HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2004-8-24 ..r HILL&DALE ENGINEERING, LLC 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 541-868-0667 FAX 541-868-0888 08/24/04 Steve Dahl 1525 Cal Young Rd Eugene, OR 97401 RE 965 S 67th- SIte SOli 'InveStIgatIOn - Job #-341-04 ,- As you requested, a sIte sOlIs mvestIgatIOn was performed at the above sIte address SoIl mvest1gatIOn was performe-d dUrIng excavatIOn on thIS nte The natIve soIl IS a partIally decompc~ed sandstone and boulders wIth a UnIfied SoIls ClassIfidltIOn~ofML and a plastIcIty mdex of less than 20 ThIs soIl IS not consIdered expansIve (after Holtz 1959) These soIls are sUItable for the placement of the proposed wood framed structure A mInImUm of 1500psf soIl bearIng pressure IS to be used for desIgn PerImeter footmg drams are to be m')talled at the base p< of the footmg of all retammg walls and the footmgs at the upslope portIOn of the structure, as per the structural engmeerIng, and to be dIrected to a relIable outlet beyond the structure's footprInt as per plan to dIvert the surface water that IS lIkely to occur m thIS area, from the foundatIOn ThIS report IS lImIted to SIte SOlIs mvestIgatIOn related to soIls and fill m regard to soIl condItIOn~ at the above address ~, Thank you for thIS opportUnIty to be of serVIce If you have questIOns regardmg thIS report, contact me at 868-0667 Smcerely, " 1 ~. ",- r ~ Pamela S HIllstrom, P E