HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2006-6-28 /2B05 13:81 5~1 74E7163 PSI PAGE B. O?SRillnformation ~ II.To Build On ElIlglneerf1tD. ~ . Jr.:...u..4 Jl1TIS 28, 2006 , REC~IVED JUN 2 9 2006 Mr. Jeff Slrldt ~LLC 29404 Clear U!I~e Road EugE.'fle, OR 974(]2 BY:- Subject: Final Sumrn&ry Report During Earthwork Operations GI",~1 View Subdmsion 730 South 4zni Street Springfield, Oregon B.P. No,; LOP 2005-00118 Project Number, 722..sD317 Report Number: 13 Dear Mr. Sindt P...6"",,"';onel CL..::.... Ind~es. Inc. (pSI) Is \\Il1tIng this letter to dOCl.ll'rlent fhat, in aec:ordance With Section 1701 of the Sate Building c~ representeijvQ(s) from our firm have t='~""""~ spacial Inspection aM obseNations during the IXIls1nJctic:l1 of lots 4 hu 12 at the above listed project. The work obl!lel'V$d was perionn~ by Wndish Sand ant! Graval. Our p.....j........ fi1e(s) indiCate thet PSI's spec:&allnspecticn and o!::servatlons during c........~..don of ihe pads VlII!t$ c:onclueted tIS sc:heduJed from AU(JJ$t 1S. 20051hrough September 27, 2OOS, For more specific detaa at our fnstlElctlOns and obsEtVatioM pl'ease ,...,!"'" 'wnoe O1.lr previously 5UbmItted repo~ 722-5031'7-1 Ihrough 722-50317-12, To the best of CUT knOWledge, the ea~ perfOlTi'lad by Wldisn Sand and Gravel and Inspected and observed by cur finn WSB In general c-..u.Jal'Kle with 1he pn:;ec:t requirements, plans. tlpecifl.......J.....&, cur geotechnical :'eJXJrt dated Jury 22. 2005 (tooIutlng meeting 1he minimLlTl a.'lowable soB bearing capec;:i1y of , ,500' pounds per square foot); and aPPlicable worlcmanshlp ~e;lons of the State BuDding Code and Standards. Please nClfe that this letter covers the "....6.:I~.JCtion of 1he single family nasldence lots up to finlshed sub-gl'ade far lots 4 thnJ 12 and ..:...- not Include footing e;(CSV.......... (which I'1ave not yet been performed). the placement of erushed .rock; !'\or lots ~ ftUlJ 3 or lots 13 and '4. these are native cuts lots and let d IlliiJ ~e Gddressecl at a later dste. S:"w""'~Yt ?rofessfcm! SaNiCle lnd~. Inc.. ~v~ Ra)mond A/jpertf ~ect Manager c: City of Sprlngfleld HIGA BIJ1'Id101aer Associates !..LC PrCfg'~IOfl:ll SmNlee Itldu~IrlGS. Ine. . ~ OdOA ShQil9Y 51. . $~rrn~l8ld. OR gr4n. PhonQ 54'17-46-9649 . J:ax 5411746-7163 G'd SSG8-B6S {lio9) ,Ja~IaM [" aB9=SO SO 91 ~n~