HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-6-11 ,............. , ' i.>AidG'c ,.' . ~~;{ ~.f--~~ lic,,_ t~2s?(2JI~L};t=co iSijijatiliUiW I ":tditBl6Bk, H~~~~;t~ti~~ for JCe~1 1")~ D"AL::. '~Ee. Mi'rHH. ,:HH.H;HH, Structures now on ,tne,proper:ty,' ,l)e--bID:el~LE ,.~' 'Yu M v,. 4;..lSE i:fl~P9~AAi:9.$!i:~~:pr;H~;;Y:~'~ }1,~jij~;~;:;~l:i;. C!-:;~IW'miljU;: ' /j::~MW~~!::~;l: C/:~#ijj]t::t AffidavH: . I .\,.(L'l-Ll-A"~lii.J~~l~ttotiP I ~L ,., ,'. .':,.qe~~bY certifythat this i~f~rmation is 'true and ~c:curate., If this application' is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and 'Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for,no o,ther purpose. r'have thef.ol16wing legal interest in the property: ,~owner of record; ': contraft pu~~has~r;:le~see~ . holder.of an exclusive option to purchas~; . ,;,dulyauthO~}.2-a..:t)fr;,~~o~ner; WhO. is k,noWle'dgeableof this application. ~ '. " , ..' ~lgnature/Address 7Y' "Ie;(' ~l/A fk' %.8Px l( ~ ~ ~:'::f=u6aJl:: , ,,' -, (,ZlP)q?44-0 ':' ., . "Telephone' \/M'J-~J/,por,' "-,' '...Date 1a-11-71 ' When per~itis ready no.tify: ,~'APPl icant.:, CI. Owner CI Contractor .h: CI mail : CI.phone', Owner.''-LD \ L..~,A.V1 ,A _' D, L..l.::;. . (zio) , Pho.nc:'f;/t1-~/~ 'Contractor ".-:::'.A. 1'-'\ E. (zi'p) Phone' ,Contrac~or's OSR# ,/v/A-~lumbing by OW'~e 12- DEPARH1ENT OF ENVIRONr~EN1AL t1ANAqEMENT PSB, 125 EAST8TH'AVENUE . EUGENE, OREGON ,97401 ~ .. . iL51 ....t', . , . ' DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS: LINE " ::,~:::::::'\~~,,,;,s~_~~I'iE:::::::: : .. . .~:::.~~~... II ~.~. ..~ ~". , , " _' " '. /1. ..0'i (/ IAc.J - E::;'" .l )",5..: '., V . i - T6tal Valuatio~:. $ ""i.~I~~~I~~~I~1 :-~. : Valuation Fee ,'~ , ... ~.ach each $ $ . $ $ : $ $ $ l $. ,$ $ $.:2Q;dO -- . mijl~I!~L .) ,."" ;: -' ) v Rec~i'~~d"bY~ Subtotal; Water Supply Pr9posed Year Installed ,/~ ... Existing +' , 4% State surcharge' ,.Plans che~k fee .~'.' '- . " , Change of Occupancy ,TOTAL' G.. side ; int.' Parcel Size~~ k tl3s ,- , " ., . ; rear PERMIT PROCESSING .Mini~~m setbacks: Zone G- R - Lt.L r: " 1." front Pa rt. # Parcel # ."~:~:"::~~~~~~~,'.~.!~.%--/,..~~ '. ',' /j ,By '~~4~~A_'/ Date, ,?-/~?q ", V ..r", . , ., CP&I ,Type Group Fire Zone 'Use. Classi~ication To, be typed on permit ' .. .. :~: By Date, For plans i,nformati r .F /' . ~,jJ -' Phon~CJ,' /-;;;'_, c' ~ :_ ~~ -,~~~ ~1 -" ./ / ~,_~ set(s); , D ' , " H:l'dSliP /.", . Date , set(s) '. --Requlred ' to PCC:'nCompl~te.Q.~~ Da teto . Pce. , , " CI S I FO- (/ YG1 a;fwPC, C/ Planning C/ Publ ic Works C/ Elevation' C/ n/a CI Address C/ F-acil ity. Permit () Env i ronmen ta 1 Hea Uh $}9 . .,' . , , . , - . , " FOR INFOR~1ATION ,about'progr'ess of yqur app.H1::atio.n call: ~74-171 . '. , Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) "'" . ~ . .' .. ... " j-:-.' \ , "'- ..... ~. ,,/;,.._,,,. ~, " .'. " , .~. -... ''i:o . .. ~ .,- '~'_7 ...., . ::.1.... . 4.: .~,''''...... .. , _.~~..:.-,~ \~-. ~ <'~. ... .;.... ~-.... .. ..., ~' :"11,. ~.. ",-':{:L. '.. '\,; ..J.~~~" : 0, 1 ~ .' .' " .~'; -, ~-,~..' ~ ',' .. ''';'.. " \:~: ::.:~-:..~:;,~~~~ ~'~~ '., " :."<" . .~ ~ ~ .\ -";". .: 0_"V> ' \ . , or" .~ '~'\. 0 ....' ;:0. ! , ., , J.'; ~. :/";)- r. .; ..~ ~-, .~. " " ,(, ,)'.'. I~ :r.:'''".-'ro ......-.::- \_-. ~ J../lC " " I" ~'. !.. ., " V'.':~:;:'::,. -.. --;.... ...'.- 0-' - ....: ....;:-.... - "'t'...'- ,J1lJ..llr .: '" "' . ."'.' '. .