HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2005-6-5 ~~n O~ ~CO~ 21:06 RON DLRRlt:K ':41-'btiBbb~ Ronald J. Do"iek, /J.E, 420 NW Maxin" Avenue Ce1'VlNl/a. Oregon 91J30 Ph. ~1.Y'3-0Jl0 FIiAX 541."'.8683 .,.IUl"let 5 2C OS (kassRoot& Thinking lnc 1135 Cal Young Road Eugene, O",,-g.o'1 9 7401 RE: SUBGRAOE A.NO AGGREOATe COMPACT10N EVALUATION LOT ADJACENT TO '328 5fH STReET L/ LJ D 1- sj SPRINGflELDj OREGON A geOtechr1icaI er'glneer VIS4!sd the abo'/e 'e"erenced site on April ;29, 2005 to assess the subgrade co~dtt!on and potenttMI g80htcl'lnlr:.all1azards ior devclopmem of a slngle-famlly re~ldenc.e The SitE.> had nol De$n overe)l.csv61tt!d; however, based orl hard li'.Jger borlngb and hljl'ld pfoblng the site wOuld require 10. to 1 i!"lr,/;hes of OVl!lts.<caVaf.lOn :0 r~move scft t:Jpsc'l and expose a s~I.1 clay subgrede sUll3ble tOt fc,lJ~datIOf! beaflrs capac;Ues up tv 1 ,5ee psf -r/'le 6l.tl.;graoe sod at t"'l$ cepth hl!l$ ~ :'Iiooerate potential foOr srmnklawell sf1d it 'MaS mcom~ended II'\..t tMe 8ubgrade be ;overed W1t~1 at !$!st e.lnches of ccmpacrec 314"..C aggregate to m~tlgate SOIl mo,8t\...rf'i fluctUiiJtlons and protect tr'tt! $ubgrade during wet weatther cond lions Tne site is rel.'iltlvefj flat SitE." sLrlaCI!' water f.'"lould be chrec:oo toward L Street. On JlJn~.) 5, 20C}5 the illite Wille ~Vl$lted to a15'I!lSS tre conditions after overexcalletlon The site "as be-an 'IJert.'!)(c,jlil1ited about' 2-mches and backfIlled with e. to 10.ln-::hes of 3/4".0 aggregate Tile aggre;ate has been compacted to a I1'Hnimum of 95% of the materials ",a\)Clmum dry densITy a~ determined by AS7M IVletl100 0-1557. The moder ate shfi'1k:/$wed potentliiil o~' me Silty ciay s(Jogredo,ISi rrl'tgiJted by t,e aggregate cover, antj $ubgrQd~ and overlying aggregatG till are suitable for an allowabfe beenng capac,lty up to ',500 psf /'" Footings Ilhould be reit1forceo with at )etast two #4 steel re.nfo'-cmg bars plated oarsllelln file footing. The e.te I'S relaljyely flat, therefore, pertmeter footIng draln~ are not required prOVIded !nat the budd.rig Denmeter grOKfe, be eloped at !ealllt 2% fiWSl't' from tl"ie foundatlO"\ and that wat,,a, not. b~ 9l1owe~ to pond adjacent to the foundatIon S'rt~reiy, RG!1,lila J Derr,ck P E UnIJllf/llXltIJ1UiI-&nSt ~ p. !