HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2002-8-27 CLIMAl'~ PRO@ FIBER GLASS BLOWING WOOL Your home has been professionally insulated to provide a guaranteed thermal resistance. HONffiOWNM'S NAME (~,rf,G.it 'i:RI ADDRES\ &. '7 q' 7 /fA 1'<1';) ~ CITY; ,<;"PLJ;,4)c>~ ~/J} " I"'] d' . STATE tf) ~ lit!: ZIP ~w CONSTRUCTION BLOWING WOOL BATTS AND ROLLS IF RETROFIT R VALUE THICKNESS AREA INSULATED o RIo. TROFIT DEPTH OF PREVIOUS :321 1(; Yq It: 3fS'SQ H ;Jr; INSULATION CEII..INC< NUMBER OF BACS U~ED INCHES ,_IN I C, 3~ ESTIMATED R-VALUE OF IN SQ H AREA INSULATLD 2-1 c;, I C7 00 SO FT PREVIOUS INSULATION WALLS IN SQ H THICKNESS OF INSULATION / C ~r TYPI:.(S) OF PR~VIOUS IN SQ H INCHES INSULATION IN ATTIC FLOORS 25""- f) JC,3~ IN SQ H R-VALUE OF INSULATION .-3....f!' IN SQ H RECORD OF INSTALLATION CLIMATE PRO, BAG WEIGHT - 27 LB NOMINAL R-VALUE MINIMUM BAGS PER MAXIMUM THICKNESS 1000 SO FT NET COVERAGE 10 obtam an InstallRd I he number of bags Gontmts of msulatwn znsulatwn per 1000;1j ft of am bag should reslstanre should not net area should not not rover (Ii) of be less than be less than more than 11 52510 64 156 sq ft 19 875m 113 88 sq ft 22 97510 128 78 sq ft 26 11 50 10 ]56 64 sq ft 30 127510 176 57 sq ft 38 15 75 10 228 44 sq ft 44 17 75 10 264 38 sq ft 50 195010 298 34sq ft 60 22 75 10 363 28 sq ft INSULATION CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ;:;:< ./~ I~ ~ "- COMPANYa.-l, ~ J( ~/- ADDRL~ ~i-," ~0~Jo.R SIGNATURE \Bu;' Cotf.....ANY ADDRESS SJJW J<<>>!hJDDS fMJaDDv50De -;:;; .'7' "~ ~ ';'" ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - ,. I _ _ _ Johns Manville PO Box 5108 Denver CO 80217 5108 wwwJm com For more Information call 1 8006543103 MINIMUM WEIGHT PER SO FT The wezght pI'T slj ft of 1m tailed msulatwn should not be less than o 17'3 Ibs o 3061bs o 346 Ibs o 420 Ibs 04751bs 06151bs o 7] 3 Ibs o 804 Ibs o 981lbs DATE ~~z7-oZ PHONE DATE PHONic THIS Is FIBER GLASS BLOWING WOOL INSULATION t"l'C FACT SHElET -", O~ , r CLIMATE PROQt o""""l- . WING WOOL INSULATION Bag WeIght 27 lbs r~,_- "al (MInImUm Net WeIght of InsulatIOn m thIs Package IS 24 lbs ) ..~~i - -:.. < .7 R-VAlUE MINIMUM BAGS PER MAXIMUM MINIMUM WEIGHT THICKNESS 1000 SO FT NET COVERAGE PER SO FT 10 obtam an Installed J hf number of bags Contents of The wezght per msulatlOn msulatlOn per 1000 sq ft of tillS bag should sq ft of mstalled resistance should not net area should not not cover msulatlOn should (R) of be less than be less than more than not be less than 11 525 In 64 156 sq ft o 173 Ibs 19 875 In 113 88 sq ft o 306 Ibs 22 975 In 128 78 sq ft o 346 Ibs 26 11 50 In 156 64 sq ft 04201bs 30 1275 In 176 57 sq ft o 475 Ibs 38 1575 In 228 44 sq ft 06151bs 44 17 75 In 264 38 sq ft 07131bs 50 19 50 In 298 34 sq ft o 804 Ibs 60 22 75 In 363 28 sq ft o 9811bs ( Read This Before You Buy What You Should Know About R-Values The chart shows the R-value of thIS msulatIOn "R" means resIstance to heat flow The hIgher the R-value, the greater the msulatmg power Compare msulatIon R-values before you buy There are other factors to consIder The amount of msulatIOn you need depends mamly on the clImate you lIve m Also, your fuel savmgs from msulatIOn wIll depend upon the clImate, the type and SIze of your house, the amount ofmsulatIOn already m your house, and your fuel use patterns and famIly SIze If you buy too much msulatIOn, It WIll cost you more than what you'll save on fuel - To get the marked R-value, It IS essentIal that thIS msulatIOn be mstalled properly With pneumatIc eqUIpment /' --- r /' JJm :~ ____ Johns Manville - Johns Manville PO Box 5108 Denver, CO 80217-5108 WWW Jm com SIC 250 4/02 @ 2002 Johns Manville