HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1976-5-28 :1:,1ol::1r- O.O~-,:,,"~ f'-'-'7--~-'-.- . "" '1 " ." .~"..i LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: PERMIT NO.flllt 225-76 ;. ,.. '" .- ~'11 '-~ ~;' .,t. "', .D Owner CONSTRUCTION [] MOBILE HOME Jo Ann Tucker NAME Same NAME [XX] PLAN REVIEW [ ] 1723 Mall ard CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] Eugene Oregon 747~5721 CITY ZIP CODE PHONE ADDRESS o Contraetor ADDRESS, CITY' ZIP CODE ,PHONE O.S. Reg. # Nil. Twr 17 Range 3 Gameburg Vill age Subdivision ' Section 22. 1.,2Tax Lot ,2200 Code 4-23 CenslJs Tract 21-00 Lot 1. Block 1 Acreagp . Width Access to Property (Road Name,): Mallard Pheasant. Depth ' Existing Structures on Property: Grocerv Shoo Gas Station Directions to property -.Address: 1723 Ma 11 ard EUQeme 97401 . lBe d: l!lVALUATION STRUCTURE (# BEDROOMS) Pprmit for Mohile Home .SQ, FT. ~. r';}rAt~kpr MII~tbp 'rFmP-lAred SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC [ J 'SEPTIC TANK [] OTHER [ BUILDING . PLUMBING , 3% SURCHARGF <.MOBILE HOME WASTE DISPOSAl pLAN REVIEW 1210-73 PLUMBING IN~TALLED. BY: : OWNER [] OTHER [ J 'NAMI= WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED [ J. EXISTIN.G [J [ j PUBLIC [ J COMMUNITY. NAME: :[ J PRIVATEW'ELL : [ J OTHER. SPE.CIFY' 4.00 1? ':In nn' TOTAL ~il. 1? CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & I NSPECTI()NS AND:WATER Pc\LLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: GALS MIN. DRAINFIELD L1N. FT. I MAX.TRENCHDEPTHINCHES C'_..___ [)i!:;nn~al ~v~tp.m AnnF!~r~ to hp :fllnd:ionirlo dltisfi:lctIH'ilv .at' this time. . If' li'rP;i'iffi pl (f ~hnllll fnil "rlt.'AVlV timp _ ill npmijt to - mnafv- .mm:,'!: hp - ano li pd 'for th rf.lUoh: -fhic: n-ff'irQ STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION GROUP FIREtZONE _.l)SE CLAS,SIF. SETBACKS. FT. FROM CTR. OF r!W: FRONT .1~SIDE EXT, lll:; ,FT. F.ROM PROP, LINE: '. :SIDE INT. 1;;. ,-.REAR l?IPIIP ZONI= a~T AUTHOR IZED SIGNATURES: /s/ J.' E. Boss by Full er G. ~L Gtray/sanitarian'" ISSUANCE DATE: 5/28/76 dlm BLDG. PERMIT -'WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK' , PLUMBING - CANARY, BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD Call 687.4065 to':schedule all required 'constru'ction inspeciions.~ Call 687-4061 to schedule all required IMPORTANT' septtc system tnspecttons All constructton shall comply With the State Buidling Code, D.E.a. standards '""'\ . for subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code All buildings require a certificate of /\ . occupancy befor~ betng occupied " ' , , (See Details on Reverse Side) . (POST THIS PE~MIT O~ MAIN BLD,G. AT SITE) . ~/rf;vru LANE COUNTY, DEPT ,OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT '. , COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 C55.13 . '.', ,j:. "''''J ':', ""'.. """"",..':: _,'/~~,kC" 'it-r-(---..'.:'.-,.I'.~~.<. ".j~. ~;2,/..1-s~ .' , B'U'i LU ~:N~ S ITE .Ev,~,t.~~i {O~:' '.,,, .:,' ~:I..(l '.. . ~UBD IV r~1~:'~,~ S ' TAX LOT .~trl '. ~'~oUILQ I NGPE~~H;,.~~,p~ ~ ~~i:~.~.:~"~:?;. /h IJ-- ~.2~-.... 7 b.. . ..', : >'., LOT: '. '.. BL~~K:; ( :>:, S'ITElNS'P'E'CTI ON,~';: . ""''-,> :: ,:.:.-, ',"./":, "." : APPLI CANT..':: '",,' ".> ..: '" ,,' ... : ' .."' . .' "'. ........~".... . .. DATE- .;'" PLA'NNI~G'DIVIS'ION . :.:':<'.:..."....... \"':'Not. ...~!.... ': ". ' .' '. " . . . , .' '. ..'-.' . .!..' '.,..,}, . . ~.', ',' .App 1 i'cab fe', No Yes' .: ,.Ct< I 0 BY:'. ~ . /"c1I1!a.v; 7 t . , 1..,: zonr~9...,9~?ina~c:compti~!1C,~.: }o~e.JJ1r(. { ),': T} ( )_:: 6~"'.~'S'etback~ f~'om pll of .r.oad: .' . ,,' 2.. ..Subdl V:1 s Ion. Ordl nance c;.ompl'lance~ . (,).: :': ,t.) (- }>,; '<"'':': ' Fron~. . I.'... ~ ~C '.~:' .:ji~.1t~:~.if~s~(Area; .Wrdth,:F~~~ta.g'e) ~.":.~'L',:,}, ~.l.~:,::;~';.s;e:t~'ac.~~;~i~:t.r~~~~iQr. li;~r :5., Other'(see.comments} ,,:: '. .."...: ,.'. . ,(:.}.:':,.:,( )'( },.:,,<:.'., .<"...,....Side.. ',:','...":\'.':.':~' COMMENTS: ." : ~ r " Ii, it I ~~":1: . .:; .,..' .'~,:":".."~ear. .,,' '.', i~' ; -...... -. "..\~t~ I, .. :t. :" .' , "' , { ". I' ~ ,':' .' :" , ,;.' t ~".. ~ -, .' '" . .. ~; '..,.:'. . ",I", . , , " .. e.,.. PLANN I NG 0 l.vl SI d~AttION'P"EJ~D'~N'~':"::y~S'C:'T . NO r."r~'pp[rC.AtToN# ..;; .- . ,.j ;;. . _....' .', ,.' .. ~~' ,:"" , .,.'...~~, ,: '",,,-';. 1'. '". ,;'t ,,'~ -4: :,:",".' ..' .... '.' .BU'tLDING.INSPECl-ION DIV1SION .' ~.:, ".Not'. '., .. '.' " . '", ".. .',ApplicablEf'.No'.' Yes';, ,.,' . '..' ',' . "", ''C):c r};." Vf .: . . '. . '. ". ('. '.' y . ,''', . '(")' " '(()' , .. '.." ' ....: ',VI',' ~. ~', - . - '.. '~,... <\. ... .." .... '.l%tJFp. .CK'D'~~eDS--~9-7'f .