~. .., ." t ~:. . ',,;, ' f/ . I . ~ '~'.,' '"0 " ,:~ . 'i !- f.; J l I :~'. .~. '" " ..../ . " 0;' .. ~ ,- . ' .t. 't ~'-. (- .' \ :~ .~' ''\ . \ -'..' ~... ., '::.,... .. ". -:. ~ ' ..\" , . ...... .i_~ , " "". --:;' <7'~.:'~.'- ~.__. _.' ,~.;: :~~L~l~~~ ,,',:.:E~ ~-':<2~, '" _... t~ ._ ~ ,....: . :f {~n~cfc~ ,.~ .~ ", ~ ~~ $~fJ/at\J.. ~ c .~l;:;-.-N '.. I.', ~Al \UJeLO'~ ,~ ~~~J ~ Gt~~ .~ C0 \ JPNrMt-. 0Mc1 ~. Ilf2{JloaJ ~.~~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~\D..-J~ b-~.,~ ~ ~1ivv\ ct&M n&t- ~ ~~C(aAct~ . ~~ ~(U cJ2 .~,.~ ! \ ~\J l.M< I OeCUM/..CX ~,~,.. J ~QJL.- "'-W'1oU(Y' \f'^' " . I ~~~,~~" 1.0 ~~~ . ", \~\ ,'~r, . - ' .1 " ".----;-::~ " - ~. ,s" .,""1"'",'. 0 ", .,'t;.... . .1'" \ \\ 11Cf1 ':~ . <;:'.'. , 0 ~ ,". ,."._ '. r) DEPARTt'iENT OF ENV.;RONr1ENTAL t1ANAGEr~ENT ~\ s.",~ PSB" 125, EAST 8TH AVENUE ' '\ j .' EUGENE, ,OREGON 97401. i;:..AtUC3' , - 0 \' ',. ~ ~,~ Q. )(elJ 1.1::t::;, '. ~"~+'WJl\dit; ~,l{2J uJLh E'- 0 Lot \,..., - 0'2.. ...'6.(0 "",5-- 11/00 . -', Appl ica~5on # a - !)3Srp ,jJ c; Assigned Numbers ~~~'. Job Address . Towns~ip! Range~ Section, Tax Subdivision " '.: ~~ Lot Application for IZe.~lhe:J.Jll.,Al- 'ViEeHtl " Structures now on' the property" VUIf"t:> \ D e f\jL-~ . ~ '~)(j M r-' -H-t:H)S~ Proposed use of property: 'y(1 Residential. ,r,/-. Co~ercial I-I Industrial " FI Publ ic Affidavit: 1, W, t..,L'';' 1'-1' ~" .:r;>'":,I_L.., """.' ,~erebY certify tha:th,is information is true and accurate. , ,'(please print) ;" " If this application is for an agricu1tural 'building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and :Lane County 'Code Chapter 10 (zoning) a,nd for nd',other purpose. I haye the following legal interest in the property: . owner.of record; con:tra.ct purchaser; lessee; 'holder of an exclusive option to purchase; :' duly auth.~i.zed to act forthe~wner, who is ~nowledgeable Of.thjs.,:apPli,cation.,_ SignaturelAddress -----yy-m(}.. /'f2'~ 14:) B.nx 1I:a, 'Z 'ed6E"J~ (zipt!744-V Telephon~' rll".2-:1-~JGt, or - Date 11"'t-'II- -7 q When permi tis ready notify: 'y?/ App 1 i ca~t /-/ Owner C/ Contractor Ql.: C/ ma il r/ phon~ Owner i.A)'\._'-I,Ab'-1 1r-" DIJ.:, - (zip) Pho~er.e.f7-l.J.6/~_ Contractor -c...~A ~ E (zip) Phone Contractor's OSR# ~1/APlumtJ,ing by ih)~.Jl' 1l~Ei' I~:' " Block ,,"" DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE ~;:- Valuation !,f Commercial: # of stori,es # of employees Residential: # of bedrooms I' " r , I , '. SI test holes readYL<)&r"'H/~L..#__/'" ~);jJ.d- Fee' ,,' " , ~. il~~ d.'~ , . , I IV J ~ Sq. Ft. or Code 'Description # of Sites # of , units SDS: IX! EXistin,9., ,- C/ Pr.op'o:~ed, . Unit Cost -;..c: Wa ter ?,'upplY PropostiJ- Year. In's.taTl ed / , j .J~.../ $ , ut5'/}Zf}) $. ?~-~-', /1 - r $ . " ~ /J.... c..: ,- (V(O dnn. e Vl/~ .~ 1- 7 d'P--:3~~1r M hso. c,d~u.d-. . . $ ) - , ~ - . ". I. . .' tt~~ k2lL0L--" ~ . ~ ci..\)M(,oID.c:A ~ 'teeI2J.-d~ . . . Total Valuation: $' $ . 'Pl um~i ng fi xtu res a.t $ each $ Sewer/water conn.l at $ each $ ,', Subtota 1 $ $ $ $ <('PI' ,.,.-If _~_ "..-,' _'':'''- , ,,' "f'::t:&Jl..MfJr1!2g~4:!lr{~Wl!/ttJA2J) " - ~.. p ;,. , . /~l.o-'') h. /,:'.< ; . , {/,- I ".,. r I~ rR .dl...:..fF./ / /l ' / ~' II -' "!,.,~ -~. --'~ -.....- )(::1 Cash '. " '/1 Check # / ~0e'ived by,.a.....u ~ EXlsting "X , . 4% State surcharge Plans check fee ~hange oJ Occupancy . ,~ ;. ; ,~'. ~ - ."