HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-9-19 \.., 't . ~k: '.J... ;'1. .rl , POST THIS.PE,RMIT ON MAIN: BUILDING AT SITE JOBA~)~~ss:TT9i AJ.8~~'b ~<'u.:;l~ ~""?' .-T,RS, ~L:,l7-0Z- 3Co~.';5 :=it .H bq . . . Subdivision:. ~ ~ " '..' .." .' This. p;ermit f~r the ref~renced property is hereby (~crll 'tP> ,S'e!Qacksand other c,?nd'itions pf ap~ro\lal,n-iu;t be stri~~ly ~obs~rved.. Viola'~io'n '~an :" result'in revocation ofthis permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, arid/p(cither r:emedies:alloVlied bylaw. ' , .. . '. -.. . ." - ' ,.", .' - 1;: ,. ,'if. .' -,' ;.',,,, . , ' 'UJ'~\~ ,A:'.1::~\~ ::.' ,'. ,,' .,... ,... ~ Telephone: . '.' .,.,~.P.C., ~': 1\-.32, :',~c.~tUe.;?ar;r~ .,~. I "'";:",'/ "1;el.ephone: " .' . ,. . ,'Telephone:. , . ' . 'Total ',t.pnstru'~t!~nv.a'u(!~4.m~,'~', .... '.,' ,,'~: ". ". " , ~. ~~164 .__ ,#Sedroo'ms: ,/'#PlumbirifJ" Fixtures: . CONSTRUCTION PERM'IT ,; "2,5\(j- ('g Applicant/Address': Owner/Address: Contractor-I Address: , . Co'ntrac;ri!>(s OS #, Construction approved by' this pe;:b1it: \ 0.F,p,: .1. W~ter Supply:' /2/ELt:- 7.. '#.Employees:., ~/~' , ,> . t. . -;0 -'. " ZOl1ing:' Partitioning # . ,Parcel # Mlriimumrequ ired structural setbacks, from: cel1terli ne of road, front: '. 'sidee)<terior::. ; interiorpropertylines:~ ;rear property line: .Speciallnstructions: .' ' Parcel Size: ; center-Ii ne of 'road, ~\ : I , .' 'PLANN ING: DIVISION:. oJ .. -: "-< .;-. ~: :~ , ; . '--r;,.~ -:0- " :_.i . Fo~-info';~ation-call-68=?'~4394 . , '. .. ., , " _1, ,.",.wATER POLLUTION ,CONTFlOL DIVI.~ION . . . \ . . . '., 'rp-eJ'--' ; gaLr,hin. septic tank capacity; ~/~".. .,.. '.":,.' .: ..~"::..,.,'~~~~'" - ' , Setbacks.. . . " Septic Tank' Drainfield. ''1terior property .H.ne~ . 10" 1 0'. ':, .dge :ofroad righ~-of-way '. ... 1 o.~" ',10' " '. ',::~uilding fOl,lndation . ,5;." ,.:-'. 10.' () (\ t., , Wells, other water sources " . 50' . iOO~'for irifClrmationcal1 be~we~n ~:00;:'9:00:~.~:;" " .:,~, " ".. " ".~ ,..'. ',;- .; .(' , ,. \_,.. .."..", ..~,,' '. '~',"~ '. ~,.c '.... ~ '''.' ~ . CONSTRUCTION,':'.. ' Type of Cbnstructlon'::',".' ,:..,; Group: 'P(reZone:. use.,.'.C.'q,'I,a.s,S,.ific~a'AtiO,n~: '.,,1~:, ' " "\".C\,) ,..' .:' " " P'E'RMITS/INS~ECTlbN,:',:.'in'structions:' ....:.. ,'" ".'.' ", , ,DIVISION" ", ..', . .,. '. ',' .' .. .. ,',,'." ','" "'9"\'~?'~~\" '" ;,' <, For!plans inf~rm~tioh call' . "'- :'.' between' 8:00 a~m. and 9:00a.m., :' .:.' , ,~ . '. " " .' . ' ,''- " ',. ,~.. , .';, For:;inspections'(seeback"ofthis;permit)'ca'II'687-406,5between8:00a.m':~nd5:0bp.I:D.' , . Q~ / < ',~ pir'ectioh,'t;;'Sile: '.,' ' . \-;-- D De CDUnty DEPAFUMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT . ~ ~ ~I .',' . ":'COURTHOUSE' RUBC';; SEAVICEBUIUilNG "B~:' ..---=., '. .'~ ~.' S>, I~~_ 1,?5.J;l>~T~sn:bLA\lENUE,EUGENE" OREGON'97401 . _L..J ______ ~, """~,.' . . ~.- Site ,Inspection'#' . Installation specifications:' , 'Iinealfe~fof dr;ainfiel.d required; max. 'depthqf trenches; .' J . ,Special I nstructiohs:: ..",.,' ,Date . Issued : . C55,13 , , (f"'t:;@lA ~ ,-~ iEPARHiENl O,F ENVIf6Nr~ENTAL t1ANAGEMENT : D cp._, i? ../~kl_, f# ~. PSB,125 EA?T 8TH AVENUE ' " ' '~, 10 '" ~7 ' EUGENE, O~EGON 97401 " ' .. Job Address '77Q 1 '.HC.j(' eiu 2 //#', l~/Ju.,at.jt-Af/. In;JtI~;:r~/:) _ 1'1-2-31..- 4-;,7,0 Appl ication for fc?e:::-=. I De- ll) Co r$" I - .13B~ . Structures now'on the property . I ,~ ::ltil~g:::g~g::::it:::pg;;;~:;.tyI 1I<t::li;~M;;~ijij::: C/::t;;;;;;$~gj:~:~:, C/:JJ.Aij~~t~~l:::: " () JriijlfiI; Affidavit: I, W'J-t-l A "1nnn-A~'nn' ..J-)~i:.L:,'1 . (l:i.J'-~$.~:p.nUj:t), I If this application is for an agricultural building it will, be used for purposes allowed by the State ,Building Code and Lan).. County Code, Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose.' I have the following legal interest in the property: ' \? owner of record; contract purchaser; 'I lessee; holder of an exclusive option, to purchase; ..... duly authorjJ.ed...to act for the owner, who is knowledgeable of this application. Signature/Address '/../0 :BeaK / 1'32rIJ '6EiVt:!'"" tOe. ' (zip/1-744.0 Telephone IP'17; 4~1 ~ . o~ " Date 7-12 - ...7Q When permit is ready notJfy: Jfl. ~pplicant () Owner C/ Contractor Ql.: C/ mail'" /~o~e I Owner, .lLJ,/I....,J.....IA M ~; J:;'LL.?' , (zip) Pho~et:,Y7-'l-.3/k Contractor~M __ I (zip) Phone {Contractor'S OSR# OLl",J ,.,.).e-/2.. 'Plumbing by ! f:)wNe-e, DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE #6Jemployees li:ii::miJti!ft $lifH RrExisting, BP # l~/ Proposed, SI # tc:m9 M:6M .. hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. If Commerc i a l':.'~:!~',~lr~il:: Residential :~~J~4fflmit ;::~J~:: '~, " u~ ~' - - -~ /) ,\I@I~'I~lli ~-S-?~ I ~ 1=' I I i:II~\\ "(!.'-;l3~O~79 . . ~ , , SI test holes ready Valuation Fee /-/ /;ii'W}}}: /i;;tlijbij:::i ", '51 9: Re;c~~~~d"'~~-~, ' , " Total Valuation:, $ ~~IIIIII~II~i~I~!1 :~:' , Subtota 1 each each $ $ $' $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $;lIJI,.7f ~~~' Water Supply ?ropos~d , Year In'stalled Lv.-e-LR. :'J Existing )( f .. 4% State surcharge' '. 'Pl ans thec k fee Chang~ of Occupancy ';l TOTAL int. Parcel Size c::t:l )fl, /~I ; rear ~", PERMr'(RROCESSINGZO~eG.e -~, Part.'# I Minimum',setbacks:1.,front ~....e;-~.. ; 1., sidJ ~ . 'I. "Comments " ,',: .' , .' , " '.,: I A ' , ,_' . 'T~e 't~ed on...permi~. .' ' ~.. r ~~ 1!11CJ ~~ >(~ f~,//),,-;;:r, ~/~'-LU.'.' ,I~,~BY~~_, Date_8-:/.:.:r-7i CP&I ' Type' ~ ' GroupJfl--"3 Fire Zone ~ Use Classification '/FO, Tq~e, typed on 'permi;t ~dlJ)uuev 6Y JtP't../~" , , '," I, ' , ,~. ^ I //: .-' . I '.. .. ',14.. .. /L ~ / , . .' " . f .' By .. ~t/'!fJ~ate '! /21 Forplansinformation!=.a~~ector) .'3 I. .,....."I"'lArv\fJ,. ". ,... Phone ~?ft:,? D~~te '.'7~~ ~; ~~-~./AA6~ ~ ~~1 " .!'"ef/.f) ) ff / . r/ SIFO Plan~ . CP&I set(<J( ~ Da~e - - Hold Slip ,Date' . Date to' ; ,c-, '/' " WPC' set{s) R.e,q,Ui".red ,,' to PCC comp~et flCC itrCP&I 5r7Jl.;(-' :' .. C~" ''f7.J-L' "I ' , ",I,.l , /-/ Planning - ~ ,: C/ Public Works CJ Elevat{on ./~ C/~ddress C/Facil ity Permit C/ Environmental Health, Rarcel # ,I I I 'FOR INFOR~\ATION about progress of your appl ication call: C74-fll '. " Permit Control Center 687~HELP (687-4357) i , ir~"'1" . / , t~~,~iE'LLATION/R~UND AUTHORIZATIONO Name (pl ease Rrint) \.)J \ L L I' ~-l'. ~"" .J.. L I I l-::r ' , . ~~. .', Address ~ 0, ~Ro" I \ :s z. ,.