HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2001-12-26 1-26-1995 6 20PM FQOf\-1 HCJl'v~~ I f'JSULA T I ON-EUG 541 461 1 5 1..; p , A (( CertainTeed '" I""'"' II 'I , " BuilderS :Statement · !J " ~ 667tJ f!toSls t6ss . .. II ... I ISare~4 nsu ^ Fiber Glass Blowi~g Insulation " IlUulSafe(l\ 4 has been installed in , accordance with the man acturer'f recommendatIons to prOVl a value of 1l__U$lOg _bags 0 n~ulatlon to cover _ _ squuc f t of area at a minimum thllknesl> _tnches. ,...., "'::!.. ..- e 1r"$t~lIAr rnnlrr (~IHnl lomp~n~n1P DalY ~der (~r!:ln) jcumlJdny NaMe: Ddt~ \~I '\ Batts and Blankd.'1 R Valu~ ~ In<!d~tl'"ln il'llc'<I'l~~ In) 10 11 8'1<, 10 I) 6'11 ~b 30 2'1 ~ 21 5'1 19 6'/. ,~ . 3ii, 13 3~1 I 11 I... )IIJ F!lu:rglaM batts or rolls have been ",stalled In accordance With the manufildW'cr's reco~~tiQl1S to , pro.Vlfle an I-value of~n the \ ceiling, A In the tXlcmOf wall'l, 2.-5.. ~fl~(lt eew1 space perllnet~ ~JlQ , $:::n~~~rli~'__. C~dny N.lrnt. ......, jJl(\o.w'lbu. !Z1o,;)tD \ Dille> . r- !:ludoer 151gn) , cc.rrpariy Name lJate ~ vode No 00 24-233 lr \1 -"- I, ' fHERMAl PERFORMANC[-^ TTiC BLOWING APPLICATION II · In ilccordiln<.e wIth the <-hart below you mu~t m~tall thE" mmln'lum nLlmber at bags p€r,1 000 sq fl of net ar('~ for l';1ch R-Valuc Il',tcd . ThJ r'ndAli'nU(P net coverage 1'"lU$1 ,'ot e\ceed that speCIfied for e"ch R-Valu", · Tn~ Instal1~d In.ulatlon mu!>t b€- at or al5uVl! -hI:' !>fJ'=tl.l~d minimum thl<-kn<:)~ for eaCh R-Value OJ Fal'iure to Install the required rrllr)U'rllH'f1 welght,per sq ft 01 Hl~u'at,l>r1 at or aOOIi€ the' mlr\lmum thlc,(ncs~ v<ili r('~ult 1'1 rrou,cd R-value ' 11 · nllS produ':-' s'lould not l,€' ,nixed with oth\?f blown IOsu[atlOn~ or tho:' th('rm;ll c1a'lmo will be<:omc l'lvalid Ii ~I MMIMlJM MINIMUM JVt IGHl MINIMl'l\\ " R vALUE Si/ FT PER S.\G POL'ND~ PER ~Q FT THICkNESS To obt~lr? t tf..n~~ I'll"- Of "l~~ i W{lt prr'\1 ~ 01 ~h\hlIrJ K>l1;~ fherm31 Re<l<tilflce should not COVEr Insl.d~ Inlul.t1on shOUIC Ie.~, man (1/)01 nl<1Ii'l'I,)(\ (~ fi) rllll hi I~" tn.lr (Ib~ I II") II"" %5 27 OQB6 12 1,4'} 29 (, 34 - ~ .... -- OJ9P_ 16'1, '44 Zb 4-.---"7B II 71.~ -~_.....- ",\R .1 H I 4.1 (1..1, i/11.i1 10 1& 'I ~ 11b ()4~~ 12 ~I.?l- 15> b, I (. 18 '(1'.1 t~2 , 11, 77 om 9 II'') 111 ~O "I 010' 7'/, , 13 77 ' J9 I o)r9 51!} ,111 hfr 111 I U llf,,} 4l/~ ! 'R~lialu€'s art' determined In aU..ol da'1(.f" Wit' A) TM C 687 anCi 5; 8 ComphE'\ wIth A5TM C 764 <l~ Type 1 Insu[atll)n II fiR" "1eiln~ resl"t<l_n<e to heilt tlow ThE> higher the R-Value, tn~ grf:'<Iter th/:' In,>u[~t!ng power To get the marked R-Vc'lIue"t ,,> e~sentlill that the Insulaltlon IS II~st!llled properly , DANCiGER RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES-TO PREVENT OVERHEATING, DO NOT INSULATE ON TOP OR WITHIN 3" OF SUCH. DEVICES DOES NOT ~PPLY TO TYPE IC LIGHT FIXTURES OR 10 FLUORESCENT FIXTURES WITH THERMALLY PROTECTED BALLA'5TS \, .1 FRAf1ING ADIUHMENT To compensate for trammg members ,he number of begs per 1000 sq ft (Jf '1er:1area ~hould be reduced a~ fo[low~ , ' II II \ lOllot SIZe . (m.) 2x4 hgl to deduclll 000 Iq. It IOlll1516" 0 C Blilll' to ~uctl1 000 sq It 10l~ l.- 0 C 05 OS 1Q I ,~ ., 03 (}1 07 09 ~OOO C~rtainee-d COriX>ralio!' :11100- i , 2~6 2~t) I ~ 10 II (I _ , I , '