HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1985-2-27 I- '.'" '500 jJ~ & fc p,1J! : PETITION FOR ANNr:XATION~-ND' GONSENT ;-7-0 Z- J 9-00 -OOs()() ~ ----- -- - --------- --..- - TO ANNEXATION ~~ ~l\ seu..J "err 9;~ ~ -- TO: City Council, City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon The Petitioner, -6'eYA-/J u)f tt1LII.&:---'f\ / , petitions, consents, and represents as follows: 1. Real Property: The undersigned Petitioner(s) owns real property located outside the City limits, but located within the adopted urban growth boundary depicted in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, herein referred to as the Property and more particularly described in Exhibit "An, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. 2. Irrevocable Petition and Consent to Contiguous Annexation: The Pet~tioner(s) hereby ~rrevocably petitions and consents to contiguous annexation of the property to the City of Springfield pursuant to ORS 222.170. petitioner(s) petitions, consents and agre~s that the City Council in its sole discretion, now or at any time hereafter, may adopt a resolution ~nitiating contiguous annexation under ORS 222.170 and ORS 199.490 (2) or any other ...- state statute, a proceeding to annex the property to the City. The Petitioner(s) consents to including in such proceeding any other property the City Counc~l may direct or which the owner(s) have petitioned and consented to the annexation. Pet~t~onepunderstands, consents and agrees that this Petition and Consent may be used by the City to meet the requirements of ORS 199.490 (1) (b) & (c) and ORS 199.490 (3) (b) & (c). Pet~tioner(s) also irrevocably authorizes the City to present this Petition and Consent to the Lane County Local Government . Boundary Commiss~on to initiate any minor boundary change under QRS 199.490 (1) as an inter~m measure to provide service to the Property prior to its annexation to the City. In consideration for this Petition and consent and agreement, the City agrees that Petitioner's property may receive municipal services from the City and Petitioner(s) may undertake the development of the property in accordance with the City plans, policies and standards and with the requirements of Lane County. 3. Binding on Successors: PetJ.tJ.oner(s) agrees that PetJ..tioner(s) and petitioner(s)' heirs and successors in interest in the Property shall be bound by this Petition for Annexation and Statement of Consent to Annexation which w~ll run with the Property, and that notice of this document will be recorded by the City ~n the deed records for Lane County. A copy of the notlce has been executed by Pet~tioner(s) and is presented herewith to the City. 4. New Use: Petitioner(s) must obtain City's approval for any new use, change of use, or intensificatlon of use of the Property. The C~ty will grant approval of the use ~f it is In compliance with applicable plans, policies and ,- standards as interpreted by the City. 5. Cost of Serv~ce in the Event Annexat~on Denied: If an admin~strat~ve agency or court of competent jurlsdiction determines that the Property or a part of it may not be annexed to the City or that the City may provide no service to the Property or the part, the City may retain all consideration theretofore paid to the City for serving the Property and may collect in addition thereto whatever additlonal considerations are due the City for services the City has provided prior to the determlnation that the Property may not be annexed to the City or the City may not provlde services to it. 6. No Limitation Upon First Amendment Rights: Although this Petition, Consent and Agreement to Annexatlon is binding upon Petitioner, and may be used for the