<t::.U b.etU'e 012.. ('77 LL4-01 .:. '.. ,,Arj'plicant ()() Owner()() Contractor ( ) , ,,/ Reason for cancelli ng permit Nt) e oJ &. f JO-e::t:=12 J tU~. vet2. {..\.")LD J\JoT'} C~ ~ 'Il , ~ Si gnature -=-,AJtYl1. Ci I If fL fJ--A, Date If" q --/ q ~ 7 tf Fees paid for waste dispos~l sy-stems (s'ite"'insp~clions and/or applications to, install septic tank and drainfield) 'arevordinarily nonrefundable. Some refund may be\made on )Kbuilding and plumbing portions according to the amount of the permit processed. , .. '\ {ONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS ~'Authorization for possible refund: Permi t (#~ () .l-~ \ "" ) :!', ..."".... uj llt-t ])CJJ &, $ $ $ $ $ $ /~,B~/~ /~- I.,?- 79 ll\ ~ ~ , ~I '\ ~ h'- "'$ sys tem fe~ $ ~ '$ l ~ t '..1 . 24-08-24/ Acct 46960/Prc'f~, O~l Recei pt # 69873 . ....~ ...... 6 8 24-08-24/Acct 46960/Prog~021 Receipt # 9 73 24-08-25/A~ct 42133/Prog 011 Receipt # 24-08-25/Acct 42134/Prog 012 Receipt # .~ (OFFICE USE ONLY) q/') % Cfl) Building permit fee % Mobile home fee % Plumbing permit fee % Plan check fee % State surcharge fee \. TOTAL AMOUNT -6- c' t Ll Uis;~n~tur~ ~~ cf // - , 'rOo .,...,,~'-..,..._ -1.i:P ./ / /' / . ,,.,. // WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Authorizaiion for possible refund: ' joC) ~. Date % Septic disposal % Site inspeG.tion ..... TOTAL AMOUNT Signature Date TO: DEPARTMENT OF FLNANCE Building permit refund $ State surcharge refund $ Septic disp. syst. refund $ Site inspection refund $ TOTAL TO BE REFUNDED $ 128.38 5.24 123. 14 PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Name Address Signature ltJJ 11 I am A. 0 i1 Q P.O. Box #1132. Euaene. Oreqo~ 97440 "~//~~ t' the the J?C4 ~t/ "".. - , ,.3/J15 (') r",\ -, '\ ~"-/ --v Date 7' -J't:J ,.77 ... ';;7 c;.' " DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MAN~GEMENT COURTHOUSE/PUBLIC SERVICE BUI'b:D'ING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON~97401 " ~ C74-179 ....: / ~ , " ... i), ( :, " ,;;k. -~ B'OLD lane county SLIP APPLICATION # [t Z'?/{) - 79 . ~ ..t" tt.Ji ,^lll1i1'\ II. p.o. /8oj{ .//-;:'2 t lJb6?.J C' ?'/e.... i<N:-:.. ~ ,q74QO Zi P Code Name Address ~~.... ~.:f" .~ The above applicat10n is 'being"held by the Permit Processing Section for the following reasons: ' D f" ~::Ol) J DE.:-' ,p~._) (7 ; ~) ~ee)0 c;' Fo (2 '0013.. e.::::-o Il...:r F U?::Jf2- --J 0 1 S;, TS {- 12.(;z:/f~ T12 ijf:/:3? ES. e:. lUG /0 EE.j2 j t.J& T C> BE. ::>Tll/V]{:;~TJ r:;>C( ~r=G,I?::;;TE>2ev o,e.{;C7.>C>;.,) /4vc H-fTl::-z.- f o e e~G J (--).E~J?I2-, o );-..)()tCA~~ . ,.,," . /,)' Il-'l C~t' J./"\O"jlt, /) <:::.... ' Di vi si on: C/ f / ., . , \c.- l ('T~j :-!./ I . d.' I '/ ~.... /J ~c) (/eo~1 ., Signature: Y-M.~v t . CA4--r::~_ Date5-2Z. ,'. (2[)0-rr~'-rc) ~:-bNTEI'2 S'PACi~b) 'vF- Z KG Q FlbOiZ .Jol<S'-r'~ tlT LEi.l..JTE),?cJr-;: ,gP/t1~. P ~.":SfIZJl1j'" {(Jenl !o~~ (') p. /L/!C If(/l) . S/A),k::. (~f.":;.:? 0, ) ,1' \......-""> -.', r ",,' ~~J/,' 1;:;'4/". "rl/..'Z /1.Il~;C- -r::) J::?--; c- ...- . -r..l:"F4,\j //-;:'7 c- J:J L') /l/1) .I 177,(,. ]/ / I /f... / t- / I ,f-. .> _ !, ~-: t-- I /. C _.(:/ .t.._ /1" .'-',~ :-;; , f",. ,. , ; !:AI '// ';; ,( \?, ,/ II-tv 'bi 1-; /J;-; t.t t- /~,? <-c " ill I 1'..'1( 1/' /, [.... ''-'',;;::''-C"i\ /?E. 1-."""'/, (" & II J? C_, ;I . , i '.... /~V' ., {,. [, r-r~l4" ~ L/r....." /</ pv/2f:7i:~~f}J([ Di vi si on: -...... j 1\ 1/1]"1::- 11../ f ~ v, (- . .. Sjgnature: Date y/;' 2 ",-~ (q::;... ".. \ ;. </ ':? [) r ) i: 'iJ~ f) ___ __ et 'T~v1)e b Tb Cf-I't-79 This applicatibn wi11 be held' until _c?: 5- ,--71' . If the infor~ation required above has not been fur::nished by thatdate\your applicationwill be cancelled. Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections and/or applications to install the septi c tank and drairfiel d'Y are nonrefundab'le. 'Some' refund may be made on the building and plumbing portiQ~ qf your application if cancellation is necessary. ;''t: '1 ~ In the event a Planning or:s~me other long-term problem, exists over which you have no control we will hold the;'ii.p.ermit until the problem iSf resolved and we receive word from you as to whether to p~~keed with permit issuancebr process a cancellation. ...;t -,... .' ,~"" jr~C:~<,< "" '. 1" . I_ '. ' ,I..~~: ~:?ir ::' . ./,i' . C74-139 , P/:RMIT PROCESSING SECTION -687-4394 0- .';1 , ~ ....:'" '_~ .. ' ~;;'~~' :..('~:!t:'i. ~;)'~ ! /. . .~:'..:.>=:: . t " I 7~~' ~):. . ~'~7 '1,.;~~f'l ):": ~ .~.~.~<<'~" t;.~,;,;.~-t,:?~/,., ..~::.tll:-;'~;-~'~:1 ..f:~ .' ..~. ,.~. .:;p'l!zj)(\:\Jt (\J\~ < ' .' \ .: ,.'..c.-. :", .. ::'6~:~:R~;l'lENT' OF,~N~I'~J'tl~~(~';~L' ;~ANAG01Er~T " '~.f:;"( ',..~ '~I' , . ",",~ .", PS'B, 125 EAS1 8ifH AVUJUE, "" .i-' ,/. . :,: :l-.." '>::....~;,J: EUGENE! ORE.GON?7401 '. .' '. Job Add~~Ss:'17q/v HC,<ii0'~/elj~iclty ,~5fl?II()I4Jf~ Jownship.':Range,Section;taxLo~' ..J7;';;~"2-3.~-.I::$~,' //.0.0., 'Subdivis'ion .':~:..':;,~; .,1 . kat' Application for l~e',~uJ'eMJa.t.F'I- B~H~" . Structures now on the'prop~rty' . '. ' ". " ',... Proposed use of property: .Uf(Residential; /[! Coinmer:c:r~i C/ Industrial.': !j' Public "Affidavit: I, "WU".I,..,4h' .~it -:J::;/ I.-~ , hereby certify'th..attnis il)formation is true and accurate: . '. . (-plea'se' print) . If this application is for an agriculturafbuilding it will be us'ed for purposes al,lowed by the State Building Code, and Lane County 'Code Chapter 10 (toning) and for no other purpose.: I have the follo'wing',)egal interest in the property: 'V owner of record; c,ontract purchaser; lessee;, holder'of;:an' exclusive option to purchase; " ... duly authorized..~to act for the owner, who is knowledgeable of this appl icahon.. '. . Signature/Address 1",...10 ;j:;'f.r:>X 11;$2: r'iJ bEAJ-t!r: ({)IZ,. '. Telephone (p77 ~.,~JI;';' or.Date When permT~i s ready notify: ' 01( App,hJ,Eant '. "C/ OwnerC/ Contractor Qy: C/ mail .Owner -IL) J .i.... iL.. I ~1 M ~l :J:) I '- L:> . (zip) Contractor '-~ M t; . (zip) " iC~ntractor's OSR# '\ G'ju.,.) n..Jc::'/l. p'lumbin;, by O~,,.t.Je-.IIf:f!. . B1"6d" ; ...,.