HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2002-12-9 JAN-21-2003 12 08 HOME INSULATION CONT.INC 541 926 6508 CertainTeed. It -.. Builders Statement P 02/02 ~ '\~lD Q~~\'t.~\~ ~lI'. . ~~_C'~~~_...,~. ...... /lnsuISafe@4 - fiber Glass Blowing Insulation "'-r- 4- 8uIIdirI .... 85 In.ulSa(e8 4 has been installed with Ihe manufactuer'. recommendations 10 provide . nrue 01 R~'Lu!llng ~baIJ of insulllltlon 10 cover__ square feet of area at a minimum thldntfts of_Inches. ~. \0. \'C"\ ~Q.."""",~ ~\\~- ~-~- InSlall" Conlrall;lor (sl~") Romp tnsulation Cant. Company Ni1IrIe - \~\~\t'J~ Dale R", \A.;l ~Q",,,,_ ~ builder ($Ignl TliCRMAl flERrORMANCE_A TTll BLOWING APPLICATION " In ;lCcordlll'lce With lhe chart below. you mustlnstalllhe """Imum number of.. por ',000 sq ft. or IleI area for each R. Value listed · The Itlalumum net coverage musl 1'101 exceed lhat specified /'or each R-Yalue. · The In~alled insulation must be al or above the specIfied minnnurn thidness for each R.Value .. r allure to Installlhe requ.red m.nttnum welghl per sq ft of insulatIOn at or above Ihe mln.mum lh.ckness Will resullln reduced R-V.lue. tnqhls product should not be milled with other blown msulations or the them1a1 d;"M15 WIll become ,"vahd " .BA(;Sp.r. MAXIMUM 1000 SQ "; SQ FT PElt BAC BIIS pet . ---C;nte",s II baR 100000tq h IhauldllCllc_ 01 net a,u mare IhIn lief ft I 36$ 27 I 196 J4, l6. 4 J8 221 44 180 56 IB 65 1)1 77 III 90 'f 1 129 66 ISI ;:;~=~~~ , ~IPl pIf ~ fI. of 1II11.11fif IIlIIIAIIin II1Il11ld IlGlIIe re,. llIan ., 09.6 0800 0712 ,,06IL o 411S 0.11 O.JU o ;JOI D.log 0179 Company Name R YAWl ,- Tn ob'aln a . rhermalRulIIanCf (RId R60 R"" ..44 \..~.\'lt.i (8J8) 1110- llU- R 2l O:lol'<< III " R 1.J L.RI' 0.. Batts and Blankets J R-Valw I InsulatIon ~\.c: '.C-~ ~"'SB..Thlck~ss _ 1{.'," ! 10., 1~" R-lO ". L 8'''., 10" R 22 6'1,. ~ -> R.21 5"" R-19 6'1." R-15 3'''" R-tl )111" ~.11 I 1'1,' Ffl>>r GIm ban. 0' roll. have been Installed In Kconl2lnce wlch tM lltanufadwe,'. re . . , ." dation 10 provide an R.value of ~ in the C'fIJing. ~ in the exterior-.R., ~ In t~ floor or uawf space ~r ~\C>... .3 \~ \<,,,,o..~~ '^'.....,\~ ~'"' .......-...- -h ~ InSlaller ConI raclor (s'l:n) Roll. Ine'll"'t ion COllt COtnpany Name .10r'\pa-. t '~\~Io"t Dale -. MIHlMUM ntICRNaS huId...1te '== U' l'W' 16W ,." 'z. 10'Ir 9' 7", 5W' 4", R-values are delermlned '" accordance WIth ASTM C 687 and 518. Compile!; WIth ASTM C 764 as TYPI! 1 Insulation. /fRIO means resistance (0 heat (Jow The higher Ihe RNall.le, the greater the Insulatlllg power To get the marked R-Value. 1115 essential that the InsulatIOn IS Installed properly. DANCER' RECESSED tiGHT FIXTURES-- TO PREVENT OVERHEATING, DO NOT INSULATE ON TOP OR WITHIN )0 OF SUCH DEVICES. DOES NOT APPLY TO TYPE IC LIGHT FIXnJRES OR TO FLUORESCENT FIXTURES WITH THERMALLY PROTECTED BALLASTS JiMM.NC ADJUSTMfiNT To compensate for framing members the number of bags per 1000 sq_ ft. of net area should be reduced as follows, BClllcIa- (SlBn) /Gill 51ft .... to ~d/toeo III II I ... "~I8lI...ll. ,0IIII ".0 c. ,...,,,..OL Company Name 1-. .- 05 -{ o.J 2".6" 08 0.5 Oat. J.. S- 10 t- O; 2'.ICl" I) O.J . Codt No 30-24-:l3,1 TOTAL P 02