HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1986-9-30 ... SPRllNIGFftELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Commumty & Economic Development Planmng and Development Department September 30, 1986 Mr J~mSche~le P.O Box 1260 Spnngheld, OR 97477 9 ~'5 s ., O'-H\ DearMr Sche~le RE Assessoros Map 1118020223 Tax Lot 1102900 Th~s letter ~s ~n response to yoor quest~on concern~ng the poss~ble purchase of the above referenced lot from the C~ty of Spnngf~eld. You stated that you wanted to bu~ld a garage on tax lot 1102900 As yoo nay recall, the Spnngf~eld Developnent Code cons~ders a separate garage to be an accessory bu~ld~ng, and as such a separate garage cannot be cons t ru ct ed upon a va cant lot ORS 92 017 states. "A lot or parcel lawfully created shall rema~n a d~screte lot or parcel, unless the lot or parcel hnes are changed or vacated or the lot or parcel ~s further d~V1.ded, as proV1.ded by law." A lot hne vacat~on would be both costly and t~ne consunn.ng. The legahty of a lot hne adJustnent that would result ~n the consohdat~on of both lots ~nto one ~s quest~onable Regard~ng a 10 or 15 foot lot hne adjustment, tax lot 1102900 would have to ma~nta~n a nu.nlIlUm street frontage of 60 feet and ~f the s lope ~s over 15 percent, the lot s~ze could not be reduced below 10,,000 square feet. How eve r, s ~nce s~nce tax lot pu rchas ed tax of the lots ga rage yoo own tax lot 1103000 wh~ch am ts tax lot 1102900 and 1103000 has an ex~st~ng pnmarJ bu~ld~ng, ~f you lot 1102900 the C~ty of Spnngf~eld woold cons~der both as one s~ngle lot for the purpose of construct~ng a In order to protect the ~nterests of the C~ty of Spnngf~eld, yoo would be requ~red to prepare a deed restnct~on to be recorded at the t~ne yoo purchase tax lot 1102900 stat~ng that the garage shall be e~ther reIlDved or demol~shed or that a house sha',ll be constructed pnor to the sale or transfer of tax lot 1102900 from yoo to any other pa rty 225 North 5th Street 0 Springfield, Oregon 97477 $ 503/726-3753 r Page 2 I am enclosl.ng a copy of a deed restrl.ctl.on form that the Cl.ty has used. If you decl.de to pursue the purchase of tax lot if 02900, bnng thl.S letter to the Fl.nance DepartllEnt If you have any further questl.ons, please feel free to call. ;;::t7' /~ Ga~ /~ Assocl.ate Planner Enc , , , .. DLCL~R^TION OF RESTRICTION THE UNDERSIG~LD, , belng the record owners and partles of interest of all of the followlng real property, located In Sprlngflel Lane County, Oregon: / I . ' . . do here~y make the followlng Declaratlon of Condltlon and Restrictlon, coverlng sald real property, speclfYlng that thlS Declaratlon shall constltute a covenant and restrlctlon to run wlth all of the l~nd and shall be blndlng on all persons clalmlng under the~, and that thlS con- dltlon shall be for the beneflt of and Ilmltatlon upon all future owne=s of sald real property. Nor The above-descrlbed real property can Jl -11 I.~ be sold, !e"'I'l- fl ,-- '. - ~, l'{_ r"", ~.'::- _... ," ~i ... 1 +- ":.-'--..... ,...........- t-.".,., ~'~~II.- =" lJ.J _,_u.~~~ -'--'_;....;.___J ~:..!.L.. LlJ __::., untll: Th G t3'x:r J TIN t; -;. ;'1/2(' I b \~ I J r3 , f1f az.. f-. G"/Vl o\A~ u,~ fl ~M U \- f ,) /-( (;U:/ cJ~ .4 p(2IMPra/ c\;""P_VCiVr2g (... '-.IIN6,--;3 r=A-(1-1/L.l rrOVlla ),) CON,n<.U(.'i'l~. " The foregolng condltlon shall enure to the beneflt of and be enforceable by SUlt for In]Unctlon or for damages by the Clty of Sprlngfleld and thelr legal representatlves, successors or asslgnsi and a fallure by the Clty of Sprlngfleld to enforce such condltlon shal in no event be deemed a wa~ver of the Clty'S rlght to do so thereaf- / ter. The true and actual conslderatlon for thls Declaratlon of Restrlctlon lS other thQn monetary: DATE:;) thls day of , 19_ PLRSO~ALLY.APPEARED before me thlS 19_, the \Vl thln naIled day of , and aCKnow~edged the foregolng In- s~=Ulen~ to be tnelr vo~un~ary act and deed. IN TESTI-"lO~IY IvHEI\.EOF, I have here un to set my hand and seal the day last above wrltten. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON My Commlsslon Explres: . . . ".-'- ...-(....~......~-- __ -.. _..#.... 4 ___ ..__.. ~"..I- ~.._.._............._... - - "..---'" - -- ---,..,.......