HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2006-3-6 h Mar S, 2J06 11:44M~ \' a E'ngineulng Fax Tel' Larry Cooper Fax: 334.6254 Subject: 1980 JIC St., Springfteld, OR , ,N)02S: p K & A Engineering, Inc, 3327 Roanoke Ave" Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541) 684.9358 FAX from: Michael Remboldt, P.E. Pages: 3 Date: 3/612006 Lany, ~:"'T; Attached are the test results for m-place density and water content testing of the granular fiB placed on the foundalion pad of the sub,iect prOject stte Thank you tor trIa opportunity to be of service, Please call me if you have any questions. SlTlCerely, ~ Michael Remboldt, P .E. K & A Engineering, Inc. Mar E 2J06 11 . 44AM N:l 0287 P 2 a pnginrering K & A Engineering. Inc, 3327 Roanoke Ave" Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541) 684-9358 FAX March 6, 2006 Larry Cooper 2955 Timberline Eugene, Oregon 97405 Project: 47,06 Subject: Springfield Building Perm~ COM2006-00060 1980 31ll Street Inspection of Foundation Fill At your request, we have inspected the in-place density of granular flJts place on the subject foundation pad The fill consists of 6 to 12mches of 3/4-inch mmus, dense graded crushed aggregate. According to our fleld.tasting! we have determmed that the average dry density equals or exceeos 95% of the maximum as determined by ASTM 0698. We recommend approval of the foundation fill, as constructed, by the building officIal Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Please call us if you have questions or need further assistance RespeCtfully, EXPIRES ~ Michael Re~~~~, ~E. Principle, K & A EngIneering, Ine, 1 SOIl or aggregate density accordIng to ASTM 02922 and water content according to ASTM D3017 Mar, E. 2J06 11:44.~M Density of Soli and Soil-Aggregates In. Place ASTM 02922 and 03017 Project: 47,06 Site Address: 1980 3rd Street Permit No: COM2006.00060 Date: j 3/6/2006 Density Test Typel: OT-6" Operator: ceo Material Type: 3/4-rnch minus, derse Qraded crushed aQQregate Muimum Dry DenstlV, pcl 127,0 Standardization and Reference Clleck.1 Densltv (Standard DeviatioO$) (S.D,) Test No. 1 2 3 j ---I I J I Water Compaction, Content, % % 5.7 98.2% 5.0! 961% 45 100.1% I I I Moist' Densltv, pet 131.8 128:1 132.9 Dry" Density, pel 124.71 122.01 127.1 0.8 ~ Moisture, (8 D:) NJ. 0287 P. 3 1.44 1 Direct Tran~misslon (D1) (specify depth, in ) or Air Gap Backscatter (AGB) (specIIIY(T)ouchable or (U)ntouchable mode -I I Average: Std. Oev. Remarks I I l I 98.1% 2.01% Test pertormed uSing Sedman Nuclear Corp model C.SOD, SN 21113 Client. Larry Cooper Project. 4706 I( & A Engineering, Inc. i 316.'2006