HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2000-3-7 Ma'r-07,-OO Oi';45P .MortH~T::'" EJ:lg & Bu;;l,d;ng'De, . 1, ~I --;: l' .t / ., (541 )484-6859 ' {\ r t i l P.02 , ' , ' if )( " -> , ..1~ ~ ~ \ ~ . 1 ~, ,/' ," ","""'''\''l "il'~"- """".;."" "c" ,,-", ,..\i .Il;"'. .I'~- '.i,~~,\t;l~l:.~I~~Ii",liltl"" ,';: A"""j ;1" :..~ :"""':'''. ii,! 'v"- ",,'J '\ /~:" i 1,,1'1 'Ill (~' r:r.!'LI 't 1_ '.; , I II , . .' -.. i 1;:1:.,1 .,. ;, a..:J.:;..J..".:...: i '<'L("::'lijll"-.1 ]'I~III.II'III~I."""'::",/ ...., c ~'I-l/1illtr.JIII'J II~ "'1', III' ""'" I/Y./'I'''''\:\'- ""r "~;I",{,::; '. ,,,... ''''i':":_:"",z~,,,,;,~:;''1 , ' " <{..-Ill.... , " " MORTIER ;, ~ " --\IGINEERING, ,EC. , ,l 1245 PEARl STREET 1: _ EUGENE OREGON Q7401 "" PHONE (541) 484 QOBD. FAX (541) 484-6859 TOLL FREE IN OREGON 1-877 661-9959 , - , STRUCTURAL BUILD'ING DESIGN . FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT .", PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTlqN INSPECTION l' {t> , f ~ '" \ , , , '. M<lrch 7,'2000 " , Humphrey~ Consu1JctJon 6892 Forsythu. Strect " Seongtleld, OR 97478, I " , " " "I - i . 4 , i, 4 '\ ~> ", " " 11j. II" - RE (I~48 J~~~ICd Dove. Sonn~t1eld - t'omp<ldlOn'Te..,t - W 0 #12381-RDR .., ~ J I ~ ; I As you requested, a compactlon tnSpectlOl1 ot the gl<lvel under the propl;..,eu.:founddtlOn h<l~ heen .performed on thIS site m preparatlon tOl the constlUctlon mV(llvmg foundJ.tlon'> for the propo...ed resIdence The excavatIon lTlvolved th'e placement ot 1211l1.hel, mllllmum to) feet mJ.xJ~um of 1112" , mtnus crushed rock wIth a 5, Inch open hd..,e The compacted sudace ot the cIll'shed lOck IS adequate , ,for a foundatIon beanng capaCIty of 1000 p.,f The underlYIng sol1 condltlons, SHe dlamage and f'lundatlOn were reVIewed by M0l1Iel t,ngmeering, P'C, The compactIon of the gr<wel ..,urfdl.e I) g~edter than 95% of ~ "ldndard prQctOl, pel ASTM 1)698-9.1 ~ -J;, I I ~ 1 1 hope you fmd thIS report adequate tor your pUlpo~e<; 4t thl~ tIme Th,mk you for thl., opportunIty to be of serVIce Please contacl mc If YOll have tUlther que<;tion... . ' r , ; Ver;y truly yours, I j ..,.J ., "f f , , ,- - , ' <,-,"': , " ,"~ , , ' - , " , , ' , J' , ' t 1 " r .' , . , " " , " ' , ) 1 1 ~~ , , , ". , '" , ' ^, , ' Owen Grover, P E " I ,RDRI,rnm ' , , " , . .., , " , , , .' ,,' '-"'''; , ' ... ; J- 0...;. ;' t ~ I :t. " ,1' < -,'" Y." '. '.. , 1 , t, ' I 1'/ I,' ~ ' , , ,