\ ~ I.d::2S70};19; Assi gned Numbers .' -,,: '.., (zip) tJ744..(J 7-/:2'" 7Cl n/~nb' . Pho~e t.,.y '7- 'I-~/ b , .1 '" , ;~t :; ~~ -t Phone D~NOTWRITE BELOW THIS' LINE /' .;:./ /1"<\'- SI t~st holes rea~Y # of stories. # of bedrooms # ofernP 1 oyees # of units. SDS: /~<Existing, L/ Proposed, :;. If Commercial: Residential :' BP # sf # J.t!-~3SV.'71 ~ '() V~. .;l Fee . . ',', Code ~ . . :". ~. I Desc~,,~iti,on' ~~-t"L'~nlfll/.L./ , r:;r 1/ ~ -, , ,:.,' . ";'~ . '. ~ -' Sq. F.t. or. # of'Sites 5?~ r Valuation Fee ". ' " '&Y~ili<<-/V& , n .' . '.~' L/ Casb' . D/....C~'i:k #' >? 9' .Receiv~~:'bY ~ u.J-dY....J $ $, $ $ " ," ....r;. '~ ..~ , :-il~' ~'t: " J6tal Valuatibn: $ ~Plunibfng fi~tur~s\t $ ;;....Sewe.r/.watercon'n. at $ "'$~- . ,;" , <I . ., Subtotal each $ $ $ $ $ $ $ l'/ "f; each .' Water'Supply Proposed Year InS~t:Jed Existing )( f. ' 4% State sur<::h~~rge! .Plans check fee':,'<E .' j' Cha nge of OccupancY''':.' . ~.... PERMIT: PROCESSING Minim~m ~e~back~: Zone GR...../" r/ . , .1., front rA~ -,.- TOTAL . . ~~ I ' 7 fi':;~ 't, side '. Jnt. Parcel Size / ..r' ~.?V, rear ~ 'r' Pa rt. # Parcefli ';t \ ' Comments !. ......... .4 /J .,.;... /l, To be typ'~d on permit ~~~cftt-~./J~ lo/7/J-~ ;;::;:..~ . (~ //),.;;;rIJ.~-/&..,../L7 By A'~ Date' 8'~j,3~77 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL,. . '. . Installation specifications:, __ .' Ag,a,l.tari.k; . ft. of drairifi~}~<max. depth of trenche~: , if(; .tYP~,d on. P".ittffiYlt1pd';" vmt~~ (U.23,.S7J.,,71) ., ~"{'., QJV . ~. .b~... ,MLJ:01JJ1lA. (U/.{/MJ .c;\.'.~ .'Si;}ko . .~c 0J&d {o., ( do r:;J1/LR. d1d./M () ,.c, : .. ( . ,. . ' . _ ' I '. ~ I '_ , .: . A J:#Ph~ne;'{M.'?':3})(ntJ -:~ B~./M#U/YI.~J{f}dRJiAP/tifate 1'I~i)t-197'J Dir~ctions to si~e '/tflt:lL M CJ/lbli~-L./ ~.i;""~ /~. ,,' " ('~~~I ~_~~~~4""41_} '#'..~_,: 1/ V r/ SIFO Plans lJ*' CP&I set(s)'pate . ,~~old Slip ::, - /' WPC. set(s)' Requlred ,'toPCC' C/t...EP&1 _ C;--j.2/ c/ 'wP'f . . /y-/J.l C/ Planning" . CI Publ ic Works.: :-.. ), (}~~ ".,- Da te, Completed Da te to PCC C/ Elevation ,\ -,' I, L/ Address [) Fac i lity Permi t I-I tnv,i ronmen ta 1 Hea 1 th .tt. .... ~ -,' '"-,, i' ,1 -;'."\. " ,.,:;.j ...., "~-~ , , -' . .Permi t Control' 'qente'r" .'6~7;~HElP , , ~,.< ~.", It ''0'_ FOR INFORt1ATIONabbut progress of. your app:. ,'-'.' ':, J .,,,', ' .. ~~ ~~ INSPECTION REQUEST TYPE OF INSPECTION: (i?~ DATE: ~-/4- ?r TIME: z..'.6tJp~ DATE WANTED: 1.-15-7'1 TIME: IF poS~, CONT., PLMBR" INSTALLER, NAME: TELEPHONE #: PERMIT NAME: \), LG,- ADDRESS: 7 1.iJ Me. I('GAJZ/EJ!Ib..JJ4.Y B.P.#: ~~/o-79 ('1C.iI~~) JOB LOCATION:' ~10~ ~'Gl~ ~ ~r,tL ~'~ /) "U ->><,1. ~d ~!J . COMMENTS: __ ,() __ ~<;'~ C55-71 t/ ",_! .~ ' NOTJCE ,r '. r . .,.- NAME ADDRESS /).. ...=- 01 j, '!''''''1..L_iL..; f -1 c; ''1.' I ! I r fir! c 16..v.4v( ~, {J If; ,"l rt.! (]~- Your attention is called to items below: Failure to have or display building permit ~ L .~.t'f"'..;Jt- Other vl'olatl'ons <-t 'jJ...... 'i,'j', L:i -.,<-' f . " .1/i,..,..A....~ ~ Remarks: .,j ".. " "'''''7'' ~,..~.~i,_,l /" A:;h A' .Lj l t ...' 11 ;__b /). 7-" I \ .i~L.tJil /fI' /~~'" ....t"',,,.t' ;'.\ CJ .J!.,..-t...r" /i':~k.~.~' U/h;~ 'fL!P, ", ..'1" ,A ,/(/.4 '.~ --td ~,..A ./'i i.~,,;;(j,'t/ /A./ .. ' ;;,' "-j-'- .-(, 1~""L'1' -,or /L....... .-J-P ,.t..(}..;, ./ l.~ ~ A--<J A~ ~/~l'?f ../ -_~ .P . . Res~ 1 ve above 'wi thf~ date of this notice. days from LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Construction Permits & Inspections Division 125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 687-4065 ... '..'} /".:; ~', , 1';-:"-' - ,::~i""'J', :~'" '.:o~...bL,.o{~~:,#:... DATE: f"o.' '. .. :'f;.T"" <AlII; f"..,~t,'.i-." 17 CY: '" ..; -r '..' .. . ,,\. .., r:.- I F., ..\' . . , . , . , ' 'L'2c:l'? ,"t11C"/~ '. I' "'. '. ';.~ ,', ~" : " . . , -.-.- ~.' " ," , ,. ...", . ' ,'.' -' , .1, " '. . ".-. -;.' ; " .:'. :, '. ,I '..... . '.- ._L2' .){ . LCD :t. S-I'~,u.c,-~ P_R~ II I ' \,", , " ." , s-,-:t:r~LaJ_ac..oiJ', ,'. M,~'H.,~.~ ,R.A.IM:~ . . ~' ~ ~EJ ~" '. \ ";., '" " , . , ,'. ", . .. . ".., w - . j - .- . ' " , .: ..,.. " .. :- "1, '." ~, > .,. ," .,tt',' " , f -" , ' i,' " " '\: ;; , . " '.,.- '" ,'-<t ,'. ,"'. , " ~"- ~" . if , ' , .' '.':~ ~' . ,2. 'X. 4' ~ 1~1I. f!)t~ . '., , . . .\ -;,,' <'. 1_,":,.2~~~rL'~',: ;....., t~'~...' -5: (lL~~& I( ,', ' '". ::.. .- , .,', ., .' II,' > ," . .., , . P L Ii lc.J f> .. . '.' ' : . ,,' ,-- ,', . . ..;- ~' .' " '-J' . .' " , :? ~-ct-' J ~' . 1 ::' (.;, ".:.t ,..,c-~,. . "'::- ~ . ,........,._~.:-::. , 2:' t> #I F-' 't. . - ".' I ". D"D. ..,., :. , .t ., '.. ' ' , ." /' " . _..... ,.. .... , ...'... . ", '.' --'" ". '. ' . . 3.:1 ~-~-s-es..~r' -'f:.ilJ!~r;. " . .-r~c~$~t:f; ". ,1!I~1f2_'~ . '. 'A~~M-,EMA.,D_e._ .-l"..'.u~L-I . *'~a::'J" '. 'f..~.A.e,,' ",L'.)''fI ,':""";' ",' ~ '.s' -"..-'; , _~___L-.: -'-~- ".' . ~~~-'--,r', I'-r:.~-~~_, , 1:1- -;,,---"-:/..,-'-~-tl~'5-$. :- 4fJ~ItJ_L _L; , . ... { . . -' .'" ,. ~' ' . . ' ", I.'. . " / . 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" r ,,;'i' ,;\,t~ l'l', ! : i ',"" .-~,."."... ....- -,'~-_. "--..- .::-.-..,.- , : POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ~bDRESS::, .: 7890M~Ken-zJ e Highwai~ Springfield OR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#' . . ..i', LC 2937'-7.9' .,> TRS, TL: ' ':',' ,) 7 -0?-36 .'3, t1 11 00 Subdivision: . . '. , " ,., -. _ ,. _' ,.,. ..". , .. - ~.:, . ,_ ~ " , 'F ".- , This, permitfor'tl'fe.fefere!nce,d property is hereby approved. Setbacksand()thercQ.~ditions:of apprqval.Ynust be '~trictry observed.' Violcition,ca,q r~sult in r~vocati,on of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's I nfra~tjoniO~drnance, and/or othe~ r~medies'allbvi[ed by.Jaw. ,,' '- ! 3 " ~ -.. '. . ". ~ . '_' 1 'I. .". ,.'_ . ,. "_ ',' ~ '. ,,_',... _, ~ "':: ..'. " .,'."'_" ,App'licantlAdd~ess:',' Win i am~ A, Di 1 g', P.O. Box n ~2," rUgeneOR ~97440'::;~':', ',.,. ',::, ....,.. ",<;.' "Teleph'o~e'(',687 -4316 . . Owner/Address: '. s,ame . . .'... . . ';.'" 'J~lephone:, Contractor/Address: - ::'_,":.~":c"~ :.~-. ..-,-T_ele'phorte:;;'~ ;', '.. .. T, . . . .. '.. - ,.