HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2003-9-8 .1 HILL& DALE ENGINEERING, LLC 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, #5 EUGEN E, OREGON 97401 541-868-0667 FAX: 541-868-0888 09/08/03 Larry Scoville 3466 Ambleside Springfield, OR 97478 \ I RE: 3466 Ambleside - Site Inspection for retaining wall- Job #405-03 As you requested, a site visit was performed at the above address on 09/03/03, to inspect the installed bulkhead retaining wall and fence at the back yard (north) property line, Inspection of the retaining structure and fence showed it to be installed in a workmanship manner, The 6"x6" pressure treated posts are full height to retain approximately 36" of loam backfill and for fence construction, You informed me that there is drainage pipe installed at the base of the backfill and that the posts are embedded in the native soil 48" in a concrete filled hole approximately 12" in diameter, The bulkhead 3-4"xI2" pressure treated girts spanning 8' to retain the 36" of backfIll as installed are satisfactory. Attached are calculations that show this installation is satisfactory for the applied loads, In addition, you requested that I inspect the west property line between your residence and the neighboring residence that is currently under construction at a lower elevation than your residence, It appears that the soil has been cut to a bank height of approximately 5' for the new construction to the west of your property line, The concrete porch of your residence, that also provides support for roof load, appears to be undermined due to this bench cut, A retaining structure approximately 7'-8' in height will be required to be installed at the property line to allow construction to repair the undermined porch and ensure that the porch will not be undermined in the future. installation of hollow block stack gravity wall (Diamond Block type) is not recommended at this property line due to the close proximity of your residence to the property line, Walls of this type require a width of backfill approximately the same as the height, which is not available at this site, It is also not recommended to install a shorter retaining structure that would require placement on clay fill soil, It is recommended that a rip-rap gravity wall or a concrete or eMU retaining wall be installed at the property line with the base placed on native grade. {1 ~ ~QoJJL ~~pT o /~ ~~~7~~~O I {}-v--' - J '8?O -18 t.t t, / It is in the best interest of the owners of both properties, and highly recommended, that the wall be designed in cooperation between both property owners and installed prior to any additional exterior concrete work being placed at the west property under construction, so that the most efficient retaining structure that will allow both property owners the best use of their individual properties may be designed, A property line retaining structure placed on native grade will be required regardless of cooperation as the first step in repairing the undermined porch and root support at your residence. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service, If you have any questions regarding this report, contact me at 868-0667, Sincerely, Pamela S. Hillstrom, P,E, ".'H1LL.&.DALE ENGINEERING, LLC 74 EAST 18TH A VEN U E, SU ITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX: (541) 868-0888 CLIENT L ~(<.JL-,I 1 p~~ 1-n '[7 - () ~ f;co tJ I LLE OF 1 SHEET NO CALCULATED BY DATE JOB# ~T 3' \ '- ~ t-. "'" 3(:30 )C, sj -=- / 35JA Iv-- P -= /35 C'?) :: /O~O fJ. eg % -= / ' IV) -- /O~O ( I ) ~ IOf?o: J(J U- :s ::: 10'60 [r 2-) L -= /5, 2~ w.., ~ /850 f..L'J. Ca P."G@ E- M R ~flM 1="_"- (I: d = 4jz... Lf-+~ !...'t,~~~) 0, ~Z'.:r:-IoP J.. =- 4 /, b -;.. I' A.. ~ / / po:. /0<:60-.U S I ~ / so (I 33 )( 2..) ( 413) -:- S 52.. Pb r ft=4.147 :s I -; 6t..f I ~F /)<:... ~I @ 4,$./2... (' x-U2,-S PI I \1 ,\ f '15' V-:- 5J.{O)J M~ /OfDUU-- 4 "- '&4(:/3' ,/ ~ 9,53(.9) -=- 8, &8' ~_ 2- I \..; 12(rJ~) 5~r(O<r;O(jL)h' ?< /(0 I 91~3 / 'l50[8) .p,T; 4-'iJ.L- G-/ /LIS CFLA-r-} 1- w .,. t ;)oo/~ @