purposes for which Petitioner has agreed, nothing herein shall be construed as limiting or infringing upon Petitioner's right to speak out, comment upon, or present arguments regarding the advisability of proceeding with the annexation proceeding. It is specifically understood by Petitioner that in executin~ this Agreement, a situation may arise wherein Petltioner may be opposed to the annexation and would , have all rights under the First Amendment to articulate that opposition but the Petition and Consent of Petitioner as contained herein will be used for the purposes herein described by City in or~Qr to achieve and demonstrate compliance with ORS 199.490. 7. Provision of Services: In executing this Petition and Consent it is specific- ally understo:::d that any annexation shall be contlngent in its application to any particular annexation request upon the annexing ~- city, within a loglcal and reasonable t~e, to provlde for key urban facllities and serVlces, including, where applicable, sanitn~-J sewers, solid waste management, water service, fire prc~cction, police protection, parks and recreation programs, . electrical service, land use controls, communication facilities, public schools on a districtwide basis (in other words, not neces- sarlly wlthin walking distance of all students served), paved streets with adequate provision for storm water runoff and pedestrian travel. 8. Service Required: It is specifically understood and agreed that PetItIoner shall at Petitioner's sole expense, connect to and purchase City's key urban facilitIes and services, including specifically but not limited to storm and sanitary sewers when City determines that such facilities and serVIce are reasonably avaIlable to the real property described hereIn. 9. ApplIcation: The City shall not levy assessments, taxes or fees against the consenting landowner not applied to properties of SImilar character throughout the rest of the City. o.r DATED this '1 J day of h 1--.- .A.l/v.V Y , 1995--' .L~ j),f fit! ~~~d:- P--etl tioner PetItioner ACCEPTANCE BY CITY: The City of Springfield hereby accepts Petitioner(s)' Petition for Annexation and Statement of Consent to Annexation and by this acceptance acknowledges this Petition as an agreement meeting the requirements of Lane County Code 10.183-05 through -55. ~?V1. ~ ~ Ste~en C. Burkett ., CI ty Manager NOTICE OF AGREEMENT - NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT M ~j"rl a/ /fielt ~~/ and , ~einafter referred'to as "Petitioner(s)", and the City of SprIngfield, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred to as "City", on the day of , , entered into an agreement governing an annexatIon to the City of real property Identified as Tax Lot 500 Assessor's Map 17-02-19 , a legal description of WhICh is attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. - The use and development of the above property is governed by the tenns and conditions of the agreement signed by the parties. The Agreement is filed in the central files of the City, to which reference is hereby made for all matters and things therein contained. The Agreement is binding on the Petitioner(s)' heirs, assigns and successors in interest in the property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, seal this day of the parties hereto have set their hand and , 19 OWNER By: JL../4f'/fih//4t-a; %~-By: ~.(1...M '6-HJ v - .. date,j" ~ CI ty Managet date By: ATTESTED TO BY: date Deputy City Recorder date STATE OF OREGON ss. County of Lane On this day of underSIgned, a notary public in and for personally appeared the within named &-t y /1-1;; f<) In ~) /e/( known to me described in and who executed the same , 19 , before me, the the said county and state, and to be the Identical individuals freely and voluntarily. ,t'/lll. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto "d~~'and year last above written. " . r {0 -: ~ ~..'\~ J~0 C \ " " - - >- set my hand and seal the ~ukc.~?l~ My comnission Expires :''8I'1g ~(p /' -,'~ y -, -.. ...-...... " - ,', ..-.., k..; I ,,'" .... - STATE OF OREGON ) ) County of Lane .lA ho bYtV\ \, I On this !Jt"'Iday of ~. 19.Bs.. before me appeared ~ ~ 0 1"-""'" _, .,... . .tit ~r ~cg ~ ~. r 501' + O..J ... C))\P ~ .. ~ ~. $ ~ ~ o ~~, .. ~ A~: t vc.~" ~IIZ....,.,.,., '8o~v. (olJT ') -, ~ t : ~ ,~ ~ - ~ .. _ .... ,_ _ _ "'. ".' ( 01.1T ') '- RA/lf~ow W/\ 'DI'S;:'~~'R'~~"~' ~'~.j ___ _ ~ '.. r.~,,,:~ .1. ..... ...' ~,....;-'\~- -..... ~~.. ('N) ~...:. (J;............... ,......il...l .:. \,... . _1~l'" ................ . ~ ,\~. (i I'l). J( (OU"T ) I'. .1) j' ( ) :, RAI"'~Cl'N 1\1.0. 1I~'f ~, ',' . , \,,," OuT ,jI (. -,. . '. I) I ~ IN) ....' ~ rA~ xt:RIDGMRD,'il."'''i .; .;Jffi t ~ C~'.: '''~\/~ ..' l~: l ~ ~ 2~r.t (~ ,,~ i!: >- ~ CJ). bJN&;":16' . Section 19 tl7 _. R.2WtWM. LANE COUNTY -- See Mop 17 02 18 ! N Lot 5 27.21 , f:F_ ,r ~ " /. ./ I'."/,Jt'. , 1 .,./ J./f /1'/ :.Jl~ ,& / ,.7i;d "/ ,,1' /' / /"'-- -'f-_-l- -- ~.~. 1..:U - - - - -:!P~-L .IZ.~ '~.e;'Jl:!.o4t" /'" o ~ o .~ ~ \. ~ , ~ I ~l 699 .\ ... ~ ~ .. ., ~ .. " '" .. ... ~ ~" "'~ .,~ ~ .. ... .. ~... ~ ~ .. .. ... .. I l1 ,~ .. ... . .. .. " 7'-Z c.. z _,-n' E.&.ST 300 '.. ... .. ~ ~ ~ .. ~ 1'" .lI'" rz' - 7~a:..n'~' o 1li ttl ro-. tf'>- , "' " " " , , I .I~ I I '.IL~," 11,.....li ,II I~. u.IIl.~.III..~" ~ ... 111M. >II r6~ '~5" ~ 04 . ~ Annexation to Rainbow Water i District (Miller) . T175 R02\J 519 par 500 pt , ., III IIp.~~,, /,z~ = IZII/ ~ ~. .. ... ~ ~) \~ (0 \~ '=' .. .,\' ~~ ,- i .",.... 't. .",.. ....'ii- \..;" (0 -.~ ~ ......\ ~ tL; (0 ~\ ~ ~ l ~ '" 1 + .. t "'c" . ;; , j ;r ;> ... ~ ... ... , u ~ ~ ~ " ~U G B.... (bvT) , . ' loU'T) \"- - .~ ,"=2000' EW RA 85 - 04 Annexation to Rainbow Water~ District U1iller) Vicinity Map J .. ~.~ ~~ . //rf>.." /~-.v/ '.,..J1I.~- -. :".:'" 1:J --.........~ ~ ----- ~ '-- 4 '" Weyerhauser -1 . . PETTITION FOR ANNEXATIO~ TO THE RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT We, the undersigned property owners of the area described below. hereby petition for, and give our consent to, annexation of the area to the RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT. If approved by the district, we further request that this petition be forwarded to the Lane County Local Government Bounda~ Commission for the necessary procedures by ORS 199.410 - 199.512. The property to be annexed is described as follows: Beginning at a point 341.22 Ft. ~ E of the 1/4 section corner between sections 19 and 30 of T17S, R2W, WM and thence running N 2330 Ft. + to a point on the North line of Co. Rd. No. 681 (Hayden Bridge Rd), thence running N 880 301 W 289.47 Ft. ~ to the Southeast property corner'of said property which is the beginning point of ,this description. Thence running S 890 431 W 156.36 Ft. along the South property line to the Southwest property corner. Thence N 000181 W 280.0' along the West property line, thence N 890 431 E 156.36 Ft. + to the East property line. Thence S 000 181 E 280.0 Ft. to the beginning point, containing approximately 0.99 acres. AND Tax Lot 500 ,Township 17 S, Range 2 W. Section Signature of Legal Owner(s): .9~ k. -J, !k//jlt:~ ~~~Y/~~' 19 . Map _ Date / /; 0 /r:)~ / . ., . . ~ rpt/fo I'! 0.... rv, , <)- ~ r-- r- , .... ~ , \9 lo Ie) C\l \0 N' ['.... () :j- j- TAX LOT <D <\l~ SOD MAP No. /7-02- /'1 J r , tI) () (j A""," t,J,n;'N .~ ~ .-PROPOSE" D ANNE XA TI ON 7<~'~a= M~~~~:. ~,~ HAYDEN 5".D0<:: Rr:, /5G3<<> Co RD No 6BI AREA ..