HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1989-5-17 ~:~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING / BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (503) 726,3753 May 17, 1989 Mrs. Beyers 4475 Dalsy Street, Space #55 Sprlngfleld, Oregon 97478 Subject: Adams Plat Subdlvlslon Dear Mrs. Beyers: ThlS letter lS to conflrm our conversat10n th1s morn1ng about the use of manufactured homes 1n Adams Plat Subd1v1s1on (1st Add1t1on). The propert1es we d1scussed are located at 3608 and 3624 Industr1al Avenue, Assessor's Map 17-02-30-43 Tax Lots 02502 and 02501. Adams Plat 1st Addltlon lS consldered a Manufactured Home Subd1v1s10n by the Clty of Sprlngfleld. In any manufactured home subd1v1s10n you have the opt10n to set-up a manufactured home or construct a slte built home. Your property 1S zoned Low Dens1ty Res1dent1al. As we d1scussed the Clty does have regulat10ns about the types of manu- factured homes WhlCh can be lnstalled. The un1ts must be 1976 or newer (WhlCh yours are). When you obta1n perm1ts to 1nstall the manufactured homes on these two tax lots the follow1ng 1mprovements w111 be requ1red: 1. The un1ts must meet the age standard. 2. A m1nlmum of a 32 square foot storage shed w111 be required. 3. An agreement to pave the dr1veways when (In the future) the street 1S paved. The C1ty has no plans at th1s t1me to 1n1t1ate the pavlng of thlS street. It lS not 11sted 1n the C1ty'S 5 year Cap1tal Improvement Program. - "'. I have 1ncluded a copy of the Spr1ngf1eld Development Code standards for manufactured homes. I have h1ghl1ghted areas that apply to your needs. I have also enclosed a copy of the C1ty'S fence regulat1ons. Please do not hesltate to contact me 1f you have add1t1onal quest1ons. I hope thlS new locatlon works out better than the last for you. Cord,al:y, /~ ~ Harmon Plann1ng Techn1c1an P.S. you can contact L1sa Hopper In the C1ty'S BU1ldlng Safety Department for 1nformatlon on permlt fees and bU1ld1ng requ1rements at 726-3753.