HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2005-1-6 .' Jan-06-Z005 09 33am From-K 8. A Ellillleefllli. Inc +541-684-9358 T-867 P 00Z/004 F-Z32 .a pnginppring K & A EngIneering, Inc, P.O. Box 23624. Eugene, OR 97402 521 Market St., Suite 8, Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541) 684-9358 FAX January 6, 2006 Klpco, Inc, 90465 Woodruff Eugene, OR 97102 Subject: FoundatIon Pad PreparatIon , 266 S. 6th Ct., SprIngfield, OR '" Springfield Permit No. COM2004-01507 Project 200.04 PURPOSE AND SCOPE As requested, K & A EngIneering, Inc. has evaluated the in-place densIty of fills placed on the foundatIon pad for the subject proJect. Our understanding Is that this foundation pad is for the construction of a new single-family residence. This report documents the placement of the placement of the fill on the foundation pad and documents compliance of the foundation pad preparation with the recommendations of a report issued by Geo Standards 1 GENERAL SITE PREPARATION Subgrade Preparation The site was stripped of unsuitable organic material prior to excavatIon. Grounawater was not encountered In the excavation. The entire foundation pad was over.excavated as required In the GeoStandards report and backfilled with a granular fill (1 Y2-fnch minus dense.graded crushed aggregate). We tested the In-place dry- density of this material and have determined that it is 95% of maxImum as determIned by ASTM 0698, See the attached test results. Fill Placement The only fills placed consisted of a relatively thin 11ft (8 to 1S.mches) of dense-graded crushed aggregate. The criteria in the GeoStandards report was met for lift thickness and density. Excavation/Cuts Dewatererlng Excavation for the foundation resulted In a foundation pad at one elevatIon cut Into the hillside wnh the highest cut height of approximately 10.fe9t In the southwest corner. The cuts around the foundation pad dimInish fn height around the cut to daylight near the northwest corner of the foundatIon pad. 1 Geotechnical Evaluation Report flied witt! tt1e City of Springfield - "Proposed st. Lucia Place SubdivisIon Lot 12 through Lot 18 Springfield, Oregon", GeoStandards Project No. E03.0185, GeoStandards (geotechnical engineer), June 11, 2003 " Jall-06-Z005 09'34am From-K & A Enilllfierllli, Inc +541-684-9358 T-867 P 003/004 F-232 K & A Engineering, Ino, SOils exposed in the cut consist of 0 5 to 1.0-feet of darK brown organic slits (topsoil) over 1.0 to 3.0-feet of dark brown moist dense moderately plastic silts containing large subrounded gravels and icobbles (estimated to be 40 to 60% by weight) over tan/brown decomposed tuffaceous sandstone that also contained a large proportion of (transported) subrounded large graveis and cobbles. Groundwater was not observed In the cut The final cut slope is approximately 3 horizontal: 1 vertical. We note that nowhere In the cut was basalt bedrock found. ) 5(]nCfC~ ana IS liaUY'Tor ~pplld'mlorr or'sunaClferosron~~o$nl6'n ~asdreSllreSCrtoealn rmrI3801:irdflU'dJ'Us' .10. Report. Water was not encountered In the excavation and dewatenng was not required SUMMARV AND RECOMMENDATIONS The foundation pad, as prepared, will provide adequate bearing support of the foundation with a low to moderate hazard associated with soli expansion and excellent bearing capacity. We recommend acceptance of the foundation pad, Including construction of engineered fill as a foundation base, as constructed, by the local building official, ....'-__l. .._.. II...''''" ____......_1...... i...' ___.1__ r-r.1.___ __II .._.4.._. ............ ...........4:.............", _.........4, .....~..... ...."'...:......""...."'... Sincerely. EXPIRES -D/ ~ ~/.:J Go, Michael Remboldt, P,E, K & A Engineering, Inc Project: 200,04 Client: Klpco, Inc, 233 S. 67lh Ct.. Springfield, OR Page 2 of 2 January 6, 2005 In.Place Density I.ilia! RelMliBO. cf. 0.0046 0.0046 0.0046 Test No. 1 2 3 ~ crtent Kipco Proje' "().04 Anal Reading, cI, 0.0207 0.0214.1 0.Q183 Volume, ct. 0.01610 0.01680 0,01370 Wei!JfIt, 9 Weight. lit. 915.4 1.99 1019.3 2.22 775.6 1.69 ASTM 0698 for l-1fZ' moos = 126,0 per IH-lace DellSlty 266 S, 61th Court Springfield, Ore!fO. WetI DellSity, pe1t 123.9 132.4 1231 Moist Sample + Pan, ga Pall, g 1002 769.5 100.3 801.3 98,2 790.2 . K " A E >eril1g, me. Dry Sample + Moisture Pa., 9 Co5le1ll. %. 735.9 5.3% 765.1 54% 754.6 54% Average Sid. Dev. . 5.4% 0.1% ~ '" :::l I <=> en I '" <=> <=> ..... Date Tested 1I5l2OO5 <=> co ... ..... '" 3 DrY Dtsilv. % Jlct Compaction 117 93% 1251 99% 116 92% a 3 I "'" - >- ..... :::l .. 95% 3.8% :::l CIl CIl - :::l .. :::l n + ..... ..... I en QG ..... I . co <.0.> ..... QG -f I QG en -... ""'0 <=> c::> ..... ...... c::> c::> ..... 1 "V2005 Springlid Perrm No. COM2 J1507 -n I '" <A> '"