HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2005-8-3 AUi-03-200e 05:44pm From-K & A F~il~e8rlni, inc +e41-684-me r-378 P 002/005 F-e51 (,. c3 .nginppring K & A Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 23824, Eugene, OR 97402 521 Market 8t., Suite 8, Eugene, OR 87402 (541) 884-9388 Voice (&41) 184-03&8 FAX _II a, 20fi Project 176.05 .. Joroan and Jordan Construction 3520 Cslsou Way Eugene, OR 97408 SUbJect: Springfield Building Permrt COM2005.00761 582 Ethan Ct Inspection of Foundation Fill At your request, we have inspected the in-place density of fllls placed on tile subject foundation pad. The fill consists of brown, moderately plastic silt from an off.s~e source. We have examined the fill soils and havlI det8nnlned that they are suitable for placement, in a controlled manner, to .support light I'8sldentJal foundation loads. Approxlmately 1 to 3-feat of SOil fin, conSlstmg of brown sin Imported from an o1f-sne source, was placed on the foundation area In lifts not exceedIng a-Inches, and compactad using a vibratory sheepSfoot roller, Accon:llng to our fleld.testlng1 we have determined t1iat the average dry density equals or exceeds 95% Of the maximum as determineCJ by ASTM 0698. The filed test results are attached to this report. W. recommend approval a' the foundation fill, 15 CCiIIBtrucl8d, by the build!fI' official. Thank you for tne opportunity to be Of servICe. Plaase caR us If you have questions or need further assistance. RaspectfUily. ~~- ~, Mirhae~~dt,)\E. Principle, K & A Engln88~ng, Inc. efIrES U(... ~k Eo ! Sol! or aggregate density according to ADTM 02922 and water content accordIng to ASTM 03017 AUi-03-200~ 05:45pm From-K & A Enilneerlni, Inc +e41-6B4-m8 Densny 01 Soli and Soli-Aggregates InmPlace ASTM D2922 Ind D3017 PJOllet. 176.05 Site Mdresa: 5821544 EUlan Ct Ptrmil No: COM2005-00761/ COM20OS-00784 Dati: 7/2512005 D8n.~ Test ~~:OT.4M OIl8fltOr:CCD MllterlliTVJI:'lmpatted Fig Malmum prvD8nat'l-DCf 89.0 8tlndlrdlzatlvn lad Ref8m&1 C"~A Dwlty (StlIldard Davi8tiDDd(s.D.) Test He, 1 2 3 4 Mol8t' Density, ~ 1181 1?1,.5l 106,8 120 CGoteni, '" 16.9 12.6 . 19.rr 20.1/ t Wlter Compaction, %, Remarb 113,5%IFront Left Qf Lot - SW 121.2% ' Back left of Lot - NW 99 3'i Back Right 01 Lot - Nt 112.2% Front RigntOf Lot. SE DrY DlIIslty I ~ 101.01 107.91 88.4' ,. 99.9. 'I I j " l I .r"'......-,- I 1- I I "'1 Average: Std. D8V.: 0.30 A Moiature, (8.0:) T-3TE P 003/005 F-SSl 012 1 DtrectTransmlSSlon (01) (specify depm, In.) 01 Alr l3ap Backscatter (AGB) (spe!:lfly(T)ouchable or (U)ntouchabta mode I 111.6% 9.08% Tast per10nned using Ssaman Nuclear Corp mDdel 0-300. SN 21113 Client KlpOO Project: 175.05 K 81 A ElIQlneerll1G, 100. 8/3/2005