HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2001-12-10 II.<~"> . <II " This home has been pr0fesslonally Insulated with , ~ ., ""/,," 1.." ,,',,;;. Owens Corning ,PROPINKā„¢ Unbonded Loosefill Insulation (Job S~te Add) ess) Name Add} ess C~ty -- State Z~p 0\ tens Cornmg PROPINK Un bonded Loosefilllnsulatlon (Red Bag LabellRN L32) 0,\ ens Corrung \\111 accept no responslbilitv v.hen the product IS not mstalled m accordance \nth the product label Stated R-value IS proVIded bv mstallmg thf' requlfed number of bags at a tluckness not less than the labeled nurumum tluckness InstallatIOn of the reqUITed number of bags may YIeld more thaJ the specified nurumum tluckness Failure bv the mstaller to proVIde both the reqUITed bags and at least the nurumum tluckness will result m lov.er lI\SuIatlOn R~value SpecificatIOn For Open BlO\\ AttIcs NonunaI net v.elgl" of msuIatlOn IS 28lbs )/ " "'lIt '" 'f'" New ConStructIon 'f",~ 7 ~ ~ .,,;, ~ (" R-VALUE. ) --:; ( / tBAGS PER MAXIMUM ~"'qt: ~ ,,~~iMUPf ~ " A ':f "1,000 sa FT COVERAGE PER BA ThICKNESS Retrofit", -1 <<'" ' - " ;' '10.. ()'.: T obt No of bags per Contentsofe-......,,; elghttnlb.'perz' ~ " m Installed', "0' 'Number of bags used """.. : '~nsul::~~n:,/;,: 1,OOOsq,ft of' bagshouldn;t"-A'.$X~sq,ft.'ofn;stalle'd; ,,~1l6ulat,o\ A~ '-Estrrr:aied Rivalue of;~ resistance net area shall ~ N cover)&re tha'1t <' )05utatfOn should k ,,<>sho~ld not ~ ~ " PreVl~US msulatJ.on ^ ~!;'(R) of not be~less thdn" ';;"~ ',\ \~~'G:' \\\&'*SJ:;~"not-be'YIesS1hah~' t ~'Iess,than'\^,:' ~ "'''"' ~ I {< "<' ,.; <....- ,.. r '\ P" ~" .,.. ;t:_ ~~'>..::::..-n '< 4.).:<- vArea'oi~overage(s\~vft) vl'? tJO "R-49 ~ 312"' *','"<32tsq'ft:-' '-;,~1[q875j' J'&18,112pl;i"v*,' ,.<? ~hA!R-44 ~~~ ~ 279 36;?Qft '> ,<t{<'\ 0780 l" ~J6;3/4m~ 'f}",<" - Other type(s) of v':';. ~ R-38 241 ' , f 42 $q ftJi v _ 0675 v v v 14 ~411' ~'; ,~v c0*,ulavtJ.onmattl~ ,F'" A' v, R-30 ":H17 $::Jts,5;4'sqft v0523ts0{'J'!A&{4)<1t:113/1'1O~'''t-~ Tluckness6fmsulatlon "I v,{':'1J: Jv' R-26 ,t, ;161 <:<'64$4 _ 0~%'v"'0"'v' :Lo>'110i%4'lnv~~~i;:' \ I v v' fA" . 7: *'- R-22 vk:135 v 'h +74 sq ft! , ,</ \ 0 0378'''' P '83f4lrV ^~'> vDeptliofpreVlous., 'Y' ,", 'ft" i,.A1&tt:"1t'IVt'''''';::'''4 ,,';'~' IV/V, , ;; R-19 " '1 118 m -84sq F ,r ,0",,2,: \, \ '7t3l4In,,~,,>< msuhtlOn ' R-ll m 67 , ! 