." TOTAL -"_ ''i;~i~ $ ~:'i (:;:j ;M 'JV' - " PERMIT PROCESS I NG . ,Minimum setbacks: Zone Go R- / t? It, front Pa rt. # Parcel # Parcel size,0oe;t'k <t'.'-'i'. <;- ,It, side r '. ~ into ; rear comments2/11A /},/AU/l/Vllt J~uf~~ 'flA././A..Ii./ 'fU.th/JIU.A...h~ /Q'1 0 - . '-11A? ~ To 'be. t~P~d, on p~;m/(..1.~';A".A~;A,,# 1 Ll'A./ ~..P?'?.L &~ /..0, .:r OS-- / t!i - / ..1 '2: ," ~'~~.~:;.> :" ' /Jl- / ~ By ~./.A---A'}.-.A.J Date' .?-/-.? q '>~:' WA :E.,~!~~1LUJfON CONTROL ~ l . .' k-- r ,:i. - Y - , ' '," ,Ai-" jJ . it;" ,;I.n?iF!l1ta-tion .specifications: ~() .. gal. tank; th of trenches: ~~, '," . To b~ typed..on-permi~ '~~\.S.... . . ~'v 110 g/;LQd ~t;t- ,~(i;;1i\ ~.. ~ H\ ~ ~ ~L\Q.& (I ~ \b'~QQ.,f~ ~.r~~~(J~}A. C\k) .l~.. \, .. ..... -- , , Telepho,ne ..li6-:7.<~~,tJ By kttfh,/wt,J)i'IfL&PMtuJ4 Datr;.tYiJ "'kRl':'A~) - Directions to,site'-?)1~../J?d""'('/ ./X-k.A'Le.A - ~.ff...c;?,>>-'<-r~.R ~ 7~A./:. ~ u /n1.;LR ..) '.&.-.d.4 ~ (j1~~,,? AI""'1 A' A..,. .' ,4 - - -- -, -... - I~/ ~IFO Plant/to: CP&I s~(s) ~- Oa,FeL Hold Slipto' Date Date to ~PC set(s) ReqU'fr~d to pec Completed PCC i-/IC-P&I .' .-~(/I'~ ViR. C _.' ,..-..---- , {~I 'I: I-I Pl'~"rining - ~ CI Publ ic \-Iorks. R /''1'- , .>;J ifPD (} Elevat,ion CI n/a CI Address {),Facility PermU E,vironmental Health c/ '{, t ',ljj' 'r'. . ,.-. I. . Permit Control Center' ,4 687-HELP (687~"4357) FOR INFORr,\AT'ION about progress of your appl ication call: .p i" ~". ~ v ' N ::~,':.~""r' i .. /"\ C. I~~ \'~ 2..>' E -t+--., . "- i',-:^ .... ( ':"'20 If;Z.......--.......----.---. ---....-...,....-.'..,... I. . C-"" ....,..-;--...-..,.-."..., .t ~.;~. .f.iI~T. ,..,.)(, ! . . . . , . - .; \ , ~-i) c.rv '. /tt ""0 '0 . . (/' om -)>- .' ~ 0 r-- 'ell f>> I'- =l . ,--' 11\ \ \' \ ~~,-fI .i:1;& o '70 .- <....--.....--. ">- . o( ''', . , <J ,,\ , '1 -.. ~~, " -;<:1-----'...- ,--- .. ::1, _ _oJj . f. ..,..~" ,_~~ ':c\) . "-"'::"J\~ Is. . :-;-"I,.~ , '.. L_~ --4- :,' (U r- < ~~ 01 L:l//(T,/) I,' . , ',. ';-,.,:...... .'..,J_.. ~~~ -- "~:-"::_'<:::;~~' "'\;4.- , \<:::,,: \ \ / " \t:..'~~ ': !:.~\ , ' "I JTI! -~ 1 {;o V" i {i1 _.~i : "" t...! .:;-~ I , " i,''' ~ - '~0 . : . ,I. "':I"'. , .. " ! . 1":":1/\ . . ~ -.... l1t D \. ~ . ,,!-'- , . ; ~. - ... -.':.' , r --'---~--Jr\-'--~- - I' - ..p;i':: . (jj ~.', \11: r:' ~-; ," '; : I, i,:~~,' ,,';, .", " '" :. ~ ,. . ',,>;' .,., l" ,'. ~~ \" --f :-: m \. 1> ' .~ ~~,~ ".'-:r G ~.:~.~' , 0.. .' .~~ ' . ! ;/ Ii- -~""'....'" '-"-i'--;--",' "'...,,'-' " ,I t.' @.'iLi Q;i I " . .' ':1: 7 ::j' ," 'j ~LJ" -- :.: ~ A..'~: V'/.J. ;!'r.: " 0 '. '. ()'~ ~i7::~::: ~. \ ~ i r..-I, '\ . i ,-, . i~. 01; ~\ fll"."C: .~' . ~..,.. l~ 'h.I' . '.:" , r-'---..' '1''' b - I,..' \. m ,., GlJ ~'I ':, "'T' ,!' -----: , . " -' -, ~ 0' J. i: b I I i -: :j , I ! @'" ",:~:~:~",:.' .,-,\'" "-:'-', .,.. G" ,,' . " . '.~ ". )" : '(' ':: ~,~'.... c. r o ,,;:~ .. ,._--' ..;~.~,; -.'O~ (j)~' ~'l-;TJ"\ -:-"-'1".-+ . i_._... \ , ::; ~ ~ g "~\\~' 'c\'. ~,,', . ,- -. r -,C< .n,..j \ "',C. , ., I !~ ~ - ~\ ~\----C--'- --,~~ mT"--~\: S i -1_ o. __ \ c , :, ',:,\ ,~ \";;u-\~\~ t----\% ." ' 1'-' I 2;-'1 ~, rn \"c:O;_u_ _8~ .2\ I, 'I t'" --"----,--,- \. - - I." \ \ w .. .... b ~il"'~' .<.' ,.. B\ 't' " ~ · ,,6; ". ;,:' ", . '\)' ;\l\~ '\ \ ",LL.u.'?>~\ '. " , ".,," ..,.,," ;.,' , \ I' 1"..., g~;' , ' ." ,.<'~' . co<;:: \ ,\ _,\\ I'.' j (" 'g ~\ >J:\~ 'gi'~': J ~,iY~g::'--;';\j~;j.;~, :i, "!-. '" ' 'r \ ~~\ ':~c-m ,Y:. i';- ~- - J " /\ -l> ",::: \ ',,';0 "'-"'~" '-"."\:. N,\ j: ',~ , . / :~ ",..t~~ ,~ ~flf _ ~~_i.y __ JJ;'\\\ .~~-~~ -;- -~ - - ~-. ~ \~ " );__'~ -::-t \ II __ ~ '6 ,.\ .' " .0{'::, .to. .\ \. u> I ----I ~ '3 '~~\/-' \~ g "\~ \~ 'g~ I I \:~ '.:.';::"~!!:.. JI) '\- 1'\ I 0 \ ,_// \"'~':"~"-'P:~,, ii,,: -- (b \ ---- / ..~\\ - ',.nn___ _~)I';:"~--._u__~\ t~- ,,~~' . '--g~ I)" \6' ~c, '~'~ ! "'\jk~,,, .,;;:::; - iw~~,.il~\.,-- __________8_.\ r,: . .... ~:L /: _"-~\. 1i5;1 ."~, ,.' '. \~ 'S\ C) . /).', \" ,(',i:l\ \' '\ '~.'. .' . .,\ ~ \~~b'I\ ,. 'b '. '.' N.\ ~ \~ '0 "'. ' 0:1 ' , ' B'\ <, Ie IN <J> ~\ ' ' 0 \ "\;' ,~ ',. \ I I \ ~i,\ 't~;;;,~1\ \ I \ C '., c- ~' \. ~. J ^' 8: ;'",t- ' . ..\\ ' ,., "":.;'~ - ~,,\ ~"">.':<_'9' \ ~,_' ;_.i ~-':~ ,pi 0) o --------roO 0' " ~r8;~, ~ . s7f7 -J '6- I- . See Mop 17 02 3G 4 ;~, ' -,., " ArAcA .s-li~Er L)"o-fs MIl , 11- Z-3L,.- "3 u" g ,.. o u ~J o N w m N \ \ , ~:J}o. " Job Address '17'-11 DEPARTr-\ENT OF ENV I RONt~ENT AL t\ANAGEr~ENT PSG, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE . . . '. . EUGENE, OR~GON 97401. 1-1 /1/" .': , J; ..... "'"') . _', f <..." ~Ii) Z /E --f';&Yl~/City ~ 'llf>'1tnI1/lt::rU..) , . :;C' 1'1... 2- ?,&...;." ...;)- II at,) 'Appl ication # I (~ d<;"/ /}-.7 9 Assigned Numbers Township, Range~ Section, Tax Lot' S u be! i vis i on ;;.,...' ,,.....,, .",,, Lot I - r~,e:.t'" ~.-1. Block '. ,.- ,."~-~~ ": .": ',:. Appl ication for r~A~,;;:,~"d'~' If) L ~ Structures now on the property Proposed use of property: /j/(Residential C/ Commerc.ial A ff i d a v it: 1, \ .1(1. '- L. f i'. 1-1 ....t..\. 7..L..; 11,_ L... (p lease 'pr'fnt) If th'is application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other pur~ose. I have the following'.1egal interest in the' property: V Qwner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder. afan exclusive option to purchase; .......duly authoriz.3Q,.to act for the owner, who is knowledgeable of this' application: Signature/Address .../..../r) :2:::5L;2X" II ,~.L' rl J hr-A.Ji!!'"'. !O~ . Telephonek'f}f7 ,w,...;~ //;,.- -or ' When permit is ready notify: (]t.,"'APPl icant () Owner C/ Contractor , ) '\ --,..,) J ~ Owner f J ) , A l ,..:.J JJ.4 ......It ..-".J<' , l~ ~ , . - , ~ . Contractor . """-;uil .tw't J.;;;'" i€ontractor's OSR# f"n u rJe'/i!. C/ Industrial. C/ Publ ic , hereby certify that, this information is true and accurate. Date (zip) 1'744..(;; 7-/2... 7q - .."" ( / I/~phone - I ()'7 4.!~ I,' Phone!,..!!I -j...,.;; J !."-" Phone Plumbing by '!2.z. : (zip) (zip) f''')I.U/I./ ~/e , C/ mail DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS, LINE If Commercial:' # of stories. Residential: # of bedrooms I " SI test holes ready # of'employees # of y'nits SDS: /)I('~xisb ng , [) Prop()'sed, BP # SI # ~ e, ...;? 3;;CJ-?'l -? , ../.:.', -:.L II . ''''. -x.M:iZ-!C .1/. tT~~ Fee Code . P . '-, Descri pti on ~&-/J.<;i'A//#__ L,~-""1!~?/0..i' , , -- '" F ~.y' - 1/ /ii' Sq. Ft. or # oJ Sites ,~?A:. - r r 'UnH' Co",t, Valuati'on Fee v III'" , $ $ $ $ ,_+- .~,/ .'7 . .~,1 ,~-.. . p" '.. A.,' .' , ...::: h~;".,..#~,,""'''' .=-.u~ .. ~J.,.../""';I\.- (",,~ ~ ,. .' C/ Cash /~/,eneck # Received by .' Total Valuation: $ ,~Plumbi~g fixtur~s at $ '~.Sewer/water conn. at $ . '$"'" Water Supply Proposed Yea r Ins ta 11 ed . (/9 .~~. 1-1 LP.1.,e . ~ Subtotal each $ each $ $ $ $ $ $ ~/117' ~,~ . rea r ':;;;"'rJ ~ Exi sti ii g', ":i. '. t~, 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change oJ Occupancy:....,. TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: ,. Zone ~1E...jl'J Part. # G.., front .