HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2002-1-14 " . , ,-., 'I: ~"" " 1-25-1995 10 43PM , FROM HOME 1.. INSULA T I ON-EUG 54,1,' 461 1 51 3 , I "- r CertainTeed ........ \ Builders Statement ~ () )/1 ' ' too?, " InsulSafe@4 fiber Glass BI~wi~g Insulation . l I . """-'r"'. .. I" R.Vdlue~ .are deterr\;lr'led In ..~ ('()Irj.,ln< E' with ASTM C 687 Jnd I:j 18 ,(omp-IIes wIth A$TM C 764 a~ Type 1 IMulatlOn "R" nieans resistance to heat flow l:he hIgher the I\-Value, Ihe greater tnt: It'tsulatlng PRwer To geuha marked R-Value, It IS essential that thE' insulation Is~\nstaIJed properl,y , DANGER RECE5SED,LiGHT FIXJ"URES-TO PRl:VENT OVERHEAllNG1 :; DO NOT'INSUI ATF ON TOP OR WITHIN 3" OF SUCH I; DEVICES':OOES NOT APPLY TO TYPE Ie LICHT FIXTURE,) i: ORTO'FLUORESCENT FIXTURES WITH THERMALLY r PROTEC1;ED' BALLASTS. II II , II r~MING "'IJJUSTMENT\, , To 'colnpensate for framl ng members the nurnbt'r of bags pE'r 1000 sq tl of',IiCt~I'alea snould be reduced as foJlov,~ I ' JQJ~ Size I\;lgl 10 dtdutl/lone;q it (In.) JoISt> 16" 0 C 2 x 4 J \ 1~6 OR 2. b 1 0 2 x 10 1 3 In'iulSafc" 4 ha'i been' inS ailed In 'accordance with the ma facturer's - recommendations to pr lie a value of R_l.lslng "'ags .nsulation to cover_ _ square et of area at a mInimum thlcknl!'o/ f_inchelt , , ,! Installer (.ontr7r (>;'sn) Company .~l' Date. ,/ / _suter (~Isn) jomp.lny Name I, , / Dale .' Batts and Blankets I ~~Vaf~f In>;ul~!I('n Th"kl'f'" (In) I 3/1 '0, 1 L I . 30 8'1. lO- r- "- 25-~-W- 1:1 I 2;1 '(,1;', I 21 5'/! I 1(,1 61/. " I 15 3'h ~, 11 jilt I ...... 11 1_ ..... 3'1:. .~, fiber 1llass,batts or rolls have been IIUtalled In accordance With the ' , manufactUrer's I'1!co~atlons to ' provide ~ tt.value o' the ceilin~ ...c6.I in the exte or walh~ In e floor or c~ ~ perimeter '~a1h;;;tr~~('Ch ~ COlT'pany Na'll..1~ ---- ~~ Ojl(. 'f' Fluil<lE'r (e;lgn) Company NamE' ' ' " ' "" Date 1" , ,-~ Code No 30-24 '233 , , c, II , THERMAL PERfORMANCE-ATTIC 8LOWING APPUCATIOr-.:, '\. )n 1ccordance wIth the C"harfbelow, you mus' [nstalt the minImum nUMber of baRS pe; 1,000 ~ ft of nlilt dred lur e.j(;n R-V<llue ""led .. Th~ mdl(lmUm net'LOwrage mu~ nut eXleed tndt $pe<.lfled tor e..\(.h R-Valut: , . o Thf In.;talled In,uliltlon mu~t bt" at 01 aoov\" th~ ,pt"('lfled mlnlmurl' thlclcnC'" fOI I:ar.:n R,Val Je e raJ:lure to Install >he'requlred minimum weight rer ,q n (}f insulation ilt or ahove the minimUm thlckne,s wdl re:lu:t II'" redull;1d R-Valu~ ' , · Th~s product should not be n:llx~d with otner blo'"f'1 Insulatlons'vr the thermal c1alms'wlll berom(' JnV~lld . ;1 ""f ' ~ VALUE , To obt.tn a . Thermal Re"st.nca (~) (II ~&O, 114~ 1144 fJ6 'Il<' 1,26 WI 1119 ~ tin '111 .~~~ ~r,C~dR ! 10~C SQ FT ' I.\ag> pcr hiOO ~q It (11 n(~ ~r(,\ I\1MIMIJM SQ FT PH BAG < (I~tcnt>; ,,1 bag \nould n<>t cover m( r- th.,n' I~q 11 I Ml'lI^"UM WClGliT roUNDS PER 5Q FT w, Igf11 pel;q It of In,tallad IIhol.hon .hould nQl M( h .' m,ln (I"") 3~ 5 296 "i~4 1111 1U,) 1\5 2" 09$6 0800 0717 U bl j (I 4~ 1 0418 0)53 o JO' o IO~ o 17q J4 HJ 44 ',6 .5 77 90 12~ HI 11 I i 77 I (,(, .__f t ~I P 3 '.. ,-"'" - MINIMUM . THlnNFSS %ould not ~ I~" IM'~ (In I 22 18', 16'/. 14'1> 11 I ()Ih 7% 5lIJ 41ft ~ - \~"J 1l3gi to cl'dutll1 000 ~ It , ,,' )000 24" 0 C 03 ~..." ~ ' , , , ~II 0,::; ,- 07 ()q, , j 2000 cerUlIM$d COrporSlion 2/00 . , , ' , , ,