~~. ..~. '. '.. '.::>' ~: '. ::.." . ;;.: ;".". ' .~' ~'.:'. .:.:~...- '. . . DATE '. ' 7. 8~ 9. 1 Q. Pl aris' Submitted." .", . . So i 1 Stab.i1 f ty' (.fo~.t i n'9'S)" .':' :Flood Plain', "',' Other': (se.e <:9I11me.nt.sJ " , - "'.' , .\ I: ~ ~'~~', ",' . COMMENT.S.: .. ,'." " . '..<,';." .:; .', ~.,: , . ',,~" ;',.. . _,.' it. WATER POLUTION 'CONTROL.' . ',': ,.' Not. ,. ;, '.,;-, . ...,;..,.. ..;' .,.:Applicable' No'. Yes' . 11. Meets D~partinen't of EnvJr6rlr~entat : . ". {'>,~'ff,(/)(D',. ., Quality S tand'ards.' ..;'. ''':,:'' 12. ".Other (see :c6mm~nts}.,", . -' . ' " .... ., ..' I 3' '~:-'. .~: " "~;- .~' .~ , 1 'r' COMMENTS: j" ():. > ':~.!(;'.y.'( ):. . '-'..:CK".'D',)Y'~ At/. K, ". _v;Jy 7~ ;, ..' .,;':, "J"".:" . ":, r ~-.-: "(/'. DATE ... . . ..' .. -:.' ;>"'-'J, ~ ," .' : " rf ' ~'. ,. .' ',- ,: . '.. '. ". ~'"~,, . . ,l t j ..:,. '.. '..';- ., .' . t', . . ,," ,'. '. r,,'" '. . ,':' '-,,". , ~" " '" .M, .~ ~, ' ,~ ' TO":~PPLIC.ANT: '. ''".<:''':-.':.''::?; . .. " . ,'.' ..-,;. :', .,' ..c.,.. ", :'. .:';~..:;.- ,.;"Your'.Bdfldi,rig',/ ,'S+tel.n.sp.ectio'n::i.., 1 .", ',~ 'r ",':" : :.. :':'2:' . :Af"Can b~ '~pp'r~~~d;, ..-' ',' "'. '.,' '.: ' . - '. . '.. . :' "11i!." .' ( ) Cannb~' be ~~p'~ov~'d' at ~h i s,i:im: as ,i n~itate~f o,"'i"~em NO..;' . ,..., '.' "above. '. f./~ . P-P, : -" .Q,ue,~tl.,?ns and,:fu~the,r. Inf,orma~lo.~. onl,te,ms) .thr,0~gh6. c~~tact t.~e,' LAN.E-.. j .. 'tlt . .COUNTY PLANNING DJV.ISIONoQut;!stlons andfurthe~ .Informatlon.on Items 7,' .' ';~-:.,. ..'through 12 tOl'!taCt .the'LANECOUNTY BUILDING AND "SANITATlON D'-VISION~ . . ( }.Will. be held'.iri.this.office,unti1.'you',can."r.esolve'th~. pr'oblems indicated. . ..(.) I's .being' ~eturned,;'" " . ".~' ", " ,J.:. ".., .... .~. ..., , , '/ . .:::.;..::.{) ~Y6ur bu il di.ng, pe'(mi't. appl i ~~!j.2!:l:..)e.~l!t:..!?ein~: .~~tyrned under. se{!af'ate cover:" . . DEPARTMENT . OF 'ENV I RONMENTAl .'MANAGEMENT ..', "'135; S i~t'h'Avenue East Eugen'e: Oregql'l'S74.0,L ...' ' . PHONE :"687-4065 . ......:'.. .."....: :.: ': . ..' ,: lAfiE" ~OUNTY' PLANN I NG Di VI S I ON PHOt~E- :~:687;;.4t86 "'" . . >;' ,..;', .:.,': C55;.;?8....... .. .. ) ~ ."", , . . . ,'~ .' "',.;.! . . . . ~ ,,';\: - ~~~~ . I l ~..\.. , ~I'... ,,, _.~ ' \\..\..'( . '~Crr. ~.... : ~- April 16, 1976 Mrs. Jeanne Tucker 1723 Mallard Eugene, Oregon 97401 Dear Mrs. Tucker: Re: Temporary permit 76-40, Map 17-03-22-1,3, TL 2200 dne county ~ Please be advised that a mobile home used as a residence for a caretaker in a commercial zone no longer requires review under the Temporary Permit procedures or approval by the Lane County Planning Commission. Effective April 7, 1976, the Lane County Zoning Code allows mobile homes for caretaker situations provided the applicant makes application for a temporary mobile home building permit. Permit applications are av&ilable from the County Building Department, 135 E, 6th, Eugene, Oregon (687-.4065). Upon receipt of this letter you have 30 days in which to make application for a temporary mobile home building permit. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, J I ~ .' (f-.{(;~ (/;;"d.-:v- Harry lor:~~:r Land e Controls Section /jk /II ,,- I, 1 LV ., ...~ l , '.,' "'~jr y t7 yf I / /. / / PLANNING DIVISION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT / 135 EAST 6TH AVE / EUGENE, OR 9/401 / PHONE (503) 687.4186 LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMEN .1......... MANAGEMENT PLOT PLAN Name and Address of Owner Telephone: The building being constructed under this permit will be used for Date this property was purchased Do you now, or did you ever own property adjacent to this tax lot? If so, please list those tax lot numbers or draw those properties on the plot plan below. Indicate on your drawing the location of all homes (including mobile homes) now on the property, as well as the location of the new building. , " - -- -- - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - ~ --- - - - - -- - -_.- -- -- -- - - _. - - - - - -- -- -- - -- r -- ,__, __. _ ,_ _ ___ . -- -- - - - - \- -- - - --- -- - --- - - - "/" -____1- : 1 i -- - i -- - - __ - 1-= .....- :...." ~. - "-e- -- - I ,l . -'I ~=.=-~ :-=-,~:=--- -- ...=~~ -[---IJI- - ~- .-- ~;~;.~:~~~~~~~=- / , --=::3S. ~r-- -=":, . ---I::::i} i. c. r-. , i - -'l.--r;., i --d. ___~-~~-- i_ _ - - --',-- , -- - -- - i -1- - --i- - ;_._-;- -'" - 1- ,__ _,_ c.- , I: -. . - -- ( .- - - -... - -- - ~ - r -) - - - -,-- ------. - ~:::::;'k:J:=:-\,~~-~-,- J - -:--1--- - -- .t '-: -- : :-: ,'" -'- '," , _ =-' ~~~~~~:~;~~~~~~~~~:_~~~--[ --=-:-,-(~ '- 1_-'---1-:1- -------~--- -, !" - I . I 1_ I - I I 'i! . I ~'::_' ~~~-:.=--~.~~.-r~ If- ;: ~'--'~ ',. - p'\r1 ;11 (,~: :, 1/1"C- /', -, " -- i.... ~ \ _._C~ _:_ roO . - ___)____ -0 ____ --~;::~-- ,- 'L- - ,- :;:?.- \- - I -; ----- \, - , - 1-- i - - " . ~' ~-~=~ ' - --- \ - --. : '- - -....-..;, . . 1 --------~------------~----_._----- , ! -~~~-~/ Name of Applicant (if different from owner): Address Telephone Applicant's lnterest: Buyer L-J C7Lf-99 Seller 0 Agent U Map Tax Lo t Permit If , / " I' .' \:.. . ,-'~:;;.;.f# LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: PERMIT No.I~'~ ;J.i:5.,.1g CONSTRUCTION [ J MOBILE HOME [l{)J PLAN REVIEW [ .J J& Ann Tude't' 172~ ~11aN CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ J EU9€tne Omqoel 14,.""ti2l .n Owner . 'O.S. Reg. # NAME $afl~ NAME ;qA ADDRESS' CITY ZIP CODE PHONE ~o Contractor ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE ~Twr l7 Range Jl . Q_bur~ tIn 1 ~~ Subdivision . Section ~'~ 'I '~ . .......'..r'Tax Lot 22'n~ Codp ~... .,., " tt..'lJ Census Tract 21 ..J)~ Lot 1 B locI< 1 Acreage Width ,Access to Property (Road' Name): f/tal1am Ph~a$tult Depth Existing Structures on Property: Groc~rY SrlO:~ ~s Station Directions to Property - Address: 112S Ma ~ 1 ard EU~itM $)7~tn 'STRUCTURE (# BEDROOMS) . P0~ii for HoMl@ n~Ttl SQ. FT. 1 fled I VALUATION " " ~;!rH)~illkt;,;r~%Jst $,)8 ren$\'led SEWAGE DISPOSAL.: ~UBLlC [l SEPTIC TANK [ OTHER [1 11,:10",1'3 PLUMBING INSTALLED BY: OWNEB [ lOTHER [] NAME. WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED. [ 1 EXISTING [( [ ] PUB L1C [ ] COMMUNITY. NAME: [ ] PR IVATE WELL . [] OTH ER . SPECI FY: BUILDING PLUMBING 3% ,SURCHARGE MOBILE HOME . WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW 4..00'i .If 30 .00 TOTAL 34.12 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: GALS MIN. DBAINFIELD L1N. FT.. MAX. TRENCH DEP.TH,. INCHES Sflwa~ Ut5f)Q$A'. Systefll F~~'*llars to ~ funGt1'o:\1llg ~trUS.faetm11y at: tn~s t'H~. If (~nUlneHt snt)ul~ fan at any 't1me, I !p&f'm1t WNpilalr rtilJSt DI}QP'Pnt"(J 'rof' tnrljJJ9n tfll$ Offf\la. STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION GROUP FIRE ZONF USE CLASSIF. . SETBACKS' FT. FRdM,CJR. OF r/W: FRONT q~SIDE EXT. 45 FT, FROM P~OP, LINE: SIDE INT. .;) REAR lZPPUE ZONF (/(1\GT "-. . \ J AUTHOR I Z@ SI~G.,~~ TlUJi1ES,:~'1"l1I.w. , .." u. \0,. ~h,,,..... V.I" J 'lRY [1\i,f~ hi . G. W.~ra,y/:snrJ1tarian ",I'ltSSl"~,.~,N C E D AT E: ,..1' I,.i' ,oJ ~~\.{J '" . ~1I . ; . ... "'. :1-~,,~:: \?-,. ~'. . (POST THIS .PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) Call 687.4065 t() schedule all required construction in~pections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all 'required septic system inspections. All construction' shall comply'with the State Buidling Code, D.E.a.standards for'subsurface sewage disposal and the'State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of:' ~ occupa.'1?~ before being occupi~.d. ,'. ~ .. \ ' , . \. \ :'\i:Jt ". " ';.. .' \ \ . "''\_'~ "j"\, "2see Details o~ Reverse Side) , . " 1 \ ..... . r'.. ,'~" ,'f / (.'~r",,,..1 . J ,j- t J....... , .-: "oJ t'/ . ,~.., /,'. "'/ ( ,,:'1-' . "i d BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE " OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTYTAX _ PINKIMPORTA[\IT: PLUMBING - CANARY ~.... \. . \ BUILDING - GREEN ~~,.o.. ';;t., '<'i ..' ""'," SANITATION - GOLDENROD ~'-_ '\~" ",-,J., l.. \ ,\ , ~;;' 'C55~13 LANE'COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTALMANAGE'MENT . . COURTHOUSEANNEX,1.35 EAST,~th, ELJGENE, 08EGON.97401 - -~:.:' :..... '.. . :.""_. ,,,', :_<'....>~. : . -", ~ :" -'..~: ,. -,' . l ~ -"-.,...'....' ,1;....__.:: -. SITE I NSPECT I ON ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED /~ ,1 REMARK S--'!Uf-, d-/uJuh/. / DATE // INSPECTOR t, " / Il- '7 t rv; , '- CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS .....""' !7 II ~J.S' 7b -Q-vr /7).3 ?/J~' . ..... ". ',(.- . I . ,:. .~.- ....-c ~."'- . ~:. _.4-:-~}- ,.~.~" :~ .,~'~ . , .~ /'~, "-) r'---' LANE COUN~: PERMI~\ FOR,,-~ ' , . 'f' PERMIT NO.~t}1 226",16 '. ....... CONSTRUCTION [] MOBILE HOME [X)t] PLAN REVIEW [ 'yl-"CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] , ". . ~ ,:. J~r AVU"5 'iruckerr 1123 Mallard Eu~enm Oregon' 14.7",~.721 ,i~. . ,.-. , io Owner O.S: Reg, # . NAME "S~m- , NAME Nil ADQRESS CITY ZIP CODE' PHONE .""'t.: '\0 Contractor " ' ADDRESS CITY, ZIP CODE PHONE . , .~ "'" ~ Lot 22~1 "~ax Lot 1 Block 2200 Code 4..2~ . Census Tract :n ""l}{L . ..~ ,Twr 11 Range 3 f @~b~rg ~il1Q~ ,Subdivision Section 1- '. Acreagp Width pirections to Property : Address: Mall lArd P~.eastl~l~ G~c~r.1f . ShOll) ees Station, 1723 MHa II &f'd [u11Jene g1d1.Gl Depth Access to Property (Road Name)' 'ExisJing Structures on Property: I 'STRUCTURE (# BEDROOMS) '. . ~efMit ~~~. Mobile ~~ SQ, FT. , I' VALUATION . 1 Bed : . Caro",&lke'l" . t~9t b!lrob1t:t{~d ( , SEWAGE DISPo.SAL: .'PUBlIC [] SEPTIC TANK [ ; BUILDING " ! l . 'pLUMBING' . .: 3% SURCHARGf ,. ; '.~"MOBILE HOMF 'WASTE DISPOSAL . ,. ~ , PLAN REVIEW OTHER [ ~210..13 PLUM'BING INSTALLED BY: OWNER [] OTHER []. NAMF' WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED [] .. EXJSTI,NG' [ ] " 4.00 012 30.60 [ ] PUBLIC '[ ] COMMl!NITY" NAME:' [ ] ER IVATE \l\(ELL . [ ] OTH ER . SP.ECIFY: I I TOTAL 3~.12 CO,NSTRUCTIOI~Lf>ERMITS & INSp"ECT'O~S AND WATER..POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS 'MIN. SEPTIC TANK~CAPAClfy':"': ~)>' -,,' "', -". .-.....' GALS. "MIN.DRAINFIELD L1N. FT. MAX. TRENCH DEPTH INCHES . ~A;"n~ tl~a~o$al S.vf3%~fln ,Af;l~Qrro ~ ~&fUfO~io~1n~ m9t~sqot\:~v1ly {;It tt:rls 'g'!ti'ao 71 dnl1tWiQl~ G~ouVlQ <{[lil 141; \'An.v t~ma6" a ~eria1irr.;. to r0puirt!;.L1l5'}; r~Q'QEJ~H~d'for.r tn'l1"'O@(.JYi thh ~171oo . STAY 100' FROM ALLWELLS. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION :GROUP FIREZONF USE'CLASSIF. . " I SET-BACKS. FT, FROM CTR. OF r/W: . FRONT 45 SiD"EEXT. 4$ FT. FROM PROP. LINE:.' SIDE INT, 5, REAR .. . 121./PUEzONF Am". ' : I, \ .. \' .. . '" '. :" IS. 11: GV'il!Y/~Hmitariti~ "','/' pISSU~NCE DAT'E: '-q"", !jJ It.f;jl hi ,... ~II'U AUTHO~~Z~~ S~~~~T~}'1'oH([i~~ Is! : . IC~5,-13 (POST THIS,PERMI,TOI\L MAIN .BLDG. AT SITE) , "' LANE COUNTY,DEPJ OF E~~IRciN'MENTAL MANAG~MENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX: 135 EAST 6th,. EUGENE, OREGON'97401 . . . .';"',\';"'. Call 687-4065 to. schedule all required, constructian inspectians.Cal,1 687-4061 ,to. schedule all required ..~ septic'system iri,~pectians',AII canstructian shan'comply with the State B~idling Cade: D.E~Q. shmdards. ) ,far 'subsurface . sewage dlspasal and the State Plumbing Cade. All bUildings require a certificate af, accupimcY',befqre being accupied. .' . " ''';, ' .. '.. , " ':,' . (See Details on Reverse,Side) .' '. . ..} ....: / (, of' . . /"U' . -'" t;ldl/ .' , ' .-:~"C:;:'\~."~';. .~,\ BLDG. PERMiT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK, PLUMBING -CANARY . ~ BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT: r, , '- . '\, "..~.' ::.J: .,. ,!'.... . .'" .', ~\ -. SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK --.. ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS -' GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / I INSPECTOR DAT:E REMARKS ROUGH PLUMBING ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL PLUMBING ApPROVED /\...-r 01 SAPPROVED / / DATE '7-/7"-% INSPEC~ ~ /' , REMARKS FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARK'S CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE / ~ DA TE INSPECTOR REMARKS -' . NOTE: PERMIT {f t1 1.f2257b NO PERMIT W1LL BE ISSUED UNTIL THIS APPLICATlv~ HAS BEEN APPROVED APPLICATION FOR: I MOBILE HOME J-\,-r PLAN REVIEW , ~ 2<( OWNER =J aAl:.::-" (l- ,k ~.plr t::::;S /';1a / fa I'd !,[ 0~'? ~ CONSTRUCTION I CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY I ,7',7%/ 779'cJ7~,/ Zip Phone I CONTRACTOR Name Address City Z1p Phone O.S. R1G. II Census Trac~l "/::;;e;-o ~ Twp.~/ J ,Range 0 3 SectlOn .;z~..1 ~ Tax Lot. 7 .7 00 SUbd1vis1on'-(~GflleMf4 ed(ce ~ ~I Block / /( ACCESS TO P:;ERTY (Road Name)~}/11 f'd - PI, ft-aS{( 11. f A' h I ~ .7 , ~ ?(;nst1ng Structures on Property: Groc,d.JY V - ~ h 0 tJ ' -, a -5 c;$ q 10 Pi ,\ Property LocatlOn - Address/Duecbons: J-1t./ /Q y d ~ 'fh a, 0. S {i n' ; w, 4~ 111(l, -f4. I/' m ;(>d ('7 a.J /77aLLtYJ cf zf q 7 '-/n ,I Below for Office Use ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M l-r Sq. Ft./ IIB(1)ms Valuation I Lfh<~ TA~f-R- '~mu~r;j rff1'PeJJed SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Sit. In".w=' l02f()-) <' EXbtin~ Sag. D':'O' 1 Sy"~ lr ~ '0' N~ Sy"~ Requi,.' W1dth Depth Bldg. Plumbing 3 % Surcharge Waste D1sp. Plan Review Mobile Home Lf. - .17_ PLUMBING: , Installed by ~ner PLUMB:~ Name of Commun1ty or Public System , 4/~~ WATER SUPPLY: Well Spring Other FEES: Other I I Name Sewage Connection ~._ ~:~~:ction ~ ~O, - I CASH ~ j PLANS FURNISHED FACILITY PERMIT TOTAL :Jlf. 17 I I YES I I@OIIYESI\NO S1gnature of Appl1cant: c. '~Z4b/tL./ /~, ,~ Fee Received By: GO Date: 5u/7 ~ Mi,n: Septic Tank Capacity Drainfi:ld Req~1red - Li eal Fee; ~ximum DePt~ , :illS', ~ At ~ ~~ ~ _ y ~ ~..J. JL k~ ~ 4u~ #-/J~ Q. fA1>~ ~4 ~"..I 6v ~J1~ j$~ oL/k";' '/ , fJ . , ;'p ., - . Type of Construction Group F1re Zone Use Class1f1cation Bldg Setbacks - from Center of Ro~d R1ght of Way: Front , r . ~Side Int~- cr- Side Exterior Lf") /" '-' if ~....- Rea r f I c2 tpr)F Zone kP1 --- ifji/' \q ty1~ 1~DATE' C55rJ LANE AJi~. f:;f;lt./~~~ITJ ~. (L - 7/~' . COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DATE: .c;--:;; '1-1) ~ "0.,." . : ,'" ~ "",+ " 'P~~ j"'-"':'-" ." ..r;,{' '. I , \. !l, ;r",',-- '- - .;t-, / \~. -I ' _/"I" ' ,-,;.-./' z: '. ~-: :;--Z.-t: . e:.- ~--<fc...",::.., I LANE COUNTY BUILDI~G -PERMIT 'OR MOBILE BUILt?ING 11J_ MH 0 , MAILING ADDRESS ''1723 MAUARO, F;U!S.ENE,. OR MAILING ADDRESS ,..:,.;"..:.,,01..',,:- I ~ .:~....., .,(,......t, -.... I . ..,..,;,'1,'., ".';. "!! "\ * 1t1 ".-\..- ,I;! Ho'ME USE PERMIT PERMIT NO, / .1-,\ PROPE~TY OW,r':(ER 'T u,,~r.;:J~ v> JEM-JNtt , CONTRACTOR , , . : '~." ~; t: . ~ "..l PROPERTY LOCATION - INCLUDE POST OFFICE' GAME 81 RD t4MtKET PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION - METES, BOUNDS GAME' BIRD VILlAGI:: LOT 1 Blocl<l TWP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT NO. CODE :4-23 CENSUS TRACT 17 03 22. 1. 3 2200 ( 21--200 APPl. NAME & 'MAILING ADDRESS 'EUGENE, OR. FOR MOBILE HOME PERMITS ONLY No. of Bedrooms EXISTING STRUCTU'RES ON PROPERTY : GA~1E Bum MA~I{ET r .LEGAL ACCESS TO PROPERTY f. MAUl-.RD JEANNE ,TUCKER 1725 MAllARD PROPERTY SIZE - FT. WIDTH DEPTH . I '-r- , Connect to Existing Sewage System 0 TYPE' CONSTRUCTION SQ. FT. # BDRMS STRUCTURES TO ,BE BUILT THIS PERMIT ONE HOUR FIRE WALL SEWAGE DISPOSAL PUBLIC 0 SEPTIC TANK 0 , BUILDING ~ WASTE DISPOSAL PLUMBING PLAN REVIEW PARK .TRAILER OTHERO ,.00 FEES PLUMBING ,INSTALLED BY OWNER 0 OTHER: NAME WATER SUPPLY PUBLIC ~ o OTHER TOTAL $" 5.00 COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS DRAIN FIELD REQUIRED MIN, SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOX: GAl. L1N. FT TRENCH WIDTH FT. OR SQ. FT. TYPE OF STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY 1~IO-73 ,1210-73 PHONE 7~'-1-5721 . PHONE / ~ AREA New System. 0 VALUATION 450. , / ZONE C-2 PUBLIC UTll. EASEMENT BLDG. SETBACKS __ FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD .RIGHT OF WAY FRONT SIDE INT. . SIDE EXT. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE - DATE /s/ ~,E. .BqsS, By: HARBAUGH USE CLASSIFICATION REAR J;C~UICKSHANK, SANiTAR1AN DATE 6-29-73 JH BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COpy - WHITE , COUNTY TAX - PINK '. PtuMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN ". .SANITATION - GOLDENROD Construction to comply with uniform building code and county regulations covering plumbing and sewage disposal. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy, before being occupied, (See Statement on Reverse Side) (PPST THIS. PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) LANE COUNTY,BLDG', & SAN, DIY" COURT HOUSE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ,,-, ~ . . FOH~,,"", CS5." 13 , _._C""---- , /4"'!~ -.i."f,e .~ ~~~~~"-J'"\.. - .-- . .......w'. L ". , "-A. ' ~ \illi'-' ') '''; _ ~~)l.....~~~' "~ LANE COllN-iY DISTRICT ATTORNEY 450 LANE COUNTY COURTHOUSE EUGENE. OREGON 97401 503/342.131 f. EXT 260 Nay 29, 1973 \\<<\E~~n~l , MAY 3 0 1973 lP,NE CO\JWY I-~':.~LTH DEP1, Mrs. Jean Tucker 1723 Nallard Eugene, Oregon Dear Nrs. Tucker: It has come to my attention that you still must apply, prior to living in your mobile home, for: (1) A permit to park you~ mobile home. (LC 10.195-10). (2) A building permit. (Chapter 11, Lane Code). The hearing before the Board of County Commissioners only allowed you a temporary permit under LC 10.325 to locate your nobile home in a zone l..hich d..ces not permit mobile homes. I v:ould suggest tha~ you corrtact ilr. Merle Neilson or Mr. Jack Boss at 342-1311, Ext. 411, for their assistance. Very truly yours, J. PAT HORTON, Dis tric t Attorney By Raymond J. Bradley Raymonc J. Bradley Assistant County Counsel RJB:bj ce. Merle Neilson, Building and Sanitation Jerry Hendricks Attorney at LaH 777 High Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 LANE COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY 450 LANE COUNTY COURTHOUSE EUGENE. OREGON 97401 503/342-131 f. EXT 260 Nay 29, 1973 w~~\EU~\E'J ,,' MAY 3 0 1973 C"\I~'~\1 Ilcl\LTH DEPT. L~,N~ A! j\~ I r_ Mrs. Jean Tucker 1723 Nallard Eugene, Oregon Dear Hrs. Tucker: It has come to my attention that you still must apply, prior to living in your mobile home, for: (1) A permit to park you~ mobile home. (LC 10.195-10). (2) A building permit. (Chapter 11, Lane Code). The hearing before the Board of County Commissioners only allowed you a temporary permit under LC 10.325 to locate your mobile home in a zone whi.ch dc..es not permit mobile homes. I Hould suggest that you contact Hr. Merle Neilson or Hr. Jack Boss at 342-1311, Ext. 411, for their assistance. Very truly yours, J. PAT HO~TO~, Distric~ Attorney Raymond J. Bradley By Raymonc J. Bradley Assistant County C~unsel RJB:bj cc. Merle Neilson, Building and Sanitation Jerry Hendricks Attorney at La", 777 High Streec Eugene, Oregon 97401 ;- ~- ~ ~ - - - ~ -+ J r - -i.e, ~,,'" ~~_._,,-I ""'-:- t ~.t' _ '_' _~ ,,>:.:;; ..~;,.. '-<-:;';:": ~ 't' ...~~-t;;,r ""i ..., ~, ;" ,:;;.>, , , ,-'I> "'_; ~{ "" ~~~,.; ~, ~~ R[PLY FROl1: J. E. BOSS, Chief Bldg. Insp. A review of the Jeanl~ucker case involving the parking 08 a mobile home in a C-2 Heighborhood C~umercial District reveals the followine violations: 1. A mobile home is not a permiteed outrieht use in a C-2 zone. 2. Hobile home parked without the benefit of a building permit prior to its beinR located on the property. 3. The present location of the rnobile home on the property violates the Lane County Building Code. a. The present construction of the commercial buil iur and the mobile home \'iould require a minimum of thirteen feet (13') . ctween the two struc- tures. At present only a five foot (5') separat on exists between the t\.;o structures, also there exists an eIlclosed "ct connection between the m~bile hame and the co~ercial stru property north of the mobile line is about five feet (51). a. Hove the mobile home \-ihich c"nnot be done because the situ- The only solutions to the atiol1 conform T,lould be: the mobile home ,,\lay ~hirtcen feet (13') sc~~ration, have enou[h lot area to Qove bu EdinE. b. building and storare stall a rated door a of the cumncrcial 10c.3.tcd and in- b. would require memovin~ install in[3 SILl! placing install stallin8 a home. . c. Install a 4" block wall next to the exterior of the buildin[; to extend above the roof eve height of 113" and install a rated door assembly leading from build~nr, to mobile/home. If they choose to do it~n c~ they could place the mobile home closer to the buildinr than its present location. Procedures would be as follows: 1. Resolve the zoninr problem. 2. Obtain a permit to park the mobi~e home. 3. Decide one of the solutions to the location of the mobile home.i If eicller b or c is decided upon, a building permit would be required to do the work. .e buildinc to the mobile home. This from the outside of the builring and next to the studs and re- the> interior.remove existing \J~ll finish .:lnd e:etrock then replace the \',a11 finish plus ins~ door assembly at the building entrance to mobii~ cc: HErle Neilson, Zoning Officer ... ~- , -.".. ~~:>}... ~...~~ '}'" "'''. " ,'" ~ 'f' ~ r1.~ . It 7-.. l" ~{ I" ,,'.- i' i . ,; R< I-' '="\ c-:::.J ~ ' - :-= D '::I I~ :""J ' , ,::= lL- I\~_- ~:::' ~,' ~ J\..1 - - - () 'C-') ~, ' 1 - ,0 ' '-' ~ Ll ,_J - ;t-""1:' r1r--TT'\-7"l j_.:.:..l~--I ,-,,\J...~-'" -- ....1 r. ,...11'--"-'..... ",,--., r:T.' ;;' lL...'HJ.4\.;l v.: r _v...... \ IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ LANE COUNTY ~ OREGON o R D E R 73-4-4-9 ) ) ) ) In the Mattel' of An Appeal. by Jeanne Tucker from a Denial by the Lane County Planning Commission of a Temporary Permit THIS MATTER coming before the Lane County BOa:I'd of COrm11~ssioners pursuant to L.C. 10.325 from a denial, by the pl,anning Corrmission of a temporary permit to tocate a mobi Z-e home on the app Ucant ' s property, AFTER A PUBLIC HEARING and receiving testimony from Mrs. Jeanne Tucker, various members of the puhl,ic~ Mr. Jack Boss and Mr. Vern Del,k~ it is hereby deter.mined that the decision of the Lane County Pl,anning Commission is reversed for the reason that the granting of a terrrpora:I'Y permit for a three year period 7JJil,Z. be compatibZe 1;,>ith and UJiU not adversely affect the UvabiZity or appropri- ate devel,opment of abutting properties, nor 1;,>ilZ. it be adversely affected by the aevelopment of abutting properties, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a tempora.....-ry permit shall be issued to Mrs. Jeanne Tucker for a period of three years.. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this temporary perrnit is sol,ely for the applicant's personal, use and shaU be automaticaUy terminated if it is transferred to any assignee, donee, grantee, renter, or any other person other than the ap- . pZ-icant. IT IS FURTHER ORDEP.ED that this order constitutes only the issuance of a temporary permit and the appUcant must stitZ comply with aU crdinances relative -to ob~a.i"'!7.:n3 ~ bu_'Z- Z3iY!,:; !!AY~nn:t,. DATED this 4th day of April, 1973. I--:-~-- -~-- ~- MP;.J'""1 . --' , , . . \.J ',' '- ~~ ." -I 0 F' - . I~ :..; r,:;: l,'-~,\,1 I DATE_~~f-ti ~~~~/~ , /. / , {-:-k.~{1- Ch~, /J:;~(~ ,,yc; '-. I r,u,.. -~r . .~ "JI:.!...(/ LAllE COUl/'l'Y BO/iR:; OF CO:::,fISSIO:/J:.'RS Lf4 }-; J-! By / L{j~u Ch-, Ii;})' / I)~~/ (I) (1/ c:: . . 1./ v COlTJ1ii S 7.,C'!:e l~ /'/ ,/ c:: /) ./ ~/ t/ By ~ // /~/(> ('" J'" ///7-;~( /{, /' t '- ... _L. . COTr"'li'l. S S <.-Or1C r R ---/~ ...,/ /J <;..--; /? ' . '/ / 'LJL~;-;-:'--:c /? ~ {(; r /I.~ J ";-'~_ CO;;uJ7!.-S& l-CnCr BUILDJNG SITE EVALUATION ~L-- 9Q Bu'i I ding Perm i t App I i cat ion No. /::J-/ 0 -l3 () Site Inspection () Pre-Permit Investigation 1 . R cJ3 S='o? , .t-<rAX LOT 0;;:>.::). o-iJ Cb'l;)US TRACT APPlICA~ NAME ".... r ADDRESS J. Zoning Ordinance Compl iance (ZoneC-2- ) Subdivision Ordinance Compl iance NOT app I icab I e () () (r () Lv () (~ () () () NO YES PHONE DATE b hS- ~.. -- -;' , .- ,._--.......-- NAME DATE c.-,,"~ ~ (-z...("..-I,':)" LANE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3. 4. Required Access (-Y ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2. Building Site (Area, Width, Frontage, Setback) Other (see comments) 5. COMMENTS: BUILDING INSPECTION SECTION NOT NO YES NAME DATE apD I i cab I e ?0 6. Plans Submitted ( ) ( ) 7. Soil Stabil ity (footings) Yi ( ) ( ) 8. Flood Plain (X) ( ) ( ) lcJ,/1~ v/.2.7~7J 9. o the r (see Comments) (V ( ) ( ) COMMENTS: V SANITATION SECTION NOT NO YES NAME DATE app I icab I e 10. Sewage Disposal ~) ( ) ( ) 11. Usable Area Cf) ( ) ( ) ~ ~h3 1.2. Water Supply yJ ( ) ( ) 13. Ot he r (see Comments) ( , ( ) ( ) COMMENTS: TO APPLICANT: ( ) ( .) ( ) Building Permit / Site Inspection: f~ Can be approved. K,C; I.~ 1 Cannot be approved at this time as indicated on item NO. above. Questions and further information on items I through 5 contact the Lane- COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT. Questions and further information on items 6 through 13 contact the Lane County Buildinq and Sanitation Division. Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. Is being returned. Your building permit appl ication fee is being returned under separate cuver. Your ~ U\NE COUNTY PLANN I NG DEPARTMENT Ij~ Sixth Aven~e East. Euqenp, Orpgon 97401 t'llllNI \1,1-- I ~ II r XI. 711 LANE COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION DIVISION 135 Sixth Avenue East, Eugene, Olegon 97401 PHONE: 342-1311 EXL 411 , , ~ rl I ! I ) " ~ ~ L2:n.-L~-..-L LANE COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT 9'i(" MOiitE HOME' PERMIT TYPE - BUllDING~ MOBilE HOME DOSC REG # PERMIT # PRO~ O~t-IE~ ~' MAILING ADDRESS '-" ff 4 ~~~ . . /7 ~ 3 . :J:?:?~~ CONTRACTOR.) MAILING ADDRESS' - - ,.-, ~~ ..-'2_ e.- - d? ~ ./ PROPERTY LOCATION-INCLUD~ ~/ ~ /P~_~./ Y PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~ . /? . JJ } / ~ // ./ /...... "J / METES & BOUNDS 0 YES LOT - BLOCK - SUBDIV --.~ ~ /~ VLe:e-d~, > ~/ /C'J ~ ATTACHED 0 NO TWP RANGE SEC . TAXlOT # CODY - - CENSUS TRACT t1 ~ 3 . 02 ;l. ~/, .3 ~ ;&ot1 7L.2 -3 :2-/ -.;;J- Cl d AP:L~~:NT ~ DES~UCDJ~/ AND LEGAL A~~i~ OR # MAILING PROPERTY SIZE-WIDTH DEPTH -.:' , AREA ADDRESS FOR MOBilE HOME PERMIT ONLY Number of Bedrooms 'iiJ;;;o ~~RMI~: ,/ Connect to EXlstmg Sewage TYPE CONSTRUCTION System 0 or New System Req. 0 SQ FTy ~EDROOT1?;;N u/a.//- SEWAGE DISPOSAL PUBLIC 0 PLUMBING INSTALLED BY BLDG WASTE DIS PLUMBING PLAN REVIEW PARK TRLR ot. SEPTIC TANK 0 <~I tJ Cf OTHER 0 WATER SUPPLY FEES OWNER 0 OTHER 0 NAME I J -::1tJ~U3t'..!:~E~ c::f'; ~ ~/irMI'L1TY PERMIT OTHER / YES~~ YES 0 NO 0 lV(r SIGNATURE OF APPLlC,A~n /DAT,/ /y y1./Ne-.J ?:v- ~h ) 6- /~/73:. , ( ,FEE RECEIVE!> ~- 7~ .px7/7? '-" PERMIT / /' . I ..::J.. / n .- 7.-:) COUNTY BUilDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS / DRAIN FIELD REQUIRED PUBLIC 0 PLUMBING FEES FIXTURES CASH 0 SEWF~ CHECK n~ECTlON FEE TOTAL ,<"'rOc) PUBLIC WATER CONNECTION FEE MIN SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST BOX GAL L1N FT TRENCH WIDTH FT TYPE OF STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY " / V ZONE ., ~QEAR'.y ARb I.. ...._--~ PUBLIC UTIL EASEMENT BLDG SETBACKS - FT FROM CTR OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY FRONT ~...~ (thITAR~ Dale PLANNING ~~) f7.m LL1D~ Directions to Find Property. SIDE INT SIDE EXT C-L USE CLASSIFICATION Dale REA:LD~ JrJJ ft# 3 - ;2. .? ,- fJ iI!-z...,~b!. ~ _' / (, Dale COpy 1 - OFFICE COpy 2 - JOURNAL COPY 3 - AUDIT Form # C55-12 ~-\'r{' ~ '1~1i' , -;-t ..-.---....-f""''t','OI-~ ~... -::-""'t"'""'---; \~~ .........' ~-~-i., ~ ./ v,. , ':~ , "'~ . i," .~ .~~, LANE COUNTY BUILDING 'PERMIT OR MOBILE . - . I ~ . J BUILDING [J! MI+ D,J , MAILING ADDRESS Jro KtlJ.i~i~i';.. E>:I"'l'~I' t .. MAILING ADDRESS Ii " HOM.:':i.JSE PERMIT . PERMIT NO. l?lO...n \. PHONE 7~7"5721 PHONE ., : \ .:1I !.i; PROPERTt OW~ER 'hf:.;q;... ~ J1;.N~~ CONTRACTOR ~ q~Z~\>}).~ i:jtJ. PROPERTY 'LOCATION -INCLUDE POST OFFICE :'i),t4i;SrRO ~~~K~;f PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION - METES, BOUNDS ;t(~!( 11, ~l.'l . 'II P~'::.A(.,~U),f 1 8L1),~ti t TWP RANGE SECTION . l~p, \ .' t'~~J " :>2.1.. :3 TAX LOT NO. :~'r:'()Q CODE h,~<.:1 '" EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY , . f~tMI; al~. MMl"",.. .LEGAL ACCESS TO PROPERTY %\:"':'i-An-O P,ROpERTY SIZE - FT. ..i \\ .-.;. ~. '.~ ,", 'j WIDTH DEPTH CENSUS TRACT ~'l..Z00 APp,l. NAME .& """" J~.l>INt 1\;;:.."1:' I MAILING '!' -r;'" '*i.', . '- ~~ i, i" '!i.-c.", ,'" '-~l .i>" . . .'~ .1; .. -. ,'" ... " '- . ~~ ADDRESS 1:: (,lot ;iil:~ .. FOR MOBILE HOME.,PERMITS t-lo. of Bedrooms .. ..ST.RUCnJRE~ TO !3E..!?_~_ILT THIS PERMIT ONLY t' ,:,~. f'~ ,. ." 1,.... :."-. \\ , , . .I AREA .' Connect.~sr .Existing Sewage System 0 TYPE CONST'R'UCJION SQ, FT.,,, # BDRMS ~; t~>o..n~ r )'~:H;: '~~~1..,~ :..:j.,. <..... New System 0 VALUATION q ~;(} , -:.::, ~"'.""-'-""r' "".,---< '.-. .,/.- .~/ '\1~.L\...~ ~~~~\N\~ ~\~.'~~ ,~.~~~_. ,; , - -' v -. -- - - ~ "\ \ _~ - . . ,~~i:.~_\~",~~~~~ ~~~ ." \ PlL/MBING INSTfLLED BY J!l' C ~ -'1\': ~ \ Y"-'l ~\ OTHERO ~v.'\ \.1.; ~'"'' ~:--' OWNER O"\'OTHER: NAME'; . \ ,..,' . FEES WATER SUPPLY SEPTIC TANK 0 'SEWAG~ DISPOSAL PUBLIC 0 BUILDiNG WASTE DISPOSAL. PLUMBING PLAN REVIEW PARK TRAliER ~ ~).~ . .~ PUBLIC EJ o OTHER , " " "'~"':''''';'';h~ ~"'-'~ ~ '-'~.:~~ TOTAL ~ ::j. 00 MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOX: GAl. COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICA nONS DRAIN FiElD REQUIRED lIN. FT TRENCH WIDTH FT, OR SQ. FT. , , I " " .\\. t',,' , .) . . \.1, TYPE 6F STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY ZONE C.~:;~ PUBLIC UTll. EASEMENT / I '. BLDG...SETBACKS __ FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD 'RIGHT OF WAY . t, FRONT ,': .' USE CLASSIFICATION ':''r.''''' : Ji,.....,., ) \- ~ ;, .;.. . SIDE INT. ' SIDE EXT. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE - DATE . L' e<.(,,; ':" U t "t" '" I If'U . (.J~~~. fJ.J! }',,"~'f~ ,~.";-:. t-"t-f1t' ,.l,\tJl..IfJ REAR r C';'::,!~,""'f.,:1p'~;1'r: :;.f, .\.,;1t\4't'lJv~ ~'.""1: :.1rH'l'Ajo\' A~I ..' .' DATE '~',~ ~ '~:~:r'~. ?~~ .1,": BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COpy - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING- 'GREEN ..SANITATION - GOLDENROD ,,-. -) - \. ~'2 ..~ '-I.' ~~-"\ .. .I',~.. ~'~" ',...1'\. (~OST THIS p,ERMIT ON MAIN ~' ~,1.\,:" .- \ '\-.. ~.':, ':x \.; '-N'''' ~<~AJ , Construction' to comply. with 'uniform building code and county regulations covering plumbing and sewage disposal. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before be,[ng b,ccupied, ". . I 'i.:.~~~-~i'.'-..",." ..t:.;~ (See St,~~emen~,.~~~ :" ') , .~ ',. . '\ j !-.", '.',.~'11......,-:-.""'; BLDG. AT" SITE) Reverse Side) ~ ; -' :"'"'- f t'\ . , \. '\ " -". \ r,\ . LANE COUNTY, BLDG. '& SAN. DI~., COURT HOUSE. EUGENE, OREGON 97401 .-'r FORM # C55 -13~ r' SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED / I DISAPPROVED I I DATE INSPECTOR \~7 REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED / I DISAPPROVED / I DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED / I DISAPPROVED / I DATE INSPECTOR RE;ARKS~~. f'~;J"J{" . ~4rk ~U~~~~/f/",:J.;;2-'7A ~ 1~11~'i'~?,)~ . r~, ~ . 1~-'fI-7J ~_/-/'t.'oIC",aur..v./~J..i1 7~-"-1-1l{ .C,1tti.;l. _ LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVED / I DISAPPROVED / I DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ApPROVED / I ~~ISAPPROVED I V I DATE 7,/ J{)~/'I ""E"OR~ FINAL INSPECTION REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / I NOT READY TO ISSUE / I DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS / r ~.1t~/~tr _ O' I J,./ 0 - ~'J.~ J&tJW.U rsJtJ+ ,,2/-/tJ 0 ~",