HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2005-3-16 Mar 16 05 D5:09p En€;lneerln€; 5416078201 OWlllnv.r Englnee,'nl P.C. 4257 Barger Drive # 434 Eugene, Oregon 97402 (541) 501-3430 Fax (541) 607-8201 \1arch 16, 2005 Butte Construction POBox 41033 Eugl,;ne, Oregop 97404 , Re 743 S 4'f'. SorinllfieJd, . ~'>-- - . ----~ Pmt CO\1 2005 - 0002,05 Job #()5049 As you requebted I performed a site.soils inspectlon 011 March 10. 2005 at the above noted location. During that inspection I made the tbllcwmg observations. The native soil fine fraction is a ~ilty day loam of moderate denSity More then 'l2 the marenai Wlll pass a #200 sieve See the attached site analysis from GeoScIence Dated August 6, 2003 The contractor had cut the site placed the gravel !ill prior to the inspection The site 15 Cll! so thai it follows the native grade and covered with a base layer ofl-l/2 inch mInUS and capped Wlth 3/4 inch minus crushed quarry rock placed in three-mch lifts The fimshed depth of the fill is approximately 12 - 18 Im:hes in dt:'pth The crushed rock was compacted with a vibratory roller The fill as prepared is adequare to support a smgJe- family residence with the foundation design pressures at the bottom ofth{; footings to have a maximwn pressure of] 500 PSF Drainage for the gravel pad WllI be placed after the foundation is cast and prior to placing the floor framing Thank you for this OppO.ftUllIty to be of service. If you have any questions please don' t hesitate to call me at (541) 501-3430 Verv truly yours Owen Urover P E.) ExDires: 6--3GI 5 , p.2