HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2005-3-16 (2) 'Map'" 1.6 05 05:09p 5416079201 f;nClne.r-lnc 1I..llre"I' EOII.I.rlll ,,,C. 4257 Barger Dnve # 434 Eugene,tnegon 97402 (541) 501-3430 Fax (541) 607-8201 MaH'h 16, 2005 BUlle (onstructim, PO fio,41033 Eugene. Ore%or 974()4 l~~_ 76~s..-48lJl_ Sr:nmm.dd pmt r,PM.2005 _- 00024/1 _____-19b #0501~ :\s F'U requested 1 p~dOlmt.od a Site soils I"'\I-'"-,,,,;on on \,farch 10,2005 at the above noted IOcatlOD Du!1ng that Inspection I made the following observatIons The native so,) finf~ fraction IS a siltv clay loam of moderate density More ther v~ the material will pas~ a #200 'iielle. See the ttttached site an21yS!S rr4:'\m GeoScience Dated August 6,2001 I he contractor had cut the site placed the gravel fill pnur to the inspect'on The Site '" cut so that it follows the native grade and covered wrth a base laver of 1- 1/2 inch mmus a.nd capped vl!th 3/4 Il.lch minus crushed quarry rock placed ill three-inch lifts Tbe t1mshed depth of the flU IS approxnnately 12 - 18 inches in depth The crushed rock was compacted \\lith a vtbrlltory roller fbe till as prepared is adequate to <;uP?Or1 a slT/gle- family residence \\.lth the foundation des!gn pressures at the oottom of the fooungs to have a maxImum preSSLJl e of 1500 PSF Drainage for the gravel pad will l:J(-; placed after the foundation IS cast and prior to plach1g the floor f'aming Thank YOll for this opportunity t(j be of ServIce Ifyo\J bave any questions please don't he~ltatt: to call me at (54l) 501-3430 Very lruly yours Owen Grover P E J; , a L. 1 7 fJairllt _fIJIJI €J.5 p. 1