HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2001-10-20 r " -..(,':;., ,~., '- CLIMAl'.t.; PRO@ FIBER GLASS BLOWING WOOL Your home has been professionally insulated to provide a guaranteed thermal r~sistance.- RECORD OF INSTALLATION / BLOWING WOOL dJ'NEW CONSTRUCIION IF RJ..IROHl BATTS AND ROLLS R VALUE THICKNESS AREA INSULATED CEILING' ('':1 2f ~7l? IN /-Pm!) SQ t I IN ~Q FT WALLS )5 IN -.I~Q FT IN ~Q FT FLOORS :L t:) IN j ~tvL1Q FT " IN ~Q FT y D RHROHl DIcPTH OF PREVIOUS INSULATION () NUMBER OF B"GS USED 3~ / 'ibO , S FT ESTIMATED R VALUE OF PREVIOU~ INSULA lION INCHES ARlA INSULATED TIIICKNESS OF INSULATION 17" INCHES R-VALUE OF INSULATION _ \-1 <t TYPE(S) OF PREVIOUS INSULATION IN AITIC CLIMATE PRO. BAG WEIGHT - 25 LB NOMINAL ~4 " ':t ~~4il"'m>a W,,"w m"" ~ ~ 'ii '" 1-*'$;."8 ~'<<l}~'<;tN"'~@~4$'0s9A(_ft ,,~& $~~l~:JMINIIVIUIVI:'; $~,~ ,YtJ:'4~;,BAqslp'~R$1;~:,,: ; ~~" :;~I';,MAXIMU ,,)!j ~*,.} "'$itKTHICKNESS~"{," t% ". ~ ~ f 1000 SO 1FT 1*, J € ~U~9" NET'COVERA ~ t*~?"O~~ 4@~$}~'W&Sw@,^*~~i~:jf; :W~~~&t%Mt>>~~A~..,?~$~ijii;ti: :Z~:~:%;; k<~\>':::~ ~::y - CVV\ ~ ~ A.A---' COMPANy--f<a.U) AA (' ..vI / e /IL,/ ADDRES.~ J..5. 7 S 7 2- ~:i ~J -h1/V JJJ~'L~ - ADDRESS -;:PV ).. a ., INSULATION CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE DATE I 0 ...1.JtJ..p / PHONE 7),. t, r; Ij d z... )r It,.j) DATE II - t -- ~ / PHONE 1 Y'7 "[7 d t.-/ HOME BUILDER SIGNATURE f "b 1/ COMPANY Jim ~ Johns Manville SIC 194 7/97 @ 1997Johns Manville Corporation (! -~- - - - - - - - - - y Johns Manville Corporation POBox 5108' Denver CO 80217 5108 Internet http//www Irn corn For rnore inforrnatlon call 1 8006543103 THIS Is FIBER GLASS BLOWING WOOL INSULATION FTC FACT SHEET \ CLIMATE PRO™ BLOWING WOOL INSULATION Bag WeIght 25 lbs NomInal (MInImUm Net WeIght of InsulatIon In thIs Package IS 23 lbs ) R-VALUE MINIMUM BAGS PER MAXIMUM MINIMUM WEIGHT THICKNESS 1000 SO FT NET COVERAGE PER SO FT To obtazn an Installed The number of bags Contents of The weight per msulatlOn msulatlOn per 1000 sq ft of thls bag should sq ft of mstalled reslstance should not net area should not not cover msulatlOn should (R) of be less than be less than more than not be less than 11 5Yi m 70 142 sq ft o 176 lbs 19 8;r;m 125 79 9 sq ft 0313lbs 22 10m 146 68 4 sq ft o 365 lbs 26 l1~m 172 58 0 sq ft o 431lbs 30 13 m 200 50 0 sq ft o 500 lbs 38 16Yi m 263 38 0 sq ft o 659 lbs 44 18Yi m 305 32 8 sq ft 0763 lbs 50 20~ m 355 28 2 sq ft o 886 lbs 60 23;r;m 430 23 2 sq ft 1 076 lbs "- Read This Before You Buy What You Should Know About R-Values The chart shows the R-value of thIS InsulatIon "R" means resIstance to heat flow The hIgher the R-value, the greater the InSUlatIOn power Compare InSUlatIon R-val- ues before you- buy There are other factors to conSIder The amount of InSUlatIOn you need depends maInly on the clImate you lIve In Also, your fuel savIngs from InsulatIon wIll depend upon the clImate, the type and SIze of your house, the amount of InsulatIon already In your house, and your fuel use patterns and famIly SIze If you buy too much InsulatIon, It wIll cost you more than what you'll save on fuel To get the marked R-value, It IS essentIal that thIS InSUlatIOn be Installed properly wIth pneumatIC eqUIpment <> Jim Johns Manville Johns ManVille Corporat' Insulation Group PO Box 5108 Denver, CO 80217-5108 Internet http //www Jm com SIC 194 7/97 @ 1997 Johns ManVille Corporation