15Qs.<lft~~{}'~1'{ , 0 HK -; II ,v4'v112}n : _ ). f...: " ..::: '}~ H /"<:.:\,~ >fA M ~ ,~ft /'\~ ,~""~:#...:-? lit -.. 0hli,'( l$1""zr '" ..?:<' -/ ",Xt 'The lugher the R \alue the grelter the msuhtmg po\\er As~ \OUI seller for the fact sheet on R 'alues ,.l Loosefill1l1sulatlOns \ an m thermal performance due to hctors such as agmg, mean tempenture settlement convectIOn, mOIsture absorptIOn aJ,;sJ~lIlStallatlOn vanatlOn Comectlon 111 glass loose fill mSluatlOn IIlstll1ed III open attICS can reduce Its thermal performanc.e 111 e"treme wu~ter temperatures du~gJ:he h<gtLlq seO<0 BI(lnn.~t m~S(jlatlon ~9 .tiJanket and,batt f,ber glass msuJatlOl1, when mstalled accordmg to the manufacturer's recommendatIOns, will proVIde the statea R-Value & R-VAlUE"\""Y:r.~" 3 :1; ~" ~~$~'rl:i t:"J~ ~ll-t J' \ <<)'?<,.i' :':>: r f<<::: !:::::,:,;;:r ~ "'} 1 , , ~ To obtain an Insulation v 'fR~3S,,' R~380' 0 j R-'30" R-30C R-25 'R"13 " '-'io ~,,,, \'f <<<-."... N ~'l: .;. t - ~"T , - v resistance (R) of ('" ~,' ^t ^" ~ q, ' v' ~, ~ ~ ::\ h' l -0 ":<1 -> .1-_-' s.. 1 ( is ",," <::#;.~ v: ) ~Y".- ~,MINIMUM THICKNESS " -', ,j;. % 'i,tH't+,. ,,-"ZS,: ^ _ "1; ,,:v", , '1 i',lns;alled Inqula!lon,' "~2: 'Y10 1'/4' 9 1f2~;", "s 1'/4./3 s:;'-' '263/4';:;" 51/2;' 6'11/4:i!~30f ~i'y a'_3'1!2'- vt, <:' should..be<' ,^,' , ' ('tv; ~ ^ ,J!1/" '", ( l' ;,," , ~ N -. , < lx- >J.if <'~ <"" 1 >>" 1 71}""- i;..l -:-.... <.;p t ?-j d? I" < l j f !; ).~ , :' ~~., tR-18m'.a51I2caVlty., " ,'{%,~+;>" ,,,' ',' ~,,;} '^ \~"" v' '; , ":W-trA1R'%Vct-i""</ 1 THE FOLLOWING'P'AODUCTS H~VE BEEN 'INSTALLED AS SPECIFIED ABOVE:, };:;~}';4-"':~:~ '/'1 Juo. ; , , ,I(raft -, unfaced 'foil, FS-25 'n-Value'!\;!' tThickness ;" J'Pkg'S. 1 l A ~ < ~: ,0\): ,:, "'" ~ "'~ >' t f (;- ~." <<..:V' ;j',1/2't" -.> ~ t...' , ! '" Cernngs < - " ," ,,< , 0' o 0, ~ o o o ,q o o o o o o _ 0 '0 0\ :", 0 ~~ + b <' ~ o "'0 o o o o 0 1 ~ \'~/I~~ ~ Date " \, , 0-' 0' 0, o o o o o o IJai Suz/de) " ," " , Floors ~ ~y.... \, o o o n o o "( "~'"fu ~~;",,;: h't"" ,r - Walls ' l' .:; -.-..,.t , r Bast;me~t ' :;. k, . l" /{("" p ; A Z ~ Crawlspace : \2 Conl7 act01 Date slguorl/l( Company Add1 ess Company Addless , OWENS CORNNG WORLD HEAIXlUARnRS ,; ONE O/VENS CORNING PARKWAY TOLEOO OHIO 43659 Copyn.gh~ 1999 Owens Corning ':<. \\ i>I.\~ _ ' \.. t