HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2004-3-3 ~ ' "..-r '-- - r KEATING ENGINEERING L L C 188 WEST B ST -- BLDG P SPRINSFIELD OR 97477 VOICE (541) 726-9995 F~X (541) 726-9996 emall keatmgeng@msncom March 3, 2004 Bob Barnhart CIty of Spnngfield Development SerVIces 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Re Brentwood Estates ~~1 bO~ Enclosed please find an approved assembly from Truss JOIst for a I-hr floor ceul11g assembly USl11g therr system ThIS IS I11tended for the remammg towhhouse style uruts for tlus project If you have any questlons, please feel free to call Regards, ~. cc Essex (Tun McMahen) ". --.::l . -."J I J /~ " } No of PageJ z.. - . q,~ "~L.f~ C--O-<;. {" L \l Date. To: Company. ; Fax#: f-rom' STEPHEN G KEhTr\C, ~:;;: KEATING ENCINE::~::_J Fax # 541-726-9996 Phone # 541-726-9995 x .. " ,- !rus JOISt Fire Facts GUIde 5003 . January 2003 The following floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling assemblies have been tested and achieved the fire endurance rating shown for each. 4S-MINUTE ASSEMBLY RATING --,p:D- I- o \~ - \iJi . I ! fA)< 'TO 141' \tJl J I 48/24 tongue-and-groove span-'-ated sheathing (Ex::>esJre I) 2 Single layer Sfs" thick Type X gypsum beard 3 TJI~' JOist or open-web truss - - ~ Note A sngfe layer of 40/20 span-rated sheathing (Exposure I) over JOists at 24" on-center '^~th 11/;" lightweight concrete or I" of gypsum con- cre<e IS an allowed deck alternative If the JOists at'e spaced no more tha'1 20" on-center, a 3/4" t'llCk gjpsum conc -ete topping is permitted A 45 minute floor-ceiling system IS not currently used In the United States R.EF- ITS Directory of Listed Products DeSign TJ:v1/FCA 45-0 I and DeSign TJM/FCA 45-02 ASSEMBLY A DouDle wood floor 2 TJI:;) JOist V\rth minimum III," flange depth or open-web truss 3 FI>'tU, e pretectlOn 4 24" x 48" recessed light fixture 5 Cold-rolled channels 6 I 2" air diffuser 7 TherfT'afiber@ or Flbrex"'-FBX or FlbereX'l-IF minerai wool blankets 8 S/8" thick acoustical panels, 24" x 24" or 24" x 48", supported by an ap;Jroved exposed fire-rated suspension system R.EF- NER-148, NER-200, ICBO ES PFC-4354 ........... -- ,,~ ----.....--- y v ASSEMBLY B 48/24 tongue-and-gmeve span-rated sheathl'1g (Exposure I) 2 T ..vOj layers 112" thick Type X gypsum beard 3 TJI@ JOist or open-web truss 4 OpTional 31/2" thick glass fiber batt l'1sulatlon (not shown) when resilient channels are used REF NER-148, NER-20::J, ICBO ES PFC-4354 Res'hent channels may be Installed between the JOistS and gypsum board If Improved STC and IIC soul"'d ratings are deSired ughtwelght concrete or approved gypsum toppmg With appropnate sheathmg can be substituted fo~the deckm matenal shown In any of these assemblies 5 , ";'."""~~'!I~~~"'. ,. - 'V ONE-HOUR ASSEMBLY RATING ;0 ;@ IUl i .... .... 1Ul . 1 r-' Z'~~":"'i:~ I. 5 f0 ~ 0' minimum - --~~ ,,~ ~-- r0 '~w ~ !;.f11 .... f~ II V~;V~/V~ "~V ~~.V~ rAA ~~~~~~~~_ " I . I~ .- 1-== - 1 KEATING ENGINEERING l. Lie 188 WEST 8 ST - Bt.D6 p SPQINGF%El..O" ~ j97477 vOJ:c:e (541) n6-9998 FAX - (54l) 7~ - I _II kBatm~1Mft eom ~ea~~ng ~ng~neer~ng LL~ Ii!JOOl March 3, 2004 Bob Barnhart eJl)' of Spnngfield Development Sel'\flccs 225 F1fth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re. D.......t.J"ood EsEates Enclosed please find an irr,...ved assembly from Tmss Joist fOT a I-hI" floor ceIlmg assembly usmg theu- system. 11us is intended for the remammg towbhouse style units for this project If you have any questlons, plea~e feel free to call. L.,y.u.Js, ~ Stephen O. Keanng PE cc: Essex (Tim McMahen) , ~ ~ Date; _ 'No. of pageJ ~ ., j To:~ .~..~ Company; t:., - {' - C; r, Fax g. i-~ r-rom; b.~t"'HENO kEATlNO F;: ~ KEAnNG ENG'NEE::m:C ~ Fax #I 541-726-9996 Phone# 541~72&-999S VJfVJ/V~ ntv 14 U~ YAA ~417~6~~~6 KeatIng ~ngIneerlng LLC ~002 t:'-' :>'" ,".'-:.-1'.1,_;;,1"'1;:..- ",' "'."I"',I':-",} '" .\.,I.'I,~,IJ.l_" I ,,~.' _~:'... .;~.,,".,. .:"~;l""".l'-I.. ,_,L_'~_:;'''~I-.''~'''1"r:.~"'.,:,.'...~ :;". il_. .' ,....,-' ,..,.', - ~-;' ',: ..... ':> ~:' >:';:. ....,: '. . '. ~';'FiRE"~ ,DURAIICE AS$E"BL'I $' ".' ,""c'",..__ ;""'-,,'.:'" )"',,' ': "'(,i,,...~ .". '-.e,' ,e'. . i......'., 1'-"", "....'-' I "'j'" \, ,"":.' ',':.t'.. i ",'.. ,""., - ,;;::,,,:,;.1.:);: ,e:', ,'i" "';;.' ":__,,;'.' .I"~I-.,~. ". '"~ _:~_; ~ ,.,' "',..'~.' _..:--~. ,:,~,,;_'.:' TN' JOIst:. FIr" Fxu Guido 5003 . January 1DG3 The fc~lowing fIooKeiling or roof-ceiling assemblies have been tested and achieved tt\e fire endurance rating shown for each. I . f~ ~ left l'?lJ 4S-MINUTE AsSEMBLY RATING ~~. ,........::.~::i~ @ ~ I ONlE-IifOUR ASSEMBLY RATING 48124 tongue-and-groove span-rated sheathing (Exposure I) 2 SIngle la}ef W thick Type X gypsum bOard 3 TJI~ JOISt or open-web truss: Note A single layer Of 40120 span-r'dted sheathing (Exposure I) over JOists at 24" on-center WIth . Ph" lightweight concrete or /. of gypsum con- crete Ii an aUowed deck alU::1 1I<1;..ve. If the JOists are spaced no more than 20" on-center; a 1/~. thick gypsum concrete topping IS 1"',,-, , . ......"-d A 4S minute f1OOf1oCelhng symun Is not: . c;urrendy u:;ed In the United SCltes. REF- ITS DII"fCtory of listed Products" Design TJM/FCA 45-0 I and DeSign l]MIFCA 45-02 '. ASSEMBLY A I Double wood floor 2 TJI~ JOISt wItt-t mlntmum I'h"llange depth or o~eb truss 3 Fixture protection 4 24" x 48" ., ,....d Ilgh\ fixture 5 Cold-rolled channels 6 12" <lIr dIffuser 7 Thermafib~ or Fib~-FBX or Fiberex4l'.IF mlf'le-al wool blankets a 5/8" thick acoUStIcal panels, 24" x 24" or 24" x 48' supported by an approved exposed fire-rated suspension system .' ..... .........--------- ..;.---- y--" REF: NER-148 NER-200 ICBO ES PFC-435... ~ -- ......... ~ -.........,- .. ". r0 '" I. ASSEMBLY B I 48/24 tongue-and-groove span-rated sheathing (:::..,I-'....~ure IJ) . 2 Two layers I h" truck Type X gypsum board 3 TJJ'il]Olst or open-web truss 4 Optional ]llt thICk glass fiber batt In~"UfatlOn (nOt $hown) when resilient channels are used .' REF: NER-I48.,NER-l00 leBO E5 PFC-4354 ~ , ;