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Permit Correction Notice 2008-3-10 (2)
.... ~"'..A". < Ft ..., ~.. ,,+ --.. 'I'~"".".'>-l',"~~.....ql..,.:-~ ....."'.11........;0. '~.f" ~~'-yl.;:J--.~_F ~\-..-1 ";";"'" ;V~\"'I '\_'iJ' ~..I'.V'"'\''1I('1 ~~.;r","'" ':;'!>,j"I'J"::'::'J~ '~l~;l'-!"" ::V:~(Jo;':" -;}\(\t'-''''l''''~~ >'fIp"),r. '.".F- .~..........; ',' F:;....:~=---~.r~~\.:.....i~..........-~..........W- '1- .\'...,....--.1.. ....~. , City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date: '1 1((/ / O~ Job# ~+ _ - CZ7t!!;f Address: 1&0l {, J If'/- /L Inspecti~n Type: }.z:;~ / //v,n 1/'1. c:r- (, fk4]e-. Jf\ (h,11 ha liar,/' .,4. /J/nrl,,/~ w,1r.- k,j,,___ /n--okJ A1 C..d'1.mL/ (f7~fO( 1 o,1.ft.,. \ I J d- 21 /lpv/4 ApI) ok (~,j/ ~J:.-- a..1 2.../ ~/.{ -}t./j ~k- dJ' ~e(/1/~ /....JJ&i~r. ( 12?-l2 al-fL- \ _1J fl"ovJd!/_ /YJ!")/1'l{/;<o. /t!$ ,,' ~e.p7uatrl/,;., be:..,l,w-t'dn h/q,kr- ~~ otJ /6 /J,/?,~ _ )'\ Ani J-od"r- J;/,'7,&)y i fJZ9d/,JI/z ot2fc \ . 0 vl/ TO: tY~"-41 foh k-~.--- Corrections and reinsp~ion request shall be made within .so ,calendar days. Call for reinspection EJyes DNa Inspector _~ _Date: NNNNNNNNNNNNNCal1 for inspection 726-3i69NNNNNNNNNNNQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN