HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1999-10-29 Oct-29-99 12:46P Scott Peabody 5413386970 P_OI I' HAROER MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. PO aOX 5118 PORTLAND, OREGON 97208.5118 (503) 281-1112 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET Harder Mechamcal Contractors - Hyundai sire 1830 Willow Creek Circle Eugene. OR 97402 TO ~ FROM ~l:1 {I i~ EA P-I--\ rf-A-121 COM1'ANY ~ C. , r; \( tl' r~ Ft2\ IJc;; h c:- [ 'r\ FAX NUMBER -;; '~J eYe r7&. - -_~Uo 1 PHONE NUMBER. . 7~(' - Ljfo- ~-~ ~ . II. P...fl.- Y ~ <; ^ S <; A r "-A N / /~ ,-~ c;.-f9 TOTAL NO. OF r:.;GES INCl.UDING COVER FAX NUMBER I 5-41.338-6"1 ML. :~) 5) - C. 7 7 (1 DATE RE PHONE NUMBER; 541-338"-' ..c-S-l'~~. ~~,'::).0 o L-RGE'<T o F()R RE\'[E\\ o PLeASe CO\/'-II:" T o PLE \SE rU.PL'r 0 PLE \5C R~C'lCLE '--- NOTES/COMMENTS: ~r~ ...., . _ '1"'/') " irLTN:"+f-~ ~ 1('-;2f1'. D~f2...~6 ~h:N L ~~7 7"~ ll_ ~ H-- P-. r:. ~c: ~,( pr- ; f (:,...r(~c. .r-.L r_ - ~ 'Ao(f"n f""'N fkA 1"-\<:' t'" \ "1"7(, c ,.;-) / ~)~ k '/ '-_I N..t< ,,- :5" (' '" r ~ \k. (hI.... R~ p.C\~ " ~Mt y (It~ ~,~ .~" r) ;; r......cc E:~'\ \if A'r;-- ~fL" If ~~'c; C:p.., r-AA N ( OR Lie ~0007J W':' LIe: #HAROEM C:::140 LF I CA L,e: ';277745 A2 Llc L-4 #105305 I AZ Lie 8 1 "105309, NM Lie 95410. UT Lie #9J 278083 :'" ~ Oct-29-99 12:47P Scott Peabody 5413386970 P.02 /", .. ~HARD.ER,~ 'EiiiifB. '. .. ~. ~ HARDER MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC POBOX 5118 PORTLAND, OREGON 97:208-5118 (503) 21H-1l12 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL , DA TE~ October 29, 1999 HMC JOB No. 29705 ATTRNTION: Mr. Bob Barnhart REGARDING: Farwest Steel Buildmg Permit #991363 As req~ested dunng your on-sIte inspectIon at l'arwest Steel on Oct 27, 1999,1 faxed a copy of the Harder Mechanical Internal qualIty Jnspel,hon report for the natural ga... pipmg installation This was faxed to your attention at fax # 726-3689 I helve now been nottfied toddY (Oct 29) that you had received inSpectIOns for the oxygen and nitrogen but not for the natural ga., nus transmltt.al is to ensure thdt venficat10n of receipt for the matenal requested on the InSpection dale 1S dehvered to your offiee These item, are transmitted: Attachment) Harder Mechanical pres"urc test Inspection report for the natuTd.1 gas p1pIng Installed by Harder Mecharucal at Farwest Steel Bay 8 at 2000 Hender~on, Spnngfic1d, OR tor your records COpy TO~ File (29705) ~~.:J -"'C"~ -L~ _'_ I ferry So:l~'s:.Unan ConstructiOn Mandger - HMC' -----( Signature _ \ \\~ ~ '\ Date · '--;., Pnnt Oct-29-99 12:4~P Scott Peabody ;-= ~... . . . - - - PRESSURE TEST ~EPORT --' praject: .I'7:J r"l(;e!'.f- -~--ke( &.f! ~ Tester: ~;,,; ;JIt'~;'dJtk-~1 &~ ~ Service= N"/<-~/ ~,f c.C!W~ Date: /c>-!i-I!?q Tool Number; ~PECIFlED REO _ ~ME 831.1 ~ ASHE 831.3 ASHE 831.9 I Other - ~TYPE :: JoIYd...