~.~;, G.., side Parcel # Parcel Size i n t. /..S' Comments . ,. ,_ _, 'To b~~ typed on permit "(h1Jh_,,/~.A .../:fA"hI'.LR...'-I1'../L,,~1f~"lq~/J"'" ~ ';;;J("~--n.J/!....; I'A-;L.f.~ //1, :::t11~__/ti';"/d . . -By ~../~~....,.. - Date 8- / .:.r;:-7 c:; _.- # ~- ~ __ _... .... ...-... I ,'" ~ ., '." . ~' Directions to site . ?t:7d ~ Lr,Y7f"_ H~___-/';'../ 4.JJ-a.. -...-k./JL~t2&t~Y (itfJ/l/J.~jJj'h,~tA.:1 ..o~;' _4~.&~.:r#A..~O ;-:/- ,,{f? 'tP C/~~O' , "Pl ans tot CP&I set(s)/' Date - - Hold ~1 ip Date, Date to . V WPC set(s) Requ i red to pce Comp 1 eted pce C ~~P&'i' s.-"I.2 / C/4WPC""'- ! -;r./:.l I ./ ' "..C/ Pl ilnn i ng . /~/ Public' Works C/ Elevation - ,,- I.. (/...n"f a C/ Address C/ Faci 1 ity Permit . /~/ Env i ronmen ta 1 Hea lth FOR INFOPJ,lATIONabout progress of your appl ication call: , Pennit Control Center 687-HElP (687-4357) if (~()b OFF I C I AL R ECO RD 0 F 0 Escl~ I P"T iO NS 0 F REAL. PRO PERTtE'Sv~,~Hj ~i OFFICE 0; DUNTY ASSESSOR, LANE COUNTY:"OP--;ON//;/ .'1/ 'lA.n ,( . ,-r :." / _L__--.; ~ --==--~-~------~.~-~-=-----==,.=-,- ------, ='....:- DEED RECORD---===--=-":':"--::-=':':::::" ", -47 . 2 ,ACRE'~ TOWNSHIP s. RANGE E, OR \\"___ W, M, VOL, PAGE RE"1",!N:~;C; YEAR TAX LOT 20 SECTION 35 No, c~:.,.: . BEARING DISTANCE BEARING lh:rERENCE OR LEGAL SUBDIVISION 1950 Begi.nning at a point that is 381 572 202.90 feet NoOoo13'Vl. and 306.30 3D5/6;5 feet n.78022'E. of the SoUthwest comer of the Nelson Davis Dl.C :#50, n2),il:/;;:91.156 Townsh ip 17 South, Range 2 West of / 1 R42J Wil o.mette Meridian, ru nning thence 49867 435.60 ft.to the S'1y right of way line .of the McKenzie Higlwray; thence 102.10 ft. along said right of way line; thence 435.,60 ft. thenc/;} 102.10 ft. to the place of beginning. ContainiXlg mar e or Ie s s 1.00 ]};:E5 "')' \..,,t . 1969 i N.00013'W IN.78022'E S.00013' E S.78022'W ,.."-.. ;".'. ALSO: Beginning at .a poinb that . is 202.90 feet N.OQo13'W. and 403.40._ feet N.78022'E. of the Southwest cor!),~~, !,.J~! LI' of the Nelson Davis DLC :~O TOIvnshiIl':.::d~/ ~;IL1.JO ;"'0 , 17 South, Range 2 West o~ Willamette Meridian, running thence to the S'ly right of way line of the McKenzie Highway; thence . along said right of way line; thence thence to the pla.ce of beg inning. more or less 1.00 Ucres 1965 1969 R420/ 49867 R6SI/48f57 (90;~,'215711 {902 ,':23 5 Y' 5 . !QOl '2')6?~1 Containi:t:~ I. ". '".J 2.00 N.00013'W' '1974. . 1978N. 78022' E 1978 S.00013' E 1 :.178S. 78 022 'w 435..60 ft. 102.10 ft. 435.60 ft. 102,,10 ft. " j ....j i 'j '.1 ; ','j I i / .~ rfRW-- , . . . ~i&B~~';; -"-Yr,'(\tEj.< , f:;i~~~~~7: . J&:;,ij~,~~~~~j;:\:. " '..'..:".~,.,-,....,,~......-:, f ,~ J ! ' k~f~~i~~@~~~i;: L::-. -. i ~~~~~1t~1~" BOLD SLIP lane county ~ APPLI CAT ION # ,/" /':-- /, ; - 7f.; ,. /,. :1 7 ~:'1 /) Zi P Code The above application is being held by the Perrriit Processing Section for the following reasons: ;"jlL t i;/11 \ /: '. \ /f>jX I., i ;1.... : I .... . , 4-',._ :. r. ... l;~/ t G. Name Address !I-~~ ,: ,2 " ..J' .......... '~ l_) ";-' ':.. ," ) I f"'~' r 0(:..,'" c/ '''''.- ./ t:"..:..... r-: '> i/, I, .~ f~- t~ ,:...... \ 1.,) (-. ~" ~ ,. -. -. .I"~- ~._' ~'_ "-" . , . ,".-::..".) ',:".-;;'.. "....\~ t I......... .... ',( '6 .. 1:>,) L-) ;-:::: t.--(~- 1- ~,.~ (-.. I .~~. t.:~ ,~k' , ..., .~. ._, I" .