HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2000-1-14 'nfflnnation ToBuild On ~.~~.~ !I: "?-i,,,~l.i-~"1:".::: ....... FIElO\Ol 31~Y{REPORT SOIL 'ANO~1<SQrt;AGGREGA TE ..,. t '.t-_ ~ -t" I' , , "\ .:o~ ... , ".1 1040 - A Shelley Street Spnngfl~ld, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax " Client Address COrb~'Ha';T1s 4444-;:!Aster'Street 1 "I. J ...._ Spnngfleld, OR 97477 , Project No 722300910-2 Project y Hams, Residence ..l ProJecfLocatlon "':..1 ?08 S 69t!) Place, Spnngfleld - EqUIpment Troxler Model 3430 SN 30203 Dclte Performed January 14, 2000 P 0 No Letter BP No " ~ t.... T€'chmclan B Nehrer " -- Laboratory Soil / Aggregate Data '- - MOisture DenSity Relatlcmshlp,oM32 0 Ibs leu ft at 6 0% mOls~ure, IS from our report #722-QOQ1!)-;3" for 3/4"-0 Sprmgfleld Quarry . >, '- {., , r - ,\ , 'C -, - :0: ~ t .- , '- Field DenSIty Tests. Nuclear Method (ASTM 02922) , T, , , ApprOXimate DrY DenSity Percent Percent ., Test Elev Ibs Icu ft MOisture Compaction FRG 1267 60 960 FRG 1279 48 969 FRG 128 1 64 970 FRG 1262 55- 956 -: Test No ApprOXimate Test Location 3 feet east and 4 feet south of northwest co, ner "-I:,.) ~ 2 3 4 3 feet east and 3 feet north of southwest comer 3 feet west and 2 feet south of northeast corner 8 feet west,and 3 feet north of southwest garage corner \ _ I ........... .P J - Tests performed at finished grade of fill matenal ~t house pad locations listed above ,J, c City of Sp'nngfleld - Bob Barnha~ .... I l..-... F{espectfully Submitted, Q' ~'-- Raymond V Allpertl, CS Dept Manager Spnngfleld Branch ~ ~" c " THIS REPORTlS' PFWVIOED FOR THE INFORMA TlON OF THE CLIENT ONL Y THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD-AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE , " WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES