HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1988-12-14 " DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 4.0MIi\/ST,S4Ti(i,\' PLL.'.,~II,r\/G BLfILO,r\IG - ' - - - ,:;'I'~ ~; E'.- :....,:.. :- - :../., ::l.-IBl..IC /.'C i:.. = l.~:7':'~/>-':-_ -_' December 14. 1988 Mr. and Mrs. Greer P.O. Box 627 Spfld. OR 97477 Subject: Mobile Home Placement Standards 31lp 5 !:J;lVl d Dear Mr. and Mrs. Greer: I received your application for mobile home set-up permits for review. The City-.Council approved a rezone of your property {(Assessor's Map 17-02-33-34 Tax-Lot 02101) on September 3, 1984 to Mobile Home Subdistrict (MHS) (Ordinance 5~63-) . - On September 17, 1984 the City Council adopted an entirely new set of mobile home standardS (Ordinance 5266) and eliminated the zoning classification of Mobile Home Subdistrict. Because there were very few lots rezoned MHS the Council adopted a provision allowing the lots which received MHS zoning in the past to continue the use mobile homes. However, the provision allowing the continuance of mobile homes also stated that placement of mobile homes required compliance with conditions adopted as part of the zone change and placement standardS for "perimeter mobile homes". Perimeter mobile home standards include the following: Covered parking shall be provided (garage or carport). If a carport is used for covered parking a 32 square foot storage unit is also required. These improvements are required in property. Your plot plan needs to be permits need to be obtained for the permits are obtained for the mobile home order to place a mobile hOMe on this revised to show these improvements and carport/garage at the same time as the set-up. Springfield Development COde also requires a miniMum of two paved parking spaces for each residence and street trees to be planted a 30 foot intervals. Because your existing roadway is gravel the City will allow the delay of the driveway and street tree improvements if you agree to sign a Development Agreement stating that the improvements will be instal led once the street has been paved to City StandardS. Please contact me at 726-3759 so we can work on these items and expedite the \ issuance of your permits. I Coraially, " I, I , I ---/" ( (1~ ( ~I L ,I t j'\ Cynthia L. Harmon ~evelopment Permit I . I ' . C//-L I It. r / - J ;' , -- " Coordinator copy to: Dave Puent, Ruilding Official Greg Mott, Development Code Administrator attachments: Ordinance 5263 Orainance 5266 Article 36 <.,t \ , "." ORDINANCE NO. 5266 r AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ARTICLES 7 AND 8 AND AMENDING ARTICLES 2, 3, 4, 5, AND 14 OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING CODE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD-1982, AS AMENDED, AND CONCER~ING: THE PLACEMENT STANDARDS OF MOBILE HOMES IN MOBILE HOME PARKS AND MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISIONS: THE MINIMUM LOT SIZE FOR MOBILE HOME PARKS AND MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISIONS: PER'1.:"NENT LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS FOR MOBILE HOME PARKS AND MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISIONS: DESIGN STANDARDS FOR t-lOBILE 'HOME PARKS: MOBILE liOMES AS A TEMPORARY USE IN RESIDENTIAL, COt-~1ERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS: MOBILE HOMES AS A PERMANENT USE IN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS: AND THE USE OF TRAILERS, R.V.IS AND OTHER CAMPING VEHICLES AS RESIDENTIAL UNITS, ~ ~;:CL't;-\::I:;-i'\H [l1[RG[:IC~. ?r\\-\ THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: There is hereby added to Article 2 Definitions of the Comprehenslve Zonlng Code of the City of Springfield-1982, as amended, the following: BUILDING OFFICIAL - The Superintendent of Building or his duly authorized representative, who is responsible for the admini- stration of the Building Safety Division. if' ~ANUFACTURED HOMES - A mobile home with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (BUD) label certifying that the structure is constructed in accordance with the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, as amended on August 22, 1981. 1. CLASS A MANUFACTURED HOME - A manufactured home of not less than 24 feet in width and 16% roof pitch, with exterior dimensions enclosing a space of at least 960 square feet, with roofing and siding materials that are commonly used on homes built to the specifications of the Structural Specialty Code. 2. CLASS B MANUFACTURED HOME - A manufactured home of not less than 12 feet in width and 16% roof pitch, with exterior dimensions enclosing a space of not less than 500 square feet. MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISION - A subdivision 3 acres or larger approved by the City for placement of mobile homes. MODULAR HOME - A factory fabricated transportable bUllding, desi- gned to meet the specifications of the Structural Specialty Code, to be used by itself or incorporated with similar structures or units at a building site into a modular structure. The term is intended to apply to major asse~blies and does not include bUlld- ings constructed at a site from fabricated panels, trusses or other prefabricated supplements. { The following definitions are hereby amended: MOBILE HOME - Any transportable structure which is constructed and deslgned for permanent human occupancy. This definltion applies whether the structure is placed upon property for temporary . ORDI~ANCE NO. 5266 , 1 ,.. j> ( I or permanent use, or whetherj wheels may be removed allowing the structure to be placed upon a foundation. Mobile vehicles not originally designed for per~anent human occupancy are not mobile homes (e.g., buses, recreatipnal vehicles or trucks modified to permit human occupancy). Mopular homes are not mobile homes. MOBILE HOME PARK - A parcel of land 3 acres or larger under common ownership on which twp or more moblle homes are occupied as resi.dences. This definl tion includes accessory buildings and structures, prlvate parks, and community centers for use by residents of the mobile horne, park. Secti0n 2: Subsections (2), (3) and (18) of Section 3.04 of Article 3 of the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the City of Springfield-1982, as amended, are amended to read as follows: RL R.f'1 RH " 2. Mobile home parks P** X X 3. Mobile home subdivisions p** X X 18. Residential units as temporary sales offices provided the unit is analogous to those being sold P P P" **When located on at least 3 acres where the average slope is not greater than 10% and where Development Coordination approval is granted. (Article 8)" ( Section 3: Subsection (97) of Section 4.04 of Article 4 of the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the City of Springfield-1982, as amended, is amended to read as follows: CN CC CMR "97. Mobile home used as temporary office (Article 8) P P P" Section 4: Subsection (26) of Section 5.04 of Article 5 of the Cornprehenslve Zoning Code.of the City of Springfield-1982, as amended, is amended to read as follows: ML MM MH "26. Mobile homes used for: a. Temporary office use b. Permanent office U'se c. Security residence (Article 8)" P X X P P P P P P City l City (See Section 5: Article 7 of the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the of Sprlngfield-l982, as amended, is deleted. Section 6: Article 8 of the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the of Sprlngfield-1982, as amended, is amended to read as follows: Artlcle 8, attacned) !\. :~ ORDINANCE NO. 5266 .,.- Section 7: Subsection (A) and (B) of Section 14.09 of Article 14 of the Comprehensive Zoning' Code of the City of S!?ringfleld-1982, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "14.09 TR"1\ILERS, R. V. 's OR OTHER CAMPING VEHICLES A. Trailers, R.V.'s or Other, Camping Vehicles: Except as herelnafter provlded, trallers, R.V. 's or other camping vehicles shall not be used as a residence or accessory building in any district. 1. There is compliance with applicable requirements of Article 8 Mobile Home Standards; and, 2. The mobile home park was granted a Conditional Use Permit before July 1, 1984. B. Construction Permits: All ~obile homes, trailers, R.V.'s or other camping vehlcles sited inside t~e city limits in accordance with this section, regard- less of use or other requirement, must receive permits for mobile home set-up, plumbing, mechanical and electrical inspections from the Building Official. , Section 8: All parcels inside the city limits that were previously zoned RL-Moblle Home Subdistrict and that retain that zoning classifi- cation upon the date of adoption of this ordinance shall be henceforth zoned RL-Residential Low Density District but shall be allowed to main- tain a mobile home on said parcels subject to the conditions imposed by the Planning Commission at the time of the rezoning to RL-Mobile Home Subdistrict. Replacement of a mobile home that was in place at the time of adoption of this ordinance shall require all placement standards for "perimeter mobile homes IJ found in this ordinance to be observed. Section 9: All parcels inside the city limits that were previously zoned RL-Mobile Home Subdistrict and that retain that zoning classifi- cation upon the date of adoption of this ordinance shall be henceforth zoned RL-Residential Low Density District but shall be allowed to main- tain mobile homes on said parcel as a perm~tted use. Any enlargements or modlfications of said mobile home park shall be subject to the con- ditions of this ordinance. - --- .-- Section-lG; .Lt-i:"s iH::reby-found-ancL.d~t~m:LI)ed--that-matters per- ~ining to zoning reclassifications_~ffect-the public welfare of the City of Springfield and th~~.an-emergency exists, and-that this ordinance shall therefore_take 'affect immediately upon its passage by-th~ Councll /Jrt an~_approval' by the Mayor. ---~ 0] ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this . d 17th day of Seotember 1984 by a vote of 3 for and 1 agalnst. f ( ( ORDINANCE NO. 5266 APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 17th of September , 1984. ~~ ~,L~n\ Mayor ATTEST: ~{nft~ .)~~ . F1nance ~Qrl {,I L/ c 11~i ! day ORDINANCE NO. 5263 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING CODE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD- 1982, AS AMENDED, TO PROVIDE FOR THE ZONING RECLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED AT 316 SOUTH 52ND STREET (Edward M. Null) (Journal No. S-84-07-22 Springfield Planning Commission) BY OUTRIGHT REZONING, SAID PROPERTY BEING LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, ORE GON,,-ANg....cELLARI NG-{\tl [t4fRGfN8'. ~ THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the City of Springfield-1982, as amended, is hereby further amended to provide for the zoning reclassification of certain property within the City of Springfield, said property being more particularly described as follows: Property located at 316 South 52nd Street from Rl-low Density Residential District to MHS-Mobile Home Subdistrict (Edward M. Null), Tax lot No. (17- 02-33-~-21 01 ) . The South 70 feet of the following described property: Beginning at a point North 890441 West and 617.8 feet South 00051 West of the intersection of the South line of the McKenzie Highway with the East line of the A.W. Hammit Donation land Claim No. 38, Notification No. 7187, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South 0051 West 200 feet; thence North 89044' West 153.47 feet; thence North 0051 East 200 feet; thence South 890441 East 153.47 feet to the place of beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Section 2: Findings of fact in support of this rezoning were approved by the City Council and are hereby adopted. Section 3: In approving this rezoning the City Council required the following conditions: 1. Any mobile home placed on this lot shall be double wide. 2. The mobile home shall be skirted in accordance with OAR 814-23-070. 3. The mobile home shall be attached to a permanent foundation. 4. Signing of an improvement agreement for South 52nd Street. Section 4: The Planning Director of the City of Springfield is hereby directed to cause the map attached to the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the City of Springfield- 1982, as amended, to show the foregoing changes of classification of area and note thereon the rule with respect to building in the appropriate classification. . ~eCtlOn:>: 11; i~ ilt:~r:uy JI..~,-.mined thrlt.matters p:rtainin,g tn 7~J+.lng rc,-la;);)j-~ q;1M flcatlons affect the publlC welfare of th~O-~I.1I J),~that an emergency(;7 exists, and that this ordina~ll cnerefore take affect immedlately ~its pa~~~~Q by the Cuuncl I and approval by the Mayor. ~ ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 4th day of September, 1984, by a vote of 3 for and 2' against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 4th day of September, 1984. /"' ATTES!: . ( , / l' ill'1:\~ 'If/i j/ , v' ~ v I l"<:' .' ".:/-'::': r. (.1/;--- Fi nance Di recto /;, ~~~D, ~;J'?'OA I Mayor\ .