HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2003-2-1 J o~ Co41t Co J t\d > r L-o+-15 h '\ INSULATION FIBER GLASS When Installed In accordance with the man- ufacturer's recommendatIOns, Knauf batts and blankets will provide the full R-value THERMAL PERFORMANCE (ATTIC APPLICfi\TION) F-/ !~ The stated thermal resistance (R-value) IS provided by installing In accordance~wlth the manufacturer's instructions,!} the required number of bags per 1,000 sq ft of net area, at not less than the\I~,beled minimum thickness Failure t9..:; Install both the required number of bags and at least the minimum thickness wlll:result In lower insulatIOn R-valuei!f~ ~~ {~) BATTS AND BLANKETS 'i:~;,,~~~~_~~t&~e~:: .,,' ,'~ ."" . . t ',ins~rit~~~'~1i~~~nce':, ':-h!O~U~I':_~,:'_nr~oG.t~bre~I.~e~sts'.:tt.~.h,~a~n~,~1,,:. ',. ":,' (R~v~f;M~tr,. . ...u ~. ". ',_. .' !il;~~ ~tt~a~1;J," .J~,!~%L' '!i~uld;r()t:fov~ri:'~~'lotlnst~U~d'I!:ts.l!\atl(),~)) .'. .,sh.o~l~,notbe ". ;;mor~,t~~~t:,iL;.;:; ,:,shoii!~i1(;tbl!'le~s.;ttian,(.~ . ,-",-J@~s.th'ari:i.; ,_;~ I I II R-38HD 1025" R-38 1200" R-30HD 825" R-30- 1000" R-26 900" R-22 650" R-21HD 550" R-19 625"** R-15HD 350" R-13 3_50" R-ll 3_50" R-8 250" R-60 378 26 5 SF 1 058 Ibs R-50 310 32.2 SF 8691bs R-44 269 37 2 SF 7531bs R-38 229 43 6 SF 6421bs R-30 179 55 9 SF 501 lbs R-26 155 64 6 SF 4331bs R-22 127 78 4 SF 3571bs 925" R-19 109 92 0 SF 3041bs 800" R-13 76 131 6 SF 213 Ibs 575" R-11 62 161 3 SF 174lbs 475" II Bag Weight-Nominal 28 Ibs , Minimum 27 Ibs "R-18 In a 5 5" cavity (onforms to ASTM (665 and Federal Speclficallon HH-I-521F thiS product conforms to the performance reqUirements of ASTM ( 764, Type I, and cancelled Federal SpeCification HH-I-1030B, Type I, (lass B R-values are determined In accordance with (687 and (518 '''R'' means resistance to heat flow The higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power Ask your seller for the fact sheet on R-values EQUIPMENT REQUIRED To achieve labeled R-value, thiS product must be applied with a pneumatic blow- Ing machine and a corrugated hose with a minimum 25" Internal corrugation, a minimum length of 150 ft and a diameter of at least 3" COils In the hose should not be less than 36" In diameter Acceptable material feed rate IS 5-35 Ibs_/mlnute Recommended feed rate IS 15-25 lbs /mlnute BUILDER'S INSULATION' STATEMENT Batts and/or blankets have been Installed In conformance With the above recom- mendations to prOVide a thermal resistance of l~~:;~1~~~~.~~~~~)~.~~~:~~5~{ <:~ ~{<:: ~;: :l~:~.~-V~!U'(~ ',) <'~~i' "ThiCI$~~~S~~ ~ ::,.:1; ~~l~~~ AttiC Area R- 3<6' at /.S. S Inches Sloped Ceilings R- '3 <3 at IS_ S' Inches Walls R- Z) at 0 Inches I Floors (over an unheated crawl space) R- 2.S at g Inches Crawl Space Perimeter R- at Inches 2/03 I ~ Blown insulation has been Installed In conformance With the above Date Installed recommendations to proVide an R-value of 'R- -:5(.., 3'i{ (&00 uSing square feet bags of thiS insulatIOn to cover Inches Insulaillrn (ontractor (signature) --, ------- Company Date Home BUilder (slgnalure) Company Date BW-AC-08 5/02 FRAMING ADJUSTMENT 372 373 R-60 2x6 368 371 2x8 365 368 2x4 305 306 R-50 2x6 I 302 304 2x8 I 298 302 2x4 I 263 265 R-44 2x6 I 260 263 2x8 I 257 260 2x4 I 224 22_5 R-38 2x6 I 221 223 2xB I 218 221 2x4 I 174 175 R-30 2x6 I 17.1 17.3 2xB I 16 B 171 2x4 I 15.0 151 R-26 2x6 I 147 14.9 2x8 i- 144 147 2x4 I 12.3 124 R-22 2x6 I 12.0 122 2x8 I 117 120 2x4 I 104 105 R-19 2x6 I 101 103 2x8 I 98 101 2x4 I 71 73 R-13 2x6 I 68 71 2x8 I 66 69 2x4 I 57 59 R-11 2x6 I 55 57 2x8 I 52 55 CLOSED-CAVITY APPLICATION (EXTERIOR SIDEWALL OR FLOORED ATTICS) Contact Knauf Fiber Glass for more information Knauf Fiber Glass, One Knauf Dnve, Shelbyvllle, IN 46~76 (800) 825-4434 Printed In USA