HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1998-12-14 ,t J ~ I performed mspectIons on De~ember 11, 1998 and December 12, 1998 at the above noted address Dunng that mspectIon'I made:the followmg observatIOns ' t ~ .... I 'I . The sIte excavatIOn for 973 So~th 69th Impeded across the property lm~ located to south at 975 south 69th T!)e purpose of the ex~avatIOn was to put a property hne retammg wall between the two bUlldmgs ThIS area was over excavated for the proposed heel of the wall MortIer Engmeenng P C f / had no pnor knowledge of tills ~work until December 10, 1998 when we were called to the SIte by our clIent to perform an mspectIOnl I was contacted by Gunnar Schhecter of GeoScIence, 'Inc about the "I eXIstence of the cut and that there was cracks m the foundatIOn at 975 South 69th I exammed thIS wIth Gunnar, on D~cember 12,jl998 and both"of us concluded that there was no foundatIOn damage to 975 South 69th on the 12th qfDecember at applOxImately 200 pm I have not crawled mSIde the crawl space to exanune the mqIsture content of the supportmg soIl, but the gravel fill IS day lIghted mto the npr,!p and no water w<fs flowmg out of It on December 12, 1998 Our fix was to nprap the - ~_xcavatI'on ThIS ~as perfor~ed on December 12th We placed Class 100 Rlprap with the large boulders placed at the lower part of the cut nght up agamst the natIve matenal and then the whole I area back filled with the remaIlung part of the rock The dram lme for the gravel fill at 975 South 69th IS 4" PVC ThIS was pla~ed m a 3/4" mmus gravel bed The pIpe was set at 1 % slope and IS , I stubbed about 15 feet east oft~e curb approxImately on the property lme .It has appro~(1mately 3" of fall from that pomt to the cqTb cut located northwest from the end of the pIpe ~Iprap wall was constructed by RAC Excavating under my superVISIon . ' ' - I I , I hope you find.thJs report ad~quate for your purposes at thIS time Please ~ontact me If you 'have further questIOns Thank you .for thIS opportumty to be of serVIce . , ! I 1 " o ~ .,.I MORTIER, , ' ~NGINEERING, P.C., 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484 9080 . FAX (541) 484-6859 .' December 14, 1998 , , TIm Wells 1123 "N" Street Spnngfield, 01} 97477 < ~ I , . . RE 973 South 69th - W 0 #V1386-0LG Very truly yours, , . , . Owen Grover, P E OLG/cew , , I I I I EXPIRES ~36-. I ,. I , I 1 I STRUCTURAL [ BUILDING DESIGN-. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CpNSTRUCTION INSPECTION f - . , , q, , , :