HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2002-11-12 12-17-202 10 52AM FROM HOME I f\JSULA T 1 ON-EUG 541 461 1 51 3 P 1 CertainTeed ...... Builders Statement 9510 6b/f 'iJw I nsuI Safe(i)4 Fiber Glass Blowing Insulation InsulSafe~ 4 has been Installed .n accordance with the manufacturer's recommendatrons to provide a value of R_3S... using ~bags of Insula~l()n to coverl1l1iL ~qua'e f,~\,of atea at a mmimum thickness oft1!1inches. r lmtd.or (~~ , ,;JA. L ) : ~(fY;f; ~P&J OdIC! U-:JJ, _ ~~ . BUlldel (,,!\nl ~ ~~ U^-'tiJ. 1(.. " - t.cQ'l- . Batts and Blankets R ValUL Ddto: ln~ul ~tl()n rrll("kn..~. (I n) 38 Ill} 12 30 6/', 10 25 tl 2.l 6'h 21 5'/, 1 ~ 6'/1 I 5 3~. 1J .~ 11 3'/, Flb~r' gl:u.~ batts or r()lls haw be~ inst3l1cd In accordance with the manufacturer's recommendatIOns to Pn;J\lJCIe.Jl'1li:-value 013,0_ In the cellinI:, ~ In the extenor walls, z.s 1/1 the floor or crawl space per,metel' r ~;;;:;c , Dale /1,. I;)., "261)2- BllddN (~I!:n) ~Y~~~iJ~ D.te I l.../::>- ~ 'ZiJO? COde No 30-24-233, THERMAL P1RFORMANCE-ATTIC BLOWING APPLICATION II In ;!cc"tUance with the t.hart below, you Il1U~t 1Il<;lall thE' r'T'11r'llmum number of bag~ oer l,OUO sq ft of net area fOf ~"ch R-Vlllue Il~ted II 1 he maximum net coverage f'lu!>t not exceed that c;pN'lfn'd (Of eQ,r h R Value II 1 he Installl:'d In~uld1:1On must be at or abovr? the Sp&,111ed minimum t.hlcknc<;~ for each R-Valuc rarlure tn Installthl2 required mmlmum wei~ht pN ,,(, fl of Ir\~uldt'on Olt or above thl:.' minimum thrckness will fNult In redlll.ed R-Vall.e Thl, product should not be mDeed with other hlown In~lJl"llor" Or the thermal clalnl<; will OO<..ome In\iahd ,~ VALL'C To ()bta,n \ 1htrmal RC;lsta~C€ , (R) of BA(,~ ~t~ M"XIMUM 1 000 SQ FT. '>t') 1-1 PI-It ~A(, B ,~, per Clinton!! of bas 1000 sq fl _liQuid 111)\ CO\l r "I no' ,m more than (,q It) I 27 }- -.-- :~ I H I 'if> 1 r; 5 J hi 13 l' ~7 I' 1 'f ~Il 17 'I 129 "f, 151 M'NIfi't,M Wtl(,llT MINIMU'Vi mUNOS PER SQ FT I HI( kNI \, W~,~iltl',r\>q (, 1)( Snou Id nol 1",- In>l<lllcd 1nl<UllIt,on ,holJld k'" Ih~n no! be I." I~ In lib, I (In) [)'lRo I 21 OliO!> L 16" 'il ~ll : I hi I!.\. Q.61 S 14/, 0485' I Il 041 S lO'l, 035> Q I) JOI iV. I 0209 Sh , II '7~ , , " I 4Y. -.J " hi) 49 44 ~8 JO 2& ~l IQ II 11 1(, i ./~~ .04 228 III 0 R-"aJue~ art' r.IE:'terrn:nc.-d In accordance With A~TM C 687 and'518 Compiles With A:.TM r 764 <lS Type 1 insulation JlR" means reSistance to heat flow The higher the R.v.lluel the greater the insulating power ro get the marked R-V<lltJe, It IS e~!:entldl that the rn~ultltlon is Installed properly DANGER RECFSSED LIGHT FIXTURES-TO PREVEN I UVE:RHEATING, DO NOT INSULATE ON TOP OR WITHIN 3" OF SUOI DEVICES DOES NOT APPLY TO TYPE Ie LIGHT FIXTURES OR TO FLUORESCENT FIXTURES WITI i THERMALLY PROTECTED BALLAST'; FRAMI NC ADJUSTMENT To compensate for ftamll"lA member!> the number of bagb per 1000 ,q ft 01 net area should he rffiucecl as follows IQW Silt (In I 2x4 1<0 hS 1 ~ 11) hg$IO dedud/1 000 "l ft 101115 16" 0 C. 0> 0& 10 1) Bags to deduct/l GOO liq- ft. JQJbis 24" 0 C 03 (J, 07 09 2000 Certlllnted CorporatIon 2100