HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2001-6-21 Sep 07 01 08:58a RVB,Inc. 5413671638 P 2 Certairileed II 3370 ~/COM /.4;1 LI~ .spri, "5 .f-~ if c/ # r ~ Builders Statement , v InsulSafe@4 Fiber Glass Blowing Insulation. . l.wlSa"'.. ." .... ,...tanE.. :3,iAl "(RFORMANCE_' mc BlOW"c APPliCATION m"nur..ct...~'"'s recommendations to . In ;!cC:;ord;Jl'\cc: .....un the ch;!rt ~Iow you must 1OS1.alllhc minImum numbero( b3gs provide .. v..lue or R___using J)f:r 1,000 5q ft of oct area (or each R-value Ilsted_ ~bag$ or Insulation to cO"t'~ . . The rn:nr;imum net cO\iCrage must 1'101 exceed Ihat ~,ited for eOlch R,-'hlue square feet of arca at a mInimum h \( f . h . Tht' IOSlalled msul:ulon musI be 01\ or above Ihe spec,Fied minimum th,ckness for t IC ness Q _Inc r:s each R.VaIl,le ' . F"II\/fl~ lQ Instal( Ihe requIred minimum ...-e.ght per ~ fl.. of insulation at or above INC_ 1111:: minimum thIckness w,1I resuh 11'\ reduced R-Value . nus ptoduCl should nOt be mllr;ed with olher blown 'nsubhol'\s or '''e !hermal d,J1MS will k......, , " 'r'lvOIlld In$I;llh:r CMOM8~SllMlAT10N CONT 'U 15S..liWV <<:lQ~ COlnp;ln~mrr. OREGON :J/.xJ, ~ 92&7831 Oalc -.k/ 2. / I rJ I 8Ullder(~0) ~ ~~ Company Name D311!' B__tts: and BI.....kcls' R.Valu~ I 105111;1110n : nucknen R 38 I iO".11- R-JO ' 1} '/,', 1 O' ~-22 f.'h" R-2l S',," R-19 6'/.' R-I5 )',," R- 1] ) 'IJ. 'R-ll )'/~' Fiber Cbss bo.tts Or rolls have beoel1 lnsblllt'<f in 3<<ordance wid, the tna.,uf..c:tvrer's rel:'Om~ncbtion to pmv,de :an R-Y3lue of _ ill the ce.ling. _ In lhe ClI:t""or ".,..lIs, _ In 'he floor or en.wl spaCe Fnmenh:r. . ~ InSl311er ConuaClof (~Ign) Co~FJtNMS\.JlA TION CONT. INC, - ~W;:: IIW'H9[ D"'fLNGENT ORE(j()tl ~7389 · 92S-7R31 lI~,lder ((l~nl ,- ',1111p'",. N ,,...... I, h e'lCs PEll M"o,XI1-4U6ol 1\""-'''''U><1 "II[IC~J. ""'''''IMUM I R..V^lU( IllOOSQ n SQ rr PUlIAC; rol..'''Os '(I~ SQ II lHICltM5S j 10 aLlilJn ;a ~'~. ("",..Ml.e ,j bIZ \'\ ",;5hr: pcnq '" of S"""d nol be- n"'.....~1 R~,5\ance \ sq" should "'" cow:. "",ull 'Mlll.(,... should J.., \...... lR) Dl rJ "'" "C~ ...,..,hln IIq Ii I f'OI be len l!\,an IIbII '''.('-1 Ita )6 S 27 O~86 n- R...~ r-- 2'1 6 )4 01100 IB}.' ~ 254 }II I 07U 16'" j 228 c~ ~ 06\5 It .,n' !2 -J l ~I 180 51. U4h 12' -, t 2(, '?~ 65 o ~\A Ill'". I It 22 I) I n 0,,15) _1- ,- I R I' III .. 90 1 O)lll "J." I It!] 77 1 12' 0.2O'J s',.- I - -~ 1t.\'J (,6 151 I. 0\7' ~I/" J R~values are determined 10 accordance with ASTM C 687 and 518_ Complies WI\h ASTM C 764 as'Type 1 insulation. DR- mC:lI1S resistance to heat flow. The higher the R.v~lue. the greater the Insulating pOlN~r. To gel [he marked R-Value. It is essential thaI the insulation IS inst:llled properly. . DANGER- RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES-TO PREVENT OVERHEATING. 00 NOT INSULATE ON TOp OR WITHIN,]" OF SUCH DEVICES. DOES NOT APPLY TO TYPE IC LIGHT fIXTURES OR TO FLUORESCENT FIXTURES WITH THERMALLY PRonCrED BALLASTS: ,- ... ,,"' ....)...~~~; "1',. - 1 FRAMING Ar jUSTMENT To compens~-:'e for framing members the number of bilgs per 1000 sq, ft of net area should be reduced as follows luh15;1. I I I L_ I ___1__- I h~ I.. d.-fud/looa 'q PI jPIt" ,,- 0 C os -.-i hp t.. ~~"<,/1 GQp ~ II I ' /0:." :z~- 0 C n 1 i----~~~~ , .. - .. ,,- I- ---7":"";:- .- -- - . - - -- 1,Ie 0; , h --- --.. --.._- - .. - - -- -- -... - -- -.. ---- ----..... I . ---.. - "'. - - ". 11"'-.... ,'.1'" "