- ""~-r" I I' \/ "E - I( '1' ,... ',',',- f'::' C<_:-' ,-- I ,<:, ./?~-" /' - ';;:? ;::::. ,i... ". ~-:- I ~-j ': C.,.:.:. ,I f"-J;' I ' _ - c ..~ ; ,:; I J't' + !_') . . . o. i,:;:! ,( t" f~"" I ,;~,:.; f;'.<'.~., /~-~':~; ~~' l~_ (; ,$~) ,:'_~)!;;.~'.i.~' [:~t."-"'" .) . "';-1...7 ~ .,~;.. (~ H,' I~ (." I ("\,[: p'::. r-.,:,)/""If \Prl'":",/ ..-,..- ~ I ...._-' ~ ....01" ~ 1-'; .......~;, t :, \' ) fr ;.\ --:-"f-' I" -,. _' /_ t \.... . ) /. c.~. i-I/', t") ,.., c- , 'l . , -.)/ '.' , , '.-'("'~,J';. '41~ -- ...- r' I,~' ~;... ! 6( (. \7,'( k_' ~ ,..} ,"'. Division: , /. .;> 1/ ~ / ..' I I 'Si gnature: ..; ,'.... ,{ ..(~'~t,/~4:..;': ",,/- ,;,1 . "-<--/ I' ,.' I,:(.".,_, Date !..4 ~'_.':"~ ') ,,' t "\', C';(' '\ ;,,-..',( i ,:./;. ) ./ '. l- t: '.'. ,I / <: ! ....)/) i.';' i.._) ,:<:','-1"<' {, , I ,_, f.->.' L, .' ; '1> ,1 'J I ,.' I . . i, \ ;"/1'1"- , JJ ~~,I'l.'11 ." , } ~---. ~.1 ..... " I i!: ';. rf r //') l"-.) ~. _ _ - . - f t" /1 f. "'~ I' .; " ~:' /,' (' /-I( I, l .. , ,. ~ '\ --;" 1,-' ) j,......, '. ,I'~ ~ ')' 'I,,-~l \ \0- 1 '. ,_ ( "'~ ,_"_, ~ ~':' ./ r'.' ,I !, I' I I l- L- \. v : : " .,,/ .',:'.' ,I :', (, "f~ ./ ,7':, " , ~"". ..."""'.... ;'! ,~::. ,/ C) (/ /1 /v f;.! (.... }" /~ , ;' l'" /' 'Il (//,:' ',(.: / ' .-" / l ..-' ,,/ t - /' . (" ,."..~ I..~'"; .;...- t, /.. r ;V - i." . > !~/ (' Division: I',) 'p' ,-~:. ,.J i 1<" . " J ~. , , ,:. ,. S);j gn at u re : :~7 .,'.') i,. ,:1"/"/::1/// C /I:~'" ""''' ~ { ,. I 1-: .."., This application will be held until ....;?~ 5' -7f If the information , required above has not been furnished by that date your application will be cancelled. Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections and/or applications to install the septic tank and drainfield) are nonrefundable. Some refund may be made on.the building and plumbing portion of your application if cancellation is necessary. , .' - ~. , Date In the event a Planning or some other long-term problem exists over which you have no control we will hold the permit until the problem is resolved and we receive word from you as to whether to proceed with permit issuance or process a cancellation. PERMIT PROCESSING SECTION - 687-4394 C74-139 \ 1 \ ",' I n ,. l . ev' '~ I , SLAB' FLOOR . PLUMB I NC; .GROUNlJ,oJORK' / ApP~OV~Dj 'I DISAPPROVED I REMARKS' GAS PIPING GROUNlJ,oJORK ApP'ROVED I - I DISAPPROVED ,I REMARKS ROUGH PLUMBING APf;ROVED I I DATE I DATE / DISAPPROVED I' I DATi REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED I REMARKS FINAL PLUMBING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED REMARKS FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED I / DlsAPPROVED/ REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE ,j / DATE I DATE ~-.J-t6 / I DATE I NOT READY TO ISSUE I '1 DATE REMARKS '" INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR' INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR CLd..R INSPECTOR ".:',{ .' ;-. ~. ': . ~ ". -J: .''', ,_. ~. .- , :'~":'.. .-n ,";, ,~ :.: "~.,"_t~", . ' , .. -.-,-;,,-.".-: '.....-;:- , ,~. ...... . '~r ,,-.. .' POST' THIS :'P~RMIT,ONM.A1N'B'urLD!NG',A'f ~SITE.- " . ! '. ...,',. ;/ c' . c. '.'. ' ~ ~. . JOB ADORESS;. -;;-#, . . 7800 ~Kenzie H:ig~a'y It' Springfield OR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# .' LC 2937-nf . ~., .", r' .. ,< I;' TRS, TL: 17-02-36.3;J tl noo '. Subdivision:' ',,' ~. ::,':. ;) '.' .' ,.' 