HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1985-8-27 ~ .. ,.'!,.. ...,. ~-,'... ':~, '.. l .. - ", ane county < /: ~ AugHst 27, 1985' -11 , , M:t~ W;i.1Ean} 'c;;saj ko, ' , US Army., C,orps of ,.Engineers 'p ,b .B9X 2946., ",. . 'Portlapd OR'97208 ~' ~. RE :'346 Mcinsfield Street, Springfield, oreg9;n; ,Map 17-03-23-3; 4, tax l.o~lOO .. " In Dec~mber, '1982 Lane, County notified your ,office of waJ~t and dr'ainage system which were being constr"ucteci Corps of Engil1eers;easeni~nt (see enclose.d lef.t~i:-)' , ' a .retaining within the > , At that time,wer:eque's,tedinformation,as to ~heth~r or not Corps of Engineers ,would allow the cqnstructionor'require the existingconstr:uction be ,removed. . .... , ., the that ;:.' ~. <, Our ,records. indicate that wehaV:e, not been adyised'by the Corps of Engineers as to whether 'the retaining wall, w:ill be allowed ; 0' , , '~- , Please advise this office if a construction' Hermit can be issued, t J "r~~~' (V'll '~J/]' , , Georg~ M. Currin, Associate Planner' "..', GMC (j b Enclosure' ( " . '!,' ,LAN,DM,ANAGEMENTDIV/PUBLlC WORKS,DEPT 125 EAST 8TH AV,ENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (503) 687,4061 .. ane county MEMORANDUM TO: 3"O\4.~ \'_.,A.j<:'.€-, DATE: ".. r" ~,r', ...~ ~ f .' - k--", I ""-- (....~. FROM: C1i~~t"5e.c.51 E~ ,"" (',r I \ I;.-..,-c.,h.....i i, l.. RE: k;:tert", \ ~.,J lk\(~ "1'J ~L\__ ~..:-r < ,\ .....( --'" -;;' ~.. ") /1 "\'" \. ~_A)..r.........,t'( ~........'''''I.'''~.IIf.. . ;t-."""j , ...J dH -..J../ , ; t"V, \ '~, ~,_? l=?~-:, ,~ ! '-() ~",'f",.,{,..."'...)" ~../\,.~! 0.". .~, Su......x. i) , ~ ~b , Cft'''1r'\. (L'l:> ~';;jf .::.::. ',:;;: ':;.., fY-'\..}:;:.;,. ",...1l,_ 't;~ , .""\.~ /" ,...... .~J 1 ,~ ; ....~. l'~, " "\. I \ '.:~ , ~.;:. ~^- 5, '- ,'l...~_J .Jl~\.\. ~ ....:_ II "\~" ~~. .'~,J'. ._..<-,""~~ "","-__\ ,""''\~L >" t,._~, " 1 \; 1.4 ''\ j"'. ..t ~. t 1 '. ,'VV' v~-t4 j '....~.\i...l\..{ ~t~ ,t ~ ,1; i _\;1" Jet '~\J ,_ ;(~'t J j.~1 ;,"".'. I:' ./, l ., ...'-'..po....", () REPLY FROM: DATE: " ,C14-02 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION COURTHOUSE - PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125E, 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE,OR97401 / (503) 687-4186 '. ~ .~" ,