HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2006-4-5 " " ARTiSAN fEfN/GIlINJEEfRO!M@J lLfLC 325 West 13th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401-3402 Phone 541-338-9488 Fax 541-338-9483 www.artlsanenglneenng com April 5, 2006 Jeremy Stafr ._ 936 Summit Boulevard Spnngfield, Oregon Re: Special Inspection and Final Inspection for the Steel Stairs and Deck-at the Starr Residence at 936 Summit Boulevard, Springfield, Oregon De,ar Jeremy-: ~ ,\.. f'.. . - t;1\ !. Artisan Engineering bas qompleted a special Inspection in February and a final inspection earlier this week for the th'ree-story stair tower and deck that was built on the south side of your residence at 936 Summit Boulevard in Springfield, Oregon. We understand that the City of Springfield reqUired the special and final inspections. - We had originally designed the stair tower for you in December of 2005. At that time construction had beg.un and we assisted you in ensuring, that the members and footings were adequate to support this tall and top-heavy structure, The steel fabrication and welding. was being. done by Mr Dave Barton. A welding inspector from PSI was also on site during this initial welding inspection. , ., I observed Mr. Barton bending one of the studs that were welded to the tubular framework to ensur~ that the stud would be capable of supporting the attached wood staircase and deck members. The bolts were an A490 grade of steel which is ordinarily not used in a , welded,.however, the bolts were.welded.so well that the.bolt that was tested, with a hammer nearly bent In half without breaking off. In conclusion, I found that the three-story stair tower and deck that was built on the south side of your residence at 936 Summit Boulevard in Springfield is built according to our initial design and recommendations listed in our February 13th letter to the CitY. The entire structure is well constructed and exceeds the live and seismic loading requirements per the IBC ' . Sinperely, -';;;v'" .0 j-tPSlt. Timothy A Wolden, P:E. PnnClpal, Artisan EngmeenJlg'~ L:LC "..; , ~OREGON '~ . ~fiO~YI8 \tf>~~ G"ob lHy \~ /~ ~ \ , ARTISAN ENGINEERING, LLC 325 West 13th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401-3402 Phone 541-338-9488 Fax 541-338-9483 www artlsanengmeenng com Apnl 13, 2006 Don Moore City of Spnngfleld BUilding Department 225 5th Street Spnngfleld, Oregon 97477 Re. City of Spnngfleld As-Built Design Review 936 Summit Boulevard, Spnngfleld, Oregon ../ Dear Don Artisan Englneenng has reviewed the attachment of the Hot tub to deck our requirements are as follows 1 Attach 3/16" L bracket at corners (4 locations) from tub to deck below 2 Use 3/8" lag by 5" Into deck beam 3 Use 3/8" lag by 2" minimum Imbed Into hot tub base Please call If you have any further comments or questions { 11~ /~ ART/~AN ENGINEERING, LLC 325 West 13th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401-3402 Phone 541-338-9488 Fax 541-338-9483 www artlsanenglneenng.com February 13, 2006 Don Moore. City of Springfield Building Department 225 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Re: City of Springfield As-Built Design Review 936 Summit Boulevard, Springfield,.Oregon Dear Don. Based on our phone conversation earlier today regarding the structural analysis of the as built steel deck frame at 936 Summit Boulevard in Springfield, Oregon, we have clarified the following: 1. The hot tub Will be supported at the cantilevered end of the upper deck; consequently: the gravity load will not be equally distributed to the four supporting columns. The columns have been reviewed considering this worst case load distribution. The HSS 5x5x1/4 steel columns are adequate. 2. The typical knee bracing. elements are to be HSS 4x4x1/8. 3. The TS22 strap and tab plate shown in Detail A is required in one place only: at the connection from the deck to the existing deck rim board. The connection to the existing house is shown in Detail B. 4. The seismic load transfer has been checked for resistance at the existing wall framing as shown in Detail B. The existing stud framing is adequate to resist the 750 pound out-of-plain seismic load. 5. Artisan Engineering is to perform a site visit for final observation of the completed as-built deck strueture. Please call if you have any further comments or questions. ...} i: Sincerely, ?7~ Robert L. Johnson, P E. Pnnclpal, Artisan Englneenng, LLC ARTISAN ENGINEERING, I.I.C 325 W 13th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401-3402 Tel (541) 338-9488 . Fax (541) 338-9483 www.artisanenglneering com JobNo 5314, Of By ---rt3 Project 'S~ Y.:. Page of Date OZ-oz-Cfo (\\ ~ <pt= j-P) T\f) I\b1 DYJW>\~t> -rUZ-~ 10 A\\ t{)lS ',- T" ,'. JRl 1(11) it + . I. \1~ ~~ x, 71'2. ~ '?;av ?,L\-" \F')'@qb Lo.\"J\ ~\L.)-\ !~ 1&/ = ~DD &0 at Ljoo J)OO{: C-L{C:>I.PO /J&o ..0 r (l(1,,~ (' (' r ( ~ c ( , 0 1-' ~ - '1 J Cj,' .,fA I' ,- - ~ -:. 5u'Jo 1f '%LID o~ '1T'>/ Z,7' ~ t = ~U4{) ~ \Cj7Ips\ '3.5j ~~- .1571_ 0)0 ?- fa. ;;: ILo)CO ~ Of \ ~ :, ~ -1-'3 -snl L ~1ltn~ \'51 Ol-~ ~ + ~ ~ 1.0 O~)D i 21? ~ 0\%9 L \ ,D ~tL ,-""0 .p.. KNeE (J) llfP ~ ~ LJ }[ q l( Ycr @J 1~'l'L 51TJZb:e..\ T&-:>.1?fW~ 6erA\L- A) ~1> L\ X 17ECL ~\lA 12:ot~b I co-n~t:L\1(Yl\j "7\lC}l.AJ) ~ 1JLIf-\ L \.. ~ ~~ 150# UJ\D 1\1\~\~ 10 tx\~->Tlk~ U1\1\ f~P..t-J'.IIJh l PcA~ -6tv~ @ tj(,\~llNq 10 0,1<'" j)J~ Ho.J--r, 750:# 1'2. ~TV,...-) = '~.7t:51J: 17\ ~f oJ:.; lLff ?=mJ D TO ~ 'R:ATE : CV'(.pJ CtvctNJIJ e. lx \L\ I @ \. Co = ~'Sl 1} '7 ~ 7~ ~ ~L l- ~~;l Information ~.,. .To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed' January 24, 2006 Mr Jerj3my Starr 936 Summit Blvd Springfield, OR 97477 Report Number. 722-60029-2 Client: Project Name: Starr Residence Project Location: 936 Summit Blvd Springfield, Oregon '" Type of Inspection: Welding Inspection Fabncator/Erector' Contractor. Permit No.: Weather: Shop or Field COM2005-01769 Clear Field Field Observations and Comments Met on-site with Mr Tim Worden with Artisan Engineering and Mr David Barton welder Mr Barton Indicated partlal- pene welds were performed on tube steel member He also Indicated a grade 40 steel was used In constructing stair frame, and at some welded location a 60 series rod was used In conjunction with 70 series electrode (SMAW) Welded bolts were Identified as a grade 8 on hOrizontal members As per Mr Tim Worden as bUilt conditions are satisfactory Inspector: David Smith, ICC# 0877340-85 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649 Respectfully Submitted, ProfessIOnal Service Industnes, Inc ~on Structural Steel Field Supervisor C City of Springfield THIS REPORTlS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA nON OF THE CLIENT ONL Y THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIBITED ProfeSSional Service Industries, Inc' 1040A Shelley St . Springfield, OR 97477' Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 541/746-7163 l- }~;l Information ~.,. .To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed. January 23, 2006 Mr_ Jeremy SJarr 936 Summit Blvd Springfield, OR 97477 Report Number: 722-60029-1 Chent: PrOject Name: Starr Residence Project Location 936 Summit Blvd Springfield, Oregon Type of Inspection: Fabricator/Erector. Contractor: Welding Inspection -Permit No: Weather: Shop or Field: COM2005-01769 Overcast Field Field Observations and Comments Performed preliminary welding Inspection on completed weldments on tube steel stair frame All welds are painted Threaded bolts attached to hOrizontal members no documentation on site Some welds need to be repaired due to profile Engineer to be contacted by client for as bUilt conditions Welder Mr David Barton Indicated partial pene welds were performed on tube steel members as well as flare bevels, where on-site plans from Artisan Engineer dated December 12, 2005 indicated fillet welds and flare bevels Mr Barton cert were performed In June 26, 1989 No documentation accompanied Mr Bartons cert for or] gOing Jobs performed over the years as Identified In the D 1 1 codes Weldments were Inspected for Size, length, profile and locations To the best of our knowledge, the work Inspected is In conformance With on-site plans, specifications and applicable D1 1 static codes except as noted Inspector. David Smith, ICC# 0877340-85 If you have any questions regarding thiS report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649 Respectfully Submitted, p~dustnes, In, Christopher Thomason Structural Steel Field Supervisor c City of Springfield THIS REPORT IS PROJ/IDED FORdTHE INFORMA TlO.N48AF 71iE CLlEI'1T Oi'LL Y THE REPRODUCTION 0; ,Hi; Hi;;'UH' t!Y ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD ~rotesslonal ::iervlce In ustrles, Inc. lOL ::ihelley St . Springfield, OR 97477' Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 541/746-7163 PARTY BY ANY MEANS, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIBITED