HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1999-12-17 J\ -. ~ \ 12/17/1999 14 47 5415849358 ,,-}. ~ ,t j. 1\ \ ., , , . , ,-" II ~ i !~ .a (" n gin e e r I ",9 ,December 17, 1999 , '. 'd ' Fax. _ I 1 : ~.f < , .; '. , , , if, ~ , To:' . Bob Barnheart, City of Spnngfleld Fax: " 726-3689 Subject: : Ott Residence Mr Barnheart ,~ K & A 'Engineering, Inc. PO. Box 10524, Eugen'e, OR 97440 374 W 121h Ave., Suite 8, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 684-9399 Voice . J541) 684-9358 FAX ~~&-\ ~ "'~ ~\ K & A ENGINEERING , ~ ! , ; , ,I , ' I ' From: Michael Remboldt, P E Pages 2 -, Date:' 12117/99 r - PAGE 01 , " , . ~ Please calLlf you have any questions or need, clarification I apologize If I mIsspelled your name Thank you for your ass!stance ; J , .' .. I SIncerely, AA ." t.:..:.. " 1 /'VM. . Michael Remboldt, P E , , , " , I ~ ' - . ) , t: , , , h .. d' \ -II: -I:' ,. ' . , r ,I "" "/.j . "' , .. .' i ' , , 'f- " . , , , , , ~ ' I, I. , i . " " 1 . , ' 12/17/1999 14.47 5416849358 , I K & A ENGINEERING PAGE 02 , " . I f ' 1"'11 -a , .-, ~:f / - , I' t' , f.'nglnE'E'r1ng " , ," ;' . K & A Engineermg, Inc. POBox 10524, Eugene, OR 97440 374 W 121ft Ave., Suite 8, Eugene, OR 974D1 ~ , (541) 684.9399 VOice ~ '(541) 684v9358 FAX I , , t ~ tl , ' " , December 17, 1999, v', t ~ j'1>1.tt l~ . , . ..,. \ , I ". .JJfo l"1- , Grassroots Construction 11.35 Cal Young Road Eugene, OR 97401 , "! I l , Re att Residence, 6321 Aster, Springfield, Oregon . Surface Drainage .. , To Whom It'May Concern , We have Inspected the subject new const~ctlon on December 9,15, and 17, 1999 with Mr .Walt Drews of \ Grassroots The focus of our inspections' was the grading and drainage at the back of the house We have 'previously Inspected thiS house at least tWice dunng construction ~ ooce to review the footing construction and again to review construction of the subsurface drain along the back and sides of the foundation '.I t-f' I.;: .to. - 1 ! Jo. I" j I Ii 1'" Our understanding IS that the Clty'of S.pnngfleld IS allOWing a deViation from the standard minimum clearance 'from ascending slopes If drainage IS properly routed away !rom the found,atlon, - " ' Our opinion IS that the setback modification IS acceptable and we recommend approval of the site gradmg as of December 17, 1999 for the follOWing reasons , . 1 ,The ground surface has been graded to a relatively even slope to avoid vertical or very steep slopes, 2 A swale has been constructed at or near the toe of the slope (away from the foundation) that drams surface runoff away from the 'house, J - 3 The ground slopes away from the foundation stem wall to the swale, ' ~ ,The exposed, final graded SOil slopes are SUitable for final treatment such as seeding or application of some other surface treatment to reduce surlace erOSion, and 5 We^have not observed any groundwater seepage out of the exposed 5011 slopes dUring these last two months of heavy raln~all ". I , Due to the shallow depth to bedrock, groundwater locatIOn, and surface Irregulanty, there IS little hazard of slope movemen,t at the site ~Irectly behind the house - Sincerely, " Michael Remboldt, P E - ':)(D1rat,on l1ate / ' ~~'~ , , , , ~ , 12/17/1999 15 36 , 5416849358 , ,K & A ENGINEERING '. PAGE 01 .,' ,. ' ,', < ; I , I, , , , ' K & A Engineering; Inc. P.O. Box 10524, Eugene, OR 97440 374 W 12lh Ave, Suite 8, Eugene, OR 97401 , (541) 684.9399 VOice , t (541) 684-9358 FAX '- .a,"; , ~ I;'nglnl;'l;'rlng ,\ - ~" -, . , 'n December 17, 1999 \ Fax To: , Bob, Bamheart, City of Spnngfleld ; Fax: , , 726-3689 From: Mlcnael Remboldt, P E Pages: 2 , Subject: oil Residence " , Date 12/17/99 REYISION OF LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL OF OTT SITE GRADING , -, " , , f F ' " , " I "'l~.... j; i1 t j -I' , , " i' ' , ' - , , I, ' " , f , ' ~) , . , " " I. , " " ,. , " , , 12/17/1999 15 35 5415849358 . K & A ENGINEERING PAGE 02 " " ,,r- , > , <' , li"'4" > (' n gin t t r'l n 9 . " , , , . ' ., K & A Engineering, Inc. , P.O. Box 10524, Eugene, OR 97440 '374 W 12th Ave., SUite 8, Eugene, OR 97401 , (541) 684-9399 Voice (541) 684-9358 FAX , " ,) r December 17. 1999 . I "~ , e Grassroots ConstructIon 1135 "Cal Young, Road Eugene, OR 9740t " '<) , , '" }j "I.J- -- . . Re Ott Resldence,,.6321 Aster, Spnngfleld, Oregon Ie ' Surface Dralna'ge - , To Whom It May Concern " " / We have Inspected the subject new construction on December 9, 15. and 17, 1999 With Mr Walt Drews of ,Grass roots The focus of our inspections was the grading and drainage at the back of the house We have previously Inspected thiS house at least twice dUring construction - once to review the footmg construction and ' agam to reView construction of the subsurface drain along the back and Sides of the foundation. - ' Ow opinion IS that a deViation from the usual setback reqUIrements from ascendmg slopes 15 acceptable and we recommend approval of the site grading as of December 17, 1999 for the follOWing reasons. \ -. '. 1 The ground surface has been graded to a relatively even slope to avoid vertical or ve,ry steep slopes, 2 A swale has been constructed at or near the toe of the slope (away from the foundation) that drains , surface runoff away from the house, ' . 3 The ground slopes away from the foundation stem wall to the swale, . 4 The exposed, final graded SOIl slopes are SUitable for final treatment such as seeding or applicatIOn of some other surface treatment to reduce surtace' eroSIOn, ,5, We have notobserved any groundwater seepage out of the exposed soil slopes dunng these last three months of'heavy rainfall, and .: 6, Bedrock IS very near ground surface With an Irregular sOIVrock mterface , We recommelld,sepedmg th~ exposed slopes or application of some other type of surface erosion control as soon as weather permits Our approval IS contingent on the owner's agreement that there ~!II no further earth movement or SOil disturbance of any slopes behind the house ' " . I ~'1 " ~) 1 , I, I . ' .'i e '