HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2005-8-25 M:tr 16 06 03:38p , ' rlck~d 541-868-0888 p. 1 HILL& DALE ENGINEERING, LLC 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX' (541) 868-0888 FAX COVER SHEET Number of pages including this page: 4 Date: 3/16/06 Attention: Bob Fax number: 726-3676 Phone nwnber: Message Parker Homes 751 S 48th Street Rick @ HiIl&Dale 868-0667 Mar 16 06 03:38p rlck~d 541-868-0888 p.2 HILL& DALE ENGINEERING, LLC 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 541-868-0667 FAX' 541-868-0888 08/25/05 Parker Homes 24717 Wolf Creek Rd. Veneta, OR 97487 RE: 751 So 48th - SIte/SOlis/Compaction InvestIgatIOn - Job #492-05 As you requested, a sIte soils investigation was performed at the above address Allul1suitable fills, orgaIllcs and other unsuitable material has been removed to sUitable grade. The native soil on thIs site IS silty clay loam with a Unified Classd'ication of ML and a plastIcIty II1dex of less than 20. TIllS soil IS not consIdered expansIve (after Holtz 1959). These soils are sUItable for the placement offootmgs for the proposed wood framed structure No extraordinary dramage is requIred for this site Crushed rock was placed m excess of 6" to raise and level the budding pad to the desired elevatIOn for the proposed foundation A compactIon inspection on the gravel fill was performed. The compacted surface of the 1 W' minus crushed rock is adequate for the proposed foundatIOn and has a mimmum bearing capacity of 1500 psf The compactIon of the gravel surface is greater than 95% of a standard proctor per ASTM 0698 This report is limIted to the sIte SOils investIgatIon related to s01ls and fill m regard to soil conditIOns at the excavated structure sIte at the above address only Thank you for this opportunity to be of scrvlce. If you have questIOns regardmg thIS report, contact me at 868-0667 SlI1cerely, Pamela S. Hillstrom, P E Mar. 16 06 03: 38p rlck~d 541-868-0888 p.3 \ HILL& DALE ENGINEERING, LLC 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX (541) 868-0888 08/25/05 Parker Homes 24717 Wolf Creek Rd. Veneta, OR 97487 RE' 751 S. 481h - Drainage - Job #492-05 As you requested, an inspection reVIew of the above site was performed. The site is in a gently sloped area and the foot1l1gs will be placed on compacted crushed rock at approXimately curb height. Plac1l1g under floor drams at 6" into tlle compacted crushed rock wIll not provide the required diversion of surface waters away from the down slope sites in this area, and will not allow for fall to the street. It IS recommended to place 3" ~iameter perforated perimeter footing drain at the up slope side of the structure only, changing the drain line to solid past the edge of the foundation, and direct the drain to a street cllrb cut. The perforated drain line is to be place at the base of the footing WIth the solid portion of the dramhne to be sloped at approximately 1% to the street. Clean round rock is to be placed over the perfo~ated drainline portion. Clean, well drained backfill, with no expansive soils, IS to be llsed for the back fill around the entire structure, except at the driveway. I ThIS method of diverting the water around the foundation w111 provide the required surface water diversion from the foundatIOn, in that water WIll always take the path of least resistance The water will seep through the clean loam backfi1l1l1to the trench of clean round rock that has been placed over the perforated drain pipe, 1I1to the pipe and away from the structure's foundatIOn. Thank you for this oppOliunity to be of service. If you have any questions regardmg this report contact me at 868-0667 Smcerely, Pamela S. Hillstrom, P E. , ~RATION DATE 6tm' () 2.J ---.~- ...- . .. , 4, ; Mar 16 06 03:39p rlck~d 541-868-0888 p.4 . . .,.. HILL& DALE ENGINEERING, LLC 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUG EN E, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX (541) 868-0888 08/25/05 Parker Homes 24717 Wolf Creek Rd , Veneta, OR 97487 RE: 751 S. 48th - Drainage inspection - Job #492-05 As you requested, a site visit was performed at the above location to inspect the mstallation of the drainline as recommended by this office. The inspectIOn of the drainline installation w~ performed prior to the placement of the round rock over the drainline. The perforated dra1l1line lS encased in a silt sock and placed at the base of the footing, as recommended, and tied to solid line that has a 1 % slope to the curb As the d1ainage has been installed as recommended. the clean round rock may now be placed of over the 11l1e, and 1l1spections by the City of Springfield may be performed. Thank you for th1s opportunity to be of service If you have any questions regardmg th1s report, contact me at 868-0667. Sincerely, Pamela S. Hillstrom, P E.