HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2000-5-12 ( , EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO. TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES. ESCROW CLOSINGS '\ MAIN OFFICE 1570 MOHAWK BLVD. PO BOX 931 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 TELEPHONE (541) 741-1981 TITLE DEPT FAX (541) 741-0619 ESCROW DEPT FAX (541) 741-0569 BRANCH OFFICE 260 E 11th AVE. EUGENE, OR 97401 PO BOX 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 TELEPHONE (541) 687-9794 FAX (541) 687-0924 PLANT SERVICE ENCUMBRANCE REPORT PLUS ORDER NO ELT-32225 PREMIUM $75 00 DATE May 12, 2000 TO City of Springfield 225 5th Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 Attn Jackie REGARDING 4856 "C" STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 We have searched our Tract Indices as to the following described property Lot 39, MIRANDA, as platted and recorded in File 73, Slide 93, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon And as of May 8,2000 at 5 00 pm, we find that the last Deed of Record runs to NEVAYA FRYMIRE We also find the following monetary encumbrances found by searchmg Lane County Deed Records (mortgage, contracts, trust deeds and assignments thereot) not released of record 1 Deed of Trust, mcluding the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Nevay A Frymire, as Grantor(s), to FIdelity National Title, as Trustee, for the benefit of Harbor Funding, as Beneficiary, Dated October 19, 1998, Recorded October 26, 1998, Reel 2477R, Reception No 98 84974, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, gIven to secure payment of a Note for $92,00000 The beneficial interest in satd Deed of Trust was assigned to United Compames Lending Corporation, And Its Successors And Assigns Forever, by mesne assignments, the last of which was Recorded September 8, 1999, Reel 2588R, Reception No 99077653, Lane County Oregon Records David A Kubat, OSBA #84265 was appomted Successor Trustee, by mstrument Recorded September 8, 1999, Reel 2588R, Reception No 99077654, Lane County Oregon Records Notice of Default and Election to Sell, by instrument Recorded Sseptember 8, 1999, Reel 2588R, Reception No 99077655, Lane County Oregon Records Affidavit of Mailing Trustee's NotIce of Sale, by instrument Recorded January 19, 2000, ,(ecePtion No 2000 003220, Lane coun::::::rdS (;, ~ ELT - 32225 Page 2 2 Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Nevay Frymire, as Grantor(s), to (no Trustee given), as Trustee, for the benefit of Harbor FundIng, as Beneficiary, Dated September 8, 1998, Recorded September 9, 1998, Reel 2461R, Reception No 9872267, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, given to secure payment of a Note for $7,000 00 The benefiCial interest in said Deed of Trust was assigned to Donald L Waler, Jr, by assignment, Recorded September 14, 1998, Reel 2463R, Reception No 9873266, Lane County Oregon Records Said Deed of Trust was subordinated to and rendered inferior to Deed of Trust as Exception No 1 above, by instrument Recorded October 26, 1998, Reel 2477R, Reception No 9884976, Lane County Oregon Records 3 Judgement against Nevay A Frymire, in favor of Human Resources Department, State of Oregon, entered November 9, 1993, Lane County Circuit Court Case No 1793 09322, in the amount of $77 00 per month for chlld support and $231 00 for arrearages, plus interest 4 Judgement against Nevay A Frymire, in favor of Human Resources Department, State of Oregon, entered September 28, 1994, Lane County Circuit Court Case No 17 94 09531, in the amount of $80 00 per month for child support 5 Judgement against Nevay A Frymire, in favor of Department of Justice, State of Oregon, entered July 20, 1999, Lane County CirCUIt Court Case No 1799 13088, In the amount of $102 50 per month for child support and $410 00 for support arrearages, plus interest We also find the following County Taxes 1 Taxes, Map No 17023241 00239, Code 19-00, Account No 1275666, 1999-2000, a lien in the amount of $1,443 26, plus interest is unpaid THIS IS NOT A TITLE REPORT, since no examination has been made of the title to the above- described property Our search for apparent encumbrances was limited to our Tract Indices, and therefore, above listings does not include additional matters, which might have been disclosed by an examInation of the record title We assume no liabllity in connection with this report and will not be responSible for errors or omissions thereIn The charge for this service will not include supplemental reports, rechecks or other services NOTE As of May 8, 2000, no liens for the CIty of Spnngfield have been found CONTINUED (~; 'l ELT - 32225 Page 3 NOTE Assessed Value - Land $31,74000 - Improvements $80,490 00 - Total $112,230 00 EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CaMP ANY By ci~~< ~ IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS REPORT PLEASE CALL JEFF FLAGG AT (541) 741-1981 JEFF IS LOCATED AT 1570 MOHAWK BOULEVARD, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 ~.' THIS MAP IS TO ASSIST ~d..... ' lOCATING PROPERTY THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO UABILlTY FOR INACC~reJt.CIOOt.QP 17 02 32 -Kr COURTESY or " I! EVERGREEN LAND TITLE co.. I - 741-1981 .I~/ T.7 '-f:'" C "", - .-- ,n,v . --r---' bO 0 '-0 0 <.QO ..00 239 238 237 236 '~j 0 0 <> 8 Q <> , a ~ '? , ~ 3~ bOO 38 ".00 :-7 ~o 36 .00 " N O'I'~ SO'h ~S4 "(11 STREET NORTH 30.su' 31 (,) "s' 32 .. ~ ,,~ 33 1.1 "S' :230 231 '232 233 .. 2 : . : ~ ; ~ f .,. .. tr . . 6.. ". ". I.!> (". 4 ~ w, ...!) ~229J--J~28 227 226 :i .., ~ , " . ""- ~ I ~ rr fT' 2 o ... fT fT .. cr "J'" 291 ",.., ~ lo) ", 27 ...,.., 26 . .. iii e'l~~"50'W ,... a+ ... .. .. BEAVER ,0 -\', ... 1 HIT I A L '.....)... (J /POIHT ~}..\I\ / r?' +-4./ ( ~\ \'1' ~~~ :...J .... 1.__........, /;'/ ,,"- \.~"t.~IOI .. ~-- ....' ....~ ~ - ,.. r._ .. ... ..... t.\ :-\:~~ ~ -....,~ \ 19 }'/' .. . .If ~40 r I-- r... 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