swale. . Source of erosion shall be IdentIfied and controlled when native soil is exposed or erosion channels are forming. ~ 'e .Q ::J (/) . Sediment accumulation shall be hand-removed with mmImum damage to vegetation using proper erOSIon control measures. SedIment shall be removed If it is more than 4" thick or so thick as to damage or kill vegetatIOn, . Inlet shall be cleared when conveyance capacity is plugged Sources of sediment and debris shall be identIfied and corrected ro c · Rock splash pads shall be replenished to prevent erosion. "0 ;;: CBide Slopes shall be maintained to prevent erosion that introduces sedIment into the swale . Slopes shall be stabilized and planted using appropriate erosion control measures when natIve soil IS exposed or erosion channels are forming, Swale Media shall allow stormwater to percolate uniformly through the landscape swale, If the swale does not drain within 48 hours, it shall be tilled and replanted according to design specificatIOns. . Annual or semi-annual tillmg shall be implemented if compaction or clogging contmues. , . Debris in quantities that inhibit operatIOn shall be removed routinely (e.g., no less than quarterly), or upon discovery. Swale Outlet shall mamtain sheet flow of water exitmg swale unless a collection drain IS used, Source of erosion damage shall be identified and controlled when natIve soIl is exposed or erosion channels are forming. . Outlets such as drains and overland flow paths shall be cleared when 50% of the conveyance capacity is plugged, . Sources of sediment and debris shall be identified and corrected. Vegetation shall be healthy and dense enough to provide filtering while protecting underlying soils from erosion. Mulch shall be replenished as needed to ensure survival of vegetation. . VegetatIon, large shrubs or trees that interfere with landscape swale operation shall be pruned. . Fallen leaves and debris from decIduous plant foliage shall be removed X \PROJECTS\3740 Nathan Keepers\Correspondence\Esmt Utility doc Page 2 of 4 " . Grassy swales shall be mowed to keep grass 4" to 9" m height. . Nuisance and prohibIted vegetatIon from the Portland Plant List (such as blackberries and EnglIsh Ivy) shall be removed when dIscovered, Invasive vegetation contnbuting up to 25% of vegetation of all species shall be removed and replaced. . Dead vegetation and woody material shall be removed to maintain less than 10% of area coverage or when swale function is Impaired VegetatIon shall be replaced within 3 months, or immediately If required to maintam cover densIty and control erosion where soils are exposed Spill Prevention measures shall be exercised when handlIng substances that contammate stormwater Releases of pollutants shall be corrected as soon as identIfied Access to the swale shall be safe and efficient. Egress and ingress routes shall be maintained to desIgn standards. Roadways shall be maintamed to accommodate sIze and weight of vehIcles, If applicable . Obstacles preventmg maintenance personnel and/or equipment access to the swale shall be removed . Gravel or ground cover shall be added if erosIOn occurs, e g., due to vehIcular or pedestrian traffic. Insects & Rodents shall not be harbored m the swale. Pest control measures shall be taken when insects/rodents are found to be present . If sprays are considered, then a mosqUIto larvlclde, such as Bacillus thurendensis or Altoslde formulations can be applIed only If absolutely necessary, and only by a lIcensed mdivldual or contractor . Holes in the ground located in and around the swale shall be filled The Owners, HeIrs or Assigns of saId Parcels 1 and 2 shall have all nght~ of ingress and egress to and from the real estate, necessary for their use, enjoyment, operation and mamtenance of the easement hereby granted and all nghts and prIVIleges mcident thereto. During the eXIstence of this easement, mamtenance of the easement arid costs of repaIr of the easement, if damaged by natural disasters or other events for whIch all holders of an interest in the easement are blameless, shall be the responsibilIty of both parties to share and share alIke During the existence of thIS easement, holders of an mterest in the easement who are responsible for damages to the easement because of neglIgence or abnormal use shall repair the damage at their sole expense. This agreement shall bmd and inure to the benefit of, as circumstances may require, not only the partIes hereto but also theIr respectlve helrs, executors, admmlstrators, assigns, and successors in mterest Date Received: JUN - 6 2008 X \PROJECTS\3740 Nathan Keepers\Correspondence\Esmt Utility doc Original Submittai Page 3 of4 I~ Declarant: R. KEEPERS INVESTMENTS, LLC an Oregon limited lIabilIty company ',)I.' ~ -~..._"-.':3. ~:__"_'. ., I to'/.; ,J,. 0FFICIALSEAl I. 1<" , !r"'~ I I~:' ,;' L",',>:: I ,A S CHAPMAN . STATEOFOREGON } J ~,:/ r<).:,-,RY~U<;UC-OREGON i ";',...",, .,;~,', .,11S:iIOrJ rw 399211 County of Lane ~ss L~~~J'~~:~;ON E(PI~~S N~~_~~~~~~_, This instrument was acknowledged before me on this _2 ~ day of .} b..-Yl L:J _ ,2008, by Nathan Keeoers . as Mana!!inll Member _ of R Keeoers Investments. LLC. an Ore!!on lImited liability comoanv . to be his voluntary act and deed, on behalf of the company. ~;.1~~J~~ NotaryPubhc /' My commission expires' ) 1/ J O/L'? 9- /' Date Received: JUN - 6 2008 Original submittal X \PROJECTS\3740 Nathan Keepers\Correspondence\Esmt UtIlity doc Page 4 of 4 .. EX1l11JIT ':4 II LPPN rt\ ~, NO'Of 'J7't 90.05' M M M\ . I ~ I. I I. J ~ i 2 8 . 181 181~ ~ " ~ ~~IIIiI~ '1Ii1"" cO ccs ..: , , cO - ~ Ri' ' - - - a ~I ,~ - - - ~ I ' I I , ,~ I I I 11 l '-, <,r I II ' , I LlNE TABLE , , , V__ , , '-J liNE BEARING LENGTH ~~,r , 1.J L1 L1 SO'O 1 ~7"W 6.39' ~ml ~~. " L2 589'58'45"W 36.50' It! ~~ ') 1.J 50'01 ~7"W 3.56' L4 NJ8"37'02t: 14.87' J;II ~~ . L5 589'58'45"W 27.23' ~ ..: ~, ll) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rg ~ ~ ~ N52"20'20"W ~ 5.88' it: ~ NO'O,':J1't 48.06' ~ A-u ~ ~ ~ ~ L_______________ ; ~ ~ 71.16' SQ'Of'J7't1 90.05' (z -:.. 2ND STREET SCALE: 1"=20' 3> u~ne Rel;t;:i,/i;j: l 20' 0 ~ I "J t , I 20' I 40' I JUN '-' 6 2008 Original tiUtJnilSUaL. After recordmg to Olson & Morris 380 Q Street, SUIte 200 Springfield;OR 97477 CONCURRENCE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Llbertybank, IS the beneficiary m the amount of $1,308,00000 to property referred to in a certain Lme of Credit Instrument, recorded September 26,2007, Reception No 2007-066855, Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon FURTHER, said property is being partitioned according to Oregon Revised Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, Llbertybank, hereby gives its consent and concurrence to the partltIomng of said property, '1t Dated this ?", Yday of Mtw .2008. LIBERTYBANK e i\AN1NW \u1 ( fu By Da L~ Klith/!;Ubt (Prmt name) . Title: &rMmJjtjJJ~~ Ib/ ~~ Date Received: JUN ~ 6 2008 Original Submittai State of-!t1f/frJ County of -/IIJ-f ) )ss ) ._.~~.~~,...~ OFF;CiALSEAL --"':>~....,~ KRISTEN D THRASHER *' NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON }/ COMMISSION NO 414318 ' _ MY COMMISSION EXPIP~S r-Ef:J ILl - , - -...:..::::-..---:..----....J:.~.........ca""c.~1li~.n~.~ pytonallY appeare e on this!J1 day of ~, . /! .' . 2008, j; 'tZfJf1/bt, V : astllmM/<<f/ fr4l/l11fj 1f,ttUof Llbertvbank . and acknowledge thIS mstrument to be hIs/her voluntary act and dee behalf of the company. .~~M~~) ~;;:bliC of Oregon I. My commISSIOn expIres:!iI?J ".?t5 / / -- X \PROJECTS\3740 Nathan Keepers\Correspondence\CONCURRENCE doc Pi l~ \\J I )-- After Recording Return 1 0 FITSt Amencan TItle POBox 10146 Eugene, OR 97440 DIvIsion of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds ~nd Records 2~~~.O~o~~2 $36.00 I 'I ,\ \1 F. Ie I ~ ... '< .,- :.>-<:.; ~07515~9200~00868020030033 10/31/2005 01:23:26 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln=5 CRSHIER 04 $15,00 $11.00 $10,00 After recording return to: R, Keepers Investments, llC Until a change IS requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: R. Keepers Investments, llC PO Box 703 Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 File No: 7191-682996 (BJF) Date: October 28, 2005 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED The Shari R. Hiatt living Trust, Shari R. Hiatt, trustee, Grantor, conveys and warrants to R. Keepers Investments, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, Grantee, the following deSCrIbed real property free of hens and encumbrances, except as speCifically set forth herem: See legal DeScription attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference mcorporated herem, This property is free from liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT: 1. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements, If any, affecting title, which may appear in the public record, includmg those shown'on any recorded plat or survey, THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPliCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE illLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930, The true conSideration for thiS conveyance is $280,000.00 paid to and by a qualified intermediary as pint of an IRe 1031 exchange. (Here comply With requirements of ORS 93 030) Dated thiS 61 Sf day of () tW.m JL, ,20DS , Date Received: Page 1 of 3 JUN - 6 2008 Original Submittal :' APN.0218717 Statutory Warranty Deed - conbnued File No 7191-682996 (BJF) Date' 10/28/2005 The Shari R, Hiatt LIving Trust J By:~-h#~ 1? ~ (~ JE l · Shari R, Hiatt Trustee ) )ss, County of Lane ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on thls:--3~ day of 0C::fD~ . 2005 by Shari R. Hiatt as Trustee of The Shan ~. Hiatt living T ~ 0ahr '-) STATE OF Oregon - OFFICIAL SEAL JENNIFER WAITS NOTARV PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO 369638 W COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE IS. 2007 i Notary Public for Oregon My commiSSion expires: ...- Date Received: JUN - 6 2008 '1, "}:l1al Submittal Page 2 or 3 APN 0218717 Statutory Warranty Deed - continued File No.. 7191-682996 (BJf) Date 10/28/2005 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Beginning at a point 1554.82 feet West and 30 feet North of the Southeast corner of the JACOB HALSTEAD DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 47, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Meridian; and runnmg thence North 312.50 feet to the pomt of beginning of the tract herem described; thence East 300 feet; thence North 92 5 feet; thence West 300 feet; thence South 92,5 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Beginning at a pOint 1554.82 feet West and 342.5 feet North of the Southeast corner of the JACOB HALSTEAD DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 47, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Meridian; and run thence North 2.5 feet; thence East 160.0 feet; thence South 2.5 feet; thence West 160 0 feet to the pOint of begmnlng, In Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: JUN - 6 2008 Original Submittal Page 3 or 3 SubdivIsion Guarantee Guarantee No 7199-807575 Page 1 of 3 First American First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn - (541)484-2900 Fax - (541)484-7321 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE For the Proposed Plat of: GUARANTEE NO,: 7199-807575 FEE $ 225.00 YOUR REF,: 1887 2nd Street First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon reports to The Oregon Real Estate Commission, and any County or City wlthm whIch said subdivIsion or proposed subdivIsion IS located, That, accordmg to the public records which Impart constructive notice or matters affectmg title to the premises hereInafter referred to, we find: That the last deed of record runs to: R. Keepers Investments, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company We also find the following apparent encumbrances, which Includes "Blanket Encumbrances" as defined by ORS 92,305 (1), and also easements, restnctlve covenants and nghts of way pnor to the effective date hereof: 1. The nghts of the public m and to that portion of the premises herein described lYing wlthm the limits of streets, roads and highways, 2, Easement, mcludmg terms and prOVISions contained therem: Recording Information: August 02, 1926 m Book 150, Page 149, Deed Records In Favor of: City of Eugene For. Utilities 3. Easement, mcludlng terms and proVIsions contained therem: Recordmg Information: August 26, 1937 m Book 188, Page 557, Deed Records In Favor of: City of Eugene, by and through the Eugene Water Board For: Electnc Transmission Ime Date Received: "llq ~ ~ 2008 't"w.v - First AmerICan Title r: ~ "'/r~'< :::...~:r~ ~~l>t;_________.._ ..... '- ......-. SubdiVISion Guarantee Guarantee No 7199-807575 Page 2 of 3 4, Easement, Including terms and provIsions contained therein: Recording Information' ApnI16,'2007, Reception No. 2007-025196 In Favor of: Spnngfield Utility Board For: underground electnc line 5, Improvement Agreement Including Notice of Potential Assessment Lien, including terms and provIsions thereof. Recorded: May 22,2007, Reception No, 2007-034346 6, Line of Credit Trust Deed, including the terms and provIsions thereof, given to secure an Indebtedness of up to $1,308,000.00 Grantor: R, Keepers, Investments, LlC Beneficiary: L1bertyBank Trustee: First Amencan Title Insurance Company Dated: September 24,2007 Recorded: September 26, 2007 Recording Information: 2007-066855 NOTE: Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FUll Tax Amount: $1,841.80 Map No,: 1703262401100 Property ID: 0218717 Tax Code No,: 19-00 We have also searched our General Index for Judgments and State and Federal liens against the Grantee named above and find: -NONE- The premises are In Lane County and are descnbed as follows: The land referred to In thiS report IS descnbed In Exhibit A attached hereto. THIS IS NOT A TITLE GUARANTEE since no examination has been made of the title to the above descnbed property. Our search for apparent encumbrances was limited to our Tract Indices and therefore above listings do not Include additional matters which might have been disclosed by an examination of the record title, We assume no liability In connection With thiS SubdivIsion Report and Will not be responsible for errors or omiSSions therein, Dated: May 30, 2008 First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon, Date Received: JUN - 6 2008 By: Robert Gordon, Authorized Signatory Original Submittal. RMGjRMG First American Title SubdiVISion Guarantee Guarantee No 7199-807575 Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WIlLAMETTE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 5/8" X 30" IRON ROD, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 890 58' 34" WEST 90,09 FEET AND NORTH 00 01' 37" EAST 105,87 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THREE EIGHTY Q STREET CONDOMINIUMS, AS FILED AND RECORDED APRIL 14, 2006, RECEPTION NO, 2006-025321, LANE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND BEING THE INITIAL POINT OF THIS DESCRIPTION; THENCE SOUTH 89058' 45" WEST 300,00 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF 2ND STREET, SAID POINT BEING 30,00 FEET, WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES, FROM THE CENTERLINE THEREOF; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY SOUTH 00 01' 37" WEST 90,05 FEET; THENCE lEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, NORTH 890 58' 45" EAST 160,00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0001' 37" WEST 2,50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89058' 45" EAST 140,00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0001' 37" EAST 92,55 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL BEING IN SPRINGIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, Date Received: JUN - 6 2008 Original Submittal Arst American Title CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008-00026 1881 & 1887 2nd Street Date Received: JUN - 6 2008 Original Submittal SITE Map 17-03-26-24 Tax Lot 1100 North + val For Final Plat Sublnission/Transmitt For Final Plat Submission/Transmittal Name of Plat: R. Keepers Partition (to planning) I have checked through submitted documents, and the following have been submItted: <i NOT '1('\ ,pAPa - D Mylar of plat (-and bond ~QPy fAr !>hrI.mgt.CO fy () F fV1 Y LAIL vJ (L--L (3 C- (1) Private Jomt Use and Access RecIprocal Easement PEL! ljEJL sO I (-\- IS i1! (1) Pnvate UtIltty and Stormwater Drainage Easement At: \C;/LrJO() AJ - C'UM W Concurrance (1)'/ Lf P ^" ) 3 f "^' m Current Title Report ftL A copy of each of the previous for Planmng Date Received: JUN - 6 2008 These documents are the only ones the Survey DivisIOn reqUIres for the Final J;>lat Submittal submIsSIOn and fihng, Onganal smcerelY,C[; -1Jv~lA Q City Instructions: This fonn IS to accompany the plat and the supporting documents to the PublIc Works Department of the CIty of Springfield at the tllne of final plat submittal The purpose IS primarily to notIfy the planmng office that the SurveYing DIVISIon has receIved all the documents It reqUIres for final plat submIttal County Instructions: ThIS fonn IS to accompany the plat and the supporting documents to the Lane County Surveyor's Office at the tune of final submittal for recording The purpose IS primarily to notIfy that office of whIch Items need to be recorded sImultaneously WIth the plat, but It also serves to remind the developer/surveyor that these documents need to be Included In the final submIttal package to the County Surveyor V \SURVEy\Plat Drawmg,\Cogo'd Drawmgs & Letters\PdltltlOns_on plat BOB _& revIew comments\R Keepers Investments\plat submittal transmittal doc