HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2001-5-11 " f" r -, . . , \ ( " .f 1 1 ' ,,, .. This hOrTle has been professionally Insulated with Owens Corning PROPINKā„¢ Unbonded Loosefill Insulation Namr P" ) v~r l/q (lep ~1;;;;:S Mdre~~) Add1f<ss "3'177 WarP( /Mn rl:- ~__ <Yb f : lIlC7J p, ~P....) q State Ztp II f / . IOwens,Cornlng PROPINK Unbonded Loospfllllnsulatlon (Red Bag LabellRN L32l Owens CorrurJ! WllI accept nu re~ponslbility when thr produr\ l~ nol msk1Ued m acrorctancc with the pnJduc\ label Staled R value IS proVlctrd tw mstallirg the reqwred numhrr of ba~~ at a tlucknr~s not Irss than the labelcu Ilwumum U\lcknes~ ImtalJal Ion of the rcqmred number uf uags may l"Pld fT'ore than ,oe spe.Uied mmlmUm t~ck~ess "allure by the mstallcr to provide both the rr~\lJrpd h1!:' "nd atlrn~t Ihe mU\lmWll tlucl..l1es~ wul re~ull mluwer InsulalJon R 'alup SpCCu.catlOn For Oprr~ lll~w ^lflr~ l\ommaJ nel II eight of mS\UatlOn IS 28 Ihl NewOons1.iUl!tJ.0I1 .~~\'t~" ~~' 1\; . A-VAl'tl~' IIAGSl'EII' M"X1MUM ::~')(: ""lNIMU'Il'I"I-\~ y: 'y NfIll'NfllM"~ ~ .. -..' ~ ~,:~.fA'I~":' ~J." I ~.. 1,OOOSQfT I COVERAQE.PElHJAGt 'M~~1tlNl.BIIQ~...'o _~JI-,lBICftNE1S"I' ~ netrplit" I.. " !- ~ h~IU'!"M M ~ 1 r: I' d~ '\. u ..(.1_ -, I 1 _ R-,I 1 11f1_;{" ~..~ "t =.. ~ I II I ". -~V' "\, ,; " j~' I" .":,",' 'ltohlani.ml' " N~, 1:11, bag~ PQt " QlAtBrlj~ -of-eath, . ..~el~!f.ib~Piir-';. ,:~';",lmkl/eli '- ~'''1". Num~~~J~7s\lsea~:',>T ,,.,1... ", ~ - -lnsu1M.6~'-, ,'J,tJO(nq,1t.bf.' -~~lOlJI~"'rilt ,., - ,~~~"';.'l:lIs:tlf~~-'{,,, ,}i;~~1ll~~~P;~,t: .'!~\~~~pStlip~, ': ''','l'1lltareaolb'lllI..:__ ,~,~vei.~r!lll'1El~':'," -:. ~-' :-:.s~~l1Ot~;~~' ~f~""''""ousJn~ ~.'II:: 't'. t.i'J~~l,!. J f I.. (lQ\t$I"Sthi\ntr ~I ",'~II' [,!. 1:. / I.,l~.: I' 'J ~ I..,-~.,.., '''''!l'''-a,Y, ~'~"". 1 .. ~ 11 1:' ~ 'J,; I ., I ;, I.. 1\ II i -;M.... ., 1 r ' Lit r.Jr'l: ," 'i"'_J>i 'I ,If I' '"'11"), I I.. 1 to ~ ~~':t.l< lIt ",..t "", cd ''L I" "I: t, to' ",.I... - '~ ,I ~l "':'1 :1 ;ll' ~ ~ _ .,1f':. '1~;kh1dl t-," ~'-., .:'~;" ~Q"~' '" ,:,;t\'Jj$q.ft-;,,-';~ 1,'~' , ' It' . ,,,, i/:1j./l'l ,'~~4't,;,' ,"" '1'4~pqfr"""-"" < -', :'f'I.m~ft'A";""I\.fi f' I l : I( \ 'fir]!: _ I....., I" ;'" MoJ ';;;~..i. ~ ~ I" ~r ,- ~U:'~~I;;j" .f~WjJ.",uJ ~ ,r':rU I lml l~' l }. III .. -; r. I ~~tt !~IJ:..""ltl. J..!} .. I ~ c...:. ~_m 6, "'1 ~ II\. t.fll~~jn I, 7" IJlllli:lt.J~iJ~qft ~"'J~"U.I,...~.Eit'1 t~~~~U~;S!-~ ~~ ". ~~"-" ~.,,~.if "'~n!...~tdl...,.; '.II I. -;,-:I"'~~ ~w. ':1 ..-\t,-I.t~:~ ....... 1tJ5ef>~*l"'(]rprSViObg~:I:II!" ~~~T,~~~1 l'1J.G:;; ~I!f\" I ~\~, '1' ~lll I~l, I'" II ---i\...''''''i''J~,t,,,liIlrr~,/t~; o~~ '\.L\~.j '~.r..P;: ~I~ \It'll .."'::'1; .....11..19.. 1.u '" _ oq~ft..,"...,.~::., _"1...~ rn.-~f4 '4 "l"11<t inSUIaO(l!l. "'. e, c"<I:... _ :. ". , ", ',Fl"l' '87 .160.sq:tt. n tr.1St :<="'~i'~' "'". ".. .. II 1 C er"1"~ Ctty .Thp h.l~tlc:r rhe R \alue the g.realrr Uu.' lHsulatmg POWf'T Ask your ~rnrr 'or thr fact ~heet on K Villlle~ lAJo~ehl1lnc:J.lRtlOns va.ry In thennal perfoml:lncC! due to l"rtoT! sucn ~~ '\gUl& nkan temperature srlUPTT1pnt conVf'ctmn tnOl'iture absorption Bnd mstaUlll10n vnnalJOJ1 (on'lectlOn rn ~l&~s !ooc:,('fillrnsu1,l1on 1ll9t'lllprf m oprn attICS can reduce Its thpnn:ll j)( rIoTlmnce In f'xlrf'me wmtcr lemprrature'\ dunng the heatmg ceBl:ion ) ) t ?, . \ Pub"No 1& BL 2.2&1S..,I\ PrJmlld In U S It.. Ju".1m CDl!vrlg"" ~ 100D Ow'"1 Co,,. "9 I 'k"