~ rpneumat.k St.., , ~".,.. - Other - " 5413386970 Test No.: Co..L...ct No: L.. ..... L.:..n: JobNo.: Paqe: 1 of PPT- TlCST RE)UIREMENTS Duration: ( r:; "", I H .. A ,/ h Minimum Pressu~ ; 6./0 ,t'j,te; Maximum Pressure: I So I"..n'-; ) Water Air 1i: TEST MEDIUM H!~h Purity Algon 3 Additives NI...,.:o',;;JJ Other - System ready for test('Te5ter}: / /' System/HOE cleared h,v QC: ~~,_ -.- ~ystem cleared by CustDmer/Rep.: EQUAnON FORCALCUUnHG _:~ CORRECTED ~E PRESSURE (Pat. p~)( (Tl + 460 IT'}.. + ~)=-,~:;~ P)I -::: psw. _::. , '"-- ";:' Actual Test Times Actual Test Pressures Date: , Date: ~()-;2 7- 'Y-? Date: !EST INSTRUME~ Gauge(s) SIN: ~ 1/9 ~ Pres. Recorder SIN: TemD. RecarrJer S/"= Start TIme: /,__-<~ ~ Initial P.....-.,.. (PI): /Ye' psig End TIme: '2 [t::It!J!!1!! Final P.~.ft (P:zl: ,/ qff psig - P.c.tL&a1 Test Temueratures Initial Temperature (T J:7L OF final Tetnper.rture (T :z): '7z- tJF I Line Z I, f! '5: / /I ~r lDcation FR'm (P.O.c. ) - pc. ~~n/i1C'{'...'hc~J &tit!' p -"Jf~ky- Comments: :7 TEST RESULTS: ur:cc-ept o RejectlEJcplail1: '~ - , TesterQC~~ ~~ Customer/ReD.; To - f _ 0 L IjJ(!.. e.it,f (MatH) ,t:I/1 dI-C/, /~~"1f.r · Exclusions · A./" 1Ve::.- Date: /0 - ~- 1'1 D~: P.03 :, Oct-29-99 12:47P Scott Peabody 5413386970 P_04 . ~ARDER. :-.. . HARCER MECHANICAL CONT~ACTO~S, INC. PO BOX 5118 PORTLAND, OREGON 97208.5118 (503) 281-1112 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET Harder MechanIcal Contrac:ton - Hyundai site 18.30 Willow Creek Circle Eugene. OR 97402 TO r-7 FROM 8 C-I-::S !-JA(4-i HA~ COMPANY' C. C'fl~C..r r3f)2.1~~\~L~~ FAXj)IlJl\o ER C! (SZij 7P6? -.3(f?g 7 PH~E 'NUMBER - JS7-IJ 'J 7~G, --.4 r;, I (' (~ RE rFrRh\\"i ~ 79 / 3~ 3 rp..j2wf-S,- ~T~L .---;- c-' / ~/2..p-y (.~">AS5Nf'..A,....f DATE. I I ('l - _-;;2g - r'T TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDINC COVER: .;z FA.;( NUMBER. S,", 1-338-6971 PHONE NlIMBER 5"1~JJS-~ ,-:5~~.9 ._('Kf:_5~d_(~ o LRGE"T D ~OR RE" IE\\ o PLE~SE C'O\/ME'T o PI F \SE REPL' 0 I'LE UE REel elF NOTES/COMMENTS: ---., ~)!" 7-.:; A~/-f"1A c f-/ e:~ h (S A )-) ~{~.:T';J~~IL_ t- 1\ t- c. H ^,,\ ( ( A t _ I 1-\ -5.,' P {: c T1 F\ ,..-~ J~ It-, P:T-.. c(\N t? ~ "THE I L ,f-A/'~I':>.,L_ ~- l~ (L. L, 0-- L,I...C(~ ~ [). () (t.J ( -rH A ~ AN 1--, 't"'). r< - r iff R. ~ 1\ (' (\ Pv ' B L ~ ~- I , I f' ~ ~ l-.A Y .f-~ ().. (...\ r- s ~ I> :J' CA~-\ A\/('t/b I), ~- _J-- b r ,... ~ (' '-,-- If \ I .<. 1-/ <<'"Ii -I C I Q J). () c:. Rc- c; <; 01"--1 :7- ,: '-1' f-\ t. i2,f. A f2..f:. ~ U~~ S'77n,...., t; P ~..sA ~ r- ("-A 1.-1.- J ..-;(~~y ..)' f.. S ~A H\^ f'- f -- I ..",. 01'1 LIl: .000 7~ vvA I.IC JOIHAAOEM 040 L~ I CA L C 1,77745 AL. L,e: L 4 _105305 I Al LIe:: B 1 ;ll05J09 NM LIe #54101 UT Lre; #'3.J Z76...~e3 35_