HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2003-3-6 1- , , ,,"', " ,- ~, ",i.i.J~ ~'~ :~~~1' j i?~~ , ';i\. ~ ~, {1 \ V1: .:&-~ T W' ,,~ ~ ~% :~ ,"""; ~l 4"~ ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~T r , b " R ( GLA~5 !::t_Ou NC -, ~ - ~'<(~~ -~......... ~"'.. BATTS AND B:"IO,',-" S-: ~ .. ,,~ When Ir~taHE"d 111 t:!fl Old1r~ce \</lth ;->-;:; rft, ufartl.l.t"flyl') (cCOmdlelld,~tt')llS, I ndl~l lJ.7t...S apd bla1kets \11;,[1 provide th:! fuit -< V~:'I~ I 1():?:L---1 1200 ' I R30HI)______.QJ2 -1 I R 30 1000" I i R 26 Q Or,' I ------ r-- R22 6 ~O' --- ---- R 21HD ___2 50~__ R 19 62.,"H --- -- I R 15HD __.J 50' 1--- P13 J 501 I [- R 11 _-3.29" __J R 3 25Cll f3a~ WOlght-~orllnal)~ Ibs MIn'mum 27lbs **R 18 Hl a 5 51 G3VI""\o fcnforr115 to ASTM C. 5b5 Jnd r:edera. S~(.rIt Lan011 H!-II ~21F EQUIPMENT REQUIRED -- l 1\ L- or' ,< "-~ , Iq: ill : ,_- D r: r r':~ R fvl ^'i,l- eEl ft-; T ~ C , l\ P P'll C-A T I kN ) ~ ..... ~ & r' ...... ... r \"" - {... It! 2f"dl:; (r-!:-'S~cllU \~ \C~ ~e) IS ~lro'{, dpd by !n~ alllnS! j11 accorda::se ,^,ltrt"tn~ r anLifactL.rer's lnc:.tr JctIO.,S, u.--"I ~l t J\!p;1 r 1\111 Pf l){ OdS'; r (( 1,000 s~ f~ vt net ared atrnot k~'>lhar h1= (abelpd~iTllnh(luffl t'"llr~--:t?Ss rJjlur12 (C) - ~dS: ..Il ''''CI! ~'- '~ q1lirell r lll1bp.r ot bas,,; apd at i~d::,t tl-'e Ml10llmum ttw:: i1t~S-S \I\~J result In lOWer 1r15Uhtlo., It \Glue /. _~__, - ;. ~ _ - t R 60 '"_26 5 S-__~'~ ___ _____ R 50 '~lJ'___ __-222 sr- I 8fiY!l2.L ___J ~4 769 '" il 2 Sf _-=-+___<L~1ID~ ~ i I __R~_______ ___ 229 43 G SF I 6421bs I 15 50" L_ R 30 _1__ [72__ -- --=- :5 9 :'F-::'-=-~_~_ --;;.9J-'.95 -+- 1250" I R 26 12-5 _ _~L!.. 6 SF -1_____ I Lt33 11?:.___1 11 00" I " 22 _lU__~ ~'78,':l_'!L_ ----=I___~ 3~7 IDS __-+ 975"_-1 f---~ 19 1-- 10 9 ni':'F_~__ -lOl,.lbs ! 8 00' ~ R13 /6 1316SF 21,lb~ )75' I I R 11 I 62 ,-;- - 161-3--:SF "- I _'::'_.1?4 I~~_-.r::_~! 7~' --J Ttw.. product corformc; l'l trlE' pe furmam:e re1Ulremerlls of A5TM C 764 fVlle! 211:d cancelled FeJer..!1 SpeLlI ~af-lon HIi 1103GB Type I (lass R R V3'ues "e celern,lned In acco darce with (~87 and (-)18 l *1 P I ifleans fPlilstar cr to he(\t f10N The higher tnt 1\ ValUe the ~Teater the InSUlat!d~ p'J \'er ,Ac.k YOUI SE'llf'T fo tilt tact sh~et on i? Villllt?~ To achieve labeled R valu", this p'odult must b" applied with a p'leumatlc t.low 19 machine' and 3 corrugated hos" with a minllnuf'l 75" mtef'lal corrugation, a nlmuf'llength Of 150 ft and a diameter of at least ," Calls in the hose should not be less thai, 3b" In diameter Acceptable fllate'lal feed rate IS 5 35 Ibs Imlllute Reco"lmpnded feed rdte IS 15 25 Ibs 1m ill tp i FRAMING ADJUSTMENT - To rorT]pen~atf' Tor frammg members, thp number of hass per 1 JOO ~q ft of Lred to be Insulated sbould be as s~own below BUilDER'S INSULATION srATfMENT Batb andlor Olankets have Deen 11staHea In fonlo"manre w,th f~e above recom mt'ndatlons to pn)vlde ~ thermal resistance of ' 1 Attic prea R at I Slooed (ellmgs R at Inchp~ I Walls R -2--1 at 6 Inches Floors (over a,l Ulllleatt'rJ crawl spacf>) R 2__5 at gr {_Inches Craw' Spacf> Penmetel P at Inches Date Installed .3- 6- 4'2 Blown 'n~~latlOn has been lIl~talled in conformance with the abovf> reCDmmer,datlons to provide aT; R Idlue of R .3' %__ u5mg -Z _51' hags of thiS insulation to cover .L 2~ S- ~quare feet of area at a minimum t11ld'ness of ---L 6 __ inches Insulae/on lDnt~r (sIg1afure) d ~ ~/ --A"}_2~_ ~/h~~~ Company - - ".., 7 ~: - r I J j ~l O~ -7..d """-/".#.40 / e:_L!~.:d4--'- Home BUilder (slgn2wre) Company ~bS\ BVI AC 08 5/02 Datl'l ~-l\~CE~~~~ 2 X 4 37 2 R 61) 2 X 6 36 8 2 A 8 36 5 2li~___ 30 ~ R ;0 2 ^ 6 30 2 2 X 8 29 S 2 X fA 26 3 Rl,4 2x6 1-- 260 2 X ~__ J___lU ___ _1..2.:,___ 2L 4 R 38 2 X 6 22 1 __~---2;8 - -L 218 I 2)/4 i 174 R 30 L-- 2Ab_L 171 I_~~___ 168 ! 7x/. I 150 !< 26 I 2 X 6 _14 7 2x8 14/, 2x4 123 R n 2)l 6 12 0 2x8 111 2 X 4 10 L, P 19 2 X 6 I 10 1 2xQ I 98 2xT-t-- 71 R 13 ~__.J_JS.6 68 '2x8 66 2x4 57 Rl1 2)/6 55 2x8 52 i7 "3 371 368 306 ill I. 302 265 2C 3 260 )); ____2U____ ')21 115 173 17 1 1 ~ 1 149 I I I -I- i i I --1 ! _ -14 7 124 122 I 120 _ _I 10 5 I 103 t---.1~ ~ --I I 71 I 69 59 57 55 .. CLOSED CAVITY APPliCATION (EXTERIOR SIDEWAll OR FLOORED ATTICS) lontact ;(nauf Fiber Gla~s For '1l0re mformatl01l Knal.l Flbel G'aSS One Knauf Dive, Snelbyvllle, IN 46176 (800) 82', 443q Pm,led nUS A