1 , . _ ". , This'p~rrnit fqr ~her~fer~nced p~op~rty. is,hereby . 'a~ri~d..' :Se-i:ba?k~.and ~th~t c6~diti6nsof appro~al m.ust ~~strictly.observed-/, ViolatIQn~an" res,ult Jrl rev()catlOn of this perr:T1It,.cltatlonu.!lder.provl~19ns o,f Cane County .s InJractlo.n Ord,lnance, and/or, otherremed,lesal.lovved~y law. , ". : ",' . . .". .(' " . .' ',~AoPP)ic/a~~~dd,~~SS: ';:,. ~i111~ 'A~. 'Dil~rit ,P~ O.:'Bu 11321; ~U9.eile 'OR '9~44(J " .. yvner . '.ress>,' . Sillile ,.' .':~::' . '," ,Contractor/Address::,~'. ,..' , , ...'Coritractor's o~ # .. '. . ' .. ,Total,C()hstruction'Va,!ue:', . '-Telephone: 1:0.:7"4. ...".'), ~~. .' Da ~.v .T~lephone:. ":.' . i "Te!ephon~: . . ....,' 1::-. ., . I;~<tnstructjbn'al:)'p'ro\t~q hy,this p~rmit: C)., ...... :-:-.'... '. ..'..1<- .... . v,iaterSupp!y': . ,', .."..;f"..'*'i....... _ -'-'" ~ ..,. .. .. ".;.1 .-J .j' -,' ;~ ;'i. '.12. X 40mot)i1e home, 197, 9 ~g~ structures .now Of.l prop~rt1: resiclence ~?,~ .' ,'# Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees:' ~", ,t':-',', 1r f~, ~.',., .pLANNING DJVISION' Zoning':'. GR-l0" . Partitioning '#. ". :parcei .# Minimum requirea structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, from: 654 side ex~erior:' ; interior property l.ines: is' ;rear property line: 2()l Speciallnstructiohs:, Parcel Size: ; centerline of .road, 204- ~ 435 " J~ ' . . ~Gr-inf0Fmation-Gall-@87--439,1 , " .,.. ,- . f ,:. I . l:tftft",,,. T !'..... M....'" ~ .~~'>l..._ it -=r_ ..~ -Ill.;j- .'. WATER POLLUTION' CONTROL DIVISION ... , Site, Inspection # . , , Insta'llation speCifications: . lineal'feet of drainfield requTred; max. depth of trenches: , " 'j .', .... ,. . . " ,Specia!'lnstructions: ~rinect to t.l:1e exis~tjing septic systoo! (refer1;fl lC 2510";79), gal. rnin.~eptic tank ~apaciry;, '~ " . ~~ . :-.,' ;,~ ., :;:. ,', Setbacks :Septic Tank . Drainfie:d " ',~'.;jterior property lines .. '10' 10' ,: ~ .:, )ge,of rqad r,iglifof-way. .10"" io~' -Suildin'g foynd'!tion' ' 5' 10' Wells, other'waier sources 50~ 100' Forinrormatio[icall ~~?_~~~(\ between 8;00,9:00 a.m" !':~!~, ~!e~e~~~~, CONSTRUCTiON . T~pe of.Cohsh'uctio~: ~.. . ::qroup: f4M Fi(e Zone:: , ;3"'" Us~ Cla'ssificatid'n': SFD PERMITS/INSPECTION Instructions:. ~vide 'footil1gs an!ipiers. to comply with tift State fOfj~titm'f'eqi'.rir~r:J;ts' f.or ~mbij~ I?.IVISlbNMmesor:Uff'eC~derl by the manufactQrer tt::-at are attached to the mQ io.s1ooof tb~ mobile h&.MH,'. . , Also. pro'~4.e 'skirting ,as i"equired~ See .f'eversesi~e f()cr",~11e~t inspect'i~s. . '. For plans i~formation caIIM7_4665.b.etween 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a:m., . .'. ' . F.or inspections (see back of tnls permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p~m.. .,.': . <" ",' '. :~~: :~k ;' ~ ';~ ~/-~"'..... ~~. ~ _ ,_-........J......... ,,-_.. ";-,~ .,,'...."""" :"'.' , Directions to Site: , 79th' & McKenzie ,: 'Sprin~fie ld . ' 10/11/79 bne county'. '. ~ " ' , (. , . :-. .C55,13 ..J'--.-~ ~~,I:-~('I-:Y':: '~'...~..; ,.".......:r , 'DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING . ,'125E;A.ST~8TH A\(Ef\!U~! EUc.E,NE. oAE<;9tJ 97~01.;. .' ,,;.'...,ii....'C~, "_, ........:,,'t._~._,_,'....-"~ _..__" ,. . ~ ..-_.,....!;._-"""'-'~d.._~..., ","" ~ . By: . ,"';..,:1.0:;1,<;.. ,/' \X>I~:f1;"i..r~?, L' ;r-t.'"....~A.--"" ~_.""":'....- ~./ -, .~.-....... Date Issued: SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED / REMARKS / DISAPPROVED / ApPROVED / FOUNDATION INSPECTION / DISAPPROVED / REMARKS ApPROVED I FRAMING INSPECTION I DISAPPROVED I REMARKS Af>PROVED / LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION / DISAPPROVED I REMARKS FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED / REMARKS / DISAPPROVED / READY TO ISSUE I , CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY I ' NOT READY TO ISSUE REMARKS I DATE / DATE / 'DATE I DATE I DATE I I I DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR :'" J' .. " INSPECTOR INSPECTOR f. it POST THIS. PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE 'f :i~' '. . c---" JOB ADDRES~: 77 91, 4C-I~~'~l ~_ "r1.'v..))i:'~'" ;-j)"e' F=" (>1. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # Z5\O-:-{0 TRS, TL: ,\7-;02.- 3Cc,. '3 :;\~ \'\00. ., Subdivisien: "r ;~,,~.... I" /:/ ,v I' :I, This per.n:lit for ,the referenced property is hereby . . .' Setbacks andother cenditions of approval must be strictly observed. result in revocation of this permit, citatien under provisiens ef LaneCeunty's Infractio.n Orqinance,'and/erether remedies allewed by law. A~'plicant! Address: LUli,..!,.\ ~v..... A. .9..... L..-C""". . i='" '.' ''-::--"" . ~j^ Telephene: Owner/Address: '. '.' . .~). O. j?~"X i l'? z." C':.t...A:.~ee~e ') \..Jt?e~ . -1-n-..r Telephene: . . Centracter/Address: . .H. Telephene: . Centracter's OS # . ..,., , Tetal CenstructienValue: ,;.=._.'-.., '4' . -' , ..' ~:~, ,: "'enstruction approved by thisp~r;Q1it: ~, F.. r~<, ~.' ~1 , (' ~'" '. '.' c. .I#;,fr, ':, Uvv,-&-~Ll~-cU Water Supply: 'PLANNING DIVISION' '..~ -.. ,;- WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks . lterier property lines ...:dge ef road r.ight-of-way Building fblfndation, Wells, ether water seurces CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTI~N DIVISION .". Directiens to. Site: . Date Issued: C55,13 Vielation can '~(;t ",'A'...'.;....' . ...:. ..., c.' !~L.X..l~l:Je-0 ): ,.,... '1,"- #i3edrooms: .1.... ,.' #Plumbing FixtiJres.:: :# Empleyees: Zening: Partitioning # Parcel # Mini'mum required structural setbacks, from: centerli,ne of road, front: ,~ side exterier: ' ; interier prop~rty lines: ;rear preperty line: . Special I nstructions: r . . Parcel Size: ; centerline'ef road, , .f:. For-information caW6ts/-4,jl::lLf-, '\ \ . LQ..()':-- . gal. min.,septic tank capacity: r:)-,/Vte!~. . :. :. ',_ ,- ;'.'. ~()J~~~~,b;J J ".I,t>.'[~:"~~~~a'-'. ..~' .~L~-~'K~' '. ' , ,I., ".' \', (-.,.., , "v'- <t- .... . , .,:, ~:.~' "". ~r}J-/ , . . . .,. ,,' ..,.,! Q. ":., . . between 8 :.00 - 9: 00 a'~iTl" "'-..... D" . . ., A, Site I nspectien # I nstallatien specifications: .linE~al'feetef,drai[lneld reqLiir~d; max, depthef tr~nches: " . ;:~' Sr5"ecial'lnstrUctions.:.. '.' < :'-<., '~ ' 'SepticTank . ., 10" ' :: ',10'. ...-.., 5':' 50' Drainfield';' 10~. ,.10',. ~ ..10' . ' 100' Fer infern;tatien call '~ ~'~-7 Type ef Constructien: I nstructiens: Use Classificatien: ,. . .,' r-'(l\. q ~ V:\--- '. :'?-~ \(~ ,;), ;? ,. :) \. . 'CL ! (-) ~'1 n t)'/Y~ ,/ \<-)~.)t'''~. kine county '- . . t') )(, '''':~' . \-:--7 Ks> , ,I 0 .preup: Fire Zene: '} Fer plans infermat'ion call between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., , Fer inspectiens (see back of this permit) call 687.4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. '" DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH A~ENU.E"EUGENE, OREGON 97.401 . .' , By: