HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2005-6-20
Jun-20-2005 06,50pm From-K & A Enllne6rlnl, Inc
+54; -68H358
T-ZEG P 002/004 F-i48
K " A Engineering, Inc.
P.O. Box 23624, Eugen., OR 87402
521 Martel St., Suite B, eugeRe, Oft 91402
(1541) 684.1890 Voice
(841) 684-1368 FAX
JURa 20, 2005
Scott Jordan
3520 Celeste Way
Eugene, OR 97108
Project: 118.05
Subject: Foundation Soils
277 S. 6711l ct., Sprlngfleld, OR
Springfield Permit No. COM2005-00619
As requested, K & A Engineering, Inc. has completed a limited evaluation of tt1e foundatIOn salls at the subject
project site, Our understanding is that a new conventionally framed single-famify residence supported by a
cast-in-place concrete spread footing foundation Is proposed for construction at the site
The purpose of our investigation Is to prOVIde recommendatIons for foundation beating at the site wJth respect
to expansIve soils, bearing capacity, and draInage.
GUlrel Surface Conditions
The prOjtlct site located at the end of a cul.de.sac located in southeast Springfield. The lat slopes to the north
(toward the street) at approximately 13%. The general arel! has had a mooeram vegetative cover consistIng of
timber and light understory consisting of native and non-native shrubs
We did not obs9IVelndlcatJons of slope movement such as scarps, slump.s, depressions, or tension cracks
The trees on adjacent lots did not appear to indicate slgnl1lcant soil creep (bent trunks). We did not see surface
seeps or springs.
SUnsurtacfl Condltlona
ExcavatIOn for the foundation resu~ed in a foundation pad at one elevation aut into 1he hdlslde with the highest
cut nelght at approxImately 6-teet along the south sida. The cuts around the foundation pad diminish In height
around the cut to a cut height of approximately 1-foot along the nortr, edge of the excavation. A second terrace
was cut behind the foundation pad to aocommodate a yard, Cut slopes along the back yard cut are as high as
approximately 8-feet.
SOils exposed in the cut conslst.ot 1 0 to 1.5-(eet 01 dark brown organic silts (topsoil) over tall decomposed or
highly weathered tuffaceous siltstone, The siltstone con1alns included rounded and subrounded large gravels
and cobbles. Groundwater was not encountered In the excavation.
J"~-20-2005 06:50pm From-K , A ~nilri.rlri, Ine
T-2S6 P 003/004 F-748
K & A Engineering, Inc.
Fl3undl1iol Pad Preparation
After the pad was cut into the hlPside, the base of the excavatIon was graded smooth to undisturbed native
sandstone. The undIsturbed sandstone at the bass of the exoa~ation was covered With approximately 3.inches
of o/.-lnch nllnus crushed aggregate.
Benenl Aecommenddans
The foundation pad, as prepared, will proIJide adequate bearing support of the foundation with a low to moderate
hazard associated with soU expansion and excellent bearing capacity. The compaction of the granular fills is
sufficient to provide excellet1t bearing capacity without slgnltlcant settlement
The preparation of this foundation pad complies with the recommendations of GeoStandards.' We recommend
acceptance of the foundation pad, as oOlJstructed, by the fDcal building official.
Foundation Support
We recommend a design allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per sQuare foot for oonventl0!181 spread
strip W1d isolated footings. A concrete slab.,cn-grade is acceptable for the garage floor as long as footing
drainage is installed as recommended below
Expansive Soils
The highly weathered or decomposed siltstone has a moderate potent!al for volume change with ch:mges In
water content, We recommend that perimeter fcotrngs be located so that the undlsturblJd native decomposed
siltstone IS Ii minimum of 24.lnchas below the fm3l grad8. Based on our obserilatlol1 of the exoavation and
foundation pad grading these crltella stlould be easily m0t.
Final grading should slope away from the pelimeter foundation. footlna drains should be Installed to Intercept
possible groundwater around the entlra foundatIon, This drain system should consIst r;f rlgld perforated pipe
covered with a minimum of 12-lncnes of dram rock that is wrappsd by separatIon gootsx!:ile. The perforated
drain stltJUfd be placed so that the pipe along the SOUlll foundation rests at bas6 of the excavation at the same
grade as tho rlstiv8 siltslone.
Roof dralllage st10uld be well constructed to oollect all roof runoff aoo rolJte it to the street storm drain systam.
Foundation Drain
Partorated drainpipe should consist rigid ADS 3000 Triple Wall pipe The perforations should be placed ~own
The foundatIon drain should NOT be connactoo to the roof drain unless the connection Is made downhill of the
foundation utiliZing a backflow pr8V811t1on device that prohibits roof drainage from backing up Into the foundation
drain system.
, Geotechmcal E'I9ll.1allon Report1hecl wIth the City of Sprlnglle!d - "Proposed St. Lucia Place SubdiVision lot 12 through
lot 18 Springfield, Oregon", GaoStandards Project No. E03.0165, GioStllndards (geotllchnicsleogmeer), June 11, 2003,
PrOject: 118 05
Client. Scott Jordan
277 S 67th Ct., Springfield, OR
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June 20,2005
.. JU:l-ZQ-200S Of.'51pl!I FrOI!1-K &. A Enilneerlni. Inc
T-256 P 004/004 F-748
K a A Engineer/ltg, Inc.
Drain Rock
Drain rock should consIst 01 clean, durable, 1 Ve.inch round rock. The rock should be placed over and to the
side 01 the pst10raied pipe so that the pipe has a IT1Inimum of 12-lnches of cover The drain rock should be
coveraci with separation geotextlle
Separation Geotmira
Separation gaotoxtU9 should be placed on the grdde (at footing level) prior to plaoement of the perforated pipe
so thBJt after the pipe Is laid and drain rock place. the geotextils Carl completely wrap around the dram rock,
~eparatlon geote.xtue shall consist of a polypropylenij non-woven needle-punched fabric tnat is stabilized
against degradation from ultraviolet light e>;posurl:l (sunlight), The fabric should meet the specifications for
Amoco Propex 4535.
This report has been prepared for the exclusl\le use of Jordan Construction and Its subcontractors for the
subject proposed structure
This geotechnlcal invElstigatlon, analysis, and recommendations meet the standards 01 care of competent
geotechnical engineers provkllng similar servICes at the time these services ware proV1ded. We do not warrant
or guarantee these recornmendat!ons, site surface, or subsurface conditions. Exploration test holes indicate
soil cotlditions only at specific locations (I.e, the test hole locations) to the depths penetrated They do not
necessarily reflect sOil/rock materials or groundwater conditions that exist between or beyond exploration
locations or limfts.
The scope of our services does not Include constructIon safety plecautlons, techniques, sequences, or
procedUl'6S, excapt as speCifically recorrimended in this report, Our services should not be interpreted as an
enVIronmental 88Sa8Sment of sne conditions.
Tnank you for the opportunltlj to be of servlt:e, Please call us 11 you have questions or need furth8r assistance.
Michael Remboklt, P,E.
K & A Engine&rlng, IrlC.
eftAES l--A(vfr.
ProJect: 118.05
Client: Scott Jordan
277 S. 67t~ Ct., Springfield, OR
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June 20, 2005