HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2002-10-30 Fiber Glass Blankets when Installed according to the manufacturer's recom- mendations will provide the full rated thermal resistance value The manufacturer recommends that the insulation be Installed at these minimum thicknesses and maximum coverages to provide the levels of insulation thermal resistance (R-value) shown (Based on 45 Ib nominal net weight bag) Blanket Insulation R Minimum Value Thlckness* To obtain an Installed insulation insulation resistance should (Rlof not be less than R-38c lOX" Thick R-38 13" Thick R-30c 8X" Thick o lOX" Thick R-21 5X" Thick R-19 6X" Thlckt R-15 3~" Thick R-13 3X" Thick R-ll 3~" Thick *Thlckness may vary Check bag label t R-17 31n a 5W cavity Fiber Glass BlOWing Wool Attic Insulation - 451b Bag R Minimum Bags Per Maximum Minimum Value Thickness 1000 sq ft Net Coverage Wt /sq ft To obtain an Installed The number of Contents of The weight insulation insulation shall bags per 1000 _ thiS bag should per sq ft resistance not be less sq ft of net not cover more of Installed (R) of than area should than insulation not be less should not be than less than R-60 22X" Thick 454 22 0 SQ ft 20421bs R-50 20" Thick 373 26 8 SQ ft 1 680lbs R-44 18" Thick 321 31 1 SQ ft 1 4461bs R-38 16" Thick 274 36 5 SQ ft 1 233 Ibs R-30 13" Thick 217 46 2 SQ ft 0975 Ibs R-26 llX" Thick 186 53 7 SQ ft 0838 Ibs R-22 9%" Thick 156 64 2 SQ ft 0701 Ibs R-19 8X" Thick 134 748 SQ ft o 6021bs R-11 5X" Thick 79 1268 SQ ft 0355 Ibs Net Weight/Bag MInimum 41 Ibs ThiS product conforms to the performance requirements of ASTM C764 Type I, Category 2 ThiS product meets the Insulation Quality Standards of the state of California R means resistance to heat flow The higher the R-value, the greater the msulatmg power Ask your seller for the fact sheet on R-Values Insulation products have been Installed In accordance with the above speCifications to proVide the R-values shown Batts and Rolls R-value Thickness Coverage Area BlOWing Wool ~~h~e __ R:- ~9; Thickness \\Q I( Bags Used '-'i 10 . Gl--\ Covera.ge Area HeR-, Ceilings Walls 12 ~ 70\ ',( 1t;"'l<'13 \ \'9\1 Floors l(- ?-5)( \l(i )ln~1 ~/;~4~1 it) Cf;(7JYfLJ~ ~ture Jnsuiat,on Contractor) , ~ t1 if ~~O';t ~0 I\Q( vhtcl Ct5tl ft a/~'tt1 {j . J Itfll IOI)/)JD~ Date I Signature IHome BUllderl Company Date This home is insulated with Johns Manville Fiber Glass Building Insulation BIC 186 (Wlllowsl 8/98 This is Fiber Glass Blowing Wool Insulation 1'"1 C Fact Sheet High Density Fiber Glass Building Insulation , Bag Weight 45 Ibs NomInal (MInimum Net Weight of Insulation In this package IS 41 Ibs) R Value Mmimum Thickness Bags Per 1000 sq, It Maximum Net Coverage Mmlmum Wt Isq It To obtain an insulatIOn resIstance (R) of Installed insulatIOn shall not be less than The number of bags per 1000 sq ft of net area should not be less than Contents of thIs bag should not cover more than The weIght persq ft of Installed insulatIOn should not be less than R-60 R-50 R-44 R-38 R-30 R-26 R-22 R-19 R-11 22%" ThIck 20" ThIck 18" Thick 16" Thick 13n Thick 11%" Thick 9 %" ThIck 8Y2" Thick 5 %" ThIck 454 373 321 274 21 7 186 156 134 79 22 0 sq ft 26 8 sq ft 31 1 sq ft 36 5 sq ft 46 2 sq ft 53 7 sq ft 64 2 sq ft 748 sq ft 126 8 sq ft 2042 Ibs 1 680 Ibs 1 446 Ibs 1 233 Ibs 0975 Ibs 0838 Ibs 0701 Ibs 0602 Ibs 0355 Ibs Read This Before You Buy What You Should Know About R-Values The chart shows the R-value of this insulation R means resIstance to heat flow The higher the R-value, the greater the insulation power Compare Insulation R-values before you buy There are other factors to consider The amount of Insulation you need depends maInly on the climate you live In Also, your fuel savings from Insulation will depend upon the climate, the type and size of your house, the amount of Insulation already In your house, and your fuel use patterns and famIly size If you buy too much insulatIon, It Will cost you more than what you'll save on fuel To get the marked R-value, It IS essential that thiS insulatIon be Installed properly with pneumatIc equIpment JiM Johns Manville BIC 186 (Willows) 8198 ~ PRINTED ON 'W' RECYCLED PAPER Insulation Group PO Box5108 Denver, Colorado 80217-5108 1-800-654-3103 Internet httpl/www Jm com