> ':7. .., -,. Contractop's OS,# To~al COQstruction Value: ',:~'. ',,;,''''<:,'\,~. . < '~. ,. "'" . . ~~. ' .' {. ~, "ConstructioriapProvedbytf:1iS,perlT)i1:::'~J2'x"AO...mobile'Jlo~e, 1919 Mag' n~ ,; '., .. ,'~ ... . . .. . , '. . ' '. ". :."', str.'ucture;s, nowoh pr.oPJ:~rty,: ,'>resi'derJ:ce:', " . . .., "'.' ~" ' c,. -. ". ~ '1.' ' .-~ ;' ,.:, ,,' . '" , . " . '" , ""-t '':'- ", ' '-:\::FW~tet:'Supply~ '. ex'iKti ~d" . ~ . ./# Bedr'6oms:< "'#PlumbihgP.j~t~f~S::::, ,..,""'<":#:~~m6'io;e~s:~' .~\..,~,,::~,~,;~, ,,>. '--"-'c;,~:',:_<>~.~-,,:::~~*.r;,,-:,;'f'~_~~;;-_:~_' >.._:-,_,~~~-,_.~"'J__"?,,",:.'._- -_'--_:=;~:;:=-<;"'"".~-.;'-.__~-,_. T'~~-'~--~ LV-". ~- *=.:;;';r : .....~~.=~'-.. h'~" .[1.=_ _ _~__"~ . . . ,~.~ PLANN-f'NG '9,1'\1 IS'!O~~'. ~ .':'idnr0~.:,'~< GR~;l 0 "; : ~:,' ~:;'~~rtttt9.n,inif'~. " " . :t :, , ' 'Parcel :# "i "'. i "",;:,'Pa;'c~1 siz@,:-~~io4'::*' '4:3:5": ' . , '.-" .-Minimum req~ireq, structural, setbacks, fWfTl: ,centerljl1e~~f rOClq! f,r?,n.tt' ,,65,1 .~ "~ centerl,in~ ?f'ro~d,"":' ,-.' . , ..' sjdeexterior:~'.~"'..~I!itEkior'Pr-opertylines:,'15}',;r~9r.fp~<?Rer'~y'Ij'[1~:~2P\>."" '':,,:;.: :, --, SpedaLllistructi.ons::, ~ ": >'}~:"":, . ~ ,-.. "".-~" ;'::;'.~Y>,:"" '[' '. , ' , : .~' . Foriilformation call !)8Z-4394,' Donna,l ee'- Meiqs ' . ...... . ::;: u.."'.. .,' WATER: POI.::Ll:JTIQN, . Site+~spection'#.. ,.Insta"ati~rispecifications:. gal. ;nino septicta'nl< capacity; 'CONTRpL':DI9ISJON . lineal feet of drainfield' requlred;rpa'x. 'clept~ 'ohrenches:',.. '" : .' , ' . . . . ,",' . c' .;:. Speciallnstructiens:., 'Connect -to, the' e'X,;,sting' 'septic systeM (refer to'LC 2.510"-i9f .I.,....,'::..~~.,:,J,,"~.-\ '", .' ~.": ..',...., '.:~ '" ,.:' '.' '. . :t.'>,-,.~. /' .. . ~'_<Se<tb~~J~s .~' ,'"." '..~" ~:'._:',Septi:c.:Ta,rJk~:~'" :-i?raJhfi'e_lct,' \ ";:".nt~ri,6r prc{perty .Jine~ ";:: -'10,',' '.10',." ,> .Edgeqfroad:righ(of~vV~y.- '\' '..,10' '.:'.',;: .::': 10':/" " 'Bu'ildingfQundation,.:..' '.,5"':,' ">.'1";0.100":~,'.,,~ 'Wells,othe'r: water sources,. ~.::50'~ '.' . ::.i, ~- ',: ~~'".: ,: ,.~", ~. "~',' ,",' , _ . GONSTH U.CTI ON .,', ,Type of Cbnstr~cti6n: MH , Gro.up:,- ,~1H Fi're' Zone: ":3',;, ,.UseClassification: 'SFD:' , . PERMITS/INSPECTION: 'lhsttuctionsi"Provide footings andp.i,ersto compJywi th~te~;State' four;datJ on rc'ecjufrem~nts,. for hlOb,11 e >,DI,VISlorf, " . '.'. 'homes: or ,as r.ecommended by ttJe manufacture.r'that;are, attached:to,;:the ;butllt ins'ide of the ,mobile home';' ..' AlSo provide ?ki rti ng as required. .See r~ver~e.s ide. f9r ,ca 1) ed inspe.ctions. ' , .. . . .' '. ' ., , , ,,; ,.,. '.'; -', '-. "', ~,. "'.:'-'-. ..'- '.,\. -.- .' . &_, , ., t, '. For plans information call",6'87..,4065' b~tween'8':00 a.m. and,9;ob'a',h'i'.:;'::y , ,., '.4. :'.., . Fo~ ihspections'(~.ee back ofthispe~mit) cali'687-4Q65 between8:QO,.a;(il.:aQa.5,OO p;'m. '.<.,;, ';>'" ..... .' .. J' '1:./ . ...... " ..">.:: ;' c., :.... :.;:~):~,.... ,/" ',' ,: . .' "'Eor~Ynfor;i:riatiori c'ai'I' ,687 -3960 between- 8j)b-~:9 :Ot:j'a:m.i,';'""Ka'thi: Wiederhotd': ~ ,-~. .- .', ,~ ,. - .. '. , - '-. .,. . .- " . -' , .,;- . - '. ~ .. ' " ... ',- ." . ',. . ., " , ,~ne'codntj' , ,,1& . .'te -p . . _ b'i~ectib'nsto 'sh:e:. "79tfi & McK~nz~e, Springfie1'd. ..., .-i~_' ."',, ...... " ~ <., . . . Date Issu~'d:.. ~:'1 011.1 /19. , ,... _ ..~, . ,.,~ ,-~_. , '.."'--.". "'..,",,., ~~~.:.. ,...< ,.,- "-,. ".'~:"'" '. . ".,'.,.: g60~~t~~1?~UE~L~bR~~R~T~J~~~~~N~~'~'~E~F . '~y:"~.~.' ,125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401." . '," " -, . '-C55-13 . , , ' .','" f\ ,:,.'.t.. /0., ,:'~: Name, ' V ~ ('Application II~Cj ~'7-7(tor M H- IPh.rnp' WORK SHEET Construction Permits & lnspectfi:m , Mlr -. ,. "'. MJj' -3 ......... -itO '.' , ,.~ Type of Construction G rou p' Fire Zone . Use Classification '" '" . , . ~N() [E :w (/ ~ ero P '( Q-r '1 t{ t El.rr[ p ~A- tJ 10 1}tt J.2J11l&lN ~ -J:llilJ f (/(o1Z'j 0r1\~f;tJ 17FP\M 11 C6'PY. I J1LBL.TITE.n ON PEIU1lT2ROV \ D t1 ~()O f Ul,6t-~_-AJJ,D 1/16 f\s 10 ('.J)M?L/Y .ulJiU' .~V()Ul:1J2A/f\21.LR~(~\}(R.~M\6.hJi~Y{)K MD'BJ\Jt1 \X()l'6..~:'1 01J. M..j{~((')~M~!\)P\~lLBV '~~f ~.11U:~f;\-Z~r:: ' .A'{;(AtJt@_{(Q_1}iC; U~\6100 Ot-~MOSf\v6_k\'oMr/.J<(/5() 1/QO\.lI06 6K \ \<'jJ~4.J;'J 'kJ~~ Q~ )\1<.'0 D. ,~-b~ R6\J6(<,6t ,)li2~ Eo1=( ~,roJ//eD \ \--)/)i{?~Ulo0{~, Date 1/)-11 :>f~7' '~ S igna tll re ...' "J>,' ,,.~. ,-"'. '; "~ i ...'~. ,/ "\"'-"~~"',", ", .~ ~;o , , ;-f~','~~:'f\t'C''':' " ";;::;:~N; ':: CNV \ RONi"'J,^, .M^'^G~MCNi' ',' V\./ PSB; '125'EAST 8TH AVENUE.: i' . '!'~ '. . EYGENE, OREGON' 97401 Job Address '1 ~ob,., 't-'t (~;(~f.l'2_l~, "+J~'-I~ ,,~ ,'Ci ty '. ~S;?12'~ uti r::t~'l..J~ Township Range Section'T~x iLot,; , 17"'DZ.?"?fo-~- / I OL') '" 'SUbdivi~;on "~' ' ~.~-:- '," " :' . . . ,Lot. "Appl ication. for.yw.\CE'hl a: 'lIJ~t--~c-Ft-:40'B1 LE ~o ME'" Structures now on the propertyk:C~e:j,D~?-' JQ ~w "Proposed useofpr:op'et,ty;, 'i!5/R~S i.den t i a 1, C/ Cornmerc i a 1 Affidavit: I, y..., l"1A'i"D\ t...:L...f . .." , (please print) , . I , . . .If this application is for'an agricultj1ral buildjng it wil.l be used for purposes allowed by the State BuildiilgCode and Lane, County {ode Chapte'r 10.'.(zoning} '~andfor no other purpose, I have the following legal interest in the property: . '.Ix.. owner of record;,. contr'actpurchaser; . lessee; .' holder Of an exclusive option to purchase; , " duly authoriz,ed 'to, , ac.t"fo:JJr,.;t".~e.ow, ner, who."is knO\~J.e)dg. eabl.Ei, of this a.,PP, 1 k, ation, ,',' , ,'.. W ""'\ C' .'.. .' !.. ^ . , . "'I\, "'P - . ,j ..'.. \ - '-;)' .!'.t .-'1 4.. A . :. Signature/Address .' -,. .. JL..,t.s,..;., '.~ r' \...I, :Pc'f... II'" '''-' "t::. i.ft....~IV.'= t,)(<.. (zip)', ( . ""t--f) f ' . Teleph~~e'lblr1'-(if? i l....) or,i,;Oate L-<[ ~ 1'i::.J&L When permit is ready noti~!: I:!}i App Hc'a ht, ~/~"'Oiner C/ Contractor'> ..Qz.,:\ I~I: ma il 0..!51. p,hOQe) . ~ Owner' v--I M..A ,!:) I LL.'1' (zipr Phone "'.Jt1,''f~/~ Contractor UJM t.\ DII.../.;t\,: (zip). Phone ,'~~g501 #. t-t~1 Assigned Numbers 4 .' ,'.' "-, \',; ; :: ... , Block C/ jndustrial C/ ;Publ ic - ..~ , hereby ce,r'tify that th.is information is tr'ue and accurate, " "~ l .} :,:L, . Con tr;ac,tor' s OSR# ~'~' j ~::.,;_ 1 "r: ':,.r ..:.~ . _;\ . ~ r '1~'.: Pl umbing "by '"I . , -' 'i,..... . '1: " \,4 ~,. OpNOT WRITE BELOW TH1S LINE' , :~ If "CommeF(c i a 1 : ~:;~ftl;j.'" ",." 1 ~ w" -, < '\" Residential: 'I', .\ # of stories . . ":' # of emp'loyees # ,of bedrooms, ' ,ONe-,v'"" SI. test holes' re~dy !" # of units SOS: r() Exis.Nng, :C/ProJlosed, ~?,.~.i,~.,~;,.J.~.t,: ;:~r:,'t'i:j.;:'(. \ q,/ BP # ~~:~r:';i.1:~ j . SI # C:...Q:i\-~~'j"",~ :;' Fee Code '.: " ' .' . Sq, Ft. or. '--'. _ . ..~escriPtio,.'~",,"',I, '.' '. \ \. # of Sites, ~. '" "'\ O\t..2l~ ,\ ~, . C.:.:..~CT"\, -,\ 't'" /U(jJff:..,;' "'~r"l t\ ~j\..l A: ,.':, lAfar' ~ I &1 'I :1 ~~..) :. I "2. '14 .4 0"'" ;'.,". ~.---. _ '-... ,..;,' U ~(... C' . '~." \~"8 d'~" \"r .,' __0~, 0, ),., . . . . Uriit ;" ,\' "Cost' ~ " -_~..~~;.i'i\:', :~ ~'~~:,l. Valuation Fee CI Cash CI Check Received by each each $ $ $ $ $ .-..1'>--. \. "'-' $ I $ \-\\... $' $ $. , r $..~U ,;. ,f,r.o "{O, < if '-.) \ " , ~, ,': \""" "-i>..- Total Valuation: $ : . }...~.' Plumbfngfixtures ~t $ sewer~w:a,~et,'G9~n, a,t $ .; ;:i, Subtotal ::1 ,. Ex ~Q.g':-- ,--~.. ..............' <.~\ ) 4% Sta te surch~'rge' , Plans chec k fee'. ~... ~ ,','. . \I.:: 'Water Supply Proposed Year Installed ,,' .' Change of Occu~a~q; ~c~ lU - ..,.. --........,.",--- PERMIT PROCESSING ()'zone ~~-ra-r.t, # Minil)1um setback~:, '1., front~ . c:oo '); . ....--- '"',...'../ . ~ .. "'-\' ....".~~~6T AL .~ Parc~l'# , , ',.'.,.-':(,.. pa--V:-ce'l'{i'~';\-K ~. , int. \6'); real (~t '\ . ,. '------ -- " G_, side ,t',"" Comments To be typed on pe~mit ""... \ ""',8,y L::)\ ~, ~ \4 - \ Oa te Q: "d0 ~~ '.: i "':~~b"'i";ft. of dra'i nfi el d\X' depth of trenches :,,:';~ r XLo~ "e:QpD/- \r.~<:W-AY\ Llu ,~ l ~ ZSm?l'1r ( . 'j ? 'WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ,Insta 11 a ti on specifi~ations: g~l, tank; To be typed on'p~~.rnit. Ca>-nVl e.C1- ~ ~ n. '.,:.' ' .. } , ,. . ..,l;.......~"..,....," "',, . "."',._,. .. '." '.' .-170irections to site . . '1'1t::l , , Te2~iP~6r-e ({)gt;l~..11(IJ(J<.~ . ~Gy./4if-:h{~, UfljdMh/;lci~e .2!:I...vpi' /979 . ,\1. l-E IJ '- \ t;;. ~..,r'ft.l N ,:-.rl e;::.t....l~ . _ ' " ~ . .f.... , ,-:~, ',.' I' '/-/ S.IFO --.:./ '" / "1 C 8&'1 I:?/~C C/ Planning /.- C/ Pub 1 ic....~orks -~ /~/ Elevation CIAddress (} Fad 1 i ty Plans to: CP&I WPC set(s) set( s) " Date , ~~.qu,ire,d Hold Slip to PCC Date Completed Oa te to pce I ...., '" W ;pi '6 , " " :~~ . 'r \ F/ n/a 9>> 8' '" Permi t. .' C/ Enviro'nmental Health :,l: :'.,: .~" ,..'.." I ;r';J' :-,..,',. 0. ,.' .' "r- ': ".f " ,. ' FOR INFbm1ATION apclu,t ,progr~s's of YOur>p'p'l,ication call: Permit:, Control Center 687-HELP .(687-4357) li"" ". '. " ' , . , . , . '\ ";l",~:';':~l;~~;f:'" .~L~:' i ;;,,; ;,~;:~" ;~;";~:":<~'\:\~~~4,"':~I,~:i :.;~ .,.;~;,:.;,;~i:'\~ ,r .;l;~ }~;~~~,~" ;,.:,:~., . , ~' . ... ,~,. , o POST',THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE , ), J(j~'/7 ~ :..) S~D J~DRESS: 7797 McKenzie Hwy, Springfield, Oregon CONSTRUCTI.ON PERMIT # -,i/", LC;"2.l'S0-79 T'RS, TL: 17-02-36.3 111100 Subdivision: na This permit forlhe referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's I nfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Appl icant/ Add ress: Owner/ Address: Contractor/ Address: ('~r;ltractor's OS # l~il~iam A~ Dilg, P.O. Box 1132, Eugene, Oregon 97440 Same as applicant Same as applicant na Total Construction Value: . na Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 687-4316 Same' Same , Construction approved by this permit: ~ ~ j -> ,; Water'Supply: Well PLANNING DIVISION j, ~: .. , WAI:E8 ;"P;O'~.I:J:JnON 'G.QNTffi:QL.;DIV ISI ON >~::ietbacks Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation . Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE R M I TSII NSPECTI ON DIVISION :---' Repair SDS (replace existing for 2 or3 beqroom house which used to be on property, see attached tax records) .~ Structures,. now-. on,proper,ty:, .Residence andPump..l.Iou.s~." #'Bedrooms: 1 #' Plumbing Fixtures: !la ~ #' Employees: na Zoning: GR-10 Partitioning #' na Parcel #' ~a Parcel Size: 204 r x 435' Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: na ; centerline of road, side exterior: na ; interior property lines: na ;rear property 'line: na Special Instructions: 2nd system on lot - house burned in 1970 - 'no partition required per Lane Code 10.305-10-10,. For information call 687-4394, Susan Keller Site Inspection #' na Installation specifications: 1000 gal. min. septic tank capacity; na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of.trenches: na , Special Instructions: Connect to the existing septic system (plot plan attacp.ed). wl1_!-.c=.h. w-asconstructed without a permit and which replaces the pre-:-exist1ng septic syste:l which' served the house formerly on the property (burned downin';"1971) 0 Thissystl does not meet current standards for subsurface sewage disposal: & may not function any length of time w-/out failure. If failure occurs" arepair~ermit mus~be appli. Septic Tank 10' 10' 5~, SO', ' Drainfield 10' la' 10' lOa' For information call ' 687-396(jJetween 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Kathi Wiederhold Type of Construction: Group: Fire Zone: Instructions: for immediatelY. Repair room is available. Use Classification: For plans information patl ' , between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a:m., For in~pections (see back;oLyhi~l'per.rhit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m,_and'5:00 p.m. Directions.to Site: _ . ~~~-~McK~~1e . Date Issued:' . 8-10-79 ,:. ' lane couoty , " -. t ,~ . :..... \.,0 ' _ _" __ .__.~<I _ _': ,_~ ~.. 1_. _', _ ~ . _ . _ Hwy - .just before 79th St.. ~. nli~e,:past c~~ta.ry. ....;. .>~;: -'. .... . , :.;: :,;",,(;~:- .: -. . , : - ::,- - - ,... '; .;.... - I ' , . -':'_ .... ,2:~-G~~~ ',,;. :,;'.;. B'y:'~' ;:~t?F.:.W~~derl?-old j s . ';' r"\.r-"'An,.....~"-;T '"'C 1:t.1\lIcn"'"Ilt:MTAI U.6..Na:~F=MI=NT ,'. "'~... r,. . r ...-", .,.,~.-. . .' .....;~ .' . -, ~~ .. . '... :,1 "....~'f' (.U~;/: '.."'.'-'" ":::'1':' ' , i I ! . : ;,~I d t, '. ~ ,1- ! ,,!,,'~ G ):':)., j 't.':;t ,-'-! -'_I_._.'~ ~ ,:1 '-I- .J:' , ~:.,,,. . '\, ,'-;' -' .: ',"lif 11\1 ," ~r'N ~ ". ~) r1:"r~ ,\,' . :." 0'\'" N _/ ,'1L- .; I=.:U ~:: '1 ,~ \" ).,.\ LI It} v I ,.' '()' i' l~,rl'~ .. ;'CJ1 8: ",' rj'~ ....".. .:1 L- :~~.: ;' ,1: ~, .;,~, )' . ,.t' , '. i' .1 ',~' 't' , (j 11 ....J 1, - r/ {) ~. Ii! 1- ~ 3 ~d ,~~ ,', :,:"1 . '--71'- ~:""""-' i - ,0 II :' . - :;t , i I I 'I I I I i I '!. I ~l'::.' ",' , .. , '.' , . q __..\ 'v--. - {----_____.____.l ' \L:\. <~~,\.. ~ ilJ ~'i .:.. I ~,i ~.. .a-.. j' . ~! .x .......1-' l~ (\'.J I' -.,...., '-. l~.,~, ' t f ' fl"' , Ii if . .' " ' ',~~). e.,- j'\Y'-' ' ,/\ ii' , ~ ,/ . I ,.' ,\ -,-~'~ C':';)- ". ,<;:':"'. . , <~>;(":cL)ir~" :0 .: ~'. llJ' ::::.: c') i ;l'i4-: ~~-- ----- ..~ " V~~..' ,,".' \ . -~'a . N) V'\ .~ , ' r'O-'..... . , '''~'.. ...," .~". , .' -~...' \ . \ ' .. @ Ii) 01; UI Q J} 0 . o d 0:: q ~-1 o cl K,' r:J'J \. r- ~ -'~Y5"'.. I .. ,'. , ~:.' ". . '-, , . I '--J ~- o ('') ._.__.... ,"'" I __.....__,.__......_~- fI 0 Z . , -:--__.n..''y' . ! I -( i L ... -, .... -;:i-=-l-- ..; -:' ) ''';(<<; . ~J.c!.";''''' :J:> :. T"I ~ri ~~ ' . -<:.)0 a-'''- oL .. ._._._--_........,._~ . y ...- , l;--r /)'7 "? / ;,~ / j !,()( I TRS, TL' / ~ (1/ ,:.- - ) (.1'- J - f !f--..J.:. Plan Job Location (Address) '/((.:..-:..: i . M c: ,Permit II ~"'~~~'\ .For~ ,~"c;". Permit # ' 'For Permit # For C-EIUL! ~ Permit U' Permit U Permit 0 tic,}1 -" Plat For For. For Subdivision Lot Block " HQ.<.el\J'2..\ iC Hu,J '--I 'd" -fJ--' ' <:;) df ,,~J -J2' ~ ,J) - ...J ~ I ,-t J, '5 '~ ' oS ( r , E., ____ ',I ---- - ,? . , ..k(, -- ~-t ' ,/ Se.\?n c.. I ~ .._; y :~~~~~e~ '01....... P'..."'" \-.-' ()' ~, ,~ ; I I , ~~'L ~~c...., ~_ ~ ~~~(>-~l' '.J v " \(i ,/ ~, .' . -,,' ) .. Zo,).,2, / f Vicinity Map . ('7L._,,\() N ~' . ., II . : DEPARTF1ENT'.'OF' ENVIRONr~ENTAL r1ANAGEi~ENT. ' . , . . ,; ..PSB"; '125 EAST 8TH AVENUE ." .f', , "" '.' ,C", ','" 'fUGENE, OREGQN 974Ql, . . ~)r' - " 1'''....~ .. J! ,}"". , ,". ,Job Address 1~6D: KC\(:~0~,r= ~-k.l~;.J:'" ItitlV S7t2H..J6t,~,-p- ~1~11~li~I.~~~~.f:'~I~'1:~~!~":': I. 770 2.~'~:~:,-' ~- 'I. I ..~~ ,f 'il6tW " ~'~;~;~~:~i;~for17t...Acef1 a...,T' nF t..l1hBtL s' ' +l~~ e- :J' .... , i . Struc~ures now;ntheproperty''12'er:::>Ic>t5iO ~~., . ' ,'. ,!." ,. ',.' :~ri#p.i~4.v},~f!i,W$pirl,~ ;g;:'~~J~~n~J~~. ,: ','c. C/;~;;;;;;~;~:i~@ c/ ::~~~~.~t~!t:. " !~/ ':i~.~~:{i::J." , Affidav'it: I, \AI' "'" A, 'n i .~'--; .. ' . . , hereby~ertify that thi's';'i,nf(lrrnation is true and accurate. . . , ' (pJe~s~ prell'll). ;;. ' ' . '" ., ' If' this application is for an agricultural buiJding it will be used for purposes'ajlbwed by'the'State, Building Code and Lane CduntyCode Chapter lO,{ioning)"andfo'rno 'other purpose.. I'have the fo,lloWirig legal"..interest:i.n the"proper.ty: )( . own~'7'of.record ;,,; . 6ontraGt~purchaser ;,',.' 1 essee,;. ., hO,l der ofan~' ,exc 1 usi v,e opti on' to purchqse; , ' duly authorized to act for tlie,owner,. who fs:knowledgeable of this appl ication, . . . 'Signature/Addre'ss W ^" 'C1 [)'I'~~":' ___'90 '-:Bo~ I'? Z: 'e:-ut.12'lde Oe(zip)Q14.4-0 ',Teleplioh~,i"';'<l1.{t+?;;(C\' . or Date' q-'~-1;6 . ::~:rpermit \::/~dY;otifbI ~~~Pl ~~~~~t'~-4ner C/ contractor;, (Zi;:' /Bfma'i 1 ~~P~o~':'~31~' . C2'ntractor' ''l,Ul''-\,I-\'..D \~I< ,. c,., (zib), Phone CO~rractor's O~R#',.!';:. ,-;. Plumbing by ,. ','i:J'" . _ t\ ~. '..,,: ~ Ipi ifii%iMi ~ uuuu\4uu q .,,:!~.~~~~~;;;i;.~;t K '~ ' .... I r~ ,; '~:.~'~:::~j::.;jl;,.=~:I~~li.i: "AfJ'~' , ,. -. .. '. . ,: SI tes t hol e's . r,eady " ",,' . .. 1\1 ':~,":~~':~2;~:iji~~>.f:'" "", .;. T,~ X-- ~C)-\A'\;'~:; ,..AAru?o ~ .'~ .,blC A ~ f\..IA' . ~~, .- . -Mhtv'I'~' ".:/ Q1d,9 '.. I NI'" ". I "Z. .~ 'ao ,.. ,,' . i, " (',1 v.. ~ - - '\ q ..: " ;;:-..0 :', ~S' ,'C>:x-",.{~, a.0h.{)- \; . Tdt,~l Valuation: .. .['1_l@'~OC<_:: , , ~:~~~';)~)'~~ ""'to ,"COh;;" . ..' . Water'Supply ',F~~<~ ,',-,.,," Plans che~k fe~i',: j~, ." .. ' ' - Chifhge 'of jO~tupa:n'cy. , >\:: '~r.o~osed ,: . '". .EXi.SU')ii:'......). .,.,'. '. Year .InStalled (': :~~<" -':''''... " " ' . :i >--; . ", ~;'" ' , , . .. . " ..- .' . ~., ~\ -) , . . ". - ,PERf'lI! ,'PROCE~SING'(.i~o~G~{f)'. t': # Mi.nimum setbacks:' ct, front .' '. S' ; 1.,'sid~ :'" .. '" . ..'."~.,..,.. ...,'.-..". ; '., ,...~. ,\ <I....., '.>~. ,_.' ..,"__ '. 'DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE 1 'gremp'loyees :~i1.i~;~;:~~xisting. ., J/-/Proposed~ . ";'~" . , \ \ '1~1~~lill~l.r 'illl' , . (, _'~ ~.-r-:l. ~~_~D-- ~q BP # ~-~.. . S.I #c..Qn~" , :"j . Va luati on Fee' '$ 'j $ . $ $. $ $. $ '-t. '-.) $ '. $ \-....t l. ,.f ~. , ' "I , .:'~' , ~ - ~ >.... " .:each each Parcel,#' .I ' '$ $ '~ ~~ 1 v..(~' . ":WTA~, . " .~ 8 \.CKb ~.- '~~s~'\"-l X 4;.~~, . i nt.( ,:\ S < '" ; .-re{r ~ tJ",,\ .: .",....: ./ - -- ~ ) Subtotal - :~" . '. Coll1ments . , ., .~ ,,0- To:, bi(i:yped on permit ,.._,..;.' . By } ,"':' . ~~. ",\'{-''(.\( \ DateQ'riC) ~~~ Use ,Classification . ~, . CP&(:, :ry~e . To bet?,tiedi on permit ' GrOup F.ire Zone ,., '-I". ~ ~ t, .,', ~ . ~ I? A ' '~-e' ;/~ ", ~ '. .~:-~fY--' ..... .:- By ~,~~, ~ t,j,.'-'l'. ~gl r0G F; eh~C. Qate . Phone _ZtJ-. ti-')~ " J \ 1'. ;~ .;,~. ~ . - . , For. planes .1nf6rmatio,n cal1(areainspector) , . . ~Dir~ct,iortsto site 'r:;C( th ,~ 'MC.J:=]:::.tJ 2.\l~;;, 'F/ SIPO, .'~.c~p..." ~~C"< .' I-:-'/'Planning", .", ., ~/ Publ i~S' ,;. . ~r'evatioh','E/ n/a.' Cl Addr.ess, ' '. Cl "adl ity Perini ~ /~/ Environm~ntal'Health' Pl ans to: CP&1 WPC .. set (5.') ,s'ef(s') ;, Datli . Required "".10' " - Hold Slip :t? PCC , Date. ,CoQ1P lete(( Date to, PCC .--.-~ . .''',', ~ ~/e~k .~ ' .ff 'I~ ..",'cJ/):,t. .' ;,.....-~. \:<:'" /,. '..".r~ ~ .,:':, . ,.'j' 'l ,: ;:.. <.-' . , ~, '. . . 1,''-'' '0;: . t;.,' " .., 'r: ,J":" FOR I NFOR~1ATl ONaboLit prog~ess': of your';app 1 i ca ti6,n cali: C74-171 .'"" ... '. ';- ~ < Perrni,t:qQntrol Cen.te'r' . 6.87 ~HELP '. ( 687'-'4357) . 'f , :v' -1' : '~, ,f,' j ,,' '.J ~, ., ....,\'.'. . ' \ ',.' I TRS, TL /'1-IY2.-3/.4)- 3- I/DD, Plan, · . " ' t~ Job Location (Address) lCl-t, 'lie C-EIJLI ~ , -ttwY Permit' II fft~~ ~~ For.~~"t _Permit II Permit II 'For Permit II Permit II For" Permit II For For For 'Plat Subdivision Lot Block H~~e,10'2.1 ~ I HuJ....../ J~~~---;1J._.., . do "? J ' @ -J? I ~Ll,,: :9.- "'-r'-' I ,I , I , .-J ~ ,i '5 <'"-~'- ~ .'h _ of 1 I 1/> I I ( I r .-; E i ___ '., or:' Ii! ----........~ '\." ,~_.--f. ],'''';' ~----, ~- ~ r/ S E:l?n c.. ~ ~~:~s.e~ ~~,<"",,\.,.. ~~'t:-- ,-.J "" I i I~~~ I - ~ ~ ~~S('-~1 ..,.,'~ '-J ' v; <Ii) , 'i: ,/ ../ Vicinity Map J:f.....,...--- '-' ~ " 20</-,2.1 - C74-150 N .::> ,j...' :': : i( j' ':"~t;:'%~h;~C"; >:c, ., .:i' · . PARTtlENT OF ENVI R~;i"RT AL IlANAGE"'" , ',i'" (' " , ' l' I 1. ,j'! ,~ , . , PSB, 125 EAST, 8TH AVENUE .:~t:.":~:,!';~~~>::- \..<L :~:: ,l,::.j;'}{,:"::;", ,,' EUGENE, OREGON 97401 I. r~j,'b.Adl'.C"i:;11~ O[):t1~I("" 11 '2. lE+-I W~. iltfli S 712 "JL" F\ eO:'- P ,;/~,-1.7-CJ2- lcic?>.~ II~[~ . d~I;>j;~?'P,.1i.f~Ji~~}Jr:VL-kE '1 E qT n F ~1 n'BI L E ~~~ E" : r~,i:~k~~.~ur.~~ .~~J o~ thep'roperty '12'e;~d"df:?":::":; '- Gr . . :'.' i,;;I~;,~fii9.!(I!:mti:::~t!!!:p1mp~rty; ;g; )wM.~I~t~l![!: CI;~9!mi~r~ji.:t: CI!;~Mi;i;~t~~il:;;: 't ::":~ffidaVit: 'I, '\AI M A. .D I, L(." . , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate, .1 b' Hn~MIP)Mot:J." " ,If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and lane County Code Chapter ]0 (zoning)'and for no other 'purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: 1 )(' owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; I' duly authorized to act for the owner, who is knowledgeable of this application. 5ignature/Addre~s W """ Q :1), ~ Co:-, rp 0 I>o'll II ":),1. ~l)!..t0E' Oe (zio) q144-D 'I'; . , . I Tel ephon~iC7i'~ ..(4- ~ I Q\ or Date C( - , L-j. -IXf ~hen permit is: ~~adY notify: &I App1 icant ~ner CI Contractor Qy: lEt mail (/if ~hO~ Owner \J--l:"'" A DILL-, '(zip) ~~"" -~-t.f3/~ I ~9ntractor \~J M /..\ .D I ,,-L::. " (zip', 'Contractor's OSR# Plumbing by . " ',\ .~ .,,' ~,- "t . ~,,:'~ :1 ::A~~tn~!!::::!Wffiirl , e'i..,.'!i';:.',' ~ &lQ~ki ."....,,,...-,',.:.. ( r. c/ jt#~1j:~:::~ Phone , 1 ~:s~~::~:~~ll~,:~~~lllIr; (.)~~ V DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # of emp 1 oyeesl~~~~iiy~j;~;~xis t tng , (il Proposed, ~S\c:- ~q BP # ~ () SI # C-.Q"C-I ().~ SI test holes ready .il;';''''''':; I I ;,ree" 1 . , t04! '-...1 I~ ,--.....&e$criptton' I I ~, " ~r)LD' \~ ~I, O..:l'-M.A~I\.IA'L~'. ~ I ,:,: ,q1Q "! ):"1: 1"2.."'- 40 '_ _ "_ , U' ~," c::: . ~~ a ~h.{ )''\" ,~ \.~ ~~ ~~ Tota) Valuation: ., .... 0 ~ ~ () t :..~..:.:....~.:....ijijj).......k.......r......t....w.r......,~.'....t....:.'.....~....x..;.;.=......:,...~.;...~...'.:;'..~... at g!I~~i~~ii:~1 ~ " .~ at ~c~:i;;d"':b;'-~ ,)'( '( V\ .. '.' 'c '--.. f ""'''k',. \ \il~I~~i~ll~ '- ..(~?- :.tMJt! tost. Valuation Fee $ $ $ $ $ $ '--\\J $ each $ $ each $ ~\.\... 'f . ,.' . , .I :1 .PERMIT' PROCESSING' , Mirliin~m' setbacks:' J:-", .,...., : '1 (;',t i i'l. i i . ';, -1 # Parcel # $ $ ~ $ - ~~ 1 ~C). TOTAL ~ A\ ~ , ~S~ ~ ~( ,,' \~ int.( \Sf ~ ;re.(r~:')L", ~ "- j --j Subtota 1 , \ [~ .:....~ '/ 4% State surchar~e Plans check fee Change. of Occupancy . ':,' ~ . Water Supply Propo~ed I ,_., I", Year InstaJle~ " .. :~.,... , I,! ,:../," Existin}.} , \., side . , Comments '[., ,. To. be typed on . . ' , " 'CP&I: .. !yee, , To be typed ::on permi't ~ .~'t_' ... ,~'. \'.11- ,'.' i . .' I ' permit I' .,. I By ~. "'.,.,. '\ 'f \(~ Da teQ · riC)' ~ ::(2( Use Classification 1 . . Group Fire Zone I I " '<<'H, l\ , ,. I' i j' , , r ", ~' .., By Da~e Phone ,:~O,:K'Plai1'Sinformatio~ call (area inspector) .. :itDt~,r:ections ,to si,te ,-9 cr th ~ MC.r::::-e. u Z \ r.;;;. ,:' I' ';.'., , , . , , ;1,.... c' "~/F/SIFO . .....Y1..t~p.'....'. "0pc. . }';h Plann i ng :,. "f:/; ..P,p,b J i orks .i .">~'r;, Elevation Clni.a 1'_',:.:.-, i :1' ':':\CI Address . : ,':~ ;,:,Cl ~aci'l i ty , p,ermit i /,/~(" ,Envi ronmen ta 1 Health J~k;~~~;ir' .' . '~::~J; i .' " , l;:~.}::i'. ....1 r', .;. :(."~') ~~~~:?'\:',,' < '/.' ,r l' ,I' "', ; .Il..:::} FOR INFO~~~TION abo1ut progress'oe~.~\J.i;.'app1ication call: , CI4;.,171 ' ".J ' ',' , 1 '. .. :1..' : srp~, I\JGh EL~~. 1',1 ans 'to: CP&1 WPC set(s) set( s) Date Required Hold Slip to PCC Date Date to Comp le ted PCC r ,-...... Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) 't"r, \ \i '. i . -:J,' . ;.Q-':: ' '," . . . h I! . . . . '.':TRS, TI~\ l-~z - 3lo - .~~ " Dq: .' .', , . . D~~l~~PI~n""i' . .,.", : \";,,. ',1'\. . . -<J~~:-,., ~/.siJN6. ~~.. .,:;C 7 > "'D~^M, .' '.." . . "~t..~..::....,J.o;-'., ::. .,.'.. ." .;>" ,:f'- :..:,-', :"':1-" . '......._~ . ' ~:' ..,.. ,~'.:, ' ~, . . /' : 77'Cf7 . ' . .' f-h'...:;.. Me! Ci. -AJ ZI tE . Job LObation (Street, mile post~37h'WE$TOF79. -:5J; D;U' ~ ..,4/:;,4.7- Subd ivi sior' MA--l? l1-ey"Z.. 3 Lo ~ ~ -I t(?O ': . . . Lot Block' : ~ " 'FOR SANl"fARi'AN's USE ONLY: 0 System Approv~'d ~~:D.Sys~~~'Ois~pproved ':.0 Needs Correction', ' COMMENT'S:' 'fJi/4'ia' ~ 'WtftJ~. ~,~~'..t~$~~d3SlJ"7-~'~o~ . ~. ~.,~ f(:)I,tL;: ',,~ ~1li~ WjUiA:::~ciectV1~.J~.ttI;;7~. .()v\;:~ . ~~UJ~ ,~/VI. 71 ,:Y/.f11;I4. . ~~-rV dM-cL';;;- . ...:~ctD~f,~t.~~.. ~"_" Ig ~.r~..., ,""d~~~("IJ) '~,,~~t~~i ,f9. H~ ALLER' SE: TrenChDeph~,Z';'Fill Deph,elo Tile .S' -., ''.If: ' :.:.fank'.C~pci,cjt~\1DCc:> .,64L.r:.iran~fact~rer_.Dex."~~T\~'t;e.::'6'1...:A.~~ ;..,. :~l-. L; <.~ ." " '" ,~.,..e,.a,.'s.u~~P':.dis,ta.,n'.cet,o,'",we'II,'frO.:m.ta.n, k. ,1. ?,' ';;--::.:~.<F:Q'n)drCltr1'f)eld:::'~, dB:>D: .'. 0'" (y~~, . 2)ccO/lol.PaSMJQ, "". ..., . .' . . .~;.. r) . PA:~ ' ::lJI+/(t>ve-~. p,~Al.r;:1PE"" : '.q. . ',' u~or!!'a..'J4.L. :. ..' . '. .. .' .' '. '.4 . ^ :,,~'::_~ ''-'> ": .....",'/,..;, . ,..,. ','.' '.,,/1:, :.:., " ,,', 1.-\ ",,'" ,l"f, f/_I".rf . ,.,., ..t. --'"" . ,6, , 'f'.;<t,. -,~ .'~ ., U' -'U!>> --'.. :~" ..'-' ;.;,,- -'''''3~U'G''1 '.,71'9l'9"" 1>' - "~;~'! ,,~.~ ~t5'i-:-.;. ">- ",. ':;' :.....: . '~'. <:W~te~'J~llutTon " '.' -' ~4,/,';~~~~~(i:~C',~ ..,. . . ~\ . :;~, ' .,,~;: ~,.,":):~)~~':"~ ,::. .'. '.".,':. :,.,: "'l.~.:.'..,..' ',_.~,' "" ---., . ,"!'. ,'rj :~: ~..', / .~. ; !1 . .;' ~"-J ..... '..,'. C ~.' . ,l) . ..' .. ,.;., ..:. ....~ ,(r' '~/'"'l .';::.' 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"--:;' ~'" ,: io.. .,'; ~::,::;, ~ ~! .', T4NI.c-;r- ':::P:"';"~ .,: 7".~,: ~",>:",':.r:: J ,<,;:', " '~, ,1.': , 13~'b "'~ .,.VJ " " ".1'&' I~' ".", " "', ,.:vl)... . /",'fci\J.,i~A"'\C>~ ~. . ',' ...... (tV.- ,v. .:. , :, ~, ,g . ", " ,.' , ,,' ".- "', J. ..:;.." ':', .,'" , /'. . . " . . ,'L ,:. .,c ... l , ,.:. ~c:: K..e.~'Z 1'6' . ~ I \~..o..'-<. .. . . . INSTALLATION RECORD AND CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION' . Whensigried by the County Sanitarian, ,this certificate iSE!videncea~perO RS 454.66q of sat~ .' isf?story completion of,asub~urface,sewage disposal system atthe abov.e location. ' . '''-,: "'::.. " :' ,'" , .~ ' . . . '., '~,' ... '.1' " ." ' .;.'J '':7' ..'. :.. ./, '.; fUK I,. ; . .... .~--.2> ~'_ .0=- ,-::z~:!., . ,.,~.~SE' ' . - -:--,' -'.. -'-'. -),.,.;. ,,', '" .' ...., Scale: II :.. 40' . I.. '.' ." . ~ ,~ . ""'.' . '. . ' Returnthisform to: Permit Processing Section, Department of Environment?1 Management,. . ,. ", ,Public Servlc~ Building; 125 :East 8th Avenue, Eu'gene97 401 C55-11 J c'-~' . ~:,~~,..)::t:~.,--"; . '.~, ,:^~,.~;.,~ " . post THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE:', .'... ,,; ';~'~: ~ :~:::~;~~~~~;~~~i1!;:~;~'~:; ~~~5:~ ':~.[i,:~, ',~ ...t~.~.~ ::~;,~.~.:. ~ ~~:r_ ;~~'~ ;,:~.~ . ,\:ii ,'. '. ,..J ';~~.c:;:~ "<'" . . JOB ADD R ESS: 1197 >>eJt~ullWy. . Sprltigf:iel4. oro~ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # ~"~SO--;' .,-,.'.}:" .,. '~.~~~ :>_; , -. ' .,e-ibaCks". ,.:'. " ,...Sep!ic Tank.' I' .. . erior properiY;ii~es .,' '10' ; , '. . ge of road right~pf~vitay . 10' . Building foundafion" 5' '. Wells, other water sources ?OL ..r ._;~,:~~ i- :,:i:~ ';t~'l ,_ "'if". , , " .- n". : :...-l'~ This permit for the ref~renced prClperty is hereby aft~ovtld~-rhtj ..:~Jj~t~.9P.ks€![Id,otl;Jerl(:;,~md.i~ions,.9f.laPI?"0v~lI;m.ustjbe;str.ictIY"Clb~ef..v.eaO YjQI{3ti.0ntca~>1....;, ,!;t'i r.es.u'lt in revo c at.ion of th i.S, perm.. it, Cit.at'IO,' n,', un d. e:r'rll?r.o'Y}.;S'.i&>.~IJ...S,'?, fJj'.~DeC',O~..I~,t,'X/Si..I'f'l,l-,t~b.1i6!',.i,on,~..e..t9 ?i.6P..,,!il.,c..erj,a.,~d fOr~Q,' ,t:m.,,' e;r?,le.J.~ '~,a: :i~.S:!',a,IIO ,w,.e..,d fbr.Vjll!:a.w.,..',...L,',.,..{-t~," ~""~",tVl~.... .,',..'...::,.:'....~.,.'.'....,:'., .- . ~ .U f,(}:;Jj{J,d (,f)U/'l.!f'Je! (,'ifzv/YI ;'M1'17 ,(l.1:'11.,.I.'Q >$.&751]:U.4< CJ./.s~(..,'-'/4~. ,~.5/f!:{ Cl?J4~.ti)",. j .~.-Ia4. ' " :,:~ . '/ .'.'. '1. V'" ~.L, 1. ,,'.iJ.;r~a.cJ,.,;i !(;Y\...t.i"w.}.,' /~'I-::"~'A.)6(:<,(... j;;, . .. . (i;-?.1t:z.... '. lei Applicant Address.. . wm~ ,A..' Mlg. P.;~, "tW',,'~~Vtp~ .-. t" ~~. " kov. i"l .13. e.et'ioae.'t_urj"' ' -1'7'//1.1 <11'~~ OW,ner/ Address: '. 's-e. " . asa.P1lU" . '.. .~.aat," ' ((.1';'L4'7/cl 12.Q., '~~'".'O/i'C~1dz€d./Q.r~j.](,.IJ..'.,:.~~~r<.: ,/ 'd~1)F" iJ,j...,<f.kTerepJi~.g".Jjl,~) . :.....~.>~..;j.j/.l.I.t.~/tid ~.' i"l;,.'.~ .Contractor/Address: 'Sarae 4$ 4f~1tean.t' .' 'j .1 . ,~.. .'; '" . . " (; \" Telephone:' :~ ','. .' .:";~;i " Contractor's OS # ,.,._.,<' Total Construction Value: 'WI' :" ",.~. ." . .. .. . . . .', '. .f:,' .' '.' . d' ~:~~ < . ,', , " .. ::~"--.,_."; ',:,.:",,!'_':, ",~< '."..," ,:,<,,;,;~:1 . ~akSU(~~e ~ttagf~1r 2~).l ML~';~.~~l1"~eQh 'ea' ~pm;t.:r:' -see;' .;,;".,", .-.t...........t ~.. ' - - . "-' ... ~.. " "-,., .... {, ;,- ~., ". . ,,_.'.',.. ,:,:..':_..;':~.:.:',,'~,~.~,'~,'~" l!lua~_ ':a!~ . '. .:" . '. :,.' ., : . .. ,r, St~~"...~..__ .~1;t-:Wr.o~~Ue:eti~PI=n:'~~~res: .:~ . # E~ployees:. . '$\ . \' ,-}':"5:f~ PLANNING DIVISION . ZOrlipQ:..-sR_10., . .,.., Par~i~i;?I),~ng.~<. ::'M/~'" . Parcel :IF" :rm . Parcel Size:: Miri.iiili.JiT).required str'ucturalsMbacks, fro:m: centerline of road, fro9t:... ; centerline ofroa'd,' < 'side.~~:.terri:>r:"':'~r' ;interior pr?perty lines: ah ;rear property line:, 'a.. "\'.' ';:, '" ;., ".... ,i,)<'. . ,. Specl91lnstr,uctlons: 2ft& SVA1tem.!im: 1~- .hou- lJ~,'4"1i:od la 1;9-16 -_~lOft ~~~ed~.i~,QO.~,: . . tO~~s-.t.o-!o.. . For information call 687-4394, . h~>n: 'J(.,.'U_ Site l~spection # M.. I.nstallation specifications: tGntl' gal. min. ~ePtlcta~k capaCity;. ", .J~'~,,":; ~{:~~~ .. IlDeal.feetofdralDfleldreqUlred;max..~epthoftrenches:_ ,,' ',-',' ."'..:,. ..., .,..".,(:':.;..r;,~ . Special InstructionS:~#t"to'tJ\~"ed$abl'~~~~~:'('1ot., .,~~, ,a'~~:"~~~lit')g~ :,~-==~~~~~~b'~~~~~~" .~,oot!.~t'~~~~~s.'__.~, .,,<~$9,~i''''~'::''!~'''~':' ",' '. .,..~ iSlI:1t tn. :~ 'w/~.eat.iur.. ".if', fenmre.;~rs. .~ii"~~4J; >~fil'~:;~:" .. , . '. -, ,,"" '.' ,..., '-t.;. , --..' . , " ' , . .-~'. "1 For information call .ra7_'G~abetween 8:00 '::,9:00a.m~,r.t'ftt!-....:t'.t~"d~itk.' ,.struction appr~ved.bythi,S per~it: ..,~ , TRS,' TL: 17-0%....36.3 11100 Subdivision: _ Water Supply: .;, :', ,. ''E'';"s'n WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION - -"~. . , d.:. .:~~~'.:,.,:::,~ <" ";.' . ,t,; . - ,,',' , ~'..'. ;_,:.,f "'..", -,", .. Drainfield, 10' . ,.10' 10' 100' . CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION ..Type of Construction: I nstructicins: fu' ~tate1.,. Group: . Fire Zone: ~!t' I'~ tsava1~le. . Use' Classification : , j!~,l,', " " , For plans information call . between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., , For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687A065 be.tween8:00 a.m. and q:OO p:m. Date Issued: Directions to Site:" , . ~Zh, _ - jUf1t:. before 7~'~, ~ d1e pa.st ~_e_1'y.. .1-0-'" , . ., .' ..' . ' By: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT . CQURTI:iOUSEIJ?UBLlCSEflVICE BUILDING '. . " . "h' ':,.,:,-125EAST8;rIflAVENLJE, EUGENE,-.OREGON,9740t,;," '.'," ~ lf~ld/j$ lt~Ii-~~~'J}1iiP ~:'~ ~-::,t!.J$> ',' 'v T I '"")PrJ14:>/-m,I:3?1P? C'aVlJj_ : . .,~,ctq" ! ---;;y r'} 0 ~"~/ J QJ~ _ i . fP~ ~' "'i1)-m", . ~~~ A'1~1 '(:Xg~ . . . 7-1'~''''' - Yv\",~ ~/ri) . ~1'./ $'2 }?~r~SVV\ ~~'i\(~- C>. . . ~Aro~~V1 \ "1~W.!YY} d ~OQJ~ tt; ~~~ ~ _ ~J ;~ ~~~~ . f) ..J"'\~~~M~ ll~~~ ~ <1, - ';, b~ ~ ~o' . J H (l. . r <[ .. I IV :> I~' -.J: .. l~'..n r:>.l\9J . . 11.51 . ~)J.I4MfJ CJ]~~~ ,.~ ~n~s:7~sj ~P+~2' .f.:)PJ~ 6't I , ?:lS. ~-z,;. 0 1\, \ . ..~' ,\ ;, \. '-..\ <~.~\ c:--:;,...., . '\~~~;--~:~:"."--c-':::'-' ~ --~ . .. ( ....L..,//I./ ,. . '-, l'1', .,t... 1". ',.., '-:) ~: vJ. '." ./1 , S. -', '. 'u..l ...j.. .'., .....,...........,...._~..[;.'. ~;+ , \Jo;:'- -'. ~ \ ~.,.. '-" C """--",:_ \J oj) '. ',' \ t.::) V ~ J ~ ,''l. ! -_i 1'! 0 ' JO :)1 - - , -::ri ! I ' ~ i 'r{J: i , .; Wi ~r 'oS \~ :.. r'J "7. \: ill 0J. ,~L ,! -r-. -1'-" ; ,0... I ' ;;:: ~,\-. 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