HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2006-3-16 /1 <' r' - -- -------- - - - ----- -- ----- -~_._--- -- =. KEATING ENGINEERING L L C 188 WEST B ST -- BLDG P - - - SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 - - VOI~E C?41) 726:9J~5. FAX (541) 726-9996 ~m?'! _~~t~~e"il@I11S!'_cor:!'. March 16, 2006 DeIH) IS Stahl 88] 69 Millican Springfield, OR 97478 Re KE# Address Solis report for sngle falmly home 06-]7 530 S 6th, Springfield, OR 97477 (Lane Co) Oll May! I, 2005 Keatmg Engl!leepng performed a sods evaluatIOn usmg a test-pit located as Iflcllcated on the attached sketch This was approxImately 30 ft behmd the subject property, and about 30 ft from the proposed resIdence Based on tIllS locatIon, It i~ reasonable to utilize the eXlstmg data and revisit the site to provIde additIOnal lllfom)atlon The test-pIt data IS Illcluded III this report with soli c/assrficatlOns shown SCS mappmg of th IS area reports Ritner 113C wIth low permeabIlity and low-to-moderate shrInk-swell potential The mUl1lclpal stormwater system extends to thl~ property, as the street frontage IS unproved wIth curb or gutter Roof and sub-area dramage conveyances are available Based on the above testmg, the followmg recommendatlOns are made SIte excavatIOns are covered wIth a mmlmum of 4" crushed rock ThiS will not require compactIOn, and will keep surface sOlIs from bemg dIsturbed and susceptible to water penetratiOn 2 An mtercept dram must be Illstalled on the up-hill sides of the structure to exclude surface water from the foundatIOn and sub-areas TI1IS must be piped to the curb, per the attached details Soli must be graded to dram away from the house toward the mtercept drams 3 Downspout leaders must be separately piped to the cub usmg solid glue-Jolllted PYC schedule 40 or DWV plplllg so that they do not contnbuet water to lI1tercept drams or foundatIon-area sods If you have any questIOns, please call Stephen G Keatmg, PE enc Soils test pit log details, ~Ite sketch I KEATING ENGINEERING LLC ' I 1188 WEST B STREET SUITE 'po 1 SPRINGFIELD - OREGON - 974771 PHONE 541-726-9995 FAX 541-726-9996 I emall keallnqeng@msn com I PROJECT II Dennis Stahl ADDRESS 11530 S 6TH - SPRINGFIELD - OR SCOPE SITE SOILS EVALUATION \ 1 . eOe 2... DESIGNER STEVE KEATING I DATE 1 PROJEC-'; N~ - - I I REVISED 3/16/2006 06-17 I / "~ P.-::;''7'J 1/1 ''It . ,\..00' . ~~1l- -r7C-'1\1./) 'Jt, ((,dru-lC ~a- --. I e:.,"0-itEL. I. VI"11HHI-t~ It VI/toe of ffE-'~l H I) C-/-i ! ~ t"h--....I SilK<, (.\[:- H\;v ~E C l, 'i Jr -i-lll-t I. " , I 10 i F-:::=-- I Ie, , ~I\ ~~~~~" , ,#- ~ , , -' --I ---, , .--,,,.J.,',, ( !. _, ~ 'P6)/'''Jl){.:--.l I- l~jl?LiY b -5v~"j- ~ :1.; (~r \ i -,.- -/ ,\ i , J ~ -,;) \., fltc'fbl7EV \-{1)L~ 01 t It* __--~ \lIft: (/'GL '{ ~-- ,,~'1\~ C'~l~" 1 [4 _ V 2.12-1 --.-*. --- -'- " " ,,- I 0 P(1-l -- 0. )?,r-\Db-o , f)f,.,':h,..j ~cc.~ , .( I -e Ml~ , I' l - (,0 ~1.1 I (.., -:0 1'-1/1>-1 - --- _ L--- 4_-1- 1 v I) r'Jl"4---- ; lVIH.tcs) f..-l\;% , L__C~ \)0 cl It-~C \(1 ve It' HE:eY 0" (~\.'TI(JL l- Pd7f: D('14.j~PC01 LK'1D<$;. '/~ SEP"7~ft-n: Stx-IO WI(,-j(I~Thi) ?lrl~L.' (S&.{~ 1C \)\,-1v' PV(J) / CD ;~rJC- J . 5 ~ ~' Io-rq "-it 7(,th.~ ~~I~ ---- - ---~ - ~- .- S W.tI-~6 P-l C\D KEATING ENGINEERING LLC PROJECT I Dennis Stahl I 11 -~('c3 188 WEST B STREET SUITE 'P' ADORESS 1530 S 6TH - SPRINGFIELD - OR I SPRINGFIELD - OREGON 97477 Sr.OPF I SITE SOILS EVALUATION I DATE I 3/16/2006 PHONE 541-726-9995 FAX 541-726-9996 II i PROJECT NO I 06-171 ernal! _~~~t~!.l~n.9~~sn _~on I IJF'i'L~H-~ 1 LS~~v'E t'~!:IiNG I REvISe':; I ---- _-1 1 I . .1 1 ....~ J ' . t Of""..,t ('1/ (f" \ r ( LJ'. ,,)1, ,j<.>' , , " , \,.... ~..- ... ,.... \ ,y \ " , \ , I 1 I \ \: $- '..... ~" '" "::::r r -~ ~, ~~- 'f It'" ~, ': '. ~- '. ...' ~ ('~:;: \ ;t,A -.. ,1.-l' ~ +- C. C. !.I;~ l/'" .y 'l:" "iti f)" II .. 0 t; ! t>-s. PI PlJ, .. j "j._,J ~ ~ ~n_ I I ~ ..,f. /- -- I 18 /I!. . - I ~- '--< , .". ,t: .t J I I I I ! ~t~ ~'~ - -11 ,} ~ _ " .:~: .... t e-n - _ _'/!_ -L. _ " .. ....... ... -....- - - ~ -~ ,~. .....c . I' ," ',t,r ~~